path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
17 files changed, 356 insertions, 1333 deletions
diff --git a/lib/activitypub/activitypub.ml b/lib/activitypub/activitypub.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 511b4a3..0000000
--- a/lib/activitypub/activitypub.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-module Common = Common
-module Constants = Constants
-module Types = Types
-module Encode = Encode
-module Decode = Decode
diff --git a/lib/activitypub/common.ml b/lib/activitypub/common.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 59c7099..0000000
--- a/lib/activitypub/common.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-module D = Decoders_yojson.Safe.Decode
-let timestamp =
- let open D in
- let* time = string in
- match Ptime.of_rfc3339 time |> Ptime.rfc3339_error_to_msg with
- | Ok (t, _, _) -> succeed t
- | Error `Msg err -> fail err
-let singleton_or_list dec =
- D.(one_of ["singleton", (dec >|= fun v -> [v]);
- "list", list dec;
- "null", null >|= fun () -> []])
-let lossy_list_of dec =
- let open D in
- list (one_of ["known", (dec >|= fun v -> `Value v); "unknown", value >|= fun v -> `Raw v])
-let constant ?msg target =
- let open D in
- let* str = string in
- if String.equal str target
- then succeed ()
- else match msg with
- | None -> fail (Printf.sprintf "expected %s received %s" target str)
- | Some msg -> fail (Printf.sprintf msg str)
-let field_or_default field' decoder default =
- let open D in
- let+ field = field_opt field' decoder in
- Option.value ~default field
-let list_ignoring_unknown ty =
- let open D in
- list (maybe ty) >|= fun v -> List.filter_map Fun.id v
-let items obj =
- let open D in
- one_of [
- ("ordered items",
- let* items = field "orderedItems" (list obj) in
- succeed (true, items));
- "items",
- let* items = field "items" (list obj) in
- succeed (false, items)
- ]
diff --git a/lib/activitypub/constants.ml b/lib/activitypub/constants.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0488335..0000000
--- a/lib/activitypub/constants.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-open Containers
-module ContentType = struct
- let ld_json_activity_streams = "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\""
- let xrd_xml = "application/xrd+xml"
- let ld_json = "application/ld+json"
- let activity_json = "application/activity+json"
- let plain_json = "application/json"
- let html = "text/html"
- let any = "*/*"
- let content_types = [
- ld_json_activity_streams, `JSON;
- ld_json, `JSON;
- activity_json, `JSON;
- plain_json, `JSON;
- html, `HTML;
- any, `HTML;
- ]
- let of_string content_type =
- List.find_opt
- (fun (str, _) ->
- String.prefix ~pre:str content_type) content_types
- |> Option.map snd
-module Webfinger = struct
- let json_rd = "application/jrd+json"
- let self_rel = "self"
- let ostatus_rel = "http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe"
- let profile_page = "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page"
-module ActivityStreams = struct
- let public = "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
- let context : string * Yojson.Safe.t =
- "@context", `List [
- `String "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams";
- `String "https://w3id.org/security/v1"
- ]
diff --git a/lib/activitypub/decode.ml b/lib/activitypub/decode.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4074e68..0000000
--- a/lib/activitypub/decode.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-open Containers
-open Common
-let decode_string enc vl = D.decode_string enc vl |> Result.map_err D.string_of_error
-let id = D.(one_of ["string", string; "id", field "id" string])
-let ordered_collection_page obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"Expected OrderedCollectionPage (received %s)" "OrderedCollectionPage"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* next = field_opt "next" id
- and* prev = field_opt "prev" id
- and* part_of = field_opt "partOf" string
- and* total_items = field_opt "totalItems" int
- and* (is_ordered, items) = items obj in
- succeed ({id; next; prev; part_of; total_items; is_ordered; items}: _ Types.ordered_collection_page)
-let ordered_collection obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"Expected OrderedCollection (received %s)" "OrderedCollection"
- and* id = field_opt "id" string
- and* total_items = field "totalItems" int
- and* contents =
- one_of [
- "items", map (fun v -> `Items v) (items obj);
- "first", map (fun v -> `First v) (field "first" (ordered_collection_page obj))
- ] in
- succeed ({id; total_items; contents}: _ Types.ordered_collection)
-let mention =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Mention (received %s)" "Mention"
- and* href = field "href" string
- and* name = field "name" string in
- succeed ({ty=`Mention; href;name} : Types.tag)
-let hashtag =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Hashtag (received %s)" "Hashtag"
- and* href = field "href" string
- and* name = field "name" string in
- succeed ({ty=`Hashtag; href;name}: Types.tag)
-let tag =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field "type" string in
- match ty with
- | "Mention" -> mention
- | "Hashtag" -> hashtag
- | _ -> fail (Printf.sprintf "unknown tag %s" ty)
-let undo obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Undo (received %s)" "Undo"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id;published;actor;obj;raw}: _ Types.undo)
-let like =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Like (received %s)" "Like"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* obj = field "object" id
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id; actor; published; obj; raw}: Types.like)
-let tombstone =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Tombstone (received %s)" "Tombstone"
- and* id = field "id" string in
- succeed id
-let delete obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Delete (received %s)" "Delete"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id;published;actor;obj;raw}: _ Types.delete)
-let block =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Block (received %s)" "Block"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* obj = field "object" string
