vim9script # Unit tests for Vim Language Server Protocol (LSP) clangd client source common.vim var lspOpts = {autoComplete: false} g:LspOptionsSet(lspOpts) g:LSPTest_modifyDiags = false var lspServers = [{ filetype: ['c', 'cpp'], path: (exepath('clangd-15') ?? exepath('clangd')), args: ['--background-index', '--clang-tidy'], initializationOptions: { clangdFileStatus: true }, customNotificationHandlers: { 'textDocument/clangd.fileStatus': (lspserver: dict, reply: dict) => { g:LSPTest_customNotificationHandlerReplied = true } }, processDiagHandler: (diags: list>) => { if g:LSPTest_modifyDiags != true return diags endif return diags->map((ix, diag) => { diag.message = $'this is overridden' return diag }) } }] call LspAddServer(lspServers) var clangdVerDetail = systemlist($'{shellescape(lspServers[0].path)} --version') var clangdVerMajor = clangdVerDetail->matchstr('.*version \d\+\..*')->substitute('.* \(\d\+\)\..*', '\1', 'g')->str2nr() echomsg clangdVerDetail # Test for formatting a file using LspFormat def g:Test_LspFormat() :silent! edit XLspFormat.c sleep 200m setline(1, [' int i;', ' int j;']) :redraw! :LspFormat assert_equal(['int i;', 'int j;'], getline(1, '$')) deletebufline('', 1, '$') setline(1, ['int f1(int i)', '{', 'int j = 10; return j;', '}']) :redraw! :LspFormat assert_equal(['int f1(int i) {', ' int j = 10;', ' return j;', '}'], getline(1, '$')) deletebufline('', 1, '$') setline(1, ['', 'int i;']) :redraw! :LspFormat assert_equal(['', 'int i;'], getline(1, '$')) deletebufline('', 1, '$') setline(1, [' int i;']) :redraw! :LspFormat assert_equal(['int i;'], getline(1, '$')) deletebufline('', 1, '$') setline(1, [' int i; ']) :redraw! :LspFormat assert_equal(['int i;'], getline(1, '$')) deletebufline('', 1, '$') setline(1, ['int i;', '', '', '']) :redraw! :LspFormat assert_equal(['int i;'], getline(1, '$')) deletebufline('', 1, '$') setline(1, ['int f1(){int x;int y;x=1;y=2;return x+y;}']) :redraw! :LspFormat var expected: list =<< trim END int f1() { int x; int y; x = 1; y = 2; return x + y; } END assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) deletebufline('', 1, '$') setline(1, ['', '', '', '']) :redraw! :LspFormat assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$')) deletebufline('', 1, '$') var lines: list =<< trim END int f1() { int i, j; for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { j++; } for (j = 1; j < 10; j++) { i++; } } END setline(1, lines) :redraw! :4LspFormat expected =<< trim END int f1() { int i, j; for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { j++; } for (j = 1; j < 10; j++) { i++; } } END assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) deletebufline('', 1, '$') # shrinking multiple lines into a single one works setline(1, ['int \', 'i \', '= \', '42;']) :redraw! :4LspFormat assert_equal(['int i = 42;'], getline(1, '$')) bw! # empty file assert_equal('', execute('LspFormat')) # file without an LSP server edit a.raku assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "documentFormatting" feature is not found', execute('LspFormat')->split("\n")[0]) :%bw! enddef # Test for formatting a file using 'formatexpr' def g:Test_LspFormatExpr() :silent! edit XLspFormat.c sleep 200m setlocal formatexpr=lsp#lsp#FormatExpr() setline(1, [' int i;', ' int j;']) :redraw! normal! ggVGgq assert_equal(['int i;', 'int j;'], getline(1, '$')) # empty line/file deletebufline('', 1, '$') setline(1, ['']) redraw! normal! ggVGgq assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$')) setlocal formatexpr& :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspShowReferences - showing all the references to a symbol in a # file using LSP def g:Test_LspShowReferences() :silent! edit XshowRefs.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END int count; void redFunc() { int count, i; count = 10; i = count; } void blueFunc() { int count, j; count = 20; j = count; } END setline(1, lines) :redraw! cursor(5, 2) var bnr: number = bufnr() :LspShowReferences sleep 100m assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype')) var loclist: list> = getloclist(0) assert_equal(bnr, loclist[0].bufnr) assert_equal(3, loclist->len()) assert_equal([4, 6], [loclist[0].lnum, loclist[0].col]) assert_equal([5, 2], [loclist[1].lnum, loclist[1].col]) assert_equal([6, 6], [loclist[2].lnum, loclist[2].col]) :lclose cursor(1, 5) :LspShowReferences assert_equal(1, getloclist(0)->len()) loclist = getloclist(0) assert_equal([1, 5], [loclist[0].lnum, loclist[0].col]) :lclose # Test for opening in qf list g:LspOptionsSet({useQuickfixForLocations: true}) cursor(5, 2) :LspShowReferences sleep 100m assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype')) :cclose var qfl: list> = getqflist() assert_equal(3, qfl->len()) assert_equal(bufnr(), qfl[0].bufnr) assert_equal([4, 6], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col]) assert_equal([5, 2], [qfl[1].lnum, qfl[1].col]) assert_equal([6, 6], [qfl[2].lnum, qfl[2].col]) cursor(1, 5) :LspShowReferences assert_equal(1, getqflist()->len()) qfl = getqflist() assert_equal([1, 5], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col]) :cclose g:LspOptionsSet({useQuickfixForLocations: false}) # Test for maintaining buffer focus g:LspOptionsSet({keepFocusInReferences: false}) :LspShowReferences assert_equal('', getwinvar(0, '&buftype')) :lclose g:LspOptionsSet({keepFocusInReferences: true}) # Test for LspPeekReferences # Opening the preview window with an unsaved buffer displays the "E37: No # write since last change" error message. To disable this message, mark the # buffer as not modified. setlocal nomodified cursor(10, 6) :LspPeekReferences sleep 50m var ids = popup_list() assert_equal(2, ids->len()) var