vim9script # LSP completion related functions import './util.vim' import './buffer.vim' as buf import './options.vim' as opt import './textedit.vim' import './snippet.vim' import './codeaction.vim' # per-filetype omni-completion enabled/disabled table var ftypeOmniCtrlMap: dict = {} var defaultKinds: dict = { 'Text': 't', 'Method': 'm', 'Function': 'f', 'Constructor': 'C', 'Field': 'F', 'Variable': 'v', 'Class': 'c', 'Interface': 'i', 'Module': 'M', 'Property': 'p', 'Unit': 'u', 'Value': 'V', 'Enum': 'e', 'Keyword': 'k', 'Snippet': 'S', 'Color': 'C', 'File': 'f', 'Reference': 'r', 'Folder': 'F', 'EnumMember': 'E', 'Constant': 'd', 'Struct': 's', 'Event': 'E', 'Operator': 'o', 'TypeParameter': 'T', 'Buffer': 'B', } # Returns true if omni-completion is enabled for filetype "ftype". # Otherwise, returns false. def LspOmniComplEnabled(ftype: string): bool return ftypeOmniCtrlMap->get(ftype, false) enddef # Enables or disables omni-completion for filetype "fype" export def OmniComplSet(ftype: string, enabled: bool) ftypeOmniCtrlMap->extend({[ftype]: enabled}) enddef # Map LSP complete item kind to a character def LspCompleteItemKindChar(kind: number): string var kindMap: list = [ '', 'Text', 'Method', 'Function', 'Constructor', 'Field', 'Variable', 'Class', 'Interface', 'Module', 'Property', 'Unit', 'Value', 'Enum', 'Keyword', 'Snippet', 'Color', 'File', 'Reference', 'Folder', 'EnumMember', 'Constant', 'Struct', 'Event', 'Operator', 'TypeParameter', 'Buffer' ] if kind > 26 return '' endif var kindName = kindMap[kind] var kindValue = defaultKinds[kindName] var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions if lspOpts.customCompletionKinds && lspOpts.completionKinds->has_key(kindName) kindValue = lspOpts.completionKinds[kindName] endif return kindValue enddef # Remove all the snippet placeholders from "str" and return the value. # Based on a similar function in the vim-lsp plugin. def MakeValidWord(str_arg: string): string var str = str_arg->substitute('\$[0-9]\+\|\${\%(\\.\|[^}]\)\+}', '', 'g') str = str->substitute('\\\(.\)', '\1', 'g') var valid = str->matchstr('^[^"'' (<{\[\t\r\n]\+') if valid->empty() return str endif if valid =~ ':$' return valid[: -2] endif return valid enddef # add completion from current buf def CompletionFromBuffer(items: list>) var words = {} var start = reltime() var timeout = opt.lspOptions.bufferCompletionTimeout var linenr = 1 for line in getline(1, '$') for word in line->split('\W\+') if !words->has_key(word) && word->len() > 1 words[word] = 1 items->add({ label: word, data: { entryNames: [word], }, kind: 26, documentation: "", }) endif endfor # Check every 200 lines if timeout is exceeded if timeout > 0 && linenr % 200 == 0 && start->reltime()->reltimefloat() * 1000 > timeout break endif linenr += 1 endfor enddef # process the 'textDocument/completion' reply from the LSP server # Result: CompletionItem[] | CompletionList | null export def CompletionReply(lspserver: dict, cItems: any) lspserver.completeItemsIsIncomplete = false if cItems->empty() if lspserver.omniCompletePending lspserver.completeItems = [] lspserver.omniCompletePending = false endif return endif var items: list> if cItems->type() == v:t_list items = cItems else items = cItems.items lspserver.completeItemsIsIncomplete = cItems->get('isIncomplete', false) endif var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions # Get the keyword prefix before the current cursor column. var chcol = charcol('.') var starttext = chcol == 1 ? '' : getline('.')[ : chcol - 2] var [prefix, start_idx, end_idx] = starttext->matchstrpos('\k*$') if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_ICASE prefix = prefix->tolower() endif var start_col = start_idx + 1 if lspOpts.ultisnipsSupport snippet.CompletionUltiSnips(prefix, items) elseif lspOpts.vsnipSupport snippet.CompletionVsnip(items) endif if lspOpts.useBufferCompletion CompletionFromBuffer(items) endif var completeItems: list> = [] var itemsUsed: list = [] for item in items var d: dict = {} # TODO: Add proper support for item.textEdit.newText and # item.textEdit.range. Keep in mind that item.textEdit.range can start # way before the typed keyword. if item->has_key('textEdit') && lspOpts.completionMatcherValue != opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_FUZZY var start_charcol: number if !prefix->empty() start_charcol = charidx(starttext, start_idx) + 1 else start_charcol = chcol endif var textEdit = item.textEdit var textEditRange: dict = {} if textEdit->has_key('range') textEditRange = textEdit.range elseif textEdit->has_key('insert') textEditRange = textEdit.insert endif var textEditStartCol = util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bufnr(), textEditRange.start) if textEditStartCol != start_charcol var offset = start_charcol - textEditStartCol - 1 d.word = textEdit.newText[offset : ] else d.word = textEdit.newText endif elseif item->has_key('insertText') d.word = item.insertText else d.word = item.label endif if item->get('insertTextFormat', 1) == 2 # snippet completion. Needs a snippet plugin to expand the snippet. # Remove all the snippet placeholders d.word = MakeValidWord(d.word) elseif !lspserver.completeItemsIsIncomplete || lspOpts.useBufferCompletion # Filter items only when "isIncomplete" is set (otherwise server would # have done the filtering) or when buffer completion is enabled # plain text completion if !prefix->empty() # If the completion item text doesn't start with the current (case # ignored) keyword prefix, skip it. var filterText: string = item->get('filterText', d.word) if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_ICASE if filterText->tolower()->stridx(prefix) != 0 continue endif # If the completion item text doesn't fuzzy match with the current # keyword prefix, skip it. elseif lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_FUZZY if matchfuzzy([filterText], prefix)->empty() continue endif # If the completion item text doesn't start with the current keyword # prefix, skip it. else if filterText->stridx(prefix) != 0 continue endif endif endif endif d.abbr = item.label d.dup = 1 if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_ICASE d.icase = 1 endif if item->has_key('kind') && item.kind != null # namespace CompletionItemKind # map LSP kind to complete-item-kind d.kind = LspCompleteItemKindChar(item.kind) endif if lspserver.completionLazyDoc = 'Lazy doc' else if item->has_key('detail') && !item.detail->empty() # Solve a issue where if a server send a detail field # with a "\n", on the menu will be everything joined with # a "^@" separating it. (example: clangd) = item.detail->split("\n")[0] endif if item->has_key('documentation') var itemDoc = item.documentation if itemDoc->type() == v:t_string && !itemDoc->empty() = itemDoc elseif itemDoc->type() == v:t_dict && itemDoc.value->type() == v:t_string = itemDoc.value endif endif endif # Score is used for sorting. d.score = item->get('sortText') if d.score->empty() d.score = item->get('label', '') endif # Dont include duplicate items if lspOpts.filterCompletionDuplicates var key = d->get('word', '') .. d->get('info', '') .. d->get('kind', '') .. d->get('score', '') .. d->get('abbr', '') .. d->get('dup', '') if index(itemsUsed, key) != -1 continue endif add(itemsUsed, key) endif d.user_data = item completeItems->add(d) endfor if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue != opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_FUZZY # Lexographical sort (case-insensitive). completeItems->sort((a, b) => a.score == b.score ? 0 : a.score >? b.score ? 1 : -1) endif if lspOpts.autoComplete && !lspserver.omniCompletePending if completeItems->empty() # no matches return endif var m = mode() if m != 'i' && m != 'R' && m != 'Rv' # If not in insert or replace mode, then don't start the completion return endif if completeItems->len() == 1 && getline('.')->matchstr($'\C{completeItems[0].word}\>') != '' # only one complete match. No need to show the completion popup return endif completeItems->complete(start_col) else lspserver.completeItems = completeItems lspserver.omniCompletePending = false endif enddef # Check if completion item is selected def CheckCompletionItemSel(label: string): bool var cInfo = complete_info() if cInfo->empty() || !cInfo.pum_visible || cInfo.selected == -1 return false endif var selItem = cInfo.items->get(cInfo.selected, {}) if selItem->empty() || selItem->type() != v:t_dict || selItem.user_data->type() != v:t_dict || selItem.user_data.label != label return false endif return true enddef # Process the completion documentation def ShowCompletionDocumentation(cItem: any) if cItem->empty() || cItem->type() != v:t_dict return endif # check if completion item is still selected if !CheckCompletionItemSel(cItem.label) return endif var infoText: list var infoKind: string if cItem->has_key('detail') && !cItem.detail->empty() # Solve a issue where if a server send the detail field with "\n", # on the completion