path: root/lib
diff options
authorMarc Coquand <marc@mccd.space>2023-12-26 12:13:49 -0600
committerMarc Coquand <marc@mccd.space>2023-12-26 12:13:49 -0600
commit68de927be04607e6573a5439e19449941defb5f8 (patch)
treeef9ecc704bebaaca9a14966c6617d9d94b3e341c /lib
parentbd14bbf8cab86547cb20afcb2b29fb0336cbf958 (diff)
Fix bug with naming
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 25 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/lib/fixture.ml b/lib/fixture.ml
index 94c39a9..daf172e 100644
--- a/lib/fixture.ml
+++ b/lib/fixture.ml
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ let json_of_generated_fixtures fixtures =
"[" ^ String.concat ", " (List.map json_of_row rows) ^ "]"
-(* TODO: Should export not only as strings *)
+(* TODO: Should export correct types, not only strings *)
let%test "json_of_generated_fixtures" =
let result = [ [ "id"; "name" ]; [ "1234"; "John" ] ] |> json_of_generated_fixtures in
diff --git a/lib/lexer.mll b/lib/lexer.mll
index 6e9b975..c6f2b93 100644
--- a/lib/lexer.mll
+++ b/lib/lexer.mll
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ let many_newline = newline+
rule read =
+ | "uuidv4" { UUIDV4 }
+ | "name" { NAME }
+ | "int" { INTSYMBOL }
| id { IDENTIFIER (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
- | "_uuidv4" { UUIDV4 }
- | "_name" { NAME }
- | "_int" { INTSYMBOL }
| "(" { LBRACE }
| ")" { RBRACE }
| '"' { read_string (Buffer.create 20) lexbuf }
diff --git a/lib/parser.mly b/lib/parser.mly
index 8a666c6..19fa44e 100644
--- a/lib/parser.mly
+++ b/lib/parser.mly
@@ -22,30 +22,36 @@ prog:
| e = expr; EOF { Some e }
+ | IDENTIFIER { $1 }
+ | NAME { "name" }
+ | UUIDV4 { "uuidv4" }
- | tbl = IDENTIFIER; LBRACE; amount = INT; RBRACE; COLON; r = row; NEWLINE; e = expr { Table (tbl, amount, r, e) }
- | tbl = IDENTIFIER; LBRACE; amount = INT; RBRACE; COLON; r = row; SEMICOLON; e = expr { Table (tbl,amount, r, e) }
- | tbl = IDENTIFIER; LBRACE; amount = INT; RBRACE; COLON; r = row { Table (tbl,amount, r, End) }
+ | tbl = id_or_other; LBRACE; amount = INT; RBRACE; COLON; r = row; NEWLINE; e = expr { Table (tbl, amount, r, e) }
+ | tbl = id_or_other; LBRACE; amount = INT; RBRACE; COLON; r = row; SEMICOLON; e = expr { Table (tbl,amount, r, e) }
+ | tbl = id_or_other; LBRACE; amount = INT; RBRACE; COLON; r = row { Table (tbl,amount, r, End) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; parent = IDENTIFIER; DOT; parent_id = IDENTIFIER; COMMA; r = row { Foreign (parent,parent_id,row_title, r) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; parent = IDENTIFIER; DOT; parent_id = IDENTIFIER; { Foreign (parent,parent_id,row_title, End) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; parent = id_or_other; DOT; parent_id = id_or_other; COMMA; r = row { Foreign (parent,parent_id,row_title, r) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; parent = id_or_other; DOT; parent_id = id_or_other; { Foreign (parent,parent_id,row_title, End) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; UUIDV4; COMMA; r = row { Uuidv4 (row_title, r) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; UUIDV4 { Uuidv4 (row_title, End) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; UUIDV4; COMMA; r = row { Uuidv4 (row_title, r) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; UUIDV4 { Uuidv4 (row_title, End) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; LBRACE; union = union_fields; RBRACE; COMMA; r = row { List (row_title, union, r) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; LBRACE; union = union_fields; RBRACE { List (row_title, union, End) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; LBRACE; union = union_fields; RBRACE; COMMA; r = row { List (row_title, union, r) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; LBRACE; union = union_fields; RBRACE { List (row_title, union, End) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; NAME; COMMA; r = row { Name (row_title, r) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; NAME { Name (row_title, End) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; NAME; COMMA; r = row { Name (row_title, r) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; NAME { Name (row_title, End) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; const = STRING; COMMA; r = row { Const (row_title, const, r) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; const = STRING { Const (row_title, const, End) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; const = STRING; COMMA; r = row { Const (row_title, const, r) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; const = STRING { Const (row_title, const, End) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; INTSYMBOL;LBRACE;min = INT;COMMA;max = INT;RBRACE;COMMA; r = row { Int (row_title,min,max,r) }
- | row_title = IDENTIFIER; INTSYMBOL;LBRACE;min = INT;COMMA;max = INT;RBRACE; { Int (row_title,min,max,End) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; INTSYMBOL;LBRACE;min = INT;COMMA;max = INT;RBRACE;COMMA; r = row { Int (row_title,min,max,r) }
+ | row_title = id_or_other; INTSYMBOL;LBRACE;min = INT;COMMA;max = INT;RBRACE; { Int (row_title,min,max,End) }