path: root/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp
diff options
authorMarc Coquand <>2024-07-01 21:26:30 -0500
committerMarc Coquand <>2024-07-01 21:26:30 -0500
commit0a20357d4585da91d92252972f3eb7b715ff64ab (patch)
treec1e228d72b6331e89f72d99a1ba4ba1807d60381 /vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '')
47 files changed, 16495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/.gitignore b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/.gitignore
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--- /dev/null
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+# test/Xtest.c
+# test/Xtest.cpp
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/LICENSE b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/LICENSE
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index 0000000..9e55f93
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+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/LICENSE
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+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Yegappan Lakshmanan
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/
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+Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for Vim. You need Vim version 9.0 or above to use this plugin. This plugin is written using only the Vim9 script.
+## Installation
+You can install this plugin directly from github using the following steps:
+$ mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt
+$ cd $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt
+$ git clone
+$ vim -u NONE -c "helptags $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc" -c q
+After installing the plugin using the above steps, add the following line to
+your $HOME/.vimrc file:
+packadd lsp
+You can also install and manage this plugin using any one of the Vim plugin managers (dein.vim, pathogen, vam, vim-plug, volt, Vundle, etc.).
+You will also need to download and install one or more language servers corresponding to the programming languages that you are using. Refer to the page for the list of available language servers. This plugin doesn't install the language servers.
+## Features
+The following language server protocol (LSP) features are supported:
+* Code completion
+* Jump to definition, declaration, implementation, type definition
+* Peek definition, declaration, implementation, type definition and references
+* Display warning and error diagnostics
+* Find all symbol references
+* Document and Workspace symbol search
+* Display code outline
+* Rename symbol
+* Display type and documentation on hover
+* Signature help
+* Code action
+* Display Call hierarchy
+* Display Type hierarchy
+* Highlight current symbol references
+* Formatting code
+* Folding code
+* Inlay hints
+* Visually select symbol block/region
+* Semantic Highlight
+## Configuration
+To use the plugin features with a particular file type(s), you need to first register a LSP server for that file type(s).
+The LSP servers are registered using the LspAddServer() function. This function accepts a list of LSP servers.
+To register a LSP server, add the following lines to your .vimrc file (use only the LSP servers that you need from the below list). If you used [vim-plug]( to install the LSP plugin, the steps are described later in this section.
+" Clangd language server
+call LspAddServer([#{
+ \ name: 'clangd',
+ \ filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
+ \ path: '/usr/local/bin/clangd',
+ \ args: ['--background-index']
+ \ }])
+" Javascript/Typescript language server
+call LspAddServer([#{
+ \ name: 'typescriptlang',
+ \ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ \ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ \ args: ['--stdio'],
+ \ }])
+" Go language server
+call LspAddServer([#{
+ \ name: 'golang',
+ \ filetype: ['go', 'gomod'],
+ \ path: '/usr/local/bin/gopls',
+ \ args: ['serve'],
+ \ syncInit: v:true
+ \ }])
+" Rust language server
+call LspAddServer([#{
+ \ name: 'rustlang',
+ \ filetype: ['rust'],
+ \ path: '/usr/local/bin/rust-analyzer',
+ \ args: [],
+ \ syncInit: v:true
+ \ }])
+The above lines register the language servers for C/C++, Javascript/Typescript, Go and Rust file types. Refer to the [Wiki]( page for various language server specific configuration.
+To register a LSP server, the following information is needed:
+filetype|One or more file types supported by the LSP server. This can be a String or a List. To specify multiple multiple file types, use a List.
+path|complete path to the LSP server executable (without any arguments).
+args|a list of command-line arguments passed to the LSP server. Each argument is a separate List item.
+initializationOptions|User provided initialization options. May be of any type. For example the *intelephense* PHP language server accept several options here with the License Key among others.
+customNotificationHandlers|A dictionary of notifications and functions that can be specified to add support for custom language server notifications.
+customRequestHandlers|A dictionary of request handlers and functions that can be specified to add support for custom language server requests replies.
+features|A dictionary of booleans that can be specified to toggle what things a given LSP is providing (folding, goto definition, etc) This is useful when running multiple servers in one buffer.
+The LspAddServer() function accepts a list of LSP servers with the above information.
+Some of the LSP plugin features can be enabled or disabled by using the LspOptionsSet() function, detailed in `:help lsp-options`.
+Here is an example of configuration with default values:
+call LspOptionsSet(#{
+ \ aleSupport: v:false,
+ \ autoComplete: v:true,
+ \ autoHighlight: v:false,
+ \ autoHighlightDiags: v:true,
+ \ autoPopulateDiags: v:false,
+ \ completionMatcher: 'case',
+ \ completionMatcherValue: 1,
+ \ diagSignErrorText: 'E>',
+ \ diagSignHintText: 'H>',
+ \ diagSignInfoText: 'I>',
+ \ diagSignWarningText: 'W>',
+ \ echoSignature: v:false,
+ \ hideDisabledCodeActions: v:false,
+ \ highlightDiagInline: v:true,
+ \ hoverInPreview: v:false,
+ \ ignoreMissingServer: v:false,
+ \ keepFocusInDiags: v:true,
+ \ keepFocusInReferences: v:true,
+ \ completionTextEdit: v:true,
+ \ diagVirtualTextAlign: 'above',
+ \ diagVirtualTextWrap: 'default',
+ \ noNewlineInCompletion: v:false,
+ \ omniComplete: v:null,
+ \ outlineOnRight: v:false,
+ \ outlineWinSize: 20,
+ \ semanticHighlight: v:true,
+ \ showDiagInBalloon: v:true,
+ \ showDiagInPopup: v:true,
+ \ showDiagOnStatusLine: v:false,
+ \ showDiagWithSign: v:true,
+ \ showDiagWithVirtualText: v:false,
+ \ showInlayHints: v:false,
+ \ showSignature: v:true,
+ \ snippetSupport: v:false,
+ \ ultisnipsSupport: v:false,
+ \ useBufferCompletion: v:false,
+ \ usePopupInCodeAction: v:false,
+ \ useQuickfixForLocations: v:false,
+ \ vsnipSupport: v:false,
+ \ bufferCompletionTimeout: 100,
+ \ customCompletionKinds: v:false,
+ \ completionKinds: {},
+ \ filterCompletionDuplicates: v:false,
+ \ })
+If you used [vim-plug]( to install the LSP plugin, then you need to use the LspSetup User autocmd to initialize the LSP server and to set the LSP server options. For example:
+let lspOpts = #{autoHighlightDiags: v:true}
+autocmd User LspSetup call LspOptionsSet(lspOpts)
+let lspServers = [#{
+ \ name: 'clang',
+ \ filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
+ \ path: '/usr/local/bin/clangd',
+ \ args: ['--background-index']
+ \ }]
+autocmd User LspSetup call LspAddServer(lspServers)
+## Supported Commands
+The following commands are provided to use the LSP features.
+:LspCodeAction|Apply the code action supplied by the language server to the diagnostic in the current line.
+:LspCodeLens|Display a list of code lens commands and apply a selected code lens command to the current file.
+:LspDiag current|Display the diagnostic message for the current line.
+:LspDiag first|Jump to the first diagnostic message for the current buffer.
+:LspDiag here|Jump to the next diagnostic message in the current line.
+:LspDiag highlight disable|Disable diagnostic message highlights.
+:LspDiag highlight enable|Enable diagnostic message highlights.
+:LspDiag next|Jump to the next diagnostic message after the current position.
+:LspDiag nextWrap|Jump to the next diagnostic message after the current position, wrapping to the first message when the last message is reached.
+:LspDiag prev|Jump to the previous diagnostic message before the current position.
+:LspDiag prevWrap|Jump to the previous diagnostic message before the current position, wrapping to the last message when the first message is reached.
+:LspDiag show|Display the diagnostics messages from the language server for the current buffer in a new location list.
+:LspDocumentSymbol|Display the symbols in the current file in a popup menu and jump to the selected symbol.
+:LspFold|Fold the current file.
+:LspFormat|Format a range of lines in the current file using the language server. The **shiftwidth** and **expandtab** values set for the current buffer are used when format is applied. The default range is the entire file.
+:LspGotoDeclaration|Go to the declaration of the keyword under cursor.
+:LspGotoDefinition|Go to the definition of the keyword under cursor.
+:LspGotoImpl|Go to the implementation of the keyword under cursor.
+:LspGotoTypeDef|Go to the type definition of the keyword under cursor.
+:LspHighlight|Highlight all the matches for the keyword under cursor.
+:LspHighlightClear|Clear all the matches highlighted by :LspHighlight.
+:LspHover|Show the documentation for the symbol under the cursor in a popup window.
+:LspIncomingCalls|Display the list of symbols calling the current symbol.
+:LspOutgoingCalls|Display the list of symbols called by the current symbol.
+:LspOutline|Show the list of symbols defined in the current file in a separate window.
+:LspPeekDeclaration|Open the declaration of the symbol under cursor in the preview window.
+:LspPeekDefinition|Open the definition of the symbol under cursor in the preview window.
+:LspPeekImpl|Open the implementation of the symbol under cursor in the preview window.
+:LspPeekReferences|Display the list of references to the keyword under cursor in a location list associated with the preview window.
+:LspPeekTypeDef|Open the type definition of the symbol under cursor in the preview window.
+:LspRename|Rename the current symbol.
+:LspSelectionExpand|Expand the current symbol range visual selection.
+:LspSelectionShrink|Shrink the current symbol range visual selection.
+:LspShowAllServers|Display information about all the registered language servers.
+:LspServer|Display the capabilities or messages or status of the language server for the current buffer or restart the server.
+:LspShowReferences|Display the list of references to the keyword under cursor in a new location list.
+:LspShowSignature|Display the signature of the keyword under cursor.
+:LspSubTypeHierarchy|Display the sub type hierarchy in a popup window.
+:LspSuperTypeHierarchy|Display the super type hierarchy in a popup window.
+:LspSwitchSourceHeader|Switch between a source and a header file.
+:LspSymbolSearch|Perform a workspace wide search for a symbol.
+:LspWorkspaceAddFolder `{folder}`| Add a folder to the workspace.
+:LspWorkspaceListFolders|Show the list of folders in the workspace.
+:LspWorkspaceRemoveFolder `{folder}`|Remove a folder from the workspace.
+## Similar Vim LSP Plugins
+1. [vim-lsp: Async Language Server Protocol](
+1. [Coc: Conquer of Completion](
+1. [vim-lsc: Vim Language Server Client](
+1. [LanguageClient-neovim](
+1. [ALE: Asynchronous Lint Engine](
+1. [Neovim built-in LSP client](
+2. [Omnisharp LSP client](
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/buffer.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/buffer.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a07654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/buffer.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Functions for managing the per-buffer LSP server information
+import './util.vim'
+# A buffer can have one or more attached language servers. The
+# "bufnrToServers" Dict contains the list of language servers attached to a
+# buffer. The buffer number is the key for the "bufnrToServers" Dict. The
+# value is the List of attached language servers.
+var bufnrToServers: dict<list<dict<any>>> = {}
+# Add "lspserver" to "bufnrToServers" map for buffer "bnr".
+export def BufLspServerSet(bnr: number, lspserver: dict<any>)
+ if !bufnrToServers->has_key(bnr)
+ bufnrToServers[bnr] = []
+ endif
+ bufnrToServers[bnr]->add(lspserver)
+# Remove "lspserver" from "bufnrToServers" map for buffer "bnr".
+export def BufLspServerRemove(bnr: number, lspserver: dict<any>)
+ if !bufnrToServers->has_key(bnr)
+ return
+ endif
+ var servers: list<dict<any>> = bufnrToServers[bnr]
+ servers = servers->filter((key, srv) => !=
+ if servers->empty()
+ bufnrToServers->remove(bnr)
+ else
+ bufnrToServers[bnr] = servers
+ endif
+var SupportedCheckFns = {
+ callHierarchy: (lspserver) => lspserver.isCallHierarchyProvider,
+ codeAction: (lspserver) => lspserver.isCodeActionProvider,
+ codeLens: (lspserver) => lspserver.isCodeLensProvider,
+ completion: (lspserver) => lspserver.isCompletionProvider,
+ declaration: (lspserver) => lspserver.isDeclarationProvider,
+ definition: (lspserver) => lspserver.isDefinitionProvider,
+ documentFormatting: (lspserver) => lspserver.isDocumentFormattingProvider,
+ documentHighlight: (lspserver) => lspserver.isDocumentHighlightProvider,
+ documentSymbol: (lspserver) => lspserver.isDocumentSymbolProvider,
+ foldingRange: (lspserver) => lspserver.isFoldingRangeProvider,
+ hover: (lspserver) => lspserver.isHoverProvider,
+ implementation: (lspserver) => lspserver.isImplementationProvider,
+ inlayHint: (lspserver) => lspserver.isInlayHintProvider ||
+ lspserver.isClangdInlayHintsProvider,
+ references: (lspserver) => lspserver.isReferencesProvider,
+ rename: (lspserver) => lspserver.isRenameProvider,
+ selectionRange: (lspserver) => lspserver.isSelectionRangeProvider,
+ semanticTokens: (lspserver) => lspserver.isSemanticTokensProvider,
+ signatureHelp: (lspserver) => lspserver.isSignatureHelpProvider,
+ typeDefinition: (lspserver) => lspserver.isTypeDefinitionProvider,
+ typeHierarchy: (lspserver) => lspserver.isTypeHierarchyProvider,
+ workspaceSymbol: (lspserver) => lspserver.isWorkspaceSymbolProvider
+# Returns the LSP server for the buffer "bnr". If "feature" is specified,
+# then returns the LSP server that provides the "feature".
+# Returns an empty dict if the server is not found.