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id;published;obj;actor;raw}: Types.block)
-let accept obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Accept (received %s)" "Accept"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id;published;actor;obj;raw}: _ Types.accept)
-let public_key =
- let open D in
- let* id = field "id" string
- and* owner = field "owner" string
- and* pem = field "publicKeyPem" string in
- succeed ({id;owner;pem}: Types.public_key)
-let attachment =
- let open D in
- let* media_type = field_opt "mediaType" string
- and* name = field_opt "name" string
- and* type_ = field_opt "type" string
- and* url = field "url" string in
- succeed ({media_type;name;type_;url}: Types.attachment)
-let person =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Person (received %s)" "Person"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* name = field_opt "name" string
- and* url = field_or_default "url" (nullable string) None
- and* preferred_username = field_opt "preferredUsername" string
- and* inbox = field "inbox" string
- and* outbox = field "outbox" string
- and* summary = field_opt "summary" string
- and* public_key = field "publicKey" public_key
- and* manually_approves_followers =
- field_or_default "manuallyApprovesFollowers" bool false
- and* discoverable = field_or_default "discoverable" bool false
- and* followers = field_opt "followers" string
- and* following = field_opt "following" string
- and* icon = maybe (at ["icon";"url"] string)
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({
- id;
- name;
- url;
- preferred_username;
- inbox;
- outbox;
- summary;
- public_key;
- manually_approves_followers;
- discoverable;
- followers;
- following;
- icon;
- raw;
- }: Types.person)
-let note =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Note (received %s)" "Note"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = one_of ["actor", field "actor" id; "attributed_to", field "attributedTo" id]
- and* attachment = field_or_default "attachment" (singleton_or_list attachment) []
- and* to_ = field "to" (singleton_or_list string)
- and* in_reply_to = field_or_default "inReplyTo" (nullable string) None
- and* cc = field_or_default "cc" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* content = field "content" string
- and* source = field_opt "source"
- (one_of ["string", string; "multi-encode", field "content" string])
- and* summary = field_or_default "summary" (nullable string) None
- and* sensitive = field_or_default "sensitive" (nullable bool) None
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* tags = field_or_default "tag" (lossy_list_of tag) []
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({ id; actor; attachment; in_reply_to; to_; cc;
- sensitive=Option.value ~default:false sensitive;
- content; source; summary; tags; published; raw }: Types.note)
-let follow =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected create object (received %s)" "Follow"
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* cc = field_or_default "cc" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* to_ = field_or_default "to" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* object_ = field "object" id
- and* state = field_opt "state" (string >>= function "pending" -> succeed `Pending
- | "cancelled" -> succeed `Cancelled
- | _ -> fail "unknown status")
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({actor; cc; to_; id; object_; state; raw}: Types.follow)
-let announce obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected create object (received %s)" "Announce"
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* to_ = field "to" (singleton_or_list string)
- and* cc = field_or_default "cc" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id; published; actor; to_; cc; obj; raw}: _ Types.announce)
-let create obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected create object (received %s)" "Create"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* direct_message = field_or_default "direct" bool false
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* to_ = field_or_default "to" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* cc = field_or_default "cc" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({
- id; actor; published;
- to_; cc;
- direct_message;
- obj;
- raw;
- }: _ Types.create)
-let core_obj () =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field_opt "type" string in
- match ty with
- | Some "Person" -> person >|= fun v -> `Person v
- | Some "Follow" -> follow >|= fun v -> `Follow v
- | Some "Note" -> note >|= fun v -> `Note v
- | Some "Block" -> block >|= fun v -> `Block v
- | Some "Like" -> like >|= fun v -> `Like v
- | None -> string >|= fun v -> `Link v
- | Some ev -> fail ("unsupported event" ^ ev)
-let core_obj = core_obj ()
-let event (enc: Types.core_obj D.decoder) : Types.obj D.decoder =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field "type" string in
- match ty with
- | "Create" -> create enc >|= fun v -> `Create v
- | "Accept" -> accept enc >|= fun v -> `Accept v
- | "Undo" -> undo enc >|= fun v -> `Undo v
- | "Delete" -> delete enc >|= fun v -> `Delete v
- | "Announce" -> announce enc >|= fun v -> `Announce v
- | _ -> fail "unsupported event"
-let obj : Types.obj D.decoder =
- D.one_of [
- "core_obj", core_obj;
- "core_obj event", (event core_obj)
- ]
-module Webfinger = struct
- let ty =
- let open D in
- string >>= function
- | str when String.prefix ~pre:Constants.ContentType.html str ->
- succeed `Html
- | str when String.prefix ~pre:Constants.ContentType.plain_json str ->
- succeed `Json
- | str when String.prefix ~pre:Constants.ContentType.activity_json str ->
- succeed `ActivityJson
- | str when String.prefix ~pre:Constants.ContentType.ld_json_activity_streams str ->
- succeed `ActivityJsonLd
- | _ ->
- fail "unsupported self link type"
- let self =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field "type" ty
- and* href = field "href" string in
- succeed @@ Types.Webfinger.Self (ty, href)
- let profile_page =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field "type" ty
