* Stitch - Note Composer Stitch is a minimal grep-based CLI tool for composing notes. It is built around the idea of writing notes separately and then using tags to compose these notes together. Stitch does not have any opinion about which file format you use for file capturing, use org, markdown, whatever you want. You can also customize the grep command to speed up performance. Stitch tries to have few dependencies, and stick only to coreutils by default Stitch limits itself only to note composing. For capturing notes, you will have to set up your own system. ** AIMS - Single binary - Minimal - Work with any file format ** CREDIT Stitch is based and largely a stripped down copy of the note composing system of Howm for Emacs. ** INSTALLATION Chmod +x the binary and put in PATH. Set the environment variables: STICH_DIRECTORY STICH_GREP_CMD (default "grep") STITCH_HEADLINE_PATTERN_REGEXP (default "^\\* ") STITCH_HEADLINE_PATTERN (default "* ") STITCH_TAG_PATTERN (default ":[a-z-]+:", matches :a-tag:) STITCH_TODO (default "* TODO") STITCH_TODO_REGEXP (default "^\\* TODO") STITCH_DONE (default "* DONE") STITCH_DONE_REGEXP (default "^\\* DONE") ** SPEED UP Stitch uses grep by default. As your notes grow, this will become rather slow. To speed it up, you can replace it grep with ugrep. ** DEVELOPMENT To set up the project, easiest way is to just install Nix, direnv and enable nix flakes. Then to compile: dune build And to run: dune exec -- stitch ** RECIPES - Building a journaling system You can build a basic capture command using $EDITOR and date command: #+begin_src export STITCH_DIRECTORY=/home/me/notes alias capture="JRNL=\"$STITCH_DIRECTORY/$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').org\" echo '* :journal:' > "$STITCH_DIRECTORY && $EDITOR $JRNL" #+end_src and then you can find your journal entries, automatically sorted by creation date with stitch and the journal tag: alias jrnl="stitch -t journal" * KNOWN ISSUES - ugrep doesn't correctly handle ordering, meaning that if you sort by modified date, it doesn't behave correctly. Therefore, that behavior is disabled for now. * Author Marc Coquand, 2024 * LICENSE BSD-3-Clause