+export def BufLspServerGet(bnr: number, feature: string = null_string): dict<any>
+ if !bufnrToServers->has_key(bnr)
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if bufnrToServers[bnr]->empty()
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if feature == null_string
+ return bufnrToServers[bnr][0]
+ endif
+ if !SupportedCheckFns->has_key(feature)
+ # If this happns it is a programming error, and should be fixed in the
+ # source code
+ :throw $'Error: ''{feature}'' is not a valid feature'
+ endif
+ var SupportedCheckFn = SupportedCheckFns[feature]
+ var possibleLSPs: list<dict<any>> = []
+ for lspserver in bufnrToServers[bnr]
+ if !lspserver.ready || !SupportedCheckFn(lspserver)
+ continue
+ endif
+ possibleLSPs->add(lspserver)
+ endfor
+ if possibleLSPs->empty()
+ return {}
+ endif
+ # LSP server is configured to be a provider for "feature"
+ for lspserver in possibleLSPs
+ var has_feature: bool = lspserver.features->get(feature, false)
+ if has_feature
+ return lspserver
+ endif
+ endfor
+ # Return the first LSP server that supports "feature" and doesn't have it
+ # disabled
+ for lspserver in possibleLSPs
+ if lspserver.featureEnabled(feature)
+ return lspserver
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return {}
+# Returns the LSP server for the buffer "bnr" and with ID "id". Returns an empty
+# dict if the server is not found.
+export def BufLspServerGetById(bnr: number, id: number): dict<any>
+ if !bufnrToServers->has_key(bnr)
+ return {}
+ endif
+ for lspserver in bufnrToServers[bnr]
+ if == id
+ return lspserver
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return {}
+# Returns the LSP servers for the buffer "bnr". Returns an empty list if the
+# servers are not found.
+export def BufLspServersGet(bnr: number): list<dict<any>>
+ if !bufnrToServers->has_key(bnr)
+ return []
+ endif
+ return bufnrToServers[bnr]
+# Returns the LSP server for the current buffer with the optionally "feature".
+# Returns an empty dict if the server is not found.
+export def CurbufGetServer(feature: string = null_string): dict<any>
+ return BufLspServerGet(bufnr(), feature)
+# Returns the LSP servers for the current buffer. Returns an empty list if the
+# servers are not found.
+export def CurbufGetServers(): list<dict<any>>
+ return BufLspServersGet(bufnr())
+export def BufHasLspServer(bnr: number): bool
+ var lspserver = BufLspServerGet(bnr)
+ return !lspserver->empty()
+# Returns the LSP server for the current buffer with the optinally "feature" if
+# it is running and is ready.
+# Returns an empty dict if the server is not found or is not ready.
+export def CurbufGetServerChecked(feature: string = null_string): dict<any>
+ var fname: string = @%
+ if fname->empty() || &filetype->empty()
+ return {}
+ endif
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = CurbufGetServer(feature)
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ if feature == null_string
+ util.ErrMsg($'Language server for "{&filetype}" file type is not found')
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($'Language server for "{&filetype}" file type supporting "{feature}" feature is not found')
+ endif
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if !lspserver.running
+ util.ErrMsg($'Language server for "{&filetype}" file type is not running')
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if !lspserver.ready
+ util.ErrMsg($'Language server for "{&filetype}" file type is not ready')
+ return {}
+ endif
+ return lspserver
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/callhierarchy.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/callhierarchy.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aca6a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/callhierarchy.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Functions for dealing with call hierarchy (incoming/outgoing calls)
+import './util.vim'
+import './buffer.vim' as buf
+# Jump to the location of the symbol under the cursor in the call hierarchy
+# tree window.
+def CallHierarchyItemJump()
+ var item: dict<any> = w:LspCallHierItemMap[line('.')].item
+ util.JumpToLspLocation(item, '')
+# Refresh the call hierarchy tree for the symbol at index "idx".
+def CallHierarchyTreeItemRefresh(idx: number)
+ var treeItem: dict<any> = w:LspCallHierItemMap[idx]
+ if
+ # Already retrieved the children for this item
+ return
+ endif
+ if !treeItem->has_key('children')
+ # First time retrieving the children for the item at index "idx"
+ var lspserver = buf.BufLspServerGet(w:LspBufnr, 'callHierarchy')
+ if lspserver->empty() || !lspserver.running
+ return
+ endif
+ var reply: any
+ if w:LspCallHierIncoming
+ reply = lspserver.getIncomingCalls(treeItem.item)
+ else
+ reply = lspserver.getOutgoingCalls(treeItem.item)
+ endif
+ treeItem.children = []
+ if !reply->empty()
+ for item in reply
+ treeItem.children->add({item: w:LspCallHierIncoming ? item.from :
+, open: false})
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Clear and redisplay the tree in the window
+ = true
+ var save_cursor = getcurpos()
+ CallHierarchyTreeRefresh()
+ setpos('.', save_cursor)
+# Open the call hierarchy tree item under the cursor
+def CallHierarchyTreeItemOpen()
+ CallHierarchyTreeItemRefresh(line('.'))
+# Refresh the entire call hierarchy tree
+def CallHierarchyTreeRefreshCmd()
+ w:LspCallHierItemMap[2].open = false
+ w:LspCallHierItemMap[2]->remove('children')
+ CallHierarchyTreeItemRefresh(2)
+# Display the incoming call hierarchy tree
+def CallHierarchyTreeIncomingCmd()
+ w:LspCallHierItemMap[2].open = false
+ w:LspCallHierItemMap[2]->remove('children')
+ w:LspCallHierIncoming = true
+ CallHierarchyTreeItemRefresh(2)
+# Display the outgoing call hierarchy tree
+def CallHierarchyTreeOutgoingCmd()
+ w:LspCallHierItemMap[2].open = false
+ w:LspCallHierItemMap[2]->remove('children')
+ w:LspCallHierIncoming = false
+ CallHierarchyTreeItemRefresh(2)
+# Close the call hierarchy tree item under the cursor
+def CallHierarchyTreeItemClose()
+ var treeItem: dict<any> = w:LspCallHierItemMap[line('.')]
+ = false
+ var save_cursor = getcurpos()
+ CallHierarchyTreeRefresh()
+ setpos('.', save_cursor)
+# Recursively add the call hierarchy items to w:LspCallHierItemMap
+def CallHierarchyTreeItemShow(incoming: bool, treeItem: dict<any>, pfx: string)
+ var item = treeItem.item
+ var treePfx: string
+ if && treeItem->has_key('children')
+ treePfx = has('gui_running') ? '▼' : '-'
+ else
+ treePfx = has('gui_running') ? '▶' : '+'
+ endif
+ var fname = util.LspUriToFile(item.uri)
+ var s = $'{pfx}{treePfx} {} ({fname->fnamemodify(":t")} [{fname->fnamemodify(":h")}])'
+ append('$', s)
+ w:LspCallHierItemMap->add(treeItem)
+ if && treeItem->has_key('children')
+ for child in treeItem.children
+ CallHierarchyTreeItemShow(incoming, child, $'{pfx} ')
+ endfor
+ endif
+def CallHierarchyTreeRefresh()
+ :setlocal modifiable
+ :silent! :%d _
+ setline(1, $'# {w:LspCallHierIncoming ? "Incoming calls to" : "Outgoing calls from"} "{}"')
+ w:LspCallHierItemMap = [{}, {}]
+ CallHierarchyTreeItemShow(w:LspCallHierIncoming, w:LspCallHierarchyTree, '')
+ :setlocal nomodifiable
+def CallHierarchyTreeShow(incoming: bool, prepareItem: dict<any>,
+ items: list<dict<any>>)
+ var save_bufnr = bufnr()
+ var wid = bufwinid('LSP-CallHierarchy')
+ if wid != -1
+ wid->win_gotoid()
+ else
+ :new LSP-CallHierarchy
+ :setlocal buftype=nofile
+ :setlocal bufhidden=wipe
+ :setlocal noswapfile
+ :setlocal nonumber nornu
+ :setlocal fdc=0 signcolumn=no
+ :nnoremap <buffer> <CR> <ScriptCmd>CallHierarchyItemJump()<CR>
+ :nnoremap <buffer> - <ScriptCmd>CallHierarchyTreeItemOpen()<CR>
+ :nnoremap <buffer> + <ScriptCmd>CallHierarchyTreeItemClose()<CR>
+ :command -buffer LspCallHierarchyRefresh CallHierarchyTreeRefreshCmd()
+ :command -buffer LspCallHierarchyIncoming CallHierarchyTreeIncomingCmd()
+ :command -buffer LspCallHierarchyOutgoing CallHierarchyTreeOutgoingCmd()
+ :syntax match Comment '^#.*$'
+ :syntax match Directory '(.*)$'
+ endif
+ w:LspBufnr = save_bufnr
+ w:LspCallHierIncoming = incoming
+ w:LspCallHierarchyTree = {}
+ w:LspCallHierarchyTree.item = prepareItem
+ = true
+ w:LspCallHierarchyTree.children = []
+ for item in items
+ w:LspCallHierarchyTree.children->add({item: incoming ? item.from :, open: false})
+ endfor
+ CallHierarchyTreeRefresh()
+ :setlocal nomodified
+ :setlocal nomodifiable
+export def IncomingCalls(lspserver: dict<any>)
+ var prepareReply = lspserver.prepareCallHierarchy()
+ if prepareReply->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg('No incoming calls')
+ return
+ endif
+ var reply = lspserver.getIncomingCalls(prepareReply)
+ if reply->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg('No incoming calls')
+ return
+ endif
+ CallHierarchyTreeShow(true, prepareReply, reply)
+export def OutgoingCalls(lspserver: dict<any>)
+ var prepareReply = lspserver.prepareCallHierarchy()
+ if prepareReply->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg('No outgoing calls')
+ return
+ endif
+ var reply = lspserver.getOutgoingCalls(prepareReply)
+ if reply->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg('No outgoing calls')
+ return
+ endif
+ CallHierarchyTreeShow(false, prepareReply, reply)
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/capabilities.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/capabilities.vim
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index 0000000..46f5973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/capabilities.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+# Functions for managing the LSP server and client capabilities
+import './options.vim' as opt
+# Process the server capabilities
+# interface ServerCapabilities
+export def ProcessServerCaps(lspserver: dict<any>, caps: dict<any>)
+ var serverEncoding = 'utf-16'
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('positionEncoding')
+ serverEncoding = lspserver.caps.positionEncoding
+ elseif lspserver.caps->has_key('~additionalInitResult_offsetEncoding')
+ serverEncoding = lspserver.caps['~additionalInitResult_offsetEncoding']
+ endif
+ if lspserver.forceOffsetEncoding != ''
+ serverEncoding = lspserver.forceOffsetEncoding
+ endif
+ # one of 'utf-8', 'utf-16' or 'utf-32'
+ if serverEncoding == 'utf-8'
+ lspserver.posEncoding = 8
+ elseif serverEncoding == 'utf-16'
+ lspserver.posEncoding = 16
+ else
+ lspserver.posEncoding = 32
+ endif
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629') && lspserver.posEncoding != 32
+ lspserver.needOffsetEncoding = true
+ else
+ lspserver.needOffsetEncoding = false
+ endif
+ # completionProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('completionProvider')
+ lspserver.isCompletionProvider = true
+ if lspserver.caps.completionProvider->has_key('resolveProvider')
+ lspserver.isCompletionResolveProvider =
+ lspserver.caps.completionProvider.resolveProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isCompletionResolveProvider = false
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isCompletionProvider = false
+ lspserver.isCompletionResolveProvider = false
+ endif
+ # definitionProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('definitionProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.definitionProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isDefinitionProvider = lspserver.caps.definitionProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isDefinitionProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isDefinitionProvider = false
+ endif
+ # declarationProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('declarationProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.declarationProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isDeclarationProvider = lspserver.caps.declarationProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isDeclarationProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isDeclarationProvider = false
+ endif
+ # typeDefinitionProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('typeDefinitionProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.typeDefinitionProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isTypeDefinitionProvider = lspserver.caps.typeDefinitionProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isTypeDefinitionProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isTypeDefinitionProvider = false
+ endif
+ # implementationProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('implementationProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.implementationProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isImplementationProvider = lspserver.caps.implementationProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isImplementationProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isImplementationProvider = false
+ endif
+ # signatureHelpProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('signatureHelpProvider')
+ lspserver.isSignatureHelpProvider = true
+ else
+ lspserver.isSignatureHelpProvider = false
+ endif
+ # hoverProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('hoverProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.hoverProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isHoverProvider = lspserver.caps.hoverProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isHoverProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isHoverProvider = false
+ endif
+ # referencesProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('referencesProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.referencesProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isReferencesProvider = lspserver.caps.referencesProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isReferencesProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isReferencesProvider = false
+ endif
+ # documentHighlightProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('documentHighlightProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.documentHighlightProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isDocumentHighlightProvider =
+ lspserver.caps.documentHighlightProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isDocumentHighlightProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isDocumentHighlightProvider = false
+ endif
+ # documentSymbolProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('documentSymbolProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.documentSymbolProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isDocumentSymbolProvider =
+ lspserver.caps.documentSymbolProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isDocumentSymbolProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isDocumentSymbolProvider = false
+ endif
+ # documentFormattingProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('documentFormattingProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.documentFormattingProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isDocumentFormattingProvider =
+ lspserver.caps.documentFormattingProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isDocumentFormattingProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isDocumentFormattingProvider = false
+ endif
+ # callHierarchyProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('callHierarchyProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.callHierarchyProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isCallHierarchyProvider =
+ lspserver.caps.callHierarchyProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isCallHierarchyProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isCallHierarchyProvider = false
+ endif
+ # semanticTokensProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('semanticTokensProvider')
+ lspserver.isSemanticTokensProvider = true
+ lspserver.semanticTokensLegend =
+ lspserver.caps.semanticTokensProvider.legend
+ lspserver.semanticTokensRange =
+ lspserver.caps.semanticTokensProvider->get('range', false)
+ if lspserver.caps.semanticTokensProvider->has_key('full')
+ if lspserver.caps.semanticTokensProvider.full->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.semanticTokensFull =
+ lspserver.caps.semanticTokensProvider.full
+ lspserver.semanticTokensDelta = false
+ else
+ lspserver.semanticTokensFull = true
+ if lspserver.caps.semanticTokensProvider.full->has_key('delta')
+ lspserver.semanticTokensDelta =
+ else
+ lspserver.semanticTokensDelta = false
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.semanticTokensFull = false
+ lspserver.semanticTokensDelta = false
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isSemanticTokensProvider = false
+ endif
+ # typeHierarchyProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('typeHierarchyProvider')
+ lspserver.isTypeHierarchyProvider = true
+ else
+ lspserver.isTypeHierarchyProvider = false
+ endif
+ # renameProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('renameProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.renameProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isRenameProvider = lspserver.caps.renameProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isRenameProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isRenameProvider = false
+ endif
+ # codeActionProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('codeActionProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.codeActionProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isCodeActionProvider = lspserver.caps.codeActionProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isCodeActionProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isCodeActionProvider = false
+ endif
+ # codeLensProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('codeLensProvider')
+ lspserver.isCodeLensProvider = true
+ if lspserver.caps.codeLensProvider->has_key('resolveProvider')
+ lspserver.isCodeLensResolveProvider = true
+ else
+ lspserver.isCodeLensResolveProvider = false
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isCodeLensProvider = false
+ endif
+ # workspaceSymbolProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('workspaceSymbolProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.workspaceSymbolProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isWorkspaceSymbolProvider =
+ lspserver.caps.workspaceSymbolProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isWorkspaceSymbolProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isWorkspaceSymbolProvider = false
+ endif
+ # selectionRangeProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('selectionRangeProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.selectionRangeProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isSelectionRangeProvider =
+ lspserver.caps.selectionRangeProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isSelectionRangeProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isSelectionRangeProvider = false
+ endif
+ # foldingRangeProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('foldingRangeProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.foldingRangeProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isFoldingRangeProvider = lspserver.caps.foldingRangeProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isFoldingRangeProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isFoldingRangeProvider = false
+ endif
+ # inlayHintProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('inlayHintProvider')
+ if lspserver.caps.inlayHintProvider->type() == v:t_bool
+ lspserver.isInlayHintProvider = lspserver.caps.inlayHintProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isInlayHintProvider = true
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.isInlayHintProvider = false
+ endif
+ # clangdInlayHintsProvider
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('clangdInlayHintsProvider')
+ lspserver.isClangdInlayHintsProvider =
+ lspserver.caps.clangdInlayHintsProvider
+ else
+ lspserver.isClangdInlayHintsProvider = false
+ endif
+ # textDocumentSync capabilities
+ lspserver.supportsDidSave = false
+ # Default to TextDocumentSyncKind.None
+ lspserver.textDocumentSync = 0
+ if lspserver.caps->has_key('textDocumentSync')
+ if lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync->type() == v:t_bool
+ || lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync->type() == v:t_number
+ lspserver.supportsDidSave = lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync
+ lspserver.textDocumentSync = lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync
+ elseif lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync->type() == v:t_dict
+ # "save"
+ if lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync->has_key('save')
+ if>type() == v:t_bool
+ ||>type() == v:t_number
+ lspserver.supportsDidSave =
+ elseif>type() == v:t_dict
+ lspserver.supportsDidSave = true
+ endif
+ endif
+ # "change"
+ if lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync->has_key('change')
+ lspserver.textDocumentSync = lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync.change
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+# Return all the LSP client capabilities
+export def GetClientCaps(): dict<any>
+ # client capabilities (ClientCapabilities)
+ var clientCaps: dict<any> = {
+ general: {
+ # Currently we always send character count as position offset,
+ # which meanas only utf-32 is supported.
