path: root/bin/common.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/common.ml b/bin/common.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adfeee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/common.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+(* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 David Kaloper Meršinjak. All rights reserved.
+ See LICENSE.md. *)
+open Notty
+open Notty.Infix
+let pow n e = int_of_float (float n ** float e)
+module List = struct
+ include List
+ let rec replicate n a = if n < 1 then [] else a :: replicate (n - 1) a
+ let rec range a b = if a > b then [] else a :: range (a + 1) b
+ let rec intersperse a = function
+ | ([] | [ _ ]) as t -> t
+ | x :: xs -> x :: a :: intersperse a xs
+ let rec take n = function
+ | x :: xs when n > 0 -> x :: take (pred n) xs
+ | _ -> []
+ let rec splitat n = function
+ | x :: xs when n > 0 ->
+ let a, b = splitat (pred n) xs in
+ x :: a, b
+ | xs -> [], xs
+ let rec chunks n xs =
+ match splitat n xs with
+ | a, [] -> [ a ]
+ | a, b -> a :: chunks n b
+ let rec zip xs ys =
+ match xs, ys with
+ | [], _ | _, [] -> []
+ | x :: xs, y :: ys -> (x, y) :: zip xs ys
+module String = struct
+ include String
+ let repeat n str =
+ let b = Buffer.create 16 in
+ for _ = 1 to n do
+ Buffer.add_string b str
+ done;
+ Buffer.contents b
+let tile w h i = I.tabulate w h (fun _ _ -> i)
+(** A few images used in several places. *)
+module Images = struct
+ let i1 =
+ I.(string A.(fg lightblack) "omgbbq" <-> string A.(fg white ++ bg red) "@")
+ <|> I.(pad ~t:2 @@ string A.(fg green) "xo")
+ let i2 = I.(hpad 1 1 (hcrop 1 1 @@ tile 3 3 i1) <|> i1)
+ let i3 = tile 5 5 i2
+ let i4 =
+ let i = I.(i3 <|> crop ~t:1 i3 <|> i3) in
+ I.(crop ~l:1 i <-> crop ~r:1 i <-> crop ~b:2 i)
+ let i5 = tile 5 1 List.(range 0 15 |> map (fun i -> I.pad ~t:i ~l:(i * 2) i2) |> I.zcat)
+ let c_gray_ramp = I.tabulate 24 1 (fun g _ -> I.string A.(bg (gray g)) " ")
+ let c_cube_ix =
+ I.tabulate 6 1
+ @@ fun r _ ->
+ I.hpad 0 1 @@ I.tabulate 6 6 @@ fun b g -> I.string A.(bg (rgb ~r ~g ~b)) " "
+ let c_cube_rgb =
+ let f x = [| 0x00; 0x5f; 0x87; 0xaf; 0xd7; 0xff |].(x) in
+ I.tabulate 6 1
+ @@ fun r _ ->
+ I.hpad 0 1
+ @@ I.tabulate 6 6
+ @@ fun b g -> I.string A.(bg (rgb_888 ~r:(f r) ~g:(f g) ~b:(f b))) " "
+ let c_rainbow w h =
+ let pi2 = 2. *. 3.14159 in
+ let pi2_3 = pi2 /. 3.
+ and f t off = (sin (t +. off) *. 128.) +. 128. |> truncate in
+ let color t = A.rgb_888 ~r:(f t (-.pi2_3)) ~g:(f t 0.) ~b:(f t pi2_3) in
+ I.tabulate (w - 1) 1
+ @@ fun x _ ->
+ let t = (pi2 *. float x /. float w) +. 3.7 in
+ I.char A.(bg (color t)) ' ' 1 h
+ let dot color = I.string (A.fg color) "●"
+ let square color = I.string (A.fg color) "▪"
+ let rec cantor = function
+ | 0 -> square A.lightblue
+ | n ->
+ let sub = cantor (pred n) in
+ I.hcat (List.replicate (pow 3 n) (square A.lightblue))
+ <-> (sub <|> I.void (pow 3 (n - 1)) 0 <|> sub)
+ let checker n m i =
+ let w = I.width i in
+ I.(tile (n / 2) (m / 2) (hpad 0 w i <-> hpad w 0 i))
+ let checker1 = checker 20 20 I.(char A.(bg magenta) ' ' 2 1)
+ let rec sierp c n =
+ I.(
+ if n > 1
+ then (
+ let ss = sierp c (pred n) in
+ ss <-> (ss <|> ss))
+ else hpad 1 0 (square c))
+ let grid xxs = xxs |> List.map I.hcat |> I.vcat
+ let outline attr i =
+ let w, h = I.(width i, height i) in
+ let chr x = I.uchar attr (Uchar.of_int x) 1 1
+ and hbar = I.uchar attr (Uchar.of_int 0x2500) w 1
+ and vbar = I.uchar attr (Uchar.of_int 0x2502) 1 h in
+ let a, b, c, d = chr 0x256d, chr 0x256e, chr 0x256f, chr 0x2570 in
+ grid [ [ a; hbar; b ]; [ vbar; i; vbar ]; [ d; hbar; c ] ]
+let halfblock = "▄"
+let pxmatrix w h f =
+ I.tabulate w h
+ @@ fun x y ->
+ let y = y * 2 in
+ I.string A.(bg (f x y) ++ fg (f x (y + 1))) halfblock
+module Term = Notty_unix.Term
+let simpleterm ~imgf ~f ~s =
+ let term = Term.create () in
+ let imgf (w, h) s = I.(string A.(fg lightblack) "[ESC quits.]" <-> imgf (w, h - 1) s) in
+ let rec go s =
+ Term.image term (imgf (Term.size term) s);
+ match Term.event term with
+ | `End | `Key (`Escape, []) | `Key (`ASCII 'C', [ `Ctrl ]) -> ()
+ | `Resize _ -> go s
+ | #Unescape.event as e ->
+ (match f s e with
+ | Some s -> go s
+ | _ -> ())
+ in
+ go s