module Grep = Grep module Common = Common open Notty type state = { user_input : string ; on_enter : string -> unit ; on_cancel : unit -> unit ; prompt : string ; screen : I.t } let rec render t ({ user_input; on_enter; on_cancel; screen; prompt } as state) = let _, size_y = Common.Term.size t in Common.Term.cursor t (Some (String.length user_input + String.length prompt, size_y)); let img = let open I in I.strf "%s%s" prompt user_input |> I.pad ~l:0 ~t:(size_y - 1) screen in Common.Term.image t img; match Common.Term.event t with | `End | `Key (`ASCII 'G', [ `Ctrl ]) | `Key (`ASCII 'C', [ `Ctrl ]) -> on_cancel () | `Key (`Enter, []) -> on_enter user_input | `Key (`Backspace, []) -> let state = { state with user_input = String.sub user_input 0 (max (String.length user_input - 1) 0) } in render t state | `Resize _ -> render t state | `Key (`ASCII c, []) -> let state = { state with user_input = user_input ^ String.make 1 c } in render t state | _ -> render t state