+ # Adding utf-16 simply for good mesure, as I'm scared some servers will
+ # give up if they don't support utf-32 only.
+ positionEncodings: ['utf-32', 'utf-16']
+ },
+ textDocument: {
+ callHierarchy: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false
+ },
+ codeAction: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ codeActionLiteralSupport: {
+ codeActionKind: {
+ valueSet: ['', 'quickfix', 'refactor', 'refactor.extract',
+ 'refactor.inline', 'refactor.rewrite', 'source',
+ 'source.organizeImports']
+ }
+ },
+ isPreferredSupport: true,
+ disabledSupport: true
+ },
+ codeLens: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false
+ },
+ completion: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ completionItem: {
+ documentationFormat: ['markdown', 'plaintext'],
+ resolveSupport: {
+ properties: ['detail', 'documentation']
+ },
+ snippetSupport: opt.lspOptions.snippetSupport,
+ insertReplaceSupport: false
+ },
+ completionItemKind: {
+ valueSet: range(1, 25)
+ }
+ },
+ declaration: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ linkSupport: true
+ },
+ definition: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ linkSupport: true
+ },
+ documentHighlight: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false
+ },
+ documentSymbol: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ symbolKind: {
+ valueSet: range(1, 25)
+ },
+ hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport: true,
+ labelSupport: false
+ },
+ foldingRange: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ rangeLimit: 5000,
+ lineFoldingOnly: true,
+ foldingRangeKind: {
+ valueSet: ['comment', 'imports', 'region']
+ },
+ foldingRange: {
+ collapsedText: true
+ }
+ },
+ formatting: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false
+ },
+ hover: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ contentFormat: ['markdown', 'plaintext']
+ },
+ implementation: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ linkSupport: true
+ },
+ inlayHint: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false
+ },
+ publishDiagnostics: {
+ relatedInformation: false,
+ versionSupport: true,
+ codeDescriptionSupport: true,
+ dataSupport: true
+ },
+ rangeFormatting: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false
+ },
+ references: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false
+ },
+ rename: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ prepareSupport: false,
+ },
+ selectionRange: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ },
+ signatureHelp: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ signatureInformation: {
+ documentationFormat: ['markdown', 'plaintext'],
+ activeParameterSupport: true
+ }
+ },
+ semanticTokens: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ requests: {
+ range: false,
+ full: {
+ delta: true
+ }
+ },
+ tokenTypes: [
+ 'type', 'class', 'enum', 'interface', 'struct', 'typeParameter',
+ 'parameter', 'variable', 'property', 'enumMember', 'event',
+ 'function', 'method', 'macro', 'keyword', 'modifier', 'comment',
+ 'string', 'number', 'regexp', 'operator'
+ ],
+ tokenModifiers: [
+ 'declaration', 'definition', 'readonly', 'static', 'deprecated',
+ 'abstract', 'async', 'modification', 'documentation',
+ 'defaultLibrary'
+ ],
+ formats: ['relative'],
+ overlappingTokenSupport: false,
+ multilineTokenSupport: false,
+ serverCancelSupport: false,
+ augmentsSyntaxTokens: true
+ },
+ synchronization: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ didSave: true,
+ willSave: false,
+ WillSaveWaitUntil: false
+ },
+ typeDefinition: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ linkSupport: true
+ },
+ typeHierarchy: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false,
+ }
+ },
+ window: {},
+ workspace: {
+ workspaceFolders: true,
+ applyEdit: true,
+ workspaceEdit: {
+ resourceOperations: ['rename', 'create', 'delete']
+ },
+ configuration: true,
+ symbol: {
+ dynamicRegistration: false
+ }
+ },
+ # This is the way clangd expects to be informated about supported encodings:
+ #
+ offsetEncoding: ['utf-32', 'utf-16']
+ }
+ # Vim patch 1629 is needed to properly encode/decode UTF-16 offsets
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ clientCaps.general.positionEncodings = ['utf-32', 'utf-16', 'utf-8']
+ clientCaps.offsetEncoding = ['utf-32', 'utf-16', 'utf-8']
+ endif
+ return clientCaps
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/codeaction.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/codeaction.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb2a91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/codeaction.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Functions related to handling LSP code actions to fix diagnostics.
+import './util.vim'
+import './textedit.vim'
+import './options.vim' as opt
+var CommandHandlers: dict<func>
+export def RegisterCmdHandler(cmd: string, Handler: func)
+ CommandHandlers[cmd] = Handler
+export def DoCommand(lspserver: dict<any>, cmd: dict<any>)
+ if cmd->has_key('command') && CommandHandlers->has_key(cmd.command)
+ var CmdHandler: func = CommandHandlers[cmd.command]
+ try
+ call CmdHandler(cmd)
+ catch
+ util.ErrMsg($'"{cmd.command}" handler raised exception {v:exception}')
+ endtry
+ else
+ lspserver.executeCommand(cmd)
+ endif
+# Apply the code action selected by the user.
+export def HandleCodeAction(lspserver: dict<any>, selAction: dict<any>)
+ # textDocument/codeAction can return either Command[] or CodeAction[].
+ # If it is a CodeAction, it can have either an edit, a command or both.
+ # Edits should be executed first.
+ # Both Command and CodeAction interfaces has "command" member
+ # so we should check "command" type - for Command it will be "string"
+ if selAction->has_key('edit')
+ || (selAction->has_key('command') && selAction.command->type() == v:t_dict)
+ # selAction is a CodeAction instance, apply edit and command
+ if selAction->has_key('edit')
+ # apply edit first
+ textedit.ApplyWorkspaceEdit(selAction.edit)
+ endif
+ if selAction->has_key('command')
+ DoCommand(lspserver, selAction.command)
+ endif
+ else
+ # selAction is a Command instance, apply it directly
+ DoCommand(lspserver, selAction)
+ endif
+# Process the list of code actions returned by the LSP server, ask the user to
+# choose one action from the list and then apply it.
+# If "query" is a number, then apply the corresponding action in the list.
+# If "query" is a regular expression starting with "/", then apply the action
+# matching the search string in the list.
+# If "query" is a regular string, then apply the action matching the string.
+# If "query" is an empty string, then if the "usePopupInCodeAction" option is
+# configured by the user, then display the list of items in a popup menu.
+# Otherwise display the items in an input list and prompt the user to select
+# an action.
+export def ApplyCodeAction(lspserver: dict<any>, actionlist: list<dict<any>>, query: string): void
+ var actions = actionlist
+ if opt.lspOptions.hideDisabledCodeActions
+ actions = actions->filter((ix, act) => !act->has_key('disabled'))
+ endif
+ if actions->empty()
+ # no action can be performed
+ util.WarnMsg('No code action is available')
+ return
+ endif
+ var text: list<string> = []
+ var act: dict<any>
+ for i in actions->len()->range()
+ act = actions[i]
+ var t: string = act.title->substitute('\r\n', '\\r\\n', 'g')
+ t = t->substitute('\n', '\\n', 'g')
+ text->add(printf(" %d. %s ", i + 1, t))
+ endfor
+ var choice: number
+ var query_ = query->trim()
+ if query_ =~ '^\d\+$' # digit
+ choice = query_->str2nr()
+ elseif query_ =~ '^/' # regex
+ choice = 1 + util.Indexof(actions, (i, a) => a.title =~ query_[1 : ])
+ elseif query_ != '' # literal string
+ choice = 1 + util.Indexof(actions, (i, a) => a.title[0 : query_->len() - 1] == query_)
+ elseif opt.lspOptions.usePopupInCodeAction
+ # Use a popup menu to show the code action
+ popup_create(text, {
+ pos: 'botleft',
+ line: 'cursor-1',
+ col: 'cursor',
+ zindex: 1000,
+ cursorline: 1,
+ mapping: 0,
+ wrap: 0,
+ title: 'Code action',
+ callback: (_, result) => {
+ # Invalid item selected or closed the popup
+ if result <= 0 || result > text->len()
+ return
+ endif
+ # Do the code action
+ HandleCodeAction(lspserver, actions[result - 1])
+ },
+ filter: (winid, key) => {
+ if key == 'h' || key == 'l'
+ winid->popup_close(-1)
+ elseif key->str2nr() > 0
+ # assume less than 10 entries are present
+ winid->popup_close(key->str2nr())
+ else
+ return popup_filter_menu(winid, key)
+ endif
+ return 1
+ },
+ })
+ else
+ choice = inputlist(['Code action:'] + text)
+ endif
+ if choice < 1 || choice > text->len()
+ return
+ endif
+ HandleCodeAction(lspserver, actions[choice - 1])
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/codelens.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/codelens.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..082edf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/codelens.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import './codeaction.vim'
+# Functions related to handling LSP code lens
+export def ProcessCodeLens(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, codeLensItems: list<dict<any>>)
+ var text: list<string> = []
+ for i in codeLensItems->len()->range()
+ var item = codeLensItems[i]
+ if !item->has_key('command')
+ # resolve the code lens
+ item = lspserver.resolveCodeLens(bnr, item)
+ if item->empty()
+ continue
+ endif
+ codeLensItems[i] = item
+ endif
+ text->add(printf("%d. %s\t| L%s:%s", i + 1, item.command.title,
+ item.range.start.line + 1,
+ getline(item.range.start.line + 1)))
+ endfor
+ var choice = inputlist(['Code Lens:'] + text)
+ if choice < 1 || choice > codeLensItems->len()
+ return
+ endif
+ codeaction.DoCommand(lspserver, codeLensItems[choice - 1].command)
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/completion.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/completion.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ce5899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/completion.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+# LSP completion related functions
+import './util.vim'
+import './buffer.vim' as buf
+import './options.vim' as opt
+import './textedit.vim'
+import './snippet.vim'
+import './codeaction.vim'
+# per-filetype omni-completion enabled/disabled table
+var ftypeOmniCtrlMap: dict<bool> = {}
+var defaultKinds: dict<string> = {
+ 'Text': 't',
+ 'Method': 'm',
+ 'Function': 'f',
+ 'Constructor': 'C',
+ 'Field': 'F',
+ 'Variable': 'v',
+ 'Class': 'c',
+ 'Interface': 'i',
+ 'Module': 'M',
+ 'Property': 'p',
+ 'Unit': 'u',
+ 'Value': 'V',
+ 'Enum': 'e',
+ 'Keyword': 'k',
+ 'Snippet': 'S',
+ 'Color': 'C',
+ 'File': 'f',
+ 'Reference': 'r',
+ 'Folder': 'F',
+ 'EnumMember': 'E',
+ 'Constant': 'd',
+ 'Struct': 's',
+ 'Event': 'E',
+ 'Operator': 'o',
+ 'TypeParameter': 'T',
+ 'Buffer': 'B',
+# Returns true if omni-completion is enabled for filetype "ftype".
+# Otherwise, returns false.
