diff options
authorMarc Coquand <marc@mccd.space>2023-12-26 09:50:20 -0600
committerMarc Coquand <marc@mccd.space>2023-12-26 09:57:20 -0600
commit9cd7fbf7658793a443ad3a3b03cee4bbace0a0d4 (patch)
parent742c23d7c5d90b681dcbce92846d57042d2ea467 (diff)
Support setting amount to be generated
6 files changed, 49 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/bin/main.ml b/bin/main.ml
index c964c5e..29f354f 100644
--- a/bin/main.ml
+++ b/bin/main.ml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let fixgen content output_type () =
else (
match result with
| Some ast ->
- Ast_types.compile ast ~amount:4
+ Ast_types.compile ast
|> List.iter (fun (name, file) ->
let result = Fixture.csv_of_generated_fixtures file in
print_endline ("FILE NAME: " ^ name);
diff --git a/lib/ast_types.ml b/lib/ast_types.ml
index 7b4f445..b9f4294 100644
--- a/lib/ast_types.ml
+++ b/lib/ast_types.ml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ type ast_row =
[@@deriving show, eq]
type ast_table =
- | Table of string * ast_row * ast_table
+ | Table of string * int * ast_row * ast_table
| End
[@@deriving show, eq]
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ let rec print_row = function
let rec print = function
- | Table (s, r, t) ->
- printf "%s:" s;
+ | Table (s, amount, r, t) ->
+ printf "%s (%d):" s amount;
print_row r;
print t
| End -> printf "\n"
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ type ast_row_relation =
| CRow of (string * string * (string list -> Fixture.t))
type ast_table_relation =
- | PTable of string * Fixture.t list
- | CTable of string * string * string * (string list -> Fixture.t list)
+ | PTable of string * int * Fixture.t list
+ | CTable of string * string * string * int * (string list -> Fixture.t list)
(** parent, row, child_name, row *)
let table_name = function
- | PTable (n,_) -> n
- | CTable (_,_,c,_) -> c
+ | PTable (n,_,_) -> n
+ | CTable (_,_,c,_,_) -> c
let rec ast_row_to_fixtures = function
| Uuidv4 (s, r) -> PRow (Fixture.Uuidv4 s) :: ast_row_to_fixtures r
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ let rec ast_row_to_fixtures = function
| End -> []
-let ast_table_to_table name rows =
+let ast_table_to_table name amount rows =
(** Convert an AST table to a Fixture table that we can more easily work with for
feeding the generated data as input into fixtures that depend on the generated
data from other fixtures *)
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ let ast_table_to_table name rows =
match row with
| PRow r ->
(match tbl with
- | PTable (n, l) -> PTable (n, r :: l)
- | CTable (p, pr, c, f) -> CTable (p, pr, c, fun l -> r :: f l))
+ | PTable (n, amount, l) -> PTable (n, amount, r :: l)
+ | CTable (p, pr, c, amount, f) -> CTable (p, pr, c, amount, fun l -> r :: f l))
| CRow (p, pr, f) ->
(match tbl with
- | PTable (c, lr) -> CTable (p, pr, c, fun l -> f l :: lr)
+ | PTable (c,amount, lr ) -> CTable (p, pr, c, amount, fun l -> f l :: lr)
| CTable _ -> failwith "Cannot have multiple relations"))
- (PTable (name, []))
+ (PTable (name, amount, []))
@@ -86,20 +86,20 @@ let rec ast_table_to_tables ast =
(** Convert an AST table to a list of Fixture tables, so once data has been generated
it can be used as input for the next entry *)
match ast with
- | Table (name, r, t) ->
+ | Table (name, amount, r, t) ->
print_endline ("Converting table: " ^ name);
- ast_table_to_table name (ast_row_to_fixtures r) :: ast_table_to_tables t
+ ast_table_to_table name amount (ast_row_to_fixtures r) :: ast_table_to_tables t
| End -> []
let%test "ast_table_to_tables" =
- let purchase = Table ("purchase", Uuidv4 ("id", Name ("name", End)), End) in
- let ast = Table ("user", Uuidv4 ("id", Name ("name", End)), purchase) in
+ let purchase = Table ("purchase", 5, Uuidv4 ("id", Name ("name", End)), End) in
+ let ast = Table ("user", 2, Uuidv4 ("id", Name ("name", End)), purchase) in
let tables = ast_table_to_tables ast in
List.length tables == 2
let generated_fixtures = ref (Hashtbl.create 10)
-let rec resolve_fixtures tables name ~amount =
+let rec resolve_fixtures tables name =
(* Verify if we have already generated fixtures for this table *)
let maybe_fixtures = Hashtbl.find_opt !generated_fixtures name in
match maybe_fixtures with
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ let rec resolve_fixtures tables name ~amount =
let maybe_table = List.find_opt (fun tbl -> table_name tbl = name) tables
match maybe_table with
- | Some (PTable (n,l)) ->
+ | Some (PTable (n, amount, l)) ->
let resolved = (n, Fixture.compile l ~amount) in
(* store the generated fixtures for this table *)
Hashtbl.add !generated_fixtures name (snd resolved);
- | Some (CTable (p,pr,c,create_fixtures)) -> (
- let (_, parent_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables p ~amount in
+ | Some (CTable (p,pr,c, amount, create_fixtures)) -> (
+ let (_, parent_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables p in
(* store the generated fixtures for this table *)
Hashtbl.add !generated_fixtures name parent_fixtures;
print_endline ("Resolving fixtures for " ^ c);
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ let rec resolve_fixtures tables name ~amount =
let%test "resolve_fixtures" =
let tables = [
- PTable ("user", [Fixture.Uuidv4 "id"; Fixture.Uuidv4 "uuid"]);
- CTable ("user", "id", "posts", fun ids -> [Fixture.Foreign ("user_id", ids)])
+ PTable ("user", 1, [Fixture.Uuidv4 "id"; Fixture.Uuidv4 "uuid"]);
+ CTable ("user", "id", "posts", 1, fun ids -> [Fixture.Foreign ("user_id", ids)])
] in
- let (_, user_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables "user" ~amount:1 in
- let (_, purchase_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables "posts" ~amount:1 in
+ let (_, user_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables "user" in
+ let (_, purchase_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables "posts" in
for i = 0 to List.length user_fixtures - 1 do
print_endline ("User fixture: " ^ Fixture.csv_of_string_list (List.nth user_fixtures i));
@@ -150,24 +150,24 @@ let%test "resolve_fixtures" =
let show_tables tables =
let show_table = function
- | PTable (n,_) -> n
- | CTable (_,_,c,_) -> c
+ | PTable (n,_,_) -> n
+ | CTable (_,_,c,_,_) -> c
tables |> List.map show_table |> String.concat "\n"
-let compile ast ~amount =
+let compile ast =
let tables = ast_table_to_tables ast in
print_endline ("Table length: " ^ string_of_int (List.length tables));
print_endline (show_tables tables);
let resolve_fixtures' = function
- | PTable (n,l) ->
- let resolved = (n, Fixture.compile l ~amount) in
+ | PTable (n, amount, l) ->
+ let (n,_,resolved) = (n, amount, Fixture.compile l ~amount) in
(* store the generated fixtures for this table *)
- Hashtbl.add !generated_fixtures n (snd resolved);
- resolved
- | CTable (p,pr,c,create_fixtures) ->
- let (_, parent_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables p ~amount in
+ Hashtbl.add !generated_fixtures n resolved;
+ (n,resolved)
+ | CTable (p,pr,c, amount, create_fixtures) ->
+ let (_, parent_fixtures) = resolve_fixtures tables p in
(* store the generated fixtures for this table *)
Hashtbl.add !generated_fixtures c parent_fixtures;
print_endline ("Resolving fixtures for " ^ c);
diff --git a/lib/fixture.ml b/lib/fixture.ml
index 8806692..278024c 100644
--- a/lib/fixture.ml
+++ b/lib/fixture.ml
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ let names =
let random_name () = List.nth names (Random.int (List.length names))
let%test "random_name" = List.mem (random_name ()) names
-(* TODO: Support arbitrary amount *)
(* TODO: Support names *)
type t =
| Name of string
diff --git a/lib/lexer.mll b/lib/lexer.mll
index fed77ab..e0c5453 100644
--- a/lib/lexer.mll
+++ b/lib/lexer.mll
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ rule read =
| "_uuidv4" { UUIDV4 }
| "_name" { NAME }
| "_int" { INTSYMBOL }
- | "<" { LBRACE }
- | ">" { RBRACE }
+ | "(" { LBRACE }
+ | ")" { RBRACE }
| int { INT (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf |> int_of_string) }
| white { read lexbuf }
| ":" { COLON }
diff --git a/lib/parser.mly b/lib/parser.mly
index ab9b697..e9d06bc 100644
--- a/lib/parser.mly
+++ b/lib/parser.mly
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ prog:
- | tbl = IDENTIFIER; COLON; r = row; NEWLINE; e = expr { Table (tbl,r, e) }
- | tbl = IDENTIFIER; COLON; r = row; SEMICOLON; e = expr { Table (tbl,r, e) }
- | tbl = IDENTIFIER; COLON; r = row { Table (tbl,r, End) }
+ | tbl = IDENTIFIER; LBRACE; amount = INT; RBRACE; COLON; r = row; NEWLINE; e = expr { Table (tbl, amount, r, e) }
+ | tbl = IDENTIFIER; LBRACE; amount = INT; RBRACE; COLON; r = row; SEMICOLON; e = expr { Table (tbl,amount, r, e) }
+ | tbl = IDENTIFIER; LBRACE; amount = INT; RBRACE; COLON; r = row { Table (tbl,amount, r, End) }
diff --git a/test/test_parser.ml b/test/test_parser.ml
index 941ac56..5a56e6a 100644
--- a/test/test_parser.ml
+++ b/test/test_parser.ml
@@ -13,26 +13,28 @@ let test_parse s () =
let rows_suite =
- [ "Can parse uuidv4", `Quick, test_parse "user: id _uuidv4"
+ [ "Can parse uuidv4", `Quick, test_parse "user (1): id _uuidv4"
; ( "Can parse multiple tables"
, `Quick
- , test_parse "user: id _uuidv4\npurchases: id _uuidv4" )
- ; "Resolves conflicting names", `Quick, test_parse "purchases: name _uuidv4"
- ; "Supports names", `Quick, test_parse "purchases: name _name"
- ; "Supports ints with min/max", `Quick, test_parse "purchases: name _int<1,20>"
+ , test_parse "user (1): id _uuidv4\npurchases (1): id _uuidv4" )
+ ; "Supports names", `Quick, test_parse "purchases (1): name _name"
+ ; "Supports ints with min/max", `Quick, test_parse "purchases (1): name _int(1,20)"
+ ; ( "Supports setting amount of fixture to generate"
+ , `Quick
+ , test_parse "purchases (5): name _int(1,20)" )
let relations_suite =
[ ( "Can reference other tables"
, `Quick
- , test_parse "user: id _uuidv4\npurchases: id _uuidv4, userid user.id" )
+ , test_parse "user (2): id _uuidv4\npurchases (3): id _uuidv4, userid user.id" )
; ( "Can use ; as a separator"
, `Quick
- , test_parse "user: id _uuidv4; purchases: id _uuidv4" )
+ , test_parse "user (2): id _uuidv4; purchases (5): id _uuidv4" )
; ( "Supports multiple newlines"
, `Quick
- , test_parse "user: id _uuidv4\n\n\n\n\npurchases: id _uuidv4" )
+ , test_parse "user (2): id _uuidv4\n\n\n\n\npurchases (5): id _uuidv4" )