popup, everything will be joined with "^@" # (example: typescript-language-server) infoText->extend(cItem.detail->split("\n")) endif if cItem->has_key('documentation') if !infoText->empty() infoText->extend(['- - -']) endif var cItemDoc = cItem.documentation if cItemDoc->type() == v:t_dict # MarkupContent if cItemDoc.kind == 'plaintext' infoText->extend(cItemDoc.value->split("\n")) infoKind = 'text' elseif cItemDoc.kind == 'markdown' infoText->extend(cItemDoc.value->split("\n")) infoKind = 'lspgfm' else util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported documentation type ({cItemDoc.kind})') return endif elseif cItemDoc->type() == v:t_string infoText->extend(cItemDoc->split("\n")) else util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported documentation ({cItemDoc->string()})') return endif endif if infoText->empty() return endif # check if completion item is changed in meantime if !CheckCompletionItemSel(cItem.label) return endif # autoComplete or &omnifunc with &completeopt =~ 'popup' var id = popup_findinfo() if id > 0 var bufnr = id->winbufnr() id->popup_settext(infoText) infoKind->setbufvar(bufnr, '&ft') id->popup_show() else # &omnifunc with &completeopt =~ 'preview' try :wincmd P :setlocal modifiable bufnr()->deletebufline(1, '$') infoText->append(0) [1, 1]->cursor() exe $'setlocal ft={infoKind}' :wincmd p catch /E441/ # No preview window endtry endif enddef # process the 'completionItem/resolve' reply from the LSP server # Result: CompletionItem export def CompletionResolveReply(lspserver: dict, cItem: any) ShowCompletionDocumentation(cItem) enddef # Return trigger kind and trigger char. If completion trigger is not a keyword # and not one of the triggerCharacters, return -1 for triggerKind. def GetTriggerAttributes(lspserver: dict): list var triggerKind: number = 1 var triggerChar: string = '' # Trigger kind is 1 for keyword and 2 for trigger char initiated completion. var line: string = getline('.') var cur_col = charcol('.') if line[cur_col - 2] !~ '\k' var trigChars = lspserver.completionTriggerChars var trigidx = trigChars->index(line[cur_col - 2]) if trigidx == -1 triggerKind = -1 else triggerKind = 2 triggerChar = trigChars[trigidx] endif endif return [triggerKind, triggerChar] enddef # omni complete handler def g:LspOmniFunc(findstart: number, base: string): any var lspserver: dict = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('completion') if lspserver->empty() return -2 endif if findstart var [triggerKind, triggerChar] = GetTriggerAttributes(lspserver) if triggerKind < 0 # previous character is not a keyword character or a trigger character, # so cancel omni completion. return -2 endif # first send all the changes in the current buffer to the LSP server listener_flush() lspserver.omniCompletePending = true lspserver.completeItems = [] # initiate a request to LSP server to get list of completions lspserver.getCompletion(triggerKind, triggerChar) # locate the start of the word var line = getline('.')->strpart(0, col('.') - 1) var keyword = line->matchstr('\k\+$') lspserver.omniCompleteKeyword = keyword return line->len() - keyword->len() else # Wait for the list of matches from the LSP server var count: number = 0 while lspserver.omniCompletePending && count < 1000 if complete_check() return v:none endif sleep 2m count += 1 endwhile if lspserver.omniCompletePending return v:none endif var res: list> = lspserver.completeItems var prefix = lspserver.omniCompleteKeyword # Don't attempt to filter on the items, when "isIncomplete" is set if prefix->empty() || lspserver.completeItemsIsIncomplete return res endif var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_FUZZY return res->matchfuzzy(prefix, { key: 'word' }) endif if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_ICASE return res->filter((i, v) => v.word->tolower()->stridx(prefix->tolower()) == 0) endif return res->filter((i, v) => v.word->stridx(prefix) == 0) endif enddef # For plugins that implement async completion this function indicates if # omnifunc is waiting for LSP response. def g:LspOmniCompletePending(): bool var lspserver: dict = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('completion') return !lspserver->empty() && lspserver.omniCompletePending enddef # Insert mode completion handler. Used when 24x7 completion is enabled # (default). def LspComplete() var lspserver: dict = buf.CurbufGetServer('completion') if lspserver->empty() || !lspserver.running || !lspserver.ready return endif var [triggerKind, triggerChar] = GetTriggerAttributes(lspserver) if triggerKind < 0 return endif # first send all the changes in the current buffer to the LSP server listener_flush() # initiate a request to LSP server to get list of completions lspserver.getCompletion(triggerKind, triggerChar) enddef # Lazy complete documentation handler def LspResolve() var lspserver: dict = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('completion') if lspserver->empty() return endif var item = v:event.completed_item if item->has_key('user_data') && !item.user_data->empty() if item.user_data->type() == v:t_dict && !item.user_data->has_key('documentation') lspserver.resolveCompletion(item.user_data) else ShowCompletionDocumentation(item.user_data) endif endif enddef # If the completion popup documentation window displays "markdown" content, # then set the 'filetype' to "lspgfm". def LspSetPopupFileType() var item = v:event.completed_item var cItem = item->get('user_data', {}) if cItem->empty() return endif if cItem->type() != v:t_dict || !cItem->has_key('documentation') \ || cItem.documentation->type() != v:t_dict \ || cItem.documentation.kind != 'markdown' return endif var id = popup_findinfo() if id > 0 var bnum = id->winbufnr() setbufvar(bnum, '&ft', 'lspgfm') endif enddef # complete done handler (LSP server-initiated actions after completion) def LspCompleteDone(bnr: number) var lspserver: dict = buf.BufLspServerGet(bnr, 'completion') if lspserver->empty() return endif if v:completed_item->type() != v:t_dict return endif var completionData: any = v:completed_item->get('user_data', '') if completionData->type() != v:t_dict || !opt.lspOptions.completionTextEdit return endif if !completionData->has_key('additionalTextEdits') # Some language servers (e.g. typescript) delay the computation of the # additional text edits. So try to resolve the completion item now to get # the text edits. completionData = lspserver.resolveCompletion(completionData, true) endif if !completionData->get('additionalTextEdits', {})->empty() textedit.ApplyTextEdits(bnr, completionData.additionalTextEdits) endif if completionData->has_key('command') # Some language servers (e.g. haskell-language-server) want to apply # additional commands after completion. codeaction.DoCommand(lspserver, completionData.command) endif enddef # Initialize buffer-local completion options and autocmds export def BufferInit(lspserver: dict, bnr: number, ftype: string) if !lspserver.isCompletionProvider # no support for completion return endif if !opt.lspOptions.autoComplete && !LspOmniComplEnabled(ftype) && !opt.lspOptions.omniComplete # LSP auto/omni completion support is not enabled for this buffer return endif # buffer-local autocmds for completion var acmds: list> = [] # set options for insert mode completion if opt.lspOptions.autoComplete if lspserver.completionLazyDoc setbufvar(bnr, '&completeopt', 'menuone,popuphidden,noinsert,noselect') else setbufvar(bnr, '&completeopt', 'menuone,popup,noinsert,noselect') endif setbufvar(bnr, '&completepopup', 'width:80,highlight:Pmenu,align:item,border:off') # in insert mode stops completion and inserts a if !opt.lspOptions.noNewlineInCompletion :inoremap pumvisible() ? "\\" : "\" endif # Trigger 24x7 insert mode completion when text is changed acmds->add({bufnr: bnr, event: 'TextChangedI', group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds', cmd: 'LspComplete()'}) endif if LspOmniComplEnabled(ftype) setbufvar(bnr, '&omnifunc', 'g:LspOmniFunc') endif if lspserver.completionLazyDoc # resolve additional documentation for a selected item acmds->add({bufnr: bnr, event: 'CompleteChanged', group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds', cmd: 'LspResolve()'}) endif acmds->add({bufnr: bnr, event: 'CompleteChanged', group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds', cmd: 'LspSetPopupFileType()'}) # Execute LSP server initiated text edits after completion acmds->add({bufnr: bnr, event: 'CompleteDone', group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds', cmd: $'LspCompleteDone({bnr})'}) autocmd_add(acmds) enddef # Buffer "bnr" is loaded in a window. If omni-completion is enabled for this # buffer, then set the 'omnifunc' option. export def BufferLoadedInWin(bnr: number) if !opt.lspOptions.autoComplete && LspOmniComplEnabled(bnr->getbufvar('&filetype')) setbufvar(bnr, '&omnifunc', 'g:LspOmniFunc') endif enddef # vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2