+def LspOmniComplEnabled(ftype: string): bool
+ return ftypeOmniCtrlMap->get(ftype, false)
+# Enables or disables omni-completion for filetype "fype"
+export def OmniComplSet(ftype: string, enabled: bool)
+ ftypeOmniCtrlMap->extend({[ftype]: enabled})
+# Map LSP complete item kind to a character
+def LspCompleteItemKindChar(kind: number): string
+ var kindMap: list<string> = [
+ '',
+ 'Text',
+ 'Method',
+ 'Function',
+ 'Constructor',
+ 'Field',
+ 'Variable',
+ 'Class',
+ 'Interface',
+ 'Module',
+ 'Property',
+ 'Unit',
+ 'Value',
+ 'Enum',
+ 'Keyword',
+ 'Snippet',
+ 'Color',
+ 'File',
+ 'Reference',
+ 'Folder',
+ 'EnumMember',
+ 'Constant',
+ 'Struct',
+ 'Event',
+ 'Operator',
+ 'TypeParameter',
+ 'Buffer'
+ ]
+ if kind > 26
+ return ''
+ endif
+ var kindName = kindMap[kind]
+ var kindValue = defaultKinds[kindName]
+ var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions
+ if lspOpts.customCompletionKinds &&
+ lspOpts.completionKinds->has_key(kindName)
+ kindValue = lspOpts.completionKinds[kindName]
+ endif
+ return kindValue
+# Remove all the snippet placeholders from "str" and return the value.
+# Based on a similar function in the vim-lsp plugin.
+def MakeValidWord(str_arg: string): string
+ var str = str_arg->substitute('\$[0-9]\+\|\${\%(\\.\|[^}]\)\+}', '', 'g')
+ str = str->substitute('\\\(.\)', '\1', 'g')
+ var valid = str->matchstr('^[^"'' (<{\[\t\r\n]\+')
+ if valid->empty()
+ return str
+ endif
+ if valid =~ ':$'
+ return valid[: -2]
+ endif
+ return valid
+# add completion from current buf
+def CompletionFromBuffer(items: list<dict<any>>)
+ var words = {}
+ var start = reltime()
+ var timeout = opt.lspOptions.bufferCompletionTimeout
+ var linenr = 1
+ for line in getline(1, '$')
+ for word in line->split('\W\+')
+ if !words->has_key(word) && word->len() > 1
+ words[word] = 1
+ items->add({
+ label: word,
+ data: {
+ entryNames: [word],
+ },
+ kind: 26,
+ documentation: "",
+ })
+ endif
+ endfor
+ # Check every 200 lines if timeout is exceeded
+ if timeout > 0 && linenr % 200 == 0 &&
+ start->reltime()->reltimefloat() * 1000 > timeout
+ break
+ endif
+ linenr += 1
+ endfor
+# process the 'textDocument/completion' reply from the LSP server
+# Result: CompletionItem[] | CompletionList | null
+export def CompletionReply(lspserver: dict<any>, cItems: any)
+ lspserver.completeItemsIsIncomplete = false
+ if cItems->empty()
+ if lspserver.omniCompletePending
+ lspserver.completeItems = []
+ lspserver.omniCompletePending = false
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ var items: list<dict<any>>
+ if cItems->type() == v:t_list
+ items = cItems
+ else
+ items = cItems.items
+ lspserver.completeItemsIsIncomplete = cItems->get('isIncomplete', false)
+ endif
+ var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions
+ # Get the keyword prefix before the current cursor column.
+ var chcol = charcol('.')
+ var starttext = chcol == 1 ? '' : getline('.')[ : chcol - 2]
+ var [prefix, start_idx, end_idx] = starttext->matchstrpos('\k*$')
+ if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_ICASE
+ prefix = prefix->tolower()
+ endif
+ var start_col = start_idx + 1
+ if lspOpts.ultisnipsSupport
+ snippet.CompletionUltiSnips(prefix, items)
+ elseif lspOpts.vsnipSupport
+ snippet.CompletionVsnip(items)
+ endif
+ if lspOpts.useBufferCompletion
+ CompletionFromBuffer(items)
+ endif
+ var completeItems: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var itemsUsed: list<string> = []
+ for item in items
+ var d: dict<any> = {}
+ # TODO: Add proper support for item.textEdit.newText and
+ # item.textEdit.range. Keep in mind that item.textEdit.range can start
+ # way before the typed keyword.
+ if item->has_key('textEdit') &&
+ lspOpts.completionMatcherValue != opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_FUZZY
+ var start_charcol: number
+ if !prefix->empty()
+ start_charcol = charidx(starttext, start_idx) + 1
+ else
+ start_charcol = chcol
+ endif
+ var textEdit = item.textEdit
+ var textEditRange: dict<any> = {}
+ if textEdit->has_key('range')
+ textEditRange = textEdit.range
+ elseif textEdit->has_key('insert')
+ textEditRange = textEdit.insert
+ endif
+ var textEditStartCol =
+ util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bufnr(), textEditRange.start)
+ if textEditStartCol != start_charcol
+ var offset = start_charcol - textEditStartCol - 1
+ d.word = textEdit.newText[offset : ]
+ else
+ d.word = textEdit.newText
+ endif
+ elseif item->has_key('insertText')
+ d.word = item.insertText
+ else
+ d.word = item.label
+ endif
+ if item->get('insertTextFormat', 1) == 2
+ # snippet completion. Needs a snippet plugin to expand the snippet.
+ # Remove all the snippet placeholders
+ d.word = MakeValidWord(d.word)
+ elseif !lspserver.completeItemsIsIncomplete || lspOpts.useBufferCompletion
+ # Filter items only when "isIncomplete" is set (otherwise server would
+ # have done the filtering) or when buffer completion is enabled
+ # plain text completion
+ if !prefix->empty()
+ # If the completion item text doesn't start with the current (case
+ # ignored) keyword prefix, skip it.
+ var filterText: string = item->get('filterText', d.word)
+ if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_ICASE
+ if filterText->tolower()->stridx(prefix) != 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ # If the completion item text doesn't fuzzy match with the current
+ # keyword prefix, skip it.
+ elseif lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_FUZZY
+ if matchfuzzy([filterText], prefix)->empty()
+ continue
+ endif
+ # If the completion item text doesn't start with the current keyword
+ # prefix, skip it.
+ else
+ if filterText->stridx(prefix) != 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ d.abbr = item.label
+ d.dup = 1
+ if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_ICASE
+ d.icase = 1
+ endif
+ if item->has_key('kind') && item.kind != null
+ # namespace CompletionItemKind
+ # map LSP kind to complete-item-kind
+ d.kind = LspCompleteItemKindChar(item.kind)
+ endif
+ if lspserver.completionLazyDoc
+ = 'Lazy doc'
+ else
+ if item->has_key('detail') && !item.detail->empty()
+ # Solve a issue where if a server send a detail field
+ # with a "\n", on the menu will be everything joined with
+ # a "^@" separating it. (example: clangd)
+ = item.detail->split("\n")[0]
+ endif
+ if item->has_key('documentation')
+ var itemDoc = item.documentation
+ if itemDoc->type() == v:t_string && !itemDoc->empty()
+ = itemDoc
+ elseif itemDoc->type() == v:t_dict
+ && itemDoc.value->type() == v:t_string
+ = itemDoc.value
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Score is used for sorting.
+ d.score = item->get('sortText')
+ if d.score->empty()
+ d.score = item->get('label', '')
+ endif
+ # Dont include duplicate items
+ if lspOpts.filterCompletionDuplicates
+ var key = d->get('word', '') ..
+ d->get('info', '') ..
+ d->get('kind', '') ..
+ d->get('score', '') ..
+ d->get('abbr', '') ..
+ d->get('dup', '')
+ if index(itemsUsed, key) != -1
+ continue
+ endif
+ add(itemsUsed, key)
+ endif
+ d.user_data = item
+ completeItems->add(d)
+ endfor
+ if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue != opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_FUZZY
+ # Lexographical sort (case-insensitive).
+ completeItems->sort((a, b) =>
+ a.score == b.score ? 0 : a.score >? b.score ? 1 : -1)
+ endif
+ if lspOpts.autoComplete && !lspserver.omniCompletePending
+ if completeItems->empty()
+ # no matches
+ return
+ endif
+ var m = mode()
+ if m != 'i' && m != 'R' && m != 'Rv'
+ # If not in insert or replace mode, then don't start the completion
+ return
+ endif
+ if completeItems->len() == 1
+ && getline('.')->matchstr($'\C{completeItems[0].word}\>') != ''
+ # only one complete match. No need to show the completion popup
+ return
+ endif
+ completeItems->complete(start_col)
+ else
+ lspserver.completeItems = completeItems
+ lspserver.omniCompletePending = false
+ endif
+# Check if completion item is selected
+def CheckCompletionItemSel(label: string): bool
+ var cInfo = complete_info()
+ if cInfo->empty() || !cInfo.pum_visible || cInfo.selected == -1
+ return false
+ endif
+ var selItem = cInfo.items->get(cInfo.selected, {})
+ if selItem->empty()
+ || selItem->type() != v:t_dict
+ || selItem.user_data->type() != v:t_dict
+ || selItem.user_data.label != label
+ return false
+ endif
+ return true
+# Process the completion documentation
+def ShowCompletionDocumentation(cItem: any)
+ if cItem->empty() || cItem->type() != v:t_dict
+ return
+ endif
+ # check if completion item is still selected
+ if !CheckCompletionItemSel(cItem.label)
+ return
+ endif
+ var infoText: list<string>
+ var infoKind: string
+ if cItem->has_key('detail') && !cItem.detail->empty()
+ # Solve a issue where if a server send the detail field with "\n",
+ # on the completion popup, everything will be joined with "^@"
+ # (example: typescript-language-server)
+ infoText->extend(cItem.detail->split("\n"))
+ endif
+ if cItem->has_key('documentation')
+ if !infoText->empty()
+ infoText->extend(['- - -'])
+ endif
+ var cItemDoc = cItem.documentation
+ if cItemDoc->type() == v:t_dict
+ # MarkupContent
+ if cItemDoc.kind == 'plaintext'
+ infoText->extend(cItemDoc.value->split("\n"))
+ infoKind = 'text'
+ elseif cItemDoc.kind == 'markdown'
+ infoText->extend(cItemDoc.value->split("\n"))
+ infoKind = 'lspgfm'
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported documentation type ({cItemDoc.kind})')
+ return
+ endif
+ elseif cItemDoc->type() == v:t_string
+ infoText->extend(cItemDoc->split("\n"))
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported documentation ({cItemDoc->string()})')
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ if infoText->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # check if completion item is changed in meantime
+ if !CheckCompletionItemSel(cItem.label)
+ return
+ endif
+ # autoComplete or &omnifunc with &completeopt =~ 'popup'
+ var id = popup_findinfo()
+ if id > 0
+ var bufnr = id->winbufnr()
+ id->popup_settext(infoText)
+ infoKind->setbufvar(bufnr, '&ft')
+ id->popup_show()
+ else
+ # &omnifunc with &completeopt =~ 'preview'
+ try
+ :wincmd P
+ :setlocal modifiable
+ bufnr()->deletebufline(1, '$')
+ infoText->append(0)
+ [1, 1]->cursor()
+ exe $'setlocal ft={infoKind}'
+ :wincmd p
+ catch /E441/ # No preview window
+ endtry
+ endif
+# process the 'completionItem/resolve' reply from the LSP server
+# Result: CompletionItem
+export def CompletionResolveReply(lspserver: dict<any>, cItem: any)
+ ShowCompletionDocumentation(cItem)
+# Return trigger kind and trigger char. If completion trigger is not a keyword
+# and not one of the triggerCharacters, return -1 for triggerKind.
+def GetTriggerAttributes(lspserver: dict<any>): list<any>
+ var triggerKind: number = 1
+ var triggerChar: string = ''
+ # Trigger kind is 1 for keyword and 2 for trigger char initiated completion.
+ var line: string = getline('.')
+ var cur_col = charcol('.')
+ if line[cur_col - 2] !~ '\k'
+ var trigChars = lspserver.completionTriggerChars
+ var trigidx = trigChars->index(line[cur_col - 2])
+ if trigidx == -1
+ triggerKind = -1
+ else
+ triggerKind = 2
+ triggerChar = trigChars[trigidx]
+ endif
+ endif
+ return [triggerKind, triggerChar]
+# omni complete handler
+def g:LspOmniFunc(findstart: number, base: string): any
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('completion')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return -2
+ endif
+ if findstart
+ var [triggerKind, triggerChar] = GetTriggerAttributes(lspserver)
+ if triggerKind < 0
+ # previous character is not a keyword character or a trigger character,
+ # so cancel omni completion.
+ return -2
+ endif
+ # first send all the changes in the current buffer to the LSP server
+ listener_flush()
+ lspserver.omniCompletePending = true
+ lspserver.completeItems = []
+ # initiate a request to LSP server to get list of completions
+ lspserver.getCompletion(triggerKind, triggerChar)
+ # locate the start of the word
+ var line = getline('.')->strpart(0, col('.') - 1)
+ var keyword = line->matchstr('\k\+$')
+ lspserver.omniCompleteKeyword = keyword
+ return line->len() - keyword->len()
+ else
+ # Wait for the list of matches from the LSP server
+ var count: number = 0
+ while lspserver.omniCompletePending && count < 1000
+ if complete_check()
+ return v:none
+ endif
+ sleep 2m
+ count += 1
+ endwhile
+ if lspserver.omniCompletePending
+ return v:none
+ endif
+ var res: list<dict<any>> = lspserver.completeItems
+ var prefix = lspserver.omniCompleteKeyword
+ # Don't attempt to filter on the items, when "isIncomplete" is set
+ if prefix->empty() || lspserver.completeItemsIsIncomplete
+ return res
+ endif
+ var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions
+ if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_FUZZY
+ return res->matchfuzzy(prefix, { key: 'word' })
+ endif
+ if lspOpts.completionMatcherValue == opt.COMPLETIONMATCHER_ICASE
+ return res->filter((i, v) =>
+ v.word->tolower()->stridx(prefix->tolower()) == 0)
+ endif
+ return res->filter((i, v) => v.word->stridx(prefix) == 0)
+ endif
+# For plugins that implement async completion this function indicates if
+# omnifunc is waiting for LSP response.
+def g:LspOmniCompletePending(): bool
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('completion')
+ return !lspserver->empty() && lspserver.omniCompletePending
+# Insert mode completion handler. Used when 24x7 completion is enabled
+# (default).