filePopupAttrs = ids[0]->popup_getoptions() var refPopupAttrs = ids[1]->popup_getoptions() assert_match('XshowRefs', filePopupAttrs.title) assert_equal('Symbol References', refPopupAttrs.title) assert_equal(10, line('.', ids[0])) assert_equal(1, line('.', ids[1])) assert_equal(3, line('$', ids[1])) feedkeys("jj\", 'xt') assert_equal(12, line('.')) assert_equal([], popup_list()) popup_clear() # LspShowReferences should start with the current symbol cursor(12, 6) :LspPeekReferences sleep 50m ids = popup_list() assert_equal(2, ids->len()) assert_equal(12, line('.', ids[0])) assert_equal(3, line('.', ids[1])) feedkeys("\", 'xt') popup_clear() bw! # empty file assert_equal('', execute('LspShowReferences')) # file without an LSP server edit a.raku assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "references" feature is not found', execute('LspShowReferences')->split("\n")[0]) :%bw! enddef # Test for LSP diagnostics def g:Test_LspDiag() :silent! edit XLspDiag.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void blueFunc() { int count, j: count = 20; j <= count; j = 10; MyFunc(); } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1) var bnr: number = bufnr() :redraw! :LspDiag show var qfl: list> = getloclist(0) assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype')) assert_equal(bnr, qfl[0].bufnr) assert_equal(3, qfl->len()) assert_equal([3, 14, 'E'], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col, qfl[0].type]) assert_equal([5, 2, 'W'], [qfl[1].lnum, qfl[1].col, qfl[1].type]) assert_equal([7, 2, 'W'], [qfl[2].lnum, qfl[2].col, qfl[2].type]) close g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false}) normal gg var output = execute('LspDiag current')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for current line', output[0]) :LspDiag first assert_equal([3, 14], [line('.'), col('.')]) output = execute('LspDiag current')->split("\n") assert_equal("Expected ';' at end of declaration (fix available)", output[0]) :normal! 0 :LspDiag here assert_equal([3, 14], [line('.'), col('.')]) :LspDiag next assert_equal([5, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) :LspDiag next assert_equal([7, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) output = execute('LspDiag next')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0]) :LspDiag prev :LspDiag prev :LspDiag prev output = execute('LspDiag prev')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0]) # Test for maintaining buffer focus g:LspOptionsSet({keepFocusInDiags: false}) :LspDiag show assert_equal('', getwinvar(0, '&buftype')) :lclose g:LspOptionsSet({keepFocusInDiags: true}) # :[count]LspDiag next cursor(3, 1) :2LspDiag next assert_equal([5, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) :2LspDiag next assert_equal([7, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) output = execute(':2LspDiag next')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0]) # :[count]LspDiag prev cursor(7, 2) :4LspDiag prev assert_equal([3, 14], [line('.'), col('.')]) output = execute(':4LspDiag prev')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0]) :%d setline(1, ['void blueFunc()', '{', '}']) g:WaitForDiags(0) output = execute('LspDiag show')->split("\n") assert_match('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for', output[0]) g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true}) popup_clear() :%bw! enddef # Test for LSP diagnostics handler def g:Test_LspProcessDiagHandler() g:LSPTest_modifyDiags = true g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false}) :silent! edit XLspProcessDiag.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void blueFunc() { int count, j: } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1) :redraw! normal gg :LspDiag first assert_equal([3, 14], [line('.'), col('.')]) var output = execute('LspDiag current')->split("\n") assert_equal("this is overridden", output[0]) g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true}) g:LSPTest_modifyDiags = false :%bw! enddef # Diag location list should be automatically updated when the list of diags # changes. def g:Test_DiagLocListAutoUpdate() :silent! edit XdiagLocListAutoUpdate.c :sleep 200m setloclist(0, [], 'f') var lines: list =<< trim END int i: int j; END setline(1, lines) var bnr = bufnr() g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1) :redraw! var d = lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf()[0] assert_equal({start: {line: 0, character: 5}, end: {line: 0, character: 6}}, d.range) :LspDiag show assert_equal(1, line('$')) wincmd w setline(2, 'int j:') redraw! g:WaitForDiags(2) var l = lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf() assert_equal({start: {line: 0, character: 5}, end: {line: 0, character: 6}}, l[0].range) assert_equal({start: {line: 1, character: 5}, end: {line: 1, character: 6}}, l[1].range) wincmd w assert_equal(2, line('$')) wincmd w deletebufline('', 1, '$') redraw! g:WaitForDiags(0) assert_equal([], lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf()) wincmd w assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$')) :lclose setloclist(0, [], 'f') :%bw! enddef # Test that the client have been able to configure the server to speak utf-32 def g:Test_UnicodeColumnCalc() :silent! edit XUnicodeColumn.