path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 79 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/lib/post.ml b/lib/post.ml
index 744e296..5c3d494 100644
--- a/lib/post.ml
+++ b/lib/post.ml
@@ -6,8 +6,41 @@ type t = {
tags : string list;
published : string;
author : string;
+ author_link : string;
+let published t = t.published
+(* RSS *)
+let to_rss_entry post =
+ Xml.tag "entry" []
+ [
+ Xml.tag "title" [] [ Xml.entry (post.author ^ " - " ^ post.link) ];
+ Xml.tag "id" [] [ Xml.entry post.link ];
+ Xml.tag "updated" [] [ Xml.entry post.published ];
+ Xml.tag "summary"
+ [ ("xml:lang", "\"en\""); ("type", "\"html\"") ]
+ [ Xml.entry post.summary ];
+ ]
+(* DB *)
+let db = ref []
+let add (entry : t) =
+ db := entry :: !db;
+ print_endline (entry.link ^ " added to db");
+ print_endline ("New db size: " ^ string_of_int (List.length !db))
+let get_all () =
+ print_endline ("db size: " ^ string_of_int (List.length !db));
+ !db
+let latest_post () = match !db with [] -> None | x :: _ -> Some x
+(* Mastodon integration *)
type mastodon_tag = {
kind : string; [@key "type"]
name : string;
diff --git a/lib/xml.ml b/lib/xml.ml
index fe4abdc..d5f8df3 100644
--- a/lib/xml.ml
+++ b/lib/xml.ml
@@ -1,10 +1,48 @@
-type xml = Tag of string * xml list | String of string
+type attribute = string * string
-let tag name body = Tag (name, body)
-let format, format_list = Format.(fprintf, pp_print_list)
+type xml =
+ | Tag of string * attribute list * xml list
+ | String of string
+ | Closing_tag of string * attribute list
-let rec format_xml f = function
- | Tag (name, body) ->
- let format_body = format_list format_xml in
- format f "@[<hv 3><%s>@,%a@;<0 -3></%s>@]" name format_body body name
- | String text -> format f "%s" text
+let tag name attributes body = Tag (name, attributes, body)
+let entry value = String value
+let closing_tag name attributes = Closing_tag (name, attributes)
+let format_attributes attributes =
+ let format_attribut (name, value) = Printf.sprintf " %s=\"%s\"" name value in
+ String.concat "" (List.map format_attribut attributes)
+let rec format = function
+ | Tag (name, attributes, body) ->
+ let body = List.map format body in
+ String.concat ""
+ [
+ "<";
+ name;
+ " ";
+ format_attributes attributes;
+ ">";
+ String.concat "" body;
+ "</";
+ name;
+ ">";
+ ]
+ | String text -> text
+ | Closing_tag (name, attributes) ->
+ String.concat "" [ "<"; name; " "; format_attributes attributes; "/>" ]
+let format_rss host_name last_updated entries =
+ tag "feed"
+ [ ("xml:base", host_name) ]
+ [
+ tag "title" [] [ entry "Sensemaking Galaxy" ];
+ tag "subtitle" [] [ entry "A collection of sensemaking links" ];
+ closing_tag "link" [ ("href", host_name ^ "/feed.xml"); ("rel", "self") ];
+ closing_tag "link" [ ("href", host_name) ];
+ tag "id" [] [ entry host_name ];
+ tag "updated" [] [ entry last_updated ];
+ tag "author" [] [ tag "name" [] [ entry "Sensemaking Galaxy" ] ];
+ tag "entry" [] entries;
+ ]
+ |> format
diff --git a/lib/xml.mli b/lib/xml.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index e1d3eb9..0000000
--- a/lib/xml.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-type xml = Tag of string * xml list | String of string
-val tag : string -> xml list -> xml
-val format : Format.formatter -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
-val format_list :
- ?pp_sep:(Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) ->
- (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
- Format.formatter ->
- 'a list ->
- unit
-val format_xml : Format.formatter -> xml -> unit