+def LspComplete()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServer('completion')
+ if lspserver->empty() || !lspserver.running || !lspserver.ready
+ return
+ endif
+ var [triggerKind, triggerChar] = GetTriggerAttributes(lspserver)
+ if triggerKind < 0
+ return
+ endif
+ # first send all the changes in the current buffer to the LSP server
+ listener_flush()
+ # initiate a request to LSP server to get list of completions
+ lspserver.getCompletion(triggerKind, triggerChar)
+# Lazy complete documentation handler
+def LspResolve()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('completion')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var item = v:event.completed_item
+ if item->has_key('user_data') && !item.user_data->empty()
+ if item.user_data->type() == v:t_dict && !item.user_data->has_key('documentation')
+ lspserver.resolveCompletion(item.user_data)
+ else
+ ShowCompletionDocumentation(item.user_data)
+ endif
+ endif
+# If the completion popup documentation window displays "markdown" content,
+# then set the 'filetype' to "lspgfm".
+def LspSetPopupFileType()
+ var item = v:event.completed_item
+ var cItem = item->get('user_data', {})
+ if cItem->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ if cItem->type() != v:t_dict || !cItem->has_key('documentation')
+ \ || cItem.documentation->type() != v:t_dict
+ \ || cItem.documentation.kind != 'markdown'
+ return
+ endif
+ var id = popup_findinfo()
+ if id > 0
+ var bnum = id->winbufnr()
+ setbufvar(bnum, '&ft', 'lspgfm')
+ endif
+# complete done handler (LSP server-initiated actions after completion)
+def LspCompleteDone(bnr: number)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.BufLspServerGet(bnr, 'completion')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ if v:completed_item->type() != v:t_dict
+ return
+ endif
+ var completionData: any = v:completed_item->get('user_data', '')
+ if completionData->type() != v:t_dict
+ || !opt.lspOptions.completionTextEdit
+ return
+ endif
+ if !completionData->has_key('additionalTextEdits')
+ # Some language servers (e.g. typescript) delay the computation of the
+ # additional text edits. So try to resolve the completion item now to get
+ # the text edits.
+ completionData = lspserver.resolveCompletion(completionData, true)
+ endif
+ if !completionData->get('additionalTextEdits', {})->empty()
+ textedit.ApplyTextEdits(bnr, completionData.additionalTextEdits)
+ endif
+ if completionData->has_key('command')
+ # Some language servers (e.g. haskell-language-server) want to apply
+ # additional commands after completion.
+ codeaction.DoCommand(lspserver, completionData.command)
+ endif
+# Initialize buffer-local completion options and autocmds
+export def BufferInit(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, ftype: string)
+ if !lspserver.isCompletionProvider
+ # no support for completion
+ return
+ endif
+ if !opt.lspOptions.autoComplete && !LspOmniComplEnabled(ftype) && !opt.lspOptions.omniComplete
+ # LSP auto/omni completion support is not enabled for this buffer
+ return
+ endif
+ # buffer-local autocmds for completion
+ var acmds: list<dict<any>> = []
+ # set options for insert mode completion
+ if opt.lspOptions.autoComplete
+ if lspserver.completionLazyDoc
+ setbufvar(bnr, '&completeopt', 'menuone,popuphidden,noinsert,noselect')
+ else
+ setbufvar(bnr, '&completeopt', 'menuone,popup,noinsert,noselect')
+ endif
+ setbufvar(bnr, '&completepopup',
+ 'width:80,highlight:Pmenu,align:item,border:off')
+ # <Enter> in insert mode stops completion and inserts a <Enter>
+ if !opt.lspOptions.noNewlineInCompletion
+ :inoremap <expr> <buffer> <CR> pumvisible() ? "\<C-Y>\<CR>" : "\<CR>"
+ endif
+ # Trigger 24x7 insert mode completion when text is changed
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'TextChangedI',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: 'LspComplete()'})
+ endif
+ if LspOmniComplEnabled(ftype)
+ setbufvar(bnr, '&omnifunc', 'g:LspOmniFunc')
+ endif
+ if lspserver.completionLazyDoc
+ # resolve additional documentation for a selected item
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'CompleteChanged',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: 'LspResolve()'})
+ endif
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'CompleteChanged',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: 'LspSetPopupFileType()'})
+ # Execute LSP server initiated text edits after completion
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'CompleteDone',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: $'LspCompleteDone({bnr})'})
+ autocmd_add(acmds)
+# Buffer "bnr" is loaded in a window. If omni-completion is enabled for this
+# buffer, then set the 'omnifunc' option.
+export def BufferLoadedInWin(bnr: number)
+ if !opt.lspOptions.autoComplete
+ && LspOmniComplEnabled(bnr->getbufvar('&filetype'))
+ setbufvar(bnr, '&omnifunc', 'g:LspOmniFunc')
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/diag.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/diag.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6975edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/diag.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+# Functions related to handling LSP diagnostics.
+import './options.vim' as opt
+import './buffer.vim' as buf
+import './util.vim'
+# [bnr] = {
+# serverDiagnostics: {
+# lspServer1Id: [diag, diag, diag]
+# lspServer2Id: [diag, diag, diag]
+# },
+# serverDiagnosticsByLnum: {
+# lspServer1Id: { [lnum]: [diag, diag diag] },
+# lspServer2Id: { [lnum]: [diag, diag diag] },
+# },
+# sortedDiagnostics: [lspServer1.diags, ...lspServer2.diags]->sort()
+# }
+var diagsMap: dict<dict<any>> = {}
+# Initialize the signs and the text property type used for diagnostics.
+export def InitOnce()
+ # Signs and their highlight groups used for LSP diagnostics
+ hlset([
+ {name: 'LspDiagLine', default: true, linksto: 'NONE'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagSignErrorText', default: true, linksto: 'ErrorMsg'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagSignWarningText', default: true, linksto: 'Search'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagSignInfoText', default: true, linksto: 'Pmenu'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagSignHintText', default: true, linksto: 'Question'}
+ ])
+ sign_define([
+ {
+ name: 'LspDiagError',
+ text: opt.lspOptions.diagSignErrorText,
+ texthl: 'LspDiagSignErrorText',
+ linehl: 'LspDiagLine'
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'LspDiagWarning',
+ text: opt.lspOptions.diagSignWarningText,
+ texthl: 'LspDiagSignWarningText',
+ linehl: 'LspDiagLine'
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'LspDiagInfo',
+ text: opt.lspOptions.diagSignInfoText,
+ texthl: 'LspDiagSignInfoText',
+ linehl: 'LspDiagLine'
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'LspDiagHint',
+ text: opt.lspOptions.diagSignHintText,
+ texthl: 'LspDiagSignHintText',
+ linehl: 'LspDiagLine'
+ }
+ ])
+ # Diag inline highlight groups and text property types
+ hlset([
+ {name: 'LspDiagInlineError', default: true, linksto: 'SpellBad'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagInlineWarning', default: true, linksto: 'SpellCap'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagInlineInfo', default: true, linksto: 'SpellRare'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagInlineHint', default: true, linksto: 'SpellLocal'}
+ ])
+ var override = &cursorline
+ && &cursorlineopt =~ '\<line\>\|\<screenline\>\|\<both\>'
+ prop_type_add('LspDiagInlineError',
+ {highlight: 'LspDiagInlineError',
+ priority: 10,
+ override: override})
+ prop_type_add('LspDiagInlineWarning',
+ {highlight: 'LspDiagInlineWarning',
+ priority: 9,
+ override: override})
+ prop_type_add('LspDiagInlineInfo',
+ {highlight: 'LspDiagInlineInfo',
+ priority: 8,
+ override: override})
+ prop_type_add('LspDiagInlineHint',
+ {highlight: 'LspDiagInlineHint',
+ priority: 7,
+ override: override})
+ # Diag virtual text highlight groups and text property types
+ hlset([
+ {name: 'LspDiagVirtualTextError', default: true, linksto: 'SpellBad'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagVirtualTextWarning', default: true, linksto: 'SpellCap'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagVirtualTextInfo', default: true, linksto: 'SpellRare'},
+ {name: 'LspDiagVirtualTextHint', default: true, linksto: 'SpellLocal'},
+ ])
+ prop_type_add('LspDiagVirtualTextError',
+ {highlight: 'LspDiagVirtualTextError', override: true})
+ prop_type_add('LspDiagVirtualTextWarning',
+ {highlight: 'LspDiagVirtualTextWarning', override: true})
+ prop_type_add('LspDiagVirtualTextInfo',
+ {highlight: 'LspDiagVirtualTextInfo', override: true})
+ prop_type_add('LspDiagVirtualTextHint',
+ {highlight: 'LspDiagVirtualTextHint', override: true})
+ autocmd_add([{group: 'LspCmds',
+ event: 'User',
+ pattern: 'LspOptionsChanged',
+ cmd: 'LspDiagsOptionsChanged()'}])
+ # ALE plugin support
+ if opt.lspOptions.aleSupport
+ opt.lspOptions.autoHighlightDiags = false
+ autocmd_add([
+ {
+ group: 'LspAleCmds',
+ event: 'User',
+ pattern: 'ALEWantResults',
+ cmd: 'AleHook(g:ale_want_results_buffer)'
+ }
+ ])
+ endif
+# Initialize the diagnostics features for the buffer 'bnr'
+export def BufferInit(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number)
+ if opt.lspOptions.showDiagInBalloon
+ :set ballooneval balloonevalterm
+ setbufvar(bnr, '&balloonexpr', 'g:LspDiagExpr()')
+ endif
+ var acmds: list<dict<any>> = []
+ # Show diagnostics on the status line
+ if opt.lspOptions.showDiagOnStatusLine
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'CursorMoved',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: 'ShowCurrentDiagInStatusLine()'})
+ endif
+ autocmd_add(acmds)
+# Function to sort the diagnostics in ascending order based on the line and
+# character offset
+def DiagsSortFunc(a: dict<any>, b: dict<any>): number
+ var a_start: dict<number> = a.range.start
+ var b_start: dict<number> = b.range.start
+ var linediff: number = a_start.line - b_start.line
+ if linediff == 0
+ return a_start.character - b_start.character
+ endif
+ return linediff
+# Sort diagnostics ascending based on line and character offset
+def SortDiags(diags: list<dict<any>>): list<dict<any>>
+ return diags->sort(DiagsSortFunc)
+# Remove the diagnostics stored for buffer "bnr"
+export def DiagRemoveFile(bnr: number)
+ if diagsMap->has_key(bnr)
+ diagsMap->remove(bnr)
+ endif
+def DiagSevToSignName(severity: number): string
+ var typeMap: list<string> = ['LspDiagError', 'LspDiagWarning',
+ 'LspDiagInfo', 'LspDiagHint']
+ if severity > 4
+ return 'LspDiagHint'
+ endif
+ return typeMap[severity - 1]
+def DiagSevToInlineHLName(severity: number): string
+ var typeMap: list<string> = [
+ 'LspDiagInlineError',
+ 'LspDiagInlineWarning',
+ 'LspDiagInlineInfo',
+ 'LspDiagInlineHint'
+ ]
+ if severity > 4
+ return 'LspDiagInlineHint'
+ endif
+ return typeMap[severity - 1]
+def DiagSevToVirtualTextHLName(severity: number): string
+ var typeMap: list<string> = [
+ 'LspDiagVirtualTextError',
+ 'LspDiagVirtualTextWarning',
+ 'LspDiagVirtualTextInfo',
+ 'LspDiagVirtualTextHint'
+ ]
+ if severity > 4
+ return 'LspDiagVirtualTextHint'
+ endif
+ return typeMap[severity - 1]
+def DiagSevToSymbolText(severity: number): string
+ var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions
+ var typeMap: list<string> = [
+ lspOpts.diagSignErrorText,
+ lspOpts.diagSignWarningText,
+ lspOpts.diagSignInfoText,
+ lspOpts.diagSignHintText
+ ]
+ if severity > 4
+ return lspOpts.diagSignHintText
+ endif
+ return typeMap[severity - 1]
+# Remove signs and text properties for diagnostics in buffer
+def RemoveDiagVisualsForBuffer(bnr: number, all: bool = false)
+ var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions
+ if lspOpts.showDiagWithSign || all
+ # Remove all the existing diagnostic signs
+ sign_unplace('LSPDiag', {buffer: bnr})
+ endif
+ if lspOpts.showDiagWithVirtualText || all
+ # Remove all the existing virtual text
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspDiagVirtualTextError', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspDiagVirtualTextWarning', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspDiagVirtualTextInfo', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspDiagVirtualTextHint', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ endif
+ if lspOpts.highlightDiagInline || all
+ # Remove all the existing virtual text
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspDiagInlineError', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspDiagInlineWarning', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspDiagInlineInfo', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspDiagInlineHint', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ endif
+# Refresh the placed diagnostics in buffer "bnr"
+# This inline signs, inline props, and virtual text diagnostics
+export def DiagsRefresh(bnr: number, all: bool = false)
+ var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions
+ if !lspOpts.autoHighlightDiags
+ return
+ endif
+ :silent! bnr->bufload()
+ RemoveDiagVisualsForBuffer(bnr, all)
+ if !diagsMap->has_key(bnr) ||
+ diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # Initialize default/fallback properties for diagnostic virtual text:
+ var diag_align: string = 'above'
+ var diag_wrap: string = 'truncate'
+ var diag_symbol: string = '┌─'
+ if lspOpts.diagVirtualTextAlign == 'below'
+ diag_align = 'below'
+ diag_wrap = 'truncate'
+ diag_symbol = '└─'
+ elseif lspOpts.diagVirtualTextAlign == 'after'
+ diag_align = 'after'
+ diag_wrap = 'wrap'
+ diag_symbol = 'E>'
+ endif
+ if lspOpts.diagVirtualTextWrap != 'default'
+ diag_wrap = lspOpts.diagVirtualTextWrap
+ endif
+ var signs: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var diags: list<dict<any>> = diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics
+ var inlineHLprops: list<list<list<number>>> = [[], [], [], [], []]
+ for diag in diags
+ # TODO: prioritize most important severity if there are multiple
+ # diagnostics from the same line
+ var d_range = diag.range
+ var d_start = d_range.start
+ var d_end = d_range.end
+ var lnum = d_start.line + 1
+ if lspOpts.showDiagWithSign
+ signs->add({id: 0, buffer: bnr, group: 'LSPDiag',
+ lnum: lnum, name: DiagSevToSignName(diag.severity),
+ priority: 10 - diag.severity})
+ endif
+ try
+ if lspOpts.highlightDiagInline
+ var propLocation: list<number> = [
+ lnum, util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, d_start) + 1,
+ d_end.line + 1, util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, d_end) + 1
+ ]
+ inlineHLprops[diag.severity]->add(propLocation)
+ endif
+ if lspOpts.showDiagWithVirtualText
+ var padding: number
+ var symbol: string = diag_symbol
+ if diag_align == 'after'
+ padding = 3
+ symbol = DiagSevToSymbolText(diag.severity)
+ else
+ var charIdx = util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bnr, d_start)
+ padding = charIdx
+ if padding > 0
+ padding = strdisplaywidth(getline(lnum)[ : charIdx - 1])
+ endif
+ endif
+ prop_add(lnum, 0, {bufnr: bnr,
+ type: DiagSevToVirtualTextHLName(diag.severity),
+ text: $'{symbol} {diag.message}',
+ text_align: diag_align,
+ text_wrap: diag_wrap,
+ text_padding_left: padding})
+ endif
+ catch /E966\|E964/ # Invalid lnum | Invalid col
+ # Diagnostics arrive asynchronously and the document changed while they
+ # were in transit. Ignore this as new once will arrive shortly.