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END int count; int fn(int a) { int 😊😊😊😊; 😊😊😊😊 = a; int b; b = a; return count + 1; } END setline(1, lines) :redraw! cursor(5, 1) # 😊😊😊😊 = a; search('a') assert_equal([], execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n")) assert_equal([2, 12], [line('.'), col('.')]) cursor(8, 1) # b = a; search('a') assert_equal([], execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n")) assert_equal([2, 12], [line('.'), col('.')]) :%bw! enddef # Test for multiple LSP diagnostics on the same line def g:Test_LspDiag_Multi() :silent! edit XLspDiagMulti.c sleep 200m var bnr: number = bufnr() var lines =<< trim END int i = "a"; int j = i; int y = 0; END setline(1, lines) :redraw! # TODO: Waiting count doesn't include Warning, Info, and Hint diags if clangdVerMajor > 14 g:WaitForServerFileLoad(3) else g:WaitForServerFileLoad(2) endif :LspDiag show var qfl: list> = getloclist(0) assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype')) assert_equal(bnr, qfl[0].bufnr) assert_equal(3, qfl->len()) if clangdVerMajor > 14 assert_equal([1, 5, 'E'], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col, qfl[0].type]) else assert_equal([1, 5, 'W'], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col, qfl[0].type]) endif assert_equal([1, 9, 'E'], [qfl[1].lnum, qfl[1].col, qfl[1].type]) assert_equal([2, 9, 'E'], [qfl[2].lnum, qfl[2].col, qfl[2].type]) close :sleep 100m cursor(2, 1) assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag prev')) assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag prev')) assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')]) var output = execute('LspDiag prev')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0]) assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag prevWrap')) assert_equal([2, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) cursor(2, 1) assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag first')) assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')]) assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag next')) assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) cursor(1, 1) assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag last')) assert_equal([2, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag nextWrap')) assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')]) assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag nextWrap')) assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) popup_clear() # Test for :LspDiag here on a line with multiple diagnostics cursor(1, 1) :LspDiag here assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')]) var ids = popup_list() assert_equal(1, ids->len()) assert_match('Incompatible pointer to integer', getbufline(ids[0]->winbufnr(), 1, '$')[0]) popup_clear() cursor(1, 6) :LspDiag here assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) ids = popup_list() assert_equal(1, ids->len()) assert_match('Initializer element is not', getbufline(ids[0]->winbufnr(), 1, '$')[0]) popup_clear() # Line without diagnostics cursor(3, 1) output = execute('LspDiag here')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found on this line', output[0]) g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false}) for i in range(1, 5) cursor(1, i) output = execute('LspDiag current')->split('\n') assert_match('Incompatible pointer to integer', output[0]) endfor for i in range(6, 12) cursor(1, i) output = execute('LspDiag current')->split('\n') assert_match('Initializer element is not ', output[0]) endfor g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true}) # Check for exact diag ":LspDiag current!" g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false}) for i in range(1, 4) cursor(1, i) output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n') assert_equal('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for current position', output[0]) endfor cursor(1, 5) output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n') assert_match('Incompatible pointer to integer', output[0]) for i in range(6, 8) cursor(1, i) output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n') assert_equal('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for current position', output[0]) endfor for i in range(9, 11) cursor(1, i) output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n') assert_match('Initializer element is not ', output[0]) endfor for i in range(12, 12) cursor(1, i) output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n') assert_equal('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for current position', output[0]) endfor g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true}) # :[count]LspDiag next g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false}) cursor(1, 1) :2LspDiag next assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) :2LspDiag next assert_equal([2, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) output = execute(':2LspDiag next')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0]) cursor(1, 1) :99LspDiag next assert_equal([2, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true}) # :[count]LspDiag prev g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false}) cursor(1, 1) :2LspDiag prev assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0]) cursor(3, 3) :2LspDiag prev assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')]) :2LspDiag prev assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')]) output = execute(':2LspDiag prev')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0]) cursor(3, 3) :99LspDiag prev assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')]) g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true}) :%bw! enddef # Test for highlight diag inline def g:Test_LspHighlightDiagInline() :silent! edit XLspHighlightDiag.c sleep 200m setline(1, [ 'int main()', '{', ' struct obj obj', '', ' return 1;', '}', ]) # TODO: Waiting count doesn't include Warning, Info, and Hint diags g:WaitForDiags(2) g:LspOptionsSet({highlightDiagInline: true}) var props = prop_list(1) assert_equal(0, props->len()) props = prop_list(2) assert_equal(0, props->len()) props = prop_list(3) assert_equal(2, props->len()) assert_equal([ {'id': 0, 'col': 12, 'type_bufnr': 0, 'end': 1, 'type': 'LspDiagInlineInfo', 'length': 3, 'start': 1}, {'id': 0, 'col': 16, 'type_bufnr': 0, 'end': 1, 'type': 'LspDiagInlineError', 'length': 3, 'start': 1} ], props) props = prop_list(4) assert_equal(0, props->len()) props = prop_list(5) assert_equal(1, props->len()) assert_equal([{'id': 0, 'col': 5, 'type_bufnr': 0, 'end': 1, 'type': 'LspDiagInlineError', 'length': 6, 'start': 1}], props) props = prop_list(6) assert_equal(0, props->len()) g:LspOptionsSet({highlightDiagInline: false}) props = prop_list(1, {end_lnum: line('$')}) assert_equal(0, props->len()) :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspCodeAction def g:Test_LspCodeAction() silent! edit XLspCodeAction.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void testFunc() { int count; count == 20; } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) cursor(4, 1) redraw! :LspCodeAction 1 assert_equal("\tcount = 20;", getline(4)) setline(4, "\tcount = 20:") cursor(4, 1) sleep 500m :LspCodeAction 0 assert_equal("\tcount = 20:", getline(4)) cursor(4, 1) :LspCodeAction 2 assert_equal("\tcount = 20:", getline(4)) cursor(4, 1) :LspCodeAction 1 assert_equal("\tcount = 20;", getline(4)) bw! # pattern and string prefix silent! edit XLspCodeActionPattern.c sleep 200m var lines2: list =<< trim END void testFunc() { int count; if (count = 1) { } } END setline(1, lines2) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) cursor(4, 1) redraw! :LspCodeAction use assert_equal("\tif (count == 1) {", getline(4)) setline(4, "\tif (count = 1) {") cursor(4, 1) sleep 500m :LspCodeAction /paren assert_equal("\tif ((count = 1)) {", getline(4)) setline(4, "\tif (count = 1) {") cursor(4, 1) sleep 500m :LspCodeAction NON_EXISTING_PREFIX assert_equal("\tif (count = 1) {", getline(4)) cursor(4, 1) :LspCodeAction /NON_EXISTING_REGEX assert_equal("\tif (count = 1) {", getline(4)) bw! # empty file assert_equal('', execute('LspCodeAction')) # file without an LSP server edit a.raku assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "codeAction" feature is not found', execute('LspCodeAction')->split("\n")[0]) :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspRename def g:Test_LspRename() silent! edit XLspRename.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void F1(int count) { count = 20; ++count; } void F2(int count) { count = 5; } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) cursor(1, 1) search('count') redraw! feedkeys(":LspRename\er\", "xt") redraw! var expected: list =<< trim END void F1(int counter) { counter = 20; ++counter; } void F2(int count) { count = 5; } END assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$')) cursor(1, 1) search('counter') LspRename countvar var expected2: list =<< trim END void F1(int countvar) { countvar = 20; ++countvar; } void F2(int count) { count = 5; } END assert_equal(expected2, getline(1, '$')) sleep 100m bw! # empty file assert_equal('', execute('LspRename')) # file without an LSP server edit a.raku assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "rename" feature is not found', execute('LspRename')->split("\n")[0]) :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspSelectionExpand and :LspSelectionShrink def g:Test_LspSelection() silent! edit XLspSelection.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void fnSel(int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { count++; } count = 20; } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) # start a block-wise visual mode, LspSelectionExpand should change this to # a characterwise visual mode. exe "normal! 1G\G\"_y" cursor(2, 1) redraw! :LspSelectionExpand redraw! normal! y assert_equal('v', visualmode()) assert_equal([2, 8], [line("'<"), line("'>")]) # start a linewise visual mode, LspSelectionExpand should change this to # a characterwise visual mode. exe "normal! 3GViB\"_y" cursor(4, 29) redraw! :LspSelectionExpand redraw! normal! y assert_equal('v', visualmode()) assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) # Expand the visual selection xnoremap le LspSelectionExpand xnoremap ls LspSelectionShrink cursor(5, 8) normal vley assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 12], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vleley assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 14], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vleleley assert_equal([4, 30, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vleleleley assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vleleleleley assert_equal([2, 1, 8, 1], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vleleleleleley assert_equal([1, 1, 8, 1], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vleleleleleleley assert_equal([1, 1, 8, 1], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) # Shrink the visual selection cursor(5, 8) normal vlsy assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 12], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vlelsy assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 12], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vlelelsy assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 12], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vlelelelsy assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 14], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vlelelelelsy assert_equal([4, 30, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vlelelelelelsy assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) cursor(5, 8) normal