path: root/config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config')
2 files changed, 207 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/config/hikari/autostart b/config/hikari/autostart
index 0857bea..c3ccd41 120000..100755
--- a/config/hikari/autostart
+++ b/config/hikari/autostart
@@ -1 +1,10 @@
-/gnu/store/d108g5q9n5kjfa7i9crxlnah4j9my5rc-home-dotfiles--config-hikari-autostart \ No newline at end of file
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface document-font-name 'Iosevka Aile'
+gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name 'Iosevka Aile'
+gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 32
+gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme Adwaita
+gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ""
+emacs --daemon
diff --git a/config/hikari/hikari.conf b/config/hikari/hikari.conf
index 539275c..91e4cce 120000..100644
--- a/config/hikari/hikari.conf
+++ b/config/hikari/hikari.conf
@@ -1 +1,197 @@
-/gnu/store/lvfjw6yzjbk7s7pq8wf6n44yq4wdzclq-home-dotfiles--config-hikari-hikari-conf \ No newline at end of file
+ui {
+ border = 5
+ gap = 5
+ step = 100
+ font = "Iosevka Aile"
+ colorscheme {
+ background = 0x282C34
+ foreground = 0x000000
+ selected = 0xF5E094
+ grouped = 0xFDAF53
+ first = 0xB8E673
+ conflict = 0xED6B32
+ insert = 0xE3C3FA
+ active = 0x465457
+ inactive = 0xE8E8E8
+ }
+layouts {
+ # main stack
+ s = {
+ scale = {
+ min = 0.5
+ max = 0.75
+ }
+ left = single
+ right = stack
+ }
+ # main queue
+ q = {
+ scale = 0.75
+ top = single
+ bottom = queue
+ }
+ # nautilus
+ n = {
+ left = single
+ right = {
+ top = single
+ bottom = {
+ right = single
+ left = {
+ bottom = single
+ top = full
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ f = full
+ h = stack
+ v = queue
+ g = grid
+actions {
+ terminal = "foot"
+ emacs = "emacsclient -nc"
+ browser = "firefox"
+ bemenu = "/bin/bash -c bemenu-toggle"
+ brightness-down = "light -U 10"
+ brightness-up = "light -A 10"
+ volume-mute = "pamixer -t"
+ volume-raise = "pamixer -i 5"
+ volume-lower = "pamixer -d 5"
+ print = "sh -c 'grim - | swappy -f -'"
+ print-part = "sh -c 'grim -g \"$(slurp)\" - | swappy -f -'"
+ color-picker = "sh -c 'grim -g \"$(slurp -p)\" -t ppm - | convert - -format \"%[pixel:p{0,0}]\" txt:- | tail -n 1 | cut -d \" \" -f 4 | wl-copy'"
+inputs {
+ pointers {
+ "Elan Touchpad" = {
+ natural-scrolling = true
+ }
+ }
+ keyboards {
+ "*" = {
+ xkb = {
+ layout = "us(colemak)"
+ options = "caps:ctrl_modifier"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bindings {
+ keyboard {
+ "L+0" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-0
+ "L+1" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-1
+ "L+2" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-2
+ "L+3" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-3
+ "L+4" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-4
+ "L+5" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-5
+ "L+6" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-6
+ "L+7" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-7
+ "L+8" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-8
+ "L+9" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-9
+ "L+numbersign" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-alternate
+ "L+Comma" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-next-inhabited
+ "LS+Comma" = workspace-switch-to-sheet-prev-inhabited
+ "LSC+Period" = workspace-show-all
+ "LA+r" = layout-reset
+ "LA+Return" = layout-restack-append
+ "LAS+Return" = layout-restack-prepend
+ "L+x" = layout-exchange-view-next
+ "LS+x" = layout-exchange-view-prev
+ "LA+x" = layout-exchange-view-main
+ "LS+0" = view-pin-to-sheet-0
+ "LS+1" = view-pin-to-sheet-1
+ "LS+2" = view-pin-to-sheet-2
+ "LS+3" = view-pin-to-sheet-3
+ "LS+4" = view-pin-to-sheet-4
+ "LS+5" = view-pin-to-sheet-5
+ "LS+6" = view-pin-to-sheet-6
+ "LS+7" = view-pin-to-sheet-7
+ "LS+8" = view-pin-to-sheet-8
+ "LS+9" = view-pin-to-sheet-9
+ "LS+numbersign" = view-pin-to-sheet-alternate
+ "L+d" = view-lower
+ "L+o" = view-only
+ "L+p" = view-move-up
+ "L+n" = view-move-down
+ "L+b" = view-move-left
+ "L+f" = view-move-right
+ "LS+p" = view-decrease-size-up
+ "LAS+p" = view-increase-size-up
+ "LS+n" = view-increase-size-down
+ "LAS+n" = view-decrease-size-down
+ "LS+b" = view-decrease-size-left
+ "LS+b" = view-increase-size-left
+ "LS+f" = view-increase-size-right
+ "LAS+f" = view-decrease-size-right
+ "L+minus" = view-toggle-maximize-vertical
+ "L+less" = view-toggle-maximize-horizontal
+ "L+u" = view-toggle-maximize-full
+ "L5+plus" = view-toggle-floating
+ "L5+p" = view-toggle-public
+ "LS+o" = group-only
+ "LS+u" = group-raise
+ "LS+d" = group-lower
+ "L+Tab" = group-cycle-prev
+ "LS+Tab" = group-cycle-next
+ "L+period" = group-cycle-view-next
+ "L+l" = mode-enter-layout
+ "L+s" = mode-enter-sheet-assign
+ "L+g" = mode-enter-group-assign
+ "L+m" = mode-enter-mark-assign
+ "L+acute" = mode-enter-mark-select
+ "LS+acute" = mode-enter-mark-switch-select
+ "LCA+g" = mode-enter-input-grab
+ "LS+Backspace" = lock
+ "L+r" = reload
+ "L+q" = view-quit
+ "L+Return" = action-terminal
+ "L+e" = action-emacs
+ "L+Space" = action-bemenu
+ "0+XF86MonBrightnessUp" = action-brightness-up
+ "0+XF86MonBrightnessDown" = action-brightness-down
+ "0+XF86AudioLowerVolume" = action-volume-lower
+ "0+XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = action-volume-raise
+ "0+XF86AudioMute" = action-volume-mute
+ "0+Print" = action-print
+ "LS+Print" = action-print-part
+ "LS+q" = action-color-picker
+ "A+F1" = vt-switch-to-1
+ "A+F2" = vt-switch-to-2
+ "A+F3" = vt-switch-to-3
+ "A+F4" = vt-switch-to-4
+ "A+F5" = vt-switch-to-5
+ "A+F6" = vt-switch-to-6
+ "A+F7" = vt-switch-to-7
+ "A+F8" = vt-switch-to-8
+ "A+F9" = vt-switch-to-9
+ }
+ mouse {
+ "L+left" = mode-enter-move
+ "L+right" = mode-enter-resize
+ }