+ endtry
+ endfor
+ if lspOpts.highlightDiagInline
+ for i in range(1, 4)
+ if !inlineHLprops[i]->empty()
+ try
+ prop_add_list({bufnr: bnr, type: DiagSevToInlineHLName(i)},
+ inlineHLprops[i])
+ catch /E966\|E964/ # Invalid lnum | Invalid col
+ endtry
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if lspOpts.showDiagWithSign
+ signs->sign_placelist()
+ endif
+# Sends diagnostics to Ale
+def SendAleDiags(bnr: number, timerid: number)
+ if !diagsMap->has_key(bnr)
+ return
+ endif
+ # Convert to Ale's diagnostics format (:h ale-loclist-format)
+ ale#other_source#ShowResults(bnr, 'lsp',
+ diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics->mapnew((_, v) => {
+ return {text: v.message,
+ lnum: v.range.start.line + 1,
+ col: util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, v.range.start) + 1,
+ end_lnum: v.range.end.line + 1,
+ end_col: util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, v.range.end) + 1,
+ type: "EWIH"[v.severity - 1]}
+ })
+ )
+# Hook called when Ale wants to retrieve new diagnostics
+def AleHook(bnr: number)
+ ale#other_source#StartChecking(bnr, 'lsp')
+ timer_start(0, function('SendAleDiags', [bnr]))
+# New LSP diagnostic messages received from the server for a file.
+# Update the signs placed in the buffer for this file
+export def ProcessNewDiags(bnr: number)
+ DiagsUpdateLocList(bnr)
+ var lspOpts = opt.lspOptions
+ if lspOpts.aleSupport
+ SendAleDiags(bnr, -1)
+ endif
+ if bnr == -1 || !diagsMap->has_key(bnr)
+ return
+ endif
+ var curmode: string = mode()
+ if curmode == 'i' || curmode == 'R' || curmode == 'Rv'
+ # postpone placing signs in insert mode and replace mode. These will be
+ # placed after the user returns to Normal mode.
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspDiagsUpdatePending', true)
+ return
+ endif
+ DiagsRefresh(bnr)
+# process a diagnostic notification message from the LSP server
+# Notification: textDocument/publishDiagnostics
+# Param: PublishDiagnosticsParams
+export def DiagNotification(lspserver: dict<any>, uri: string, diags_arg: list<dict<any>>): void
+ # Diagnostics are disabled for this server?
+ if !lspserver.featureEnabled('diagnostics')
+ return
+ endif
+ var fname: string = util.LspUriToFile(uri)
+ var bnr: number = fname->bufnr()
+ if bnr == -1
+ # Is this condition possible?
+ return
+ endif
+ var newDiags: list<dict<any>> = diags_arg
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the diags
+ newDiags->map((_, dval) => {
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, dval.range)
+ return dval
+ })
+ endif
+ if lspserver.processDiagHandler != null_function
+ newDiags = lspserver.processDiagHandler(diags_arg)
+ endif
+ # TODO: Is the buffer (bnr) always a loaded buffer? Should we load it here?
+ var lastlnum: number = bnr->getbufinfo()[0].linecount
+ # store the diagnostic for each line separately
+ var diagsByLnum: dict<list<dict<any>>> = {}
+ var diagWithinRange: list<dict<any>> = []
+ for diag in newDiags
+ var d_start = diag.range.start
+ if d_start.line + 1 > lastlnum
+ # Make sure the line number is a valid buffer line number
+ d_start.line = lastlnum - 1
+ endif
+ var lnum = d_start.line + 1
+ if !diagsByLnum->has_key(lnum)
+ diagsByLnum[lnum] = []
+ endif
+ diagsByLnum[lnum]->add(diag)
+ diagWithinRange->add(diag)
+ endfor
+ var serverDiags: dict<list<any>> = diagsMap->has_key(bnr) ?
+ diagsMap[bnr].serverDiagnostics : {}
+ serverDiags[] = diagWithinRange
+ var serverDiagsByLnum: dict<dict<list<any>>> = diagsMap->has_key(bnr) ?
+ diagsMap[bnr].serverDiagnosticsByLnum : {}
+ serverDiagsByLnum[] = diagsByLnum
+ # store the diagnostic for each line separately
+ var joinedServerDiags: list<dict<any>> = []
+ for diags in serverDiags->values()
+ joinedServerDiags->extend(diags)
+ endfor
+ var sortedDiags = SortDiags(joinedServerDiags)
+ diagsMap[bnr] = {
+ sortedDiagnostics: sortedDiags,
+ serverDiagnosticsByLnum: serverDiagsByLnum,
+ serverDiagnostics: serverDiags
+ }
+ ProcessNewDiags(bnr)
+ # Notify user scripts that diags has been updated
+ if exists('#User#LspDiagsUpdated')
+ :doautocmd <nomodeline> User LspDiagsUpdated
+ endif
+# get the count of error in the current buffer
+export def DiagsGetErrorCount(bnr: number): dict<number>
+ var diagSevCount: list<number> = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ if diagsMap->has_key(bnr)
+ var diags = diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics
+ for diag in diags
+ var severity = diag->get('severity', 0)
+ diagSevCount[severity] += 1
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return {
+ Error: diagSevCount[1],
+ Warn: diagSevCount[2],
+ Info: diagSevCount[3],
+ Hint: diagSevCount[4]
+ }
+# Map the LSP DiagnosticSeverity to a quickfix type character
+def DiagSevToQfType(severity: number): string
+ var typeMap: list<string> = ['E', 'W', 'I', 'N']
+ if severity > 4
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return typeMap[severity - 1]
+# Update the location list window for the current window with the diagnostic
+# messages.
+# Returns true if diagnostics is not empty and false if it is empty.
+def DiagsUpdateLocList(bnr: number, calledByCmd: bool = false): bool
+ var fname: string = bnr->bufname()->fnamemodify(':p')
+ if fname->empty()
+ return false
+ endif
+ var LspQfId: number = bnr->getbufvar('LspQfId', 0)
+ if LspQfId == 0 && !opt.lspOptions.autoPopulateDiags && !calledByCmd
+ # Diags location list is not present. Create the location list only if
+ # the 'autoPopulateDiags' option is set or the ":LspDiag show" command is
+ # invoked.
+ return false
+ endif
+ if LspQfId != 0 && getloclist(0, {id: LspQfId}).id != LspQfId
+ # Previously used location list for the diagnostics is gone
+ LspQfId = 0
+ endif
+ if !diagsMap->has_key(bnr) ||
+ diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics->empty()
+ if LspQfId != 0
+ setloclist(0, [], 'r', {id: LspQfId, items: []})
+ endif
+ return false
+ endif
+ var qflist: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var text: string
+ var diags = diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics
+ for diag in diags
+ var d_range = diag.range
+ var d_start = d_range.start
+ var d_end = d_range.end
+ text = diag.message->substitute("\n\\+", "\n", 'g')
+ qflist->add({filename: fname,
+ lnum: d_start.line + 1,
+ col: util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, d_start) + 1,
+ end_lnum: d_end.line + 1,
+ end_col: util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, d_end) + 1,
+ text: text,
+ type: DiagSevToQfType(diag.severity)})
+ endfor
+ var op: string = ' '
+ var props = {title: 'Language Server Diagnostics', items: qflist}
+ if LspQfId != 0
+ op = 'r'
+ = LspQfId
+ endif
+ setloclist(0, [], op, props)
+ if LspQfId == 0
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspQfId', getloclist(0, {id: 0}).id)
+ endif
+ return true
+# Display the diagnostic messages from the LSP server for the current buffer
+# in a location list
+export def ShowAllDiags(): void
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ if !DiagsUpdateLocList(bnr, true)
+ util.WarnMsg($'No diagnostic messages found for {@%}')
+ return
+ endif
+ var save_winid = win_getid()
+ # make the diagnostics error list the active one and open it
+ var LspQfId: number = bnr->getbufvar('LspQfId', 0)
+ var LspQfNr: number = getloclist(0, {id: LspQfId, nr: 0}).nr
+ exe $':{LspQfNr} lhistory'
+ :lopen
+ if !opt.lspOptions.keepFocusInDiags
+ save_winid->win_gotoid()
+ endif
+# Display the message of "diag" in a popup window right below the position in
+# the diagnostic message.
+def ShowDiagInPopup(diag: dict<any>)
+ var d_start = diag.range.start
+ var dlnum = d_start.line + 1
+ var ltext = dlnum->getline()
+ var dlcol = ltext->byteidxcomp(d_start.character) + 1
+ var lastline = line('$')
+ if dlnum > lastline
+ # The line number is outside the last line in the file.
+ dlnum = lastline
+ endif
+ if dlcol < 1
+ # The column is outside the last character in line.
+ dlcol = ltext->len() + 1
+ endif
+ var d = screenpos(0, dlnum, dlcol)
+ if d->empty()
+ # If the diag position cannot be converted to Vim lnum/col, then use
+ # the current cursor position
+ d = {row: line('.'), col: col('.')}
+ endif
+ # Display a popup right below the diagnostics position
+ var msg = diag.message->split("\n")
+ var msglen = msg->reduce((acc, val) => max([acc, val->strcharlen()]), 0)
+ var ppopts = {}
+ ppopts.pos = 'topleft'
+ ppopts.line = d.row + 1
+ ppopts.moved = 'any'
+ if msglen > &columns
+ ppopts.wrap = true
+ ppopts.col = 1
+ else
+ ppopts.wrap = false
+ ppopts.col = d.col
+ endif
+ popup_create(msg, ppopts)
+# Display the "diag" message in a popup or in the status message area
+def DisplayDiag(diag: dict<any>)
+ if opt.lspOptions.showDiagInPopup
+ # Display the diagnostic message in a popup window.
+ ShowDiagInPopup(diag)
+ else
+ # Display the diagnostic message in the status message area
+ :echo diag.message
+ endif
+# Show the diagnostic message for the current line
+export def ShowCurrentDiag(atPos: bool)
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ var lnum: number = line('.')
+ var col: number = charcol('.')
+ var diag: dict<any> = GetDiagByPos(bnr, lnum, col, atPos)
+ if diag->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg($'No diagnostic messages found for current {atPos ? "position" : "line"}')
+ else
+ DisplayDiag(diag)
+ endif
+# Show the diagnostic message for the current line without linebreak
+def ShowCurrentDiagInStatusLine()
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ var lnum: number = line('.')
+ var col: number = charcol('.')
+ var diag: dict<any> = GetDiagByPos(bnr, lnum, col)
+ if !diag->empty()
+ # 15 is a enough length not to cause line break
+ var max_width = &columns - 15
+ var code = ''
+ if diag->has_key('code')
+ code = $'[{diag.code}] '
+ endif
+ var msgNoLineBreak = code ..
+ diag.message->substitute("\n", ' ', '')->substitute("\\n", ' ', '')
+ :echo msgNoLineBreak[ : max_width]
+ else
+ # clear the previous message
+ :echo ''
+ endif
+# Get the diagnostic from the LSP server for a particular line and character
+# offset in a file
+export def GetDiagByPos(bnr: number, lnum: number, col: number,
+ atPos: bool = false): dict<any>
+ var diags_in_line = GetDiagsByLine(bnr, lnum)
+ for diag in diags_in_line
+ var r = diag.range
+ var startCharIdx = util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bnr, r.start)
+ var endCharIdx = util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bnr, r.end)
+ if atPos
+ if col >= startCharIdx + 1 && col < endCharIdx + 1
+ return diag
+ endif
+ elseif col <= startCharIdx + 1
+ return diag
+ endif
+ endfor
+ # No diagnostic to the right of the position, return the last one instead
+ if !atPos && diags_in_line->len() > 0
+ return diags_in_line[-1]
+ endif
+ return {}
+# Get all diagnostics from the LSP server for a particular line in a file
+export def GetDiagsByLine(bnr: number, lnum: number, lspserver: dict<any> = null_dict): list<dict<any>>
+ if !diagsMap->has_key(bnr)
+ return []
+ endif
+ var diags: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var serverDiagsByLnum = diagsMap[bnr].serverDiagnosticsByLnum
+ if lspserver == null_dict
+ for diagsByLnum in serverDiagsByLnum->values()
+ if diagsByLnum->has_key(lnum)
+ diags->extend(diagsByLnum[lnum])
+ endif
+ endfor
+ else
+ if !serverDiagsByLnum->has_key(
+ return []
+ endif
+ if serverDiagsByLnum[]->has_key(lnum)
+ diags = serverDiagsByLnum[][lnum]
+ endif
+ endif
+ return diags->sort((a, b) => {
+ return a.range.start.character - b.range.start.character
+ })
+# Utility function to do the actual jump
+def JumpDiag(diag: dict<any>)
+ var startPos: dict<number> = diag.range.start
+ setcursorcharpos(startPos.line + 1,
+ util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bufnr(), startPos) + 1)
+ :normal! zv
+ if !opt.lspOptions.showDiagWithVirtualText
+ :redraw
+ DisplayDiag(diag)
+ endif
+# jump to the next/previous/first diagnostic message in the current buffer
+export def LspDiagsJump(which: string, a_count: number = 0): void
+ var fname: string = expand('%:p')
+ if fname->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ if !diagsMap->has_key(bnr) ||
+ diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg($'No diagnostic messages found for {fname}')
+ return
+ endif
+ var diags = diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics
+ if which == 'first'
+ JumpDiag(diags[0])
+ return
+ endif
+ if which == 'last'
+ JumpDiag(diags[-1])
+ return
+ endif
+ # Find the entry just before the current line (binary search)
+ var count = a_count > 1 ? a_count : 1
+ var curlnum: number = line('.')
+ var curcol: number = charcol('.')
+ for diag in (which == 'next' || which == 'nextWrap' || which == 'here') ?
+ diags : diags->copy()->reverse()
+ var d_start = diag.range.start
+ var lnum = d_start.line + 1
+ var col = util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bnr, d_start) + 1
+ if ((which == 'next' || which == 'nextWrap') && (lnum > curlnum || lnum == curlnum && col > curcol))
+ || ((which == 'prev' || which == 'prevWrap') && (lnum < curlnum || lnum == curlnum
+ && col < curcol))
+ || (which == 'here' && (lnum == curlnum && col >= curcol))
+ # Skip over as many diags as "count" dictates
+ count = count - 1
+ if count > 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ JumpDiag(diag)
+ return
+ endif
+ endfor
+ # If [count] exceeded the remaining diags
+ if ((which == 'next' || which == 'nextWrap') && a_count > 1 && a_count != count)
+ JumpDiag(diags[-1])
+ return
+ endif
+ # If [count] exceeded the previous diags
+ if ((which == 'prev' || which == 'prevWrap') && a_count > 1 && a_count != count)
+ JumpDiag(diags[0])
+ return
+ endif
+ if which == 'nextWrap' || which == 'prevWrap'
+ JumpDiag(diags[which == 'nextWrap' ? 0 : -1])
+ return
+ endif
+ if which == 'here'
+ util.WarnMsg('No more diagnostics found on this line')
+ else
+ util.WarnMsg('No more diagnostics found')
+ endif
+# Return the sorted diagnostics for buffer "bnr". Default is the current
+# buffer. A copy of the diagnostics is returned so that the caller can modify
+# the diagnostics.
+export def GetDiagsForBuf(bnr: number = bufnr()): list<dict<any>>
+ if !diagsMap->has_key(bnr) ||
+ diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics->empty()
+ return []
+ endif
+ return diagsMap[bnr].sortedDiagnostics->deepcopy()
+# Return the diagnostic text from the LSP server for the current mouse line to
+# display in a balloon
+def g:LspDiagExpr(): any
+ if !opt.lspOptions.showDiagInBalloon
+ return ''
+ endif
+ var diagsInfo: list<dict<any>> =
+ GetDiagsByLine(v:beval_bufnr, v:beval_lnum)
+ if diagsInfo->empty()
+ # No diagnostic for the current cursor location
+ return ''
+ endif
+ var diagFound: dict<any> = {}
+ for diag in diagsInfo
+ var r = diag.range
+ var startcol = util.GetLineByteFromPos(v:beval_bufnr, r.start) + 1
+ var endcol = util.GetLineByteFromPos(v:beval_bufnr, r.end) + 1
+ if v:beval_col >= startcol && v:beval_col < endcol
+ diagFound = diag
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if diagFound->empty()
+ # mouse is outside of the diagnostics range
+ return ''
+ endif
+ # return the found diagnostic
+ return diagFound.message->split("\n")
+# Track the current diagnostics auto highlight enabled/disabled state. Used
+# when the "autoHighlightDiags" option value is changed.
+var save_autoHighlightDiags = opt.lspOptions.autoHighlightDiags
+var save_highlightDiagInline = opt.lspOptions.highlightDiagInline
+var save_showDiagWithSign = opt.lspOptions.showDiagWithSign
+var save_showDiagWithVirtualText = opt.lspOptions.showDiagWithVirtualText
+# Enable the LSP diagnostics highlighting
+export def DiagsHighlightEnable()
+ opt.lspOptions.autoHighlightDiags = true
+ save_autoHighlightDiags = true
+ for binfo in getbufinfo({bufloaded: true})
+ if diagsMap->has_key(binfo.bufnr)
+ DiagsRefresh(binfo.bufnr)
+ endif
+ endfor
+# Disable the LSP diagnostics highlighting in all the buffers
+export def DiagsHighlightDisable()
+ # turn off all diags highlight
+ opt.lspOptions.autoHighlightDiags = false
+ save_autoHighlightDiags = false
+ for binfo in getbufinfo()
+ if diagsMap->has_key(binfo.bufnr)
+ RemoveDiagVisualsForBuffer(binfo.bufnr)
+ endif
+ endfor
+# Some options are changed. If 'autoHighlightDiags' option is changed, then
+# either enable or disable diags auto highlight.
+export def LspDiagsOptionsChanged()
+ if save_autoHighlightDiags && !opt.lspOptions.autoHighlightDiags
+ DiagsHighlightDisable()
+ elseif !save_autoHighlightDiags && opt.lspOptions.autoHighlightDiags
+ DiagsHighlightEnable()
+ endif
+ if save_highlightDiagInline != opt.lspOptions.highlightDiagInline
+ || save_showDiagWithSign != opt.lspOptions.showDiagWithSign
+ || save_showDiagWithVirtualText != opt.lspOptions.showDiagWithVirtualText
+ save_highlightDiagInline = opt.lspOptions.highlightDiagInline
+ save_showDiagWithSign = opt.lspOptions.showDiagWithSign
+ save_showDiagWithVirtualText = opt.lspOptions.showDiagWithVirtualText
+ for binfo in getbufinfo({bufloaded: true})
+ if diagsMap->has_key(binfo.bufnr)
+ DiagsRefresh(binfo.bufnr, true)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/handlers.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/handlers.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd597ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/handlers.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# Handlers for messages from the LSP server
+# Refer to
+# for the Language Server Protocol (LSP) specification.
+import './util.vim'
+import './diag.vim'
+import './textedit.vim'
+# Process various reply messages from the LSP server
+export def ProcessReply(lspserver: dict<any>, req: dict<any>, reply: dict<any>): void
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported reply received from LSP server: {reply->string()} for request: {req->string()}')
+# process a diagnostic notification message from the LSP server
+# Notification: textDocument/publishDiagnostics
+# Param: PublishDiagnosticsParams
+def ProcessDiagNotif(lspserver: dict<any>, reply: dict<any>): void
+ var params = reply.params
+ diag.DiagNotification(lspserver, params.uri, params.diagnostics)
+# Convert LSP message type to a string
+def LspMsgTypeToString(lspMsgType: number): string
+ var msgStrMap: list<string> = ['', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Info', 'Log']
+ var mtype: string = 'Log'
+ if lspMsgType > 0 && lspMsgType < 5
+ mtype = msgStrMap[lspMsgType]
+ endif
+ return mtype
+# process a show notification message from the LSP server
+# Notification: window/showMessage
+# Param: ShowMessageParams
+def ProcessShowMsgNotif(lspserver: dict<any>, reply: dict<any>)
+ var msgType = reply.params.type
+ if msgType >= 4
+ # ignore log messages from the LSP server (too chatty)
+ # TODO: Add a configuration to control the message level that will be
+ # displayed. Also store these messages and provide a command to display
+ # them.
+ return
+ endif
+ if msgType == 1
+ util.ErrMsg($'Lsp({}) {reply.params.message}')
+ elseif msgType == 2
+ util.WarnMsg($'Lsp({}) {reply.params.message}')
+ elseif msgType == 3
+ util.InfoMsg($'Lsp({}) {reply.params.message}')
+ endif
+# process a log notification message from the LSP server
+# Notification: window/logMessage
+# Param: LogMessageParams
+def ProcessLogMsgNotif(lspserver: dict<any>, reply: dict<any>)
+ var params = reply.params
+ var mtype = LspMsgTypeToString(params.type)
+ lspserver.addMessage(mtype, params.message)
+# process the log trace notification messages
+# Notification: $/logTrace
+# Param: LogTraceParams
+def ProcessLogTraceNotif(lspserver: dict<any>, reply: dict<any>)
+ lspserver.addMessage('trace', reply.params.message)
+# process unsupported notification messages
+def ProcessUnsupportedNotif(lspserver: dict<any>, reply: dict<any>)
+ util.WarnMsg($'Unsupported notification message received from the LSP server ({}), message = {reply->string()}')
+# Dict to process telemetry notification messages only once per filetype
+var telemetryProcessed: dict<bool> = {}
+# process unsupported notification messages only once
+def ProcessUnsupportedNotifOnce(lspserver: dict<any>, reply: dict<any>)
+ if !telemetryProcessed->get(&ft, false)
+ ProcessUnsupportedNotif(lspserver, reply)
+ telemetryProcessed->extend({[&ft]: true})
+ endif
+# process notification messages from the LSP server
+export def ProcessNotif(lspserver: dict<any>, reply: dict<any>): void
+ var lsp_notif_handlers: dict<func> =
+ {
+ 'window/showMessage': ProcessShowMsgNotif,
+ 'window/logMessage': ProcessLogMsgNotif,
+ 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics': ProcessDiagNotif,
+ '$/logTrace': ProcessLogTraceNotif,
+ 'telemetry/event': ProcessUnsupportedNotifOnce,
+ }
+ # Explicitly ignored notification messages (many of them are specific to a
+ # particular language server)
+ var lsp_ignored_notif_handlers: list<string> =
+ [
+ '$/progress',
+ '$/status/report',
+ '$/status/show',
+ # PHP intelephense server sends the "indexingStarted" and
+ # "indexingEnded" notifications which is not in the LSP specification.
+ 'indexingStarted',
+ 'indexingEnded',
+ # Java language server sends the 'language/status' notification which is
+ # not in the LSP specification.
+ 'language/status',
+ # Typescript language server sends the '$/typescriptVersion'
+ # notification which is not in the LSP specification.
+ '$/typescriptVersion',
+ # Dart language server sends the '$/analyzerStatus' notification which
+ # is not in the LSP specification.
+ '$/analyzerStatus',
+ # pyright language server notifications
+ 'pyright/beginProgress',
+ 'pyright/reportProgress',
+ 'pyright/endProgress',
+ 'eslint/status',
+ 'taplo/didChangeSchemaAssociation',
+ 'sqlLanguageServer.finishSetup',
+ # ccls language server notifications
+ '$ccls/publishSkippedRanges',
+ '$ccls/publishSemanticHighlight',
+ # omnisharp language server notifications
+ 'o#/backgrounddiagnosticstatus',
+ 'o#/msbuildprojectdiagnostics',
+ 'o#/projectadded',
+ 'o#/projectchanged',
+ 'o#/projectconfiguration',
+ 'o#/projectdiagnosticstatus',
+ 'o#/unresolveddependencies',
+ '@/tailwindCSS/projectInitialized'
+ ]
+ if lsp_notif_handlers->has_key(reply.method)
+ lsp_notif_handlers[reply.method](lspserver, reply)
+ elseif lspserver.customNotificationHandlers->has_key(reply.method)
+ lspserver.customNotificationHandlers[reply.method](lspserver, reply)
+ elseif lsp_ignored_notif_handlers->index(reply.method) == -1
+ ProcessUnsupportedNotif(lspserver, reply)
+ endif
+# process the workspace/applyEdit LSP server request
+# Request: "workspace/applyEdit"
+# Param: ApplyWorkspaceEditParams
+def ProcessApplyEditReq(lspserver: dict<any>, request: dict<any>)
+ # interface ApplyWorkspaceEditParams
+ if !request->has_key('params')
+ return
+ endif
+ var workspaceEditParams: dict<any> = request.params
+ if workspaceEditParams->has_key('label')
+ util.InfoMsg($'Workspace edit {workspaceEditParams.label}')
+ endif
+ textedit.ApplyWorkspaceEdit(workspaceEditParams.edit)
+ # TODO: Need to return the proper result of the edit operation
+ lspserver.sendResponse(request, {applied: true}, {})
+# process the workspace/workspaceFolders LSP server request
+# Request: "workspace/workspaceFolders"
+# Param: none
+def ProcessWorkspaceFoldersReq(lspserver: dict<any>, request: dict<any>)
+ if !lspserver->has_key('workspaceFolders')
+ lspserver.sendResponse(request, null, {})
+ return
+ endif
+ if lspserver.workspaceFolders->empty()
+ lspserver.sendResponse(request, [], {})
+ else
+ lspserver.sendResponse(request,
+ \ lspserver.workspaceFolders->copy()->map('{name: v:val->fnamemodify(":t"), uri: util.LspFileToUri(v:val)}'),
+ \ {})
+ endif
+# process the workspace/configuration LSP server request
+# Request: "workspace/configuration"
+# Param: ConfigurationParams
+def ProcessWorkspaceConfiguration(lspserver: dict<any>, request: dict<any>)
+ var items = request.params.items
+ var response = items->map((_, item) => lspserver.workspaceConfigGet(item))
+ # Server expect null value if no config is given
+ if response->type() == v:t_list && response->len() == 1
+ && response[0]->type() == v:t_dict
+ && response[0] == null_dict
+ response[0] = null
+ endif
+ lspserver.sendResponse(request, response, {})
+# process the window/workDoneProgress/create LSP server request
+# Request: "window/workDoneProgress/create"
+# Param: none
+def ProcessWorkDoneProgressCreate(lspserver: dict<any>, request: dict<any>)
+ lspserver.sendResponse(request, null, {})
+# process the window/showMessageRequest LSP server request
+# Request: "window/showMessageRequest"
+# Param: ShowMessageRequestParams
+def ProcessShowMessageRequest(lspserver: dict<any>, request: dict<any>)
+ # TODO: for now 'showMessageRequest' handled same like 'showMessage'
+ # regardless 'actions'
+ ProcessShowMsgNotif(lspserver, request)
+ lspserver.sendResponse(request, null, {})
+# process the client/registerCapability LSP server request
+# Request: "client/registerCapability"
+# Param: RegistrationParams
+def ProcessClientRegisterCap(lspserver: dict<any>, request: dict<any>)
+ lspserver.sendResponse(request, null, {})
+# process the client/unregisterCapability LSP server request
+# Request: "client/unregisterCapability"
+# Param: UnregistrationParams
+def ProcessClientUnregisterCap(lspserver: dict<any>, request: dict<any>)
+ lspserver.sendResponse(request, null, {})
+# process a request message from the server
+export def ProcessRequest(lspserver: dict<any>, request: dict<any>)
+ var lspRequestHandlers: dict<func> =
+ {
+ 'client/registerCapability': ProcessClientRegisterCap,
+ 'client/unregisterCapability': ProcessClientUnregisterCap,
+ 'window/workDoneProgress/create': ProcessWorkDoneProgressCreate,
+ 'window/showMessageRequest': ProcessShowMessageRequest,
+ 'workspace/applyEdit': ProcessApplyEditReq,
+ 'workspace/configuration': ProcessWorkspaceConfiguration,
+ 'workspace/workspaceFolders': ProcessWorkspaceFoldersReq
+ # TODO: Handle the following requests from the server:
+ # workspace/codeLens/refresh
+ # workspace/diagnostic/refresh
+ # workspace/inlayHint/refresh
+ # workspace/inlineValue/refresh
+ # workspace/semanticTokens/refresh
+ }
+ # Explicitly ignored requests
+ var lspIgnoredRequestHandlers: list<string> =
+ [
+ # Eclipse java language server sends the
+ # 'workspace/executeClientCommand' request (to reload bundles) which is
+ # not in the LSP specification.
+ 'workspace/executeClientCommand',
+ ]
+ if lspRequestHandlers->has_key(request.method)
+ lspRequestHandlers[request.method](lspserver, request)
+ elseif lspserver.customRequestHandlers->has_key(request.method)
+ lspserver.customRequestHandlers[request.method](lspserver, request)
+ elseif lspIgnoredRequestHandlers->index(request.method) == -1
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported request message received from the LSP server ({}), message = {request->string()}')
+ endif
+# process one or more LSP server messages
+export def ProcessMessages(lspserver: dict<any>): void
+ var idx: number
+ var len: number
+ var content: string
+ var msg: dict<any>
+ var req: dict<any>
+ msg =
+ if msg->has_key('result') || msg->has_key('error')
+ # response message from the server
+ req = lspserver.requests->get(>string(), {})
+ if !req->empty()
+ # Remove the corresponding stored request message
+ lspserver.requests->remove(>string())
+ if msg->has_key('result')
+ lspserver.processReply(req, msg)
+ else
+ # request failed
+ var emsg: string = msg.error.message
+ emsg ..= $', code = {msg.error.code}'
+ if msg.error->has_key('data')
+ emsg ..= $', data = {>string()}'
+ endif
+ util.ErrMsg($'request {req.method} failed ({emsg})')
+ endif
+ endif
+ elseif msg->has_key('id') && msg->has_key('method')
+ # request message from the server
+ lspserver.processRequest(msg)
+ elseif msg->has_key('method')
+ # notification message from the server
+ lspserver.processNotif(msg)
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported message ({msg->string()})')
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/hover.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/hover.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41e7f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/hover.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Functions related to displaying hover symbol information.
+import './util.vim'
+import './options.vim' as opt
+# Util used to compute the hoverText from textDocument/hover reply
+def GetHoverText(lspserver: dict<any>, hoverResult: any): list<any>
+ if hoverResult->empty()
+ return ['', '']
+ endif
+ # MarkupContent
+ if hoverResult.contents->type() == v:t_dict
+ && hoverResult.contents->has_key('kind')
+ if hoverResult.contents.kind == 'plaintext'
+ return [hoverResult.contents.value->split("\n"), 'text']
+ endif
+ if hoverResult.contents.kind == 'markdown'
+ return [hoverResult.contents.value->split("\n"), 'lspgfm']
+ endif
+ lspserver.errorLog(
+ $'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: Unsupported hover contents kind ({hoverResult.contents.kind})'
+ )
+ return ['', '']
+ endif
+ # MarkedString
+ if hoverResult.contents->type() == v:t_dict
+ && hoverResult.contents->has_key('value')
+ return [
+ [$'``` {hoverResult.contents.language}']
+ + hoverResult.contents.value->split("\n")
+ + ['```'],
+ 'lspgfm'
+ ]
+ endif
+ # MarkedString
+ if hoverResult.contents->type() == v:t_string
+ return [hoverResult.contents->split("\n"), 'lspgfm']
+ endif
+ # interface MarkedString[]
+ if hoverResult.contents->type() == v:t_list
+ var hoverText: list<string> = []
+ for e in hoverResult.contents
+ if !hoverText->empty()
+ hoverText->extend(['- - -'])
+ endif
+ if e->type() == v:t_string
+ hoverText->extend(e->split("\n"))
+ else
+ hoverText->extend([$'``` {e.language}'])
+ hoverText->extend(e.value->split("\n"))
+ hoverText->extend(['```'])
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return [hoverText, 'lspgfm']
+ endif
+ lspserver.errorLog(
+ $'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: Unsupported hover reply ({hoverResult})'
+ )
+ return ['', '']
+# Key filter function for the hover popup window.
+# Only keys to scroll the popup window are supported.
+def HoverWinFilterKey(hoverWin: number, key: string): bool
+ var keyHandled = false
+ if key == "\<C-E>"
+ || key == "\<C-D>"
+ || key == "\<C-F>"
+ || key == "\<PageDown>"
+ || key == "\<C-Y>"
+ || key == "\<C-U>"
+ || key == "\<C-B>"
+ || key == "\<PageUp>"
+ || key == "\<C-Home>"
+ || key == "\<C-End>"
+ # scroll the hover popup window
+ win_execute(hoverWin, $'normal! {key}')
+ keyHandled = true
+ endif
+ if key == "\<Esc>"
+ hoverWin->popup_close()
+ keyHandled = true
+ endif
+ return keyHandled
+# process the 'textDocument/hover' reply from the LSP server
+# Result: Hover | null
+export def HoverReply(lspserver: dict<any>, hoverResult: any, cmdmods: string): void
+ var [hoverText, hoverKind] = GetHoverText(lspserver, hoverResult)
+ # Nothing to show
+ if hoverText->empty()
+ if cmdmods !~ 'silent'
+ util.WarnMsg($'No documentation found for current keyword')
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ if opt.lspOptions.hoverInPreview
+ execute $':silent! {cmdmods} pedit LspHover'
+ :wincmd P
+ :setlocal buftype=nofile
+ :setlocal bufhidden=delete
+ bufnr()->deletebufline(1, '$')
+ hoverText->append(0)
+ [1, 1]->cursor()
+ exe $'setlocal ft={hoverKind}'
+ :wincmd p
+ else
+ popup_clear()
+ var winid = hoverText->popup_atcursor({moved: 'any',
+ close: 'click',
+ fixed: true,
+ maxwidth: 80,
+ border: [0, 1, 0, 1],
+ borderchars: [' '],
+ filter: HoverWinFilterKey})
+ win_execute(winid, $'setlocal ft={hoverKind}')
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/inlayhints.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/inlayhints.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a793699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/inlayhints.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# Functions for dealing with inlay hints
+import './util.vim'
+import './buffer.vim' as buf
+import './options.vim' as opt
+# Initialize the highlight group and the text property type used for
+# inlay hints.
+export def InitOnce()
+ hlset([
+ {name: 'LspInlayHintsType', default: true, linksto: 'Label'},
+ {name: 'LspInlayHintsParam', default: true, linksto: 'Conceal'}
+ ])
+ prop_type_add('LspInlayHintsType', {highlight: 'LspInlayHintsType'})
+ prop_type_add('LspInlayHintsParam', {highlight: 'LspInlayHintsParam'})
+ autocmd_add([{group: 'LspCmds',
+ event: 'User',
+ pattern: 'LspOptionsChanged',
+ cmd: 'LspInlayHintsOptionsChanged()'}])
+# Clear all the inlay hints text properties in the current buffer
+def InlayHintsClear(bnr: number)
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspInlayHintsType', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspInlayHintsParam', bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+# LSP inlay hints reply message handler
+export def InlayHintsReply(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, inlayHints: any)
+ if inlayHints->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ InlayHintsClear(bnr)
+ if mode() != 'n'
+ # Update inlay hints only in normal mode
+ return
+ endif
+ for hint in inlayHints
+ var label = ''
+ if hint.label->type() == v:t_list
+ label = hint.label->copy()->map((_, v) => v.value)->join('')
+ else
+ label = hint.label
+ endif
+ # add a space before or after the label
+ var padLeft: bool = hint->get('paddingLeft', false)
+ var padRight: bool = hint->get('paddingRight', false)
+ if padLeft
+ label = $' {label}'
+ endif
+ if padRight
+ label = $'{label} '
+ endif
+ var kind = hint->has_key('kind') ? hint.kind->string() : '1'
+ try
+ lspserver.decodePosition(bnr, hint.position)
+ var byteIdx = util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, hint.position)
+ if kind == "'type'" || kind == '1'
+ prop_add(hint.position.line + 1, byteIdx + 1,
+ {type: 'LspInlayHintsType', text: label, bufnr: bnr})
+ elseif kind == "'parameter'" || kind == '2'
+ prop_add(hint.position.line + 1, byteIdx + 1,
+ {type: 'LspInlayHintsParam', text: label, bufnr: bnr})
+ endif
+ catch /E966\|E964/ # Invalid lnum | Invalid col
+ # Inlay hints replies arrive asynchronously and the document might have
+ # been modified in the mean time. As the reply is stale, ignore invalid
+ # line number and column number errors.
+ endtry
+ endfor
+# Timer callback to display the inlay hints.
+def InlayHintsTimerCb(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, timerid: number)
+ lspserver.inlayHintsShow(bnr)
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspInlayHintsNeedsUpdate', false)
+# Update all the inlay hints. A timer is used to throttle the updates.
+def LspInlayHintsUpdate(bnr: number)
+ if !bnr->getbufvar('LspInlayHintsNeedsUpdate', true)
+ return
+ endif
+ var timerid = bnr->getbufvar('LspInlayHintsTimer', -1)
+ if timerid != -1
+ timerid->timer_stop()
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspInlayHintsTimer', -1)
+ endif
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.BufLspServerGet(bnr, 'inlayHint')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ if get(g:, 'LSPTest')
+ # When running tests, update the inlay hints immediately
+ InlayHintsTimerCb(lspserver, bnr, -1)
+ else
+ timerid = timer_start(300, function('InlayHintsTimerCb', [lspserver, bnr]))
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspInlayHintsTimer', timerid)
+ endif
+# Text is modified. Need to update the inlay hints.
+def LspInlayHintsChanged(bnr: number)
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspInlayHintsNeedsUpdate', true)
+# Trigger an update of the inlay hints in the current buffer.
+export def LspInlayHintsUpdateNow(bnr: number)
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspInlayHintsNeedsUpdate', true)
+ LspInlayHintsUpdate(bnr)
+# Stop updating the inlay hints.
+def LspInlayHintsUpdateStop(bnr: number)
+ var timerid = bnr->getbufvar('LspInlayHintsTimer', -1)
+ if timerid != -1
+ timerid->timer_stop()
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspInlayHintsTimer', -1)
+ endif
+# Do buffer-local initialization for displaying inlay hints
+export def BufferInit(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number)
+ if !lspserver.isInlayHintProvider && !lspserver.isClangdInlayHintsProvider
+ # no support for inlay hints
+ return
+ endif
+ # Inlays hints are disabled
+ if !opt.lspOptions.showInlayHints
+ || !lspserver.featureEnabled('inlayHint')
+ return
+ endif
+ var acmds: list<dict<any>> = []
+ # Update the inlay hints (if needed) when the cursor is not moved for some
+ # time.
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: ['CursorHold'],
+ group: 'LspInlayHints',
+ cmd: $'LspInlayHintsUpdate({bnr})'})
+ # After the text in the current buffer is modified, the inlay hints need to
+ # be updated.
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: ['TextChanged'],
+ group: 'LspInlayHints',
+ cmd: $'LspInlayHintsChanged({bnr})'})
+ # Editing a file should trigger an inlay hint update.
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: ['BufReadPost'],
+ group: 'LspInlayHints',
+ cmd: $'LspInlayHintsUpdateNow({bnr})'})
+ # Inlay hints need not be updated if a buffer is no longer active.
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: ['BufLeave'],
+ group: 'LspInlayHints',
+ cmd: $'LspInlayHintsUpdateStop({bnr})'})
+ # Inlay hints maybe a bit delayed if it was a sync init lsp server.
+ if lspserver.syncInit
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: ['User'],
+ group: 'LspAttached',
+ cmd: $'LspInlayHintsUpdateNow({bnr})'})
+ endif
+ autocmd_add(acmds)
+# Track the current inlay hints enabled/disabled state. Used when the
+# "showInlayHints" option value is changed.
+var save_showInlayHints = opt.lspOptions.showInlayHints
+# Enable inlay hints. For all the buffers with an attached language server
+# that supports inlay hints, refresh the inlay hints.
+export def InlayHintsEnable()
+ opt.lspOptions.showInlayHints = true
+ for binfo in getbufinfo()
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.BufLspServersGet(binfo.bufnr)
+ if lspservers->empty()
+ continue
+ endif
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if !lspserver.ready
+ || !lspserver.featureEnabled('inlayHint')
+ || (!lspserver.isInlayHintProvider &&
+ !lspserver.isClangdInlayHintsProvider)
+ continue
+ endif
+ BufferInit(lspserver, binfo.bufnr)
+ LspInlayHintsUpdateNow(binfo.bufnr)
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ save_showInlayHints = true
+# Disable inlay hints for the current Vim session. Clear the inlay hints in
+# all the buffers.
+export def InlayHintsDisable()
+ opt.lspOptions.showInlayHints = false
+ for binