let execution_directory = Sys.getenv_opt "STICH_DIRECTORY" |> Option.value ~default:"/home/mccd/notes-example" let grep_cmd = Sys.getenv_opt "STICH_GREP_CMD" |> Option.value ~default:"ugrep" let tag_pattern = Sys.getenv_opt "STITCH_TAG_PATTERN" |> Option.value ~default:"\\:[a-z-]+\\:" let headline_pattern_regexp = Sys.getenv_opt "STITCH_HEADLINE_PATTERN_REGEXP" |> Option.value ~default:"^\\* " let headline_pattern = Sys.getenv_opt "STITCH_HEADLINE_PATTERN" |> Option.value ~default:"* " let headline_pattern_length = String.length headline_pattern let find_sort_modification () = let open Shexp_process in let open Shexp_process.Infix in call [ "find"; "."; "-printf"; "%Ts/%f\\n" ] |- call [ "sort"; "-n" ] |- call [ "cut"; "-c12-" ] let find_sort_name () = let open Shexp_process in let open Shexp_process.Infix in call [ "find"; "." ] |- call [ "cut"; "-c3-" ] let run_print ~dir args = let open Shexp_process in let open Shexp_process.Infix in eval (chdir dir (call args |- read_all)) let headline_args = [ "xargs"; grep_cmd; "^\\*"; "-H"; "-r"; "-n"; "--no-messages" ] let get_headlines () = let open Shexp_process in let open Shexp_process.Infix in eval (chdir execution_directory (find_sort_name () |- call headline_args |- call [ "sort"; "-n"; "-r" ] |- read_all)) let get_tagged_headlines tag () = let open Shexp_process in let open Shexp_process.Infix in eval (chdir execution_directory (find_sort_name () |- call headline_args |- call [ grep_cmd; "--no-messages"; "-E"; tag ] |- call [ "sort"; "-n"; "-r" ] |- read_all)) let get_tags () = let open Shexp_process in let open Shexp_process.Infix in eval (chdir execution_directory (call headline_args |- call [ grep_cmd; "-E"; tag_pattern; "-o" ] |- read_all)) exception Not_A_Tuple of string * string (** Returns a tuple of file name and Content *) let parse_headlines s = String.split_on_char '\n' s (* Testing in utop it seems like there is maybe a bug with bounded_split, 1 doesn't work for ':'. Therefore using a slower implementation. *) |> List.filter_map (fun message -> if String.equal message "" then None else ( let split = Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp ":[0-9]+:") message 2 in match split with (* file, line, content *) | [ file_name; content ] -> Some (file_name, content) | _ -> raise (Not_A_Tuple (String.concat " SPLIT " split, message)))) |> Array.of_list (** Used for pretty printing *) let get_padding list = Array.fold_left (fun n (file_name, _) -> Int.max n (String.length file_name)) 0 list let pad str n = let padding = n - String.length str in String.concat "" [ str; String.make padding ' ' ] (** Turns "2024-03-05.org:* Hello world" into "2024-03-05 | * Hello world" *) let pretty_format parsed_headlines = let padding = get_padding parsed_headlines in Array.map (fun (file_name, content) -> String.concat " | " [ pad file_name padding; content ]) parsed_headlines (** Full body parsing *) let get_full_content_command file = [ "cat"; file ] let read_whole_file filename = (* open_in_bin works correctly on Unix and Windows *) let ch = open_in_bin filename in let s = really_input_string ch (in_channel_length ch) in close_in ch; s let get_full_file_content_content file = file, read_whole_file (execution_directory ^ "/" ^ file) let parse_full_content files = List.concat @@ List.mapi (fun file_number ((file_name : string), content) -> let content = String.split_on_char '\n' content in List.mapi (fun line_number line -> file_name, line_number, line, file_number) content) files type display_type = | Bold of string | Normal of string let pretty_print_parsed_content parsed_files = let padding = String.make headline_pattern_length ' ' in List.concat_map (fun (file_name, line_number, line_content, _) -> if line_number == 0 then [ Bold ("------- " ^ file_name); Normal line_content ] else [ Normal (padding ^ line_content) ]) parsed_files