vlelelelelelelsy assert_equal([2, 1, 8, 1], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")]) xunmap le xunmap ls bw! # empty file assert_equal('', execute('LspSelectionExpand')) # file without an LSP server edit a.raku assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "selectionRange" feature is not found', execute('LspSelectionExpand')->split("\n")[0]) :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspGotoDefinition, :LspGotoDeclaration and :LspGotoImpl def g:Test_LspGotoSymbol() settagstack(0, {items: []}) silent! edit XLspGotoSymbol.cpp sleep 600m var lines: list =<< trim END class base { public: virtual void print(); }; void base::print() { } class derived : public base { public: void print() {} }; void f1(void) { base *bp; derived d; bp = &d; bp->print(); } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) cursor(21, 6) :LspGotoDeclaration assert_equal([3, 19], [line('.'), col('.')]) exe "normal! \" assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) :LspGotoDefinition assert_equal([6, 12], [line('.'), col('.')]) exe "normal! \" assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) assert_equal(1, winnr('$')) # Command modifiers :topleft LspGotoDefinition assert_equal([6, 12], [line('.'), col('.')]) assert_equal([1, 2], [winnr(), winnr('$')]) close exe "normal! \" assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) :tab LspGotoDefinition assert_equal([6, 12], [line('.'), col('.')]) assert_equal([2, 2, 1], [tabpagenr(), tabpagenr('$'), winnr('$')]) tabclose exe "normal! \" assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) # :LspGotoTypeDef cursor(21, 2) :LspGotoTypeDef assert_equal([1, 7], [line('.'), col('.')]) exe "normal! \" assert_equal([21, 2], [line('.'), col('.')]) # :LspGotoImpl cursor(21, 6) :LspGotoImpl assert_equal([12, 11], [line('.'), col('.')]) exe "normal! \" assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) # FIXME: The following tests are failing in Github CI. Comment out for now. if 0 # Error cases :messages clear cursor(11, 5) :LspGotoDeclaration var m = execute('messages')->split("\n") assert_equal('symbol declaration is not found', m[1]) :messages clear :LspGotoDefinition m = execute('messages')->split("\n") assert_equal('symbol definition is not found', m[1]) :messages clear :LspGotoImpl m = execute('messages')->split("\n") assert_equal('symbol implementation is not found', m[1]) :messages clear endif # Test for LspPeekDeclaration cursor(21, 6) var bnum = bufnr() :LspPeekDeclaration var plist = popup_list() assert_true(1, plist->len()) assert_equal(bnum, plist[0]->winbufnr()) assert_equal(3, line('.', plist[0])) popup_clear() # tag stack should not be changed assert_fails("normal! \", 'E555:') # Test for LspPeekDefinition :LspPeekDefinition plist = popup_list() assert_true(1, plist->len()) assert_equal(bnum, plist[0]->winbufnr()) assert_equal(6, line('.', plist[0])) popup_clear() # tag stack should not be changed assert_fails("normal! \", 'E555:') # FIXME: :LspPeekTypeDef and :LspPeekImpl are supported only with clang-14. # This clangd version is not available in Github CI. :%bw! # empty file assert_equal('', execute('LspGotoDefinition')) assert_equal('', execute('LspGotoDeclaration')) assert_equal('', execute('LspGotoImpl')) # file without an LSP server edit a.raku assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "definition" feature is not found', execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n")[0]) assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "declaration" feature is not found', execute('LspGotoDeclaration')->split("\n")[0]) assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "implementation" feature is not found', execute('LspGotoImpl')->split("\n")[0]) :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspHighlight def g:Test_LspHighlight() silent! edit XLspHighlight.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void f1(int arg) { int i = arg; arg = 2; if (arg == 2) { arg = 3; } } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) cursor(1, 13) :LspHighlight var expected: dict expected = {id: 0, col: 13, end: 1, type: 'LspTextRef', length: 3, start: 1} expected.type_bufnr = 0 assert_equal([expected], prop_list(1)) expected = {id: 0, col: 11, end: 1, type: 'LspReadRef', length: 3, start: 1} expected.type_bufnr = 0 assert_equal([expected], prop_list(3)) expected = {id: 0, col: 3, end: 1, type: 'LspWriteRef', length: 3, start: 1} expected.type_bufnr = 0 assert_equal([expected], prop_list(4)) :LspHighlightClear assert_equal([], prop_list(1)) assert_equal([], prop_list(3)) assert_equal([], prop_list(4)) cursor(5, 3) # if (arg == 2) { var output = execute('LspHighlight')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No highlight for the current position', output[0]) :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspHover def g:Test_LspHover() silent! edit XLspHover.