- and* href = field "href" string in
- succeed @@ Types.Webfinger.ProfilePage (ty, href)
- let ostatus_subscribe =
- let open D in
- let* template = field "template" string in
- succeed @@ Types.Webfinger.OStatusSubscribe template
- let link =
- let open D in
- let* rel = field "rel" string in
- match rel with
- | "self" -> self
- | str when String.equal str Constants.Webfinger.ostatus_rel ->
- ostatus_subscribe
- | str when String.equal str Constants.Webfinger.profile_page ->
- profile_page
- | _ -> fail "unsupported link relation"
- let query_result =
- let open D in
- let* subject = field "subject" string
- and* aliases = field "aliases" (list string)
- and* links = field "links" (list_ignoring_unknown link) in
- succeed Types.Webfinger.{subject;aliases;links}
-module Nodeinfo = struct
- let software =
- let open D in
- let* name = field "name" string
- and* version = field "version" string in
- succeed @@ Types.Nodeinfo.{name;version}
- let usage_users =
- let open D in
- let* total = field_or_default "total" int 0
- and* active_month = field_or_default "activeMonth" int 0
- and* active_half_year = field_or_default "activeHalfyear" int 0 in
- succeed @@ Types.Nodeinfo.{total; active_month; active_half_year}
- let usage =
- let open D in
- let* users = field "users" usage_users
- and* local_posts = field_or_default "localPosts" int 0 in
- succeed @@ Types.Nodeinfo.{users; local_posts}
- let t =
- let open D in
- let* software = field "software" software
- and* protocols = field_or_default "protocols" (list string) []
- and* inbound_services = field_or_default "services" (field_or_default "inbound" (list string) []) []
- and* outbound_services = field_or_default "services" (field_or_default "outbound" (list string) []) []
- and* usage = field "usage" usage
- and* open_registrations = field_or_default "openRegistrations" bool false
- and* metadata = field_opt "metadata" value
- and* raw = value in
- succeed @@ Types.Nodeinfo.{software;protocols;inbound_services;outbound_services;usage;open_registrations;metadata;raw}
diff --git a/lib/activitypub/dune b/lib/activitypub/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index 9222a82..0000000
--- a/lib/activitypub/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-(library (name activitypub)
- (preprocess (pps ppx_deriving.std))
- (libraries containers uri yojson decoders decoders-yojson ptime))
diff --git a/lib/activitypub/encode.ml b/lib/activitypub/encode.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b64e76..0000000
--- a/lib/activitypub/encode.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-module E = Decoders_yojson.Safe.Encode
-let (<:) = function
- | (_, None) -> fun _ -> []
- | (field, Some vl) -> fun ty -> [field, ty vl]
-let (@) field vl = (field, Some vl)
-let (@?) field vl = (field, vl)
-let ptime time = E.string (Ptime.to_rfc3339 ~tz_offset_s:0 time)
-let obj ls = E.obj @@ List.flatten ls
-let ap_obj ty ls =
- E.obj (Constants.ActivityStreams.context :: ("type", E.string ty) :: List.flatten ls)
-let or_raw conv = function
- | `Raw v -> v
- | `Value v -> conv v
-(** * Collections *)
-let ordered_collection_page enc
- ({ id; prev; next; is_ordered; items; part_of; total_items }:
- _ Types.ordered_collection_page) =
- ap_obj "OrderedCollectionPage" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "next" @? next <: E.string;
- "prev" @? prev <: E.string;
- "partOf" @? part_of <: E.string;
- "totalItems" @? total_items <: E.int;
- (match is_ordered with
- | true -> "orderedItems"
- | false -> "items") @ items <: E.list enc
- ]
-let ordered_collection enc
- ({ id; total_items; contents }: _ Types.ordered_collection) =
- ap_obj "OrderedCollection" [
- "id" @? id <: E.string;
- "totalItems" @ total_items <: E.int;
- match contents with
- | `First page -> "first" @ page <: ordered_collection_page enc
- | `Items (true, items) -> "orderedItems" @ items <: E.list enc
- | `Items (false, items) -> "items" @ items <: E.list enc
- ]
-(** * Events *)
-let create enc ({ id; actor; published; to_; cc; direct_message; obj; raw=_ }:
- _ Types.create) =
- ap_obj "Create" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "actor" @ actor <: E.string;
- "published" @? published <: ptime;
- "to" @ to_ <: E.(list string);
- "cc" @ cc <: E.(list string);
- "directMessage" @ direct_message <: E.bool;
- "object" @ obj <: enc;
- ]
-let announce enc ({ id; actor; published; to_; cc; obj; raw=_ } : _ Types.announce) =
- ap_obj "Announce" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "actor" @ actor <: E.string;
- "published" @? published <: ptime;
- "to" @ to_ <: E.(list string);
- "cc" @ cc <: E.(list string);
- "object" @ obj <: enc;
- ]
-let accept enc ({ id; actor; published; obj; raw=_ } : _ Types.accept) =
- ap_obj "Accept" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "actor" @ actor <: E.string;
- "published" @? published <: ptime;
- "object" @ obj <: enc;
- ]
-let undo enc ({ id; actor; published; obj; raw=_ } : _ Types.undo) =
- ap_obj "Undo" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "actor" @ actor <: E.string;
- "published" @? published <: ptime;
- "object" @ obj <: enc;
- ]
-let delete enc ({ id; actor; published; obj; raw=_ } : _ Types.delete) =
- ap_obj "Delete" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "actor" @ actor <: E.string;
- "published" @? published <: ptime;
- "object" @ obj <: enc;
- ]
-(** * Objects *)
-let public_key (key: Types.public_key) =
- obj [
- "id" @ key.id <: E.string;
- "owner" @ key.owner <: E.string;
- "publicKeyPem" @ key.pem <: E.string;
- ]
-let icon (url: string) =
- obj [
- "type" @ "Image" <: E.string;
- "url" @ url <: E.string;
- ]
-let person ({ id; name; url; inbox; outbox;
- preferred_username; summary;
- manually_approves_followers;
- discoverable; followers; following;
- public_key=key; icon=i; raw=_ }: Types.person) =
- ap_obj "Person" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "name" @? name <: E.string;
- "url" @? url <: E.string;
- "preferredUsername" @? preferred_username <: E.string;
- "inbox" @ inbox <: E.string;
- "outbox" @ outbox <: E.string;
- "summary" @? summary <: E.string;
- "publicKey" @ key <: public_key;
- "manuallyApprovesFollowers" @ manually_approves_followers <: E.bool;
- "discoverable" @ discoverable <: E.bool;
- "followers" @? followers <: E.string;
- "following" @? following <: E.string;
- "icon" @? i <: icon;
- ]
-let state = function
- `Pending -> E.string "pending"
- | `Cancelled -> E.string "cancelled"
-let follow ({ id; actor; cc; object_; to_; state=st; raw=_ }: Types.follow) =
- ap_obj "Follow" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "actor" @ actor <: E.string;
- "to" @ to_ <: E.list E.string;
- "cc" @ cc <: E.list E.string;
- "object" @ object_ <: E.string;
- "state" @? st <: state;
- ]
-let tag ({ ty; href; name }: Types.tag) =
- ap_obj (match ty with `Mention -> "Mention" | `Hashtag -> "Hashtag") [
- "href" @ href <: E.string;
- "name" @ name <: E.string;
- ]
-let attachment ({media_type; name; url; type_}: Types.attachment) =
- obj [
- "type" @? type_ <: E.string;
- "mediaType" @? media_type <: E.string;
- "name" @? name <: E.string;
- "url" @ url <: E.string;
- ]
-let note ({ id; actor; to_; in_reply_to; cc; content; sensitive; source; summary;
- attachment=att;
- published; tags; raw=_ }: Types.note) =
- let att = match att with [] -> None | _ -> Some att in
- ap_obj "Note" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "actor" @ actor <: E.string;
- "attachment" @? att <: E.list attachment;
- "to" @ to_ <: E.list E.string;
- "inReplyTo" @? in_reply_to <: E.string;
- "cc" @ cc <: E.list E.string;
- "content" @ content <: E.string;
- "sensitive" @ sensitive <: E.bool;
- "source" @? source <: E.string;
- "summary" @? summary <: E.string;
- "published" @? published <: ptime;
- "tags" @ tags <: E.list (or_raw tag);
- ]
-let block ({ id; obj; published; actor; raw=_ }: Types.block) =
- ap_obj "Block" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "object" @ obj <: E.string;
- "actor" @ actor <: E.string;
- "published" @? published <: ptime;
- ]
-let like ({ id; actor; published; obj; raw=_ }: Types.like) =
- ap_obj "Like" [
- "id" @ id <: E.string;
- "actor" @ actor <: E.string;
- "object" @ obj <: E.string;
- "published" @? published <: ptime;
- ]
-let core_obj : Types.core_obj E.encoder = function
- | `Follow f -> follow f
- | `Block b -> block b
- | `Note n -> note n
- | `Person p -> person p
- | `Like l -> like l
- | `Link r -> E.string r
-let event enc : _ Types.event E.encoder = function
- | `Announce a -> announce enc a
- | `Undo u -> undo enc u
- | `Delete d -> delete enc d
- | `Create c -> create enc c
- | `Accept a -> accept enc a
-let object_ : Types.obj E.encoder = function
- | #Types.core_obj as c -> core_obj c
- | #Types.core_event as e -> event core_obj e
-module Webfinger = struct
- let ty = function
- | `ActivityJson -> E.string Constants.ContentType.activity_json
- | `Html -> E.string Constants.ContentType.html
- | `ActivityJsonLd -> E.string Constants.ContentType.ld_json_activity_streams
- | `Json -> E.string Constants.ContentType.plain_json
- let link = function
- | Types.Webfinger.Self (t, href) -> obj [
- "href" @ href <: E.string;
- "rel" @ Constants.Webfinger.self_rel <: E.string;
- "type" @ t <: ty;
- ]
- | ProfilePage (t, href) ->
- obj [
- "href" @ href <: E.string;
- "rel" @ Constants.Webfinger.profile_page <: E.string;
- "type" @ t <: ty;
- ]
- | OStatusSubscribe template -> obj [
- "rel" @ Constants.Webfinger.ostatus_rel <: E.string;
- "template" @ template <: E.string;
- ]
- let query_result ({subject;aliases;links}: Types.Webfinger.query_result) =
- obj [
- "subject" @ subject <: E.string;
- "aliases" @ aliases <: E.(list string);
- "links" @ links <: E.list link;
- ]
-module Nodeinfo = struct
- let software (s: Types.Nodeinfo.software) =
- obj [
- "name" @ s.name <: E.string;
- "version" @ s.version <: E.string;
- ]
- let usage_users ({ total; active_month; active_half_year }: Types.Nodeinfo.usage_users) =
- obj [
- "total" @ total <: E.int;
- "activeMonth" @ active_month <: E.int;
- "activeHalfyear" @ active_half_year <: E.int;
- ]
- let usage ({ local_posts; users } : Types.Nodeinfo.usage) =
- obj [
- "users" @ users <: usage_users;
- "localPosts" @ local_posts <: E.int
- ]
- let t ({ software=software'; protocols; inbound_services; outbound_services; usage=usage';
- open_registrations; metadata; raw=_ } : Types.Nodeinfo.t) =
- obj [
- "version" @ "2.0" <: E.string;
- "software" @ software' <: software;
- "protocols" @ protocols <: E.list E.string;
- "services" @ obj [
- "inbound" @ inbound_services <: E.list E.string;
- "outbound" @ outbound_services <: E.list E.string;
- ] <: Fun.id;
- "usage" @ usage' <: usage;
- "openRegistrations" @ open_registrations <: E.bool;
- "metadata" @? metadata <: Fun.id;
- ]
-(* module Build (S: sig
- * type user
- *
- * val owner: user -> Uri.t
- *
- * end) = struct
- *
- * end *)
diff --git a/lib/activitypub/readme.md b/lib/activitypub/readme.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7282026..0000000
--- a/lib/activitypub/readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Activitypub Encoding
-This module defines functions to parse to and from activitypub JSONs from other servers.
-Taken from [Ocamlot](https://github.com/gopiandcode/ocamlot).
diff --git a/lib/activitypub/types.ml b/lib/activitypub/types.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index e4a56e9..0000000
--- a/lib/activitypub/types.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-type yojson = Yojson.Safe.t
-let pp_yojson fmt vl = Yojson.Safe.pretty_print fmt vl
-let equal_yojson l r = Yojson.Safe.equal l r
-(** * Collections *)
-type 'a ordered_collection_page = {
- id: string;
- prev: string option;
- next: string option;
- is_ordered: bool;
- items: 'a list;
- part_of: string option;
- total_items: int option;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type 'a ordered_collection = {
- id: string option;
- total_items: int;
- contents: [
- | `Items of (bool * 'a list)
- | `First of 'a ordered_collection_page
- ]
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-(** * Events *)
-type 'a create = {
- id: string;
- actor: string;
- published: Ptime.t option;
- to_: string list;
- cc: string list;
- direct_message: bool;
- obj: 'a;
- raw: yojson;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type 'a announce = {
- id: string;
- actor: string;
- published: Ptime.t option;
- to_: string list;
- cc: string list;
- obj: 'a;
- raw: yojson;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type 'a accept = {
- id: string;
- actor: string;
- published: Ptime.t option;
- obj: 'a;
- raw: yojson;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type 'a undo = {
- id: string;
- actor: string;
- published: Ptime.t option;
- obj: 'a;
- raw: yojson;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type 'a delete = {
- id: string;
- actor: string;
- published: Ptime.t option;
- obj: 'a;
- raw: yojson;
-[@@deriving show, eq]
-type 'a event = [
- `Create of 'a create
- | `Announce of 'a announce
- | `Accept of 'a accept
- | `Undo of 'a undo
- | `Delete of 'a delete
-] [@@deriving show, eq]
-(** * Objects *)
-type public_key = {
- id: string;
- owner: string;
- pem: string;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type person = {
- id: string;
- name: string option;
- url: string option;
- preferred_username: string option;
- inbox: string;
- outbox: string;
- summary: string option;
- public_key: public_key;
- manually_approves_followers: bool;
- discoverable: bool;
- followers: string option;
- following: string option;
- icon: string option;
- raw: yojson;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type follow = {
- id: string;
- actor: string;
- cc: string list;
- to_: string list;
- object_: string;
- state: [`Pending | `Cancelled ] option;
- raw: yojson;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type tag = {
- ty: [`Mention | `Hashtag ];
- href: string;
- name: string;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type attachment = {
- media_type: string option;
- name: string option;
- type_: string option;
- url: string;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type note = {
- id: string;
- actor: string;
- attachment: attachment list;
- to_: string list;
- in_reply_to: string option;
- cc: string list;
- content: string;
- sensitive: bool;
- source: string option;
- summary: string option;
- published: Ptime.t option;
- tags: [ `Raw of yojson | `Value of tag ] list;
- raw: yojson;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type block = {
- id: string;
- obj: string;
- published: Ptime.t option;
- actor: string;
- raw: yojson;
-} [@@deriving show, eq]
-type like = {
- id: string;
- actor: string;
- published: Ptime.t option;
- obj: string;
- raw: yojson;
-[@@deriving show, eq]
-type core_obj = [
- `Person of person
- | `Follow of follow
- | `Note of note
- | `Block of block
- | `Like of like
- | `Link of string
-] [@@deriving show, eq]
-type core_event = core_obj event
-[@@deriving show, eq]
-type obj = [ core_obj | core_event ]
-[@@deriving show, eq]
-module Webfinger = struct
- type ty = [ `Html | `Json | `ActivityJson | `ActivityJsonLd ]
- [@@deriving show, eq]
- type link =
- | Self of ty * string
- | ProfilePage of ty * string
- | OStatusSubscribe of string
- [@@deriving show, eq]
- type query_result = {
- subject: string;
- aliases: string list;
- links: link list;
- }
- [@@deriving show, eq]
- let self_link query =
- query.links
- |> List.find_map (function
- | Self ((`ActivityJson | `ActivityJsonLd | `Json), url) -> Some (Uri.of_string url)
- | _ -> None)
-module Nodeinfo = struct
- type software = {
- name: string;
- version: string;
- }
- [@@deriving show, eq]
- type usage_users = {
- total: int;
- active_month: int;
- active_half_year: int;
- }
- [@@deriving show, eq]
- type usage = {
- local_posts: int;
- users: usage_users;
- }
- [@@deriving show, eq]
- type t = {
- software: software;
- protocols: string list;
- inbound_services: string list;
- outbound_services: string list;
- usage: usage;
- open_registrations: bool;
- metadata: yojson option;
- raw: yojson;
- }
- [@@deriving show, eq]
diff --git a/lib/ast_types.ml b/lib/ast_types.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c5de60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ast_types.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+open Format
+module Fixture = Fixture
+type ast_row =
+ | Uuidv4 of string * ast_row
+ | Name of string * ast_row
+ | Foreign of string * string * string * ast_row
+ (* parent, row, child_name, row *)
+ | End
+[@@deriving show, eq]
+type ast_table =
+ | Table of string * ast_row * ast_table
+ | End
+[@@deriving show, eq]
+let rec print_row = function
+ | Uuidv4 (s, r) ->
+ printf "UUIDv4(%s)," s;
+ print_row r
+ | Foreign (p, r, c, next_row) ->
+ printf "Foreign(%s.%s, %s)," p r c;
+ print_row next_row
+ | Name (s, r) ->
+ printf "Name(%s)," s;
+ print_row r
+ | End -> printf "\n"
+let rec print = function
+ | Table (s, r, t) ->
+ printf "%s:" s;
+ print_row r;
+ print t
+ | End -> printf "\n"
+(* AST to Fixtures *)
+type ast_row_relation =
+ | PRow of Fixture.t
+ | CRow of (string * string * (string list -> Fixture.t))
+type ast_table_relation =
+ | PTable of string * Fixture.t list
+ | CTable of string * string * string * (string list -> Fixture.t list)
+ (** parent, row, child_name, row *)
+let table_name = function
+ | PTable (n,_) -> n
+ | CTable (_,_,c,_) -> c
+let rec ast_row_to_fixtures = function
+ | Uuidv4 (s, r) -> PRow (Fixture.Uuidv4 s) :: ast_row_to_fixtures r
+ | Foreign (p, r, c, next_row) ->
+ CRow (p, r, fun l -> Fixture.Foreign (c, l)) :: ast_row_to_fixtures next_row
+ | Name (s, r) -> PRow (Fixture.Name s) :: ast_row_to_fixtures r
+ | End -> []
+let ast_table_to_table name rows =
+ (** Convert an AST table to a Fixture table that we can more easily work with for
+ feeding the generated data as input into fixtures that depend on the generated
+ data from other fixtures *)
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun tbl row ->
+ match row with
+ | PRow r ->
+ (match tbl with
+ | PTable (n, l) -> PTable (n, r :: l)
+ | CTable (p, pr, c, f) -> CTable (p, pr, c, fun l -> r :: f l))
+ | CRow (p, pr, f) ->
+ (match tbl with
+ | PTable (c, lr) -> CTable (p, pr, c, fun l -> f l :: lr)
+ | CTable _ -> failwith "Cannot have multiple relations"))
+ (PTable (name, []))
+ rows
+let rec ast_table_to_tables ast =
+ (** Convert an AST table to a list of Fixture tables, so once data has been generated
+ it can be used as input for the next entry *)
+ match ast with
+ | Table (name, r, t) ->
+ print_endline ("Converting table: " ^ name);
+ ast_table_to_table name (ast_row_to_fixtures r) :: ast_table_to_tables t
+ | End -> []
+let%test "ast_table_to_tables" =
+ let purchase = Table ("purchase", Uuidv4 ("id", Name ("name", End)), End) in
+ let ast = Table ("user", Uuidv4 ("id", Name ("name", End)), purchase) in
+ let tables = ast_table_to_tables ast in
+ List.length tables == 2
+let generated_fixtures = ref (Hashtbl.create 10)
+let rec resolve_fixtures tables name ~amount =
+ (* Verify if we have already generated fixtures for this table *)
+ let maybe_fixtures = Hashtbl.find_opt !generated_fixtures name in
+ match maybe_fixtures with
+ | Some fixtures -> (name, fixtures)
+ | None ->
+ let maybe_table = List.find_opt (fun tbl -> table_name tbl = name) tables
+ in
+ match maybe_table with
+ | Some (PTable (n,l)) ->
+ let resolved = (n, Fixture.compile l ~amount) in
+ (* store the generated fixtures for this table *)
+ Hashtbl.add !generated_fixtures name (snd resolved);
+ resolved
+ | Some (CTable (p,pr,c,create_fixtures)) -> (
+ let (_, parent_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables p ~amount in
+ (* store the generated fixtures for this table *)
+ Hashtbl.add !generated_fixtures name parent_fixtures;
+ print_endline ("Resolving fixtures for " ^ c);
+ for i = 0 to List.length parent_fixtures - 1 do
+ print_endline ("Parent fixture: " ^ Fixture.csv_of_string_list (List.nth parent_fixtures i));
+ done;
+ let generated_ids = Fixture.find_entries_for_header parent_fixtures pr in
+ print_endline ("Generated ids: " ^ String.concat ", " (Result.get_ok generated_ids));
+ match generated_ids with
+ | Ok ids -> (c, Fixture.compile ~amount (create_fixtures ids))
+ | Error e -> failwith e
+ )
+ | None -> failwith ("Could not find table " ^ name)
+let%test "resolve_fixtures" =
+ let tables = [
+ PTable ("user", [Fixture.Uuidv4 "id"; Fixture.Uuidv4 "uuid"]);
+ CTable ("user", "id", "posts", fun ids -> [Fixture.Foreign ("user_id", ids)])
+ ] in
+ let (_, user_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables "user" ~amount:1 in
+ let (_, purchase_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables "posts" ~amount:1 in
+ for i = 0 to List.length user_fixtures - 1 do
+ print_endline ("User fixture: " ^ Fixture.csv_of_string_list (List.nth user_fixtures i));
+ done;
+ for i = 0 to List.length purchase_fixtures - 1 do
+ print_endline ("Purchase fixture: " ^ Fixture.csv_of_string_list (List.nth purchase_fixtures i));
+ done;
+ match (user_fixtures,purchase_fixtures) with
+ | ([["id";_];[u;_]], [["user_id"]; [v]]) -> v = u
+ | _ ->
+ false
+let show_tables tables =
+ let show_table = function
+ | PTable (n,_) -> n
+ | CTable (_,_,c,_) -> c
+ in
+ tables |> List.map show_table |> String.concat "\n"
+let compile ast ~amount =
+ let tables = ast_table_to_tables ast in
+ print_endline ("Table length: " ^ string_of_int (List.length tables));
+ print_endline (show_tables tables);
+ let resolve_fixtures' = function
+ | PTable (n,l) ->
+ let resolved = (n, Fixture.compile l ~amount) in
+ (* store the generated fixtures for this table *)
+ Hashtbl.add !generated_fixtures n (snd resolved);
+ resolved
+ | CTable (p,pr,c,create_fixtures) ->
+ let (_, parent_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables p ~amount in
+ (* store the generated fixtures for this table *)
+ Hashtbl.add !generated_fixtures c parent_fixtures;
+ print_endline ("Resolving fixtures for " ^ c);
+ let generated_ids = Fixture.find_entries_for_header parent_fixtures pr in
+ match generated_ids with
+ | Ok ids -> (c, Fixture.compile ~amount (create_fixtures ids))
+ | Error e -> failwith e
+ in
+ let result = List.map resolve_fixtures' tables in
+ print_endline ("Result names: " ^ String.concat ", " (List.map fst result));
+ result
diff --git a/lib/dune b/lib/dune
index f04ae9a..08e5290 100644
--- a/lib/dune
+++ b/lib/dune
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
+ (modules parser))
+(ocamllex lexer)
- (name ann_bloop)
- (libraries uri
- cohttp-lwt-unix
- containers
- base64
- mirage-crypto
- x509
- lwt
- cohttp
- dream
- calendar
- ptime
- decoders-yojson
+ (name fixgen)
+ (libraries
+ uuidm
- (preprocess (pps lwt_ppx ppx_yojson_conv ppx_inline_test ))
+ (modules parser lexer ast_types fixture)
+ (preprocess (pps ppx_inline_test))
diff --git a/lib/fixture.ml b/lib/fixture.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a6e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fixture.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+let names =
+ [ "Alice"
+ ; "Bob"
+ ; "Charlie"
+ ; "Dave"
+ ; "Eve"
+ ; "Frank"
+ ; "Grace"
+ ; "Heidi"
+ ; "Ivan"
+ ; "Judy"
+ ; "Mallory"
+ ; "Oscar"
+ ; "Peggy"
+ ; "Sybil"
+ ; "Trent"
+ ; "Victor"
+ ; "Walter"
+ ]
+let random_name () = List.nth names (Random.int (List.length names))
+let%test "random_name" = List.mem (random_name ()) names
+type t =
+ | Name of string
+ | Uuidv4 of string
+ | Foreign of (string * string list)
+(* (Name, foreign ids to pick from) *)
+let add_name name fixtures = Name name :: fixtures
+let add_uuid uuid fixtures = Uuidv4 uuid :: fixtures
+let add_foreign id values fixtures = Foreign (id, values) :: fixtures
+let random_value_in_list values = List.nth values (Random.int (List.length values))
+let%test "random_value_in_list" =
+ let values = [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] in
+ let result = random_value_in_list values in
+ List.mem result values
+let generate_fixture fixture =
+ match fixture with
+ | Name _ -> random_name ()
+ | Uuidv4 _ -> Uuidm.v `V4 |> Uuidm.to_string
+ | Foreign (_, reference) -> random_value_in_list reference
+let%test "generate_uuid" =
+ generate_fixture (Uuidv4 "some_id") != generate_fixture (Uuidv4 "some_id")
+let id_of_fixture fixture =
+ match fixture with
+ | Name id -> id
+ | Uuidv4 id -> id
+ | Foreign (id, _) -> id
+let rec replicate element n =
+ match n with
+ | 0 -> []
+ | n -> element :: replicate element (n - 1)
+let compile fixtures ~amount =
+ let identifiers = List.map id_of_fixture fixtures in
+ let values = replicate fixtures amount |> List.map (List.map generate_fixture) in
+ identifiers :: values
+let%test "create" =
+ let defs = compile [ Uuidv4 "id"; Name "name" ] ~amount:2 in
+ match defs with
+ | [ [ "id"; "name" ]; [ _; _ ]; [ _; _ ] ] -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let get_id foreign_fixture =
+ match String.split_on_char '.' foreign_fixture with
+ | [ _; id ] -> Ok id
+ | _ -> Error "Not a foreign fixture"
+let rec csv_of_string_list strs =
+ match strs with
+ | [] -> ""
+ | str :: [] -> str
+ | str :: rest -> str ^ "," ^ csv_of_string_list rest
+let find_entries_for_header str_fixtures str =
+ match str_fixtures with
+ | [] -> Error "No fixtures"
+ | header :: rest ->
+ let maybe_index = List.find_index (fun s -> s = str) header in
+ (match maybe_index with
+ | Some index -> Ok (List.map (fun row -> List.nth row index) rest)
+ | None -> Error ("Could not find header: " ^ str ^ " in " ^ csv_of_string_list header))
+let csv_of_generated_fixtures fixtures =
+ let of_strings = List.map csv_of_string_list fixtures in
+ String.concat "\n" of_strings
+let%test "csv_of_generated_fixtures" =
+ let result = [ [ "id"; "name" ]; [ "1234"; "John" ] ] |> csv_of_generated_fixtures in
+ result = "id,name\n1234,John"
diff --git a/lib/http_date.ml b/lib/http_date.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 38bda02..0000000
--- a/lib/http_date.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-(* Taken from https://github.com/gopiandcode/ocamlot *)
-let parse_date = Parser.parse_date
-let parse_date_exn = Parser.parse_date_exn
-let to_utc_string t =
- let www =
- Ptime.weekday t |> function
- | `Sat -> "Sat"
- | `Fri -> "Fri"
- | `Mon -> "Mon"
- | `Wed -> "Wed"
- | `Sun -> "Sun"
- | `Tue -> "Tue"
- | `Thu -> "Thu"
- in
- let (yyyy, mmm, dd), ((hh, mm, ss), _) = Ptime.to_date_time t in
- let mmm =
- match mmm with
- | 1 -> "Jan"
- | 2 -> "Feb"
- | 3 -> "Mar"
- | 4 -> "Apr"
- | 5 -> "May"
- | 6 -> "Jun"
- | 7 -> "Jul"
- | 8 -> "Aug"
- | 9 -> "Sep"
- | 10 -> "Oct"
- | 11 -> "Nov"
- | 12 -> "Dec"
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- Printf.sprintf "%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" www dd mmm yyyy hh mm ss
-let%test "rev" =
- List.equal Int.equal (List.rev [ 3; 2; 1 ]) [ 3; 2; 1 ]
diff --git a/lib/lexer.mll b/lib/lexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8a7a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+open Parser
+exception SyntaxError of string
+let digit = ['0'-'9']
+let frac = '.' digit*
+let exp = ['e' 'E'] ['-' '+']? digit+
+let float = digit* frac? exp?
+let white = [' ' '\t']+
+let newline = '\r' | '\n' | "\r\n"
+let id = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_']*
+rule read =
+ parse
+ | white { read lexbuf }
+ | id { IDENTIFIER (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+ | "uuidv4" { UUIDV4 }
+ | "name" { NAME }
+ | ":" { COLON }
+ | "," { COMMA }
+ | "\n" { NEWLINE }
+ | "." { DOT }
+ | eof { EOF }
+ | _ as c { failwith (Printf.sprintf "unexpected character: %C" c) }
diff --git a/lib/parser.ml b/lib/parser.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e9d759..0000000
--- a/lib/parser.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2015 Inhabited Type LLC.
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of his contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- without specific prior written permission.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
-let parse_date_exn s =
- try
- Scanf.sscanf s "%3s, %d %s %4d %d:%d:%d %s"
- (fun _wday mday mon year hour min sec tz ->
- let months =
- [
- ("Jan", 1);
- ("Feb", 2);
- ("Mar", 3);
- ("Apr", 4);
- ("May", 5);
- ("Jun", 6);
- ("Jul", 7);
- ("Aug", 8);
- ("Sep", 9);
- ("Oct", 10);
- ("Nov", 11);
- ("Dec", 12);
- ]
- in
- let parse_tz = function
- | "" | "Z" | "GMT" | "UTC" | "UT" -> 0
- | "PST" -> -480
- | "MST" | "PDT" -> -420
- | "CST" | "MDT" -> -360
- | "EST" | "CDT" -> -300
- | "EDT" -> -240
- | s ->
- Scanf.sscanf s "%c%02d%_[:]%02d" (fun sign hour min ->
- min + (hour * if sign = '-' then -60 else 60))
- in
- let mon = List.assoc mon months in
- let year =
- if year < 50 then year + 2000
- else if year < 1000 then year + 1900
- else year
- in
- let date = (year, mon, mday) in
- let time = ((hour, min, sec), parse_tz tz * 60) in
- let ptime = Ptime.of_date_time (date, time) in
- match ptime with
- | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid date string")
- | Some date -> date)
- with
- | Scanf.Scan_failure e -> raise (Invalid_argument e)
- | Not_found -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid date string")
-let parse_date s = try Some (parse_date_exn s) with Invalid_argument _ -> None
diff --git a/lib/parser.mly b/lib/parser.mly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f53fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/parser.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ open Ast_types
+%token COMMA
+%token <string> IDENTIFIER
+%token UUIDV4
+%token NEWLINE
+%token NAME
+%token COLON
+%token DOT
+%token EOF
+%start <ast_table option > prog
+ | e = expr; EOF { Some e }
+ ;
+ | tbl = IDENTIFIER; COLON; r = row; NEWLINE; e = expr { Table (tbl,r, e) }
+ | tbl = IDENTIFIER; COLON; r = row { Table (tbl,r, End) }
+ ;
+ | row_title = IDENTIFIER; parent = IDENTIFIER; DOT; parent_id = IDENTIFIER; COMMA; r = row { Foreign (parent,parent_id,row_title, r) }
+ | row_title = IDENTIFIER; parent = IDENTIFIER; DOT; parent_id = IDENTIFIER; { Foreign (parent,parent_id,row_title, End) }
+ | row_title = IDENTIFIER; UUIDV4; COMMA; r = row { Uuidv4 (row_title, r) }
+ | row_title = IDENTIFIER; UUIDV4 { Uuidv4 (row_title, End) }
+ | row_title = IDENTIFIER; NAME; COMMA; r = row { Name (row_title, r) }
+ | row_title = IDENTIFIER; NAME { Name (row_title, End) }
+ ;
diff --git a/lib/sig.ml b/lib/sig.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index b4f49d7..0000000
--- a/lib/sig.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-(* Taken from https://gopiandcode.uk/logs/log-writing-activitypub.html
- License is AGPL-v3
-open Containers
-module StringMap = Map.Make (String)
-let drop_quotes str = String.sub str 1 (String.length str - 2)
-let body_digest body =
- Mirage_crypto.Hash.SHA256.digest (Cstruct.of_string body) |> Cstruct.to_string
- |> fun hash -> "SHA-256=" ^ Base64.encode_string hash
-let req_headers headers = Cohttp.Header.to_list headers |> StringMap.of_list
-let split_equals str =
- match String.index_opt str '=' with
- | Some ind ->
- let key = String.sub str 0 ind in
- let data = String.sub str (ind + 1) (String.length str - ind - 1) in
- Some (key, data)
- | _ -> None
-(* constructs a signed string *)
-let build_signed_string ~signed_headers ~meth ~path ~headers ~body_digest =
- (* (request-target) user-agent host date digest content-type *)
- String.split_on_char ' ' signed_headers
- |> List.map (function
- | "(request-target)" ->
- "(request-target): " ^ String.lowercase_ascii meth ^ " " ^ path
- | "digest" -> "digest: " ^ body_digest
- | header ->
- header ^ ": "
- ^ (StringMap.find_opt header headers |> Option.value ~default:""))
- |> String.concat "\n"
-let parse_signature signature =
- String.split_on_char ',' signature
- |> List.filter_map split_equals
- |> List.map (Pair.map_snd drop_quotes)
- |> StringMap.of_list
-let verify ~signed_string ~signature pubkey =
- let result =
- X509.Public_key.verify `SHA256 ~scheme:`RSA_PKCS1
- ~signature:(Cstruct.of_string signature)
- pubkey
- (`Message (Cstruct.of_string signed_string))
- in
- match result with
- | Ok () -> true
- | Error (`Msg e) ->
- Dream.log
- "error while verifying: %s\n\nsigned_string is:%s\n\nsignature is:%s\n"
- e signed_string signature;
- false
-let encrypt (privkey : X509.Private_key.t) str =
- Base64.encode
- (X509.Private_key.sign `SHA256 ~scheme:`RSA_PKCS1 privkey
- (`Message (Cstruct.of_string str))
- |> Result.get_exn |> Cstruct.to_string)
-let time_now () =
- CalendarLib.Calendar.now ()
- |> CalendarLib.Calendar.to_unixfloat |> Ptime.of_float_s
- |> Option.get_exn_or "invalid date"
-let verify_request taken_public_key (req : Dream.request) =
- let ( let+ ) x f =
- match x with None -> Lwt.return (Ok false) | Some v -> f v
- in
- let ( let@ ) x f = Lwt.bind x f in
- let meth =
- Dream.method_ req |> Dream.method_to_string |> String.lowercase_ascii
- in
- let path = Dream.target req in
- let headers =
- Dream.all_headers req
- |> List.map (Pair.map_fst String.lowercase_ascii)
- |> StringMap.of_list
- in
- let+ signature = Dream.header req "Signature" in
- let signed_headers = parse_signature signature in
- (* 1. build signed string *)
- let@ body = Dream.body req in
- let body_digest = body_digest body in
- let+ public_key = taken_public_key in
- (* signed headers *)
- let+ headers_in_signed_string = StringMap.find_opt "headers" signed_headers in
- (* signed string *)
- let signed_string =
- build_signed_string ~signed_headers:headers_in_signed_string ~meth ~path
- ~headers ~body_digest
- in
- (* 2. retrieve signature *)
- let+ signature = StringMap.find_opt "signature" signed_headers in
- let+ signature = Base64.decode signature |> Result.to_opt in
- (* verify signature against signed string with public key *)
- Lwt_result.return @@ verify ~signed_string ~signature public_key
-let build_signed_headers ~priv_key ~key_id ~headers ?body_str ~current_time
- ~method_ ~uri () =
- let signed_headers =
- match body_str with
- | Some _ -> "(request-target) content-length host date digest"
- | None -> "(request-target) host date"
- in
- let body_str_len = Option.map Fun.(Int.to_string % String.length) body_str in
- let body_digest = Option.map body_digest body_str in
- let date = Http_date.to_utc_string current_time in
- let host = uri |> Uri.host |> Option.get_exn_or "no host for request" in
- let signature_string =
- let opt name vl =
- match vl with None -> Fun.id | Some vl -> StringMap.add name vl
- in
- let to_be_signed =
- build_signed_string ~signed_headers
- ~meth:(method_ |> String.lowercase_ascii)
- ~path:(Uri.path uri)
- ~headers:
- (opt "content-length" body_str_len
- @@ StringMap.add "date" date @@ StringMap.add "host" host @@ headers)
- ~body_digest:(Option.value body_digest ~default:"")
- in
- let signed_string = encrypt priv_key to_be_signed |> Result.get_exn in
- Printf.sprintf
- {|keyId="%s",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="%s",signature="%s"|} key_id
- signed_headers signed_string
- in
- List.fold_left
- (fun map (k, v) ->
- match v with None -> map | Some v -> StringMap.add k v map)
- headers
- [
- ("Digest", body_digest);
- ("Date", Some date);
- ("Host", Some host);
- ("Signature", Some signature_string);
- ("Content-Length", body_str_len);
- ]
- |> StringMap.to_list
-let sign_headers ~priv_key ~key_id ?(body : Cohttp_lwt.Body.t option)
- ~(headers : Cohttp.Header.t) ~uri ~method_ () =
- let ( let* ) x f = Lwt.bind x f in
- let* body_str =
- match body with
- | None -> Lwt.return None
- | Some body -> Lwt.map Option.some (Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body)
- in
- let current_time = time_now () in
- let headers =
- List.fold_left
- (fun header (key, vl) -> Cohttp.Header.add header key vl)
- headers
- (build_signed_headers ~priv_key ~key_id ~headers:(req_headers headers)
- ?body_str ~current_time
- ~method_:(Cohttp.Code.string_of_method method_)
- ~uri ())
- in
- Lwt.return headers
diff --git a/lib/user.ml b/lib/user.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index ba802c0..0000000
--- a/lib/user.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-open Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson_conv.Primitives
-open Cohttp
-open Cohttp_lwt_unix
-open Lwt
-type public_key = {
- id : string;
- owner : string;
- public_key_pem : string; [@key "publicKeyPem"]
-[@@deriving yojson] [@@yojson.allow_extra_fields]
-type t = { name : string; public_key : public_key [@key "publicKey"] }
-[@@deriving yojson] [@@yojson.allow_extra_fields]
-let activity_header =
- Some (Header.of_list [ ("Accept", "application/activity+json") ])
-let get_user actor_url =
- let%lwt _, body =
- Client.get ?headers:activity_header (Uri.of_string actor_url)
- in
- body |> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string >|= fun body ->
- let body = Yojson.Safe.from_string body |> t_of_yojson in
- body
-let get_public_pem user =
- user.public_key.public_key_pem |> Cstruct.of_string
- |> X509.Public_key.decode_pem
-let name user = user.name