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END int f1(int a) { return 0; } void f2(void) { f1(5); char *z = "z"; f1(z); } END setline(1, lines) if clangdVerMajor > 14 g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1) else g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) endif cursor(8, 4) var output = execute(':LspHover')->split("\n") assert_equal([], output) var p: list = popup_list() assert_equal(1, p->len()) assert_equal(['### function `f1` ', '', '---', '→ `int` ', 'Parameters: ', '- `int a`', '', '---', '```cpp', 'int f1(int a)', '```'], getbufline(winbufnr(p[0]), 1, '$')) popup_close(p[0]) cursor(7, 1) output = execute(':LspHover')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: No documentation found for current keyword', output[0]) output = execute(':silent LspHover')->split("\n") assert_equal([], output) assert_equal([], popup_list()) # Show current diagnostic as to open another popup. # Then we can test that LspHover closes all existing popups cursor(10, 6) :LspDiag current assert_equal(1, popup_list()->len()) :LspHover assert_equal(1, popup_list()->len()) popup_clear() # Show hover information in a preview window g:LspOptionsSet({hoverInPreview: true}) cursor(8, 4) :LspHover assert_equal([2, 2, 'preview'], [winnr('$'), winnr(), win_gettype(1)]) assert_equal('LspHover', winbufnr(1)->bufname()) cursor(9, 9) :LspHover assert_equal([2, 2, 'preview'], [winnr('$'), winnr(), win_gettype(1)]) g:LspOptionsSet({hoverInPreview: false}) :pclose :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspShowSignature def g:Test_LspShowSignature() silent! edit XLspShowSignature.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END int MyFunc(int a, int b) { return 0; } void f2(void) { MyFunc( } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(2) cursor(8, 10) :LspShowSignature var p: list = popup_list() var bnr: number = winbufnr(p[0]) assert_equal(1, p->len()) assert_equal(['MyFunc(int a, int b) -> int'], getbufline(bnr, 1, '$')) var expected: dict expected = {id: 0, col: 8, end: 1, type: 'signature', length: 5, start: 1} expected.type_bufnr = bnr assert_equal([expected], prop_list(1, {bufnr: bnr})) popup_close(p[0]) setline(line('.'), ' MyFunc(10, ') cursor(8, 13) :LspShowSignature p = popup_list() bnr = winbufnr(p[0]) assert_equal(1, p->len()) assert_equal(['MyFunc(int a, int b) -> int'], getbufline(bnr, 1, '$')) expected = {id: 0, col: 15, end: 1, type: 'signature', length: 5, start: 1} expected.type_bufnr = bnr assert_equal([expected], prop_list(1, {bufnr: bnr})) popup_close(p[0]) :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspSymbolSearch def g:Test_LspSymbolSearch() silent! edit XLspSymbolSearch.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void lsptest_funcA() { } void lsptest_funcB() { } void lsptest_funcC() { } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) cursor(1, 1) feedkeys(":LspSymbolSearch lsptest_funcB\", "xt") assert_equal([5, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) cursor(1, 1) feedkeys(":LspSymbolSearch lsptest_func\\\\", "xt") assert_equal([9, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) cursor(1, 1) feedkeys(":LspSymbolSearch lsptest_func\A\B\", "xt") assert_equal([5, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) var output = execute(':LspSymbolSearch lsptest_nonexist')->split("\n") assert_equal('Warn: Symbol "lsptest_nonexist" is not found', output[0]) :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspIncomingCalls def g:Test_LspIncomingCalls() silent! edit XLspIncomingCalls.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void xFuncIncoming(void) { } void aFuncIncoming(void) { xFuncIncoming(); } void bFuncIncoming(void) { xFuncIncoming(); } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) cursor(1, 6) :LspIncomingCalls assert_equal([1, 2], [winnr(), winnr('$')]) var l = getline(1, '$') assert_equal('# Incoming calls to "xFuncIncoming"', l[0]) assert_match('- xFuncIncoming (XLspIncomingCalls.c \[.*\])', l[1]) assert_match(' + aFuncIncoming (XLspIncomingCalls.c \[.*\])', l[2]) assert_match(' + bFuncIncoming (XLspIncomingCalls.c \[.*\])', l[3]) :%bw! enddef # Test for :LspOutline def g:Test_LspOutline() silent! edit XLspOutline.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void aFuncOutline(void) { } void bFuncOutline(void) { } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) var winid = win_getid() :LspOutline assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) var bnum = winbufnr(winid + 1) assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum)) assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$')) # Validate position vert topleft assert_equal(['row', [['leaf', winid + 1], ['leaf', winid]]], winlayout()) # Validate default width is 20 assert_equal(20, winwidth(winid + 1)) execute $':{bnum}bw' # Validate position vert botright g:LspOptionsSet({outlineOnRight: true}) :LspOutline assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) bnum = winbufnr(winid + 2) assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum)) assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$')) assert_equal(['row', [['leaf', winid], ['leaf', winid + 2]]], winlayout()) g:LspOptionsSet({outlineOnRight: false}) execute $':{bnum}bw' # Validate position botright (below) :botright LspOutline assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) bnum = winbufnr(winid + 3) assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum)) assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$')) assert_equal(['col', [['leaf', winid], ['leaf', winid + 3]]], winlayout()) execute $':{bnum}bw' # Validate that outlineWinSize works for LspOutline g:LspOptionsSet({outlineWinSize: 40}) :LspOutline assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) bnum = winbufnr(winid + 4) assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum)) assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$')) assert_equal(40, winwidth(winid + 4)) execute $':{bnum}bw' g:LspOptionsSet({outlineWinSize: 20}) # Validate that works for LspOutline :37LspOutline assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) bnum = winbufnr(winid + 5) assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum)) assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$')) assert_equal(37, winwidth(winid + 5)) execute $':{bnum}bw' :%bw! enddef # Test for setting the 'tagfunc' def g:Test_LspTagFunc() var lines: list =<< trim END void aFuncTag(void) { xFuncTag(); } void bFuncTag(void) { xFuncTag(); } void xFuncTag(void) { } END writefile(lines, 'Xtagfunc.c') :silent! edit Xtagfunc.c g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1) :setlocal tagfunc=lsp#lsp#TagFunc cursor(3, 4) :exe "normal \" assert_equal([11, 6], [line('.'), col('.')]) cursor(1, 1) assert_fails('exe "normal \"', 'E433:') :set tagfunc& :%bw! delete('Xtagfunc.c') enddef # Test for the LspDiagsUpdated autocmd def g:Test_LspDiagsUpdated_Autocmd() g:LspAutoCmd = 0 autocmd_add([{event: 'User', pattern: 'LspDiagsUpdated', cmd: 'g:LspAutoCmd = g:LspAutoCmd + 1'}]) silent! edit XLspDiagsAutocmd.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void aFuncDiag(void) { return; } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) setline(3, ' return:') redraw! g:WaitForDiags(1) setline(3, ' return;') redraw! g:WaitForDiags(0) :%bw! autocmd_delete([{event: 'User', pattern: 'LspDiagsUpdated'}]) assert_equal(5, g:LspAutoCmd) enddef # Test custom notification handlers def g:Test_LspCustomNotificationHandlers() g:LSPTest_customNotificationHandlerReplied = false silent! edit XcustomNotification.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END int a = 1; int main(void) { return a; } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForAssert(() => assert_equal(true, g:LSPTest_customNotificationHandlerReplied)) :%bw! enddef def g:Test_ScanFindIdent() :silent! edit XscanFindIdent.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END int countFI; int fnFI(int a) { int hello; hello = a; return countFI + 1; } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) :redraw! # LspGotoDefinition et al cursor(5, 10) assert_equal([], execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n")) assert_equal([2, 14], [line('.'), col('.')]) cursor(6, 10) assert_equal([], execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n")) assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')]) # LspShowReferences cursor(6, 10) assert_equal([], execute('LspShowReferences')->split("\n")) :lclose # LspRename cursor(6, 10) assert_equal([], execute('LspRename counterFI')->split("\n")) sleep 100m assert_equal('int counterFI;', getline(1)) assert_equal(' return counterFI + 1;', getline(6)) :%bw! enddef # Test for doing omni completion from the first column def g:Test_OmniComplete_FirstColumn() :silent! edit XOmniCompleteFirstColumn.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END typedef struct Foo_ { } Foo_t; #define FOO 1 END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) redraw! feedkeys("G0i\\", 'xt') assert_equal('Foo_t#define FOO 1', getline('.')) :%bw! enddef # Test for doing omni completion with a multibyte character def g:Test_OmniComplete_Multibyte() :silent! edit XOmniCompleteMultibyte.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END #include void Fn(void) { int thisVar = 1; int len = strlen("©©©©©") + thisVar; } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) redraw! cursor(5, 36) feedkeys("cwthis\\", 'xt') assert_equal(' int len = strlen("©©©©©") + thisVar;', getline('.')) :%bw! enddef # Test for doing omni completion for a struct field def g:Test_OmniComplete_Struct() :silent! edit XOmniCompleteStruct.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END struct test_ { int foo; int bar; int baz; }; void Fn(void) { struct test_ myTest; struct test_ *pTest; = 10; pTest->bar = 20; } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) redraw! cursor(10, 12) feedkeys("cwb\\\\", 'xt') assert_equal(' myTest.baz = 10;', getline('.')) cursor(11, 12) feedkeys("cw\\\\", 'xt') assert_equal(' pTest->baz = 20;', getline('.')) :%bw! enddef # Test for doing omni completion after an opening parenthesis. # This used to result in an error message. def g:Test_OmniComplete_AfterParen() :silent! edit XOmniCompleteAfterParen.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END #include void Fn(void) { printf( } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(2) redraw! cursor(4, 1) feedkeys("A\\\", 'xt') assert_equal(' printf(', getline('.')) :%bw! enddef # Test for inlay hints def g:Test_InlayHints() :silent! edit XinlayHints.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void func1(int a, int b) { } void func2() { func1(10, 20); } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0) redraw! assert_equal([], prop_list(7)) :LspInlayHints enable var p = prop_list(7) assert_equal([9, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[0].col, p[0].type]) assert_equal([13, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[1].col, p[1].type]) :LspInlayHints disable assert_equal([], prop_list(7)) g:LspOptionsSet({showInlayHints: true}) assert_equal([9, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[0].col, p[0].type]) assert_equal([13, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[1].col, p[1].type]) g:LspOptionsSet({showInlayHints: false}) assert_equal([], prop_list(7)) :hide enew :LspInlayHints enable :bprev assert_equal([9, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[0].col, p[0].type]) assert_equal([13, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[1].col, p[1].type]) :hide enew :LspInlayHints disable :bprev assert_equal([], prop_list(7)) :%bw! enddef # Test for reloading a modified buffer with diags def g:Test_ReloadBufferWithDiags() var lines: list =<< trim END void ReloadBufferFunc1(void) { int a: } END writefile(lines, 'Xreloadbuffer.c') :silent! edit Xreloadbuffer.c g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1) var signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs assert_equal(3, signs[0].lnum) append(0, ['', '']) signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs assert_equal(5, signs[0].lnum) :edit! sleep 200m signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs assert_equal(3, signs[0].lnum) :%bw! delete('Xreloadbuffer.c') enddef # Test for ":LspDiag" sub commands def g:Test_LspDiagsSubcmd() new XLspDiagsSubCmd.raku feedkeys(":LspDiag \\", 'xt') assert_equal('LspDiag first current here highlight last next nextWrap prev prevWrap show', @:) feedkeys(":LspDiag highlight \\", 'xt') assert_equal('LspDiag highlight enable disable', @:) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "xyz"'], execute('LspDiag xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "first xyz"'], execute('LspDiag first xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "current xyz"'], execute('LspDiag current xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "here xyz"'], execute('LspDiag here xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Argument required for ":LspDiag highlight"'], execute('LspDiag highlight')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag highlight - Unsupported argument "xyz"'], execute('LspDiag highlight xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag highlight - Unsupported argument "enable xyz"'], execute('LspDiag highlight enable xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "last xyz"'], execute('LspDiag last xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "next xyz"'], execute('LspDiag next xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "prev xyz"'], execute('LspDiag prev xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "show xyz"'], execute('LspDiag show xyz')->split("\n")) :%bw! enddef # Test for the :LspServer command. def g:Test_LspServer() new a.raku assert_equal(['Warn: No Lsp servers found for "a.raku"'], execute('LspServer debug on')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Warn: No Lsp servers found for "a.raku"'], execute('LspServer restart')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Warn: No Lsp servers found for "a.raku"'], execute('LspServer show status')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Warn: No Lsp servers found for "a.raku"'], execute('LspServer trace verbose')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: LspServer - Unsupported argument "xyz"'], execute('LspServer xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Argument required for ":LspServer debug"'], execute('LspServer debug')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "xyz"'], execute('LspServer debug xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "on xyz"'], execute('LspServer debug on xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Argument required for ":LspServer show"'], execute('LspServer show')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "xyz"'], execute('LspServer show xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "status xyz"'], execute('LspServer show status xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Argument required for ":LspServer trace"'], execute('LspServer trace')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "xyz"'], execute('LspServer trace xyz')->split("\n")) assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "verbose xyz"'], execute('LspServer trace verbose xyz')->split("\n")) :%bw! enddef # Test for the diagnostics virtual text text property def g:Test_DiagVirtualText() if !has('patch-9.0.1157') # Doesn't support virtual text return endif g:LspOptionsSet({highlightDiagInline: false}) :silent! edit XdiagVirtualText.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void DiagVirtualTextFunc1() { int i: } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1) redraw! var p = prop_list(1, {end_lnum: line('$')}) assert_equal(0, p->len()) g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagWithVirtualText: true}) p = prop_list(1, {end_lnum: line('$')}) assert_equal(1, p->len()) assert_equal([3, 'LspDiagVirtualTextError'], [p[0].lnum, p[0].type]) g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagWithVirtualText: false}) p = prop_list(1, {end_lnum: line('$')}) assert_equal(0, p->len()) g:LspOptionsSet({highlightDiagInline: true}) :%bw! enddef # Test for enabling and disabling the "showDiagWithSign" option. def g:Test_DiagSigns() :silent! edit Xdiagsigns.c sleep 200m var lines: list =<< trim END void DiagSignsFunc1(void) { int a: } END setline(1, lines) g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1) redraw! var signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs assert_equal([1, 3], [signs->len(), signs[0].lnum]) g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagWithSign: false}) signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs assert_equal([], signs) g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagWithSign: true}) signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs assert_equal([1, 3], [signs->len(), signs[0].lnum]) # Test for enabling/disabling "autoHighlightDiags" g:LspOptionsSet({autoHighlightDiags: false}) signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs assert_equal([], signs) g:LspOptionsSet({autoHighlightDiags: true}) signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs assert_equal([1, 3], [signs->len(), signs[0].lnum]) :%bw! enddef # TODO: # 1. Add a test for autocompletion with a single match while ignoring case. # After the full matched name is typed, the completion popup should still # be displayed. e.g. # # int MyVar = 1; # int abc = myvar # 2. Add a test for jumping to a non-existing symbol definition, declaration. # Start the C language server. Returns true on success and false on failure. def g:StartLangServer(): bool return g:StartLangServerWithFile('Xtest.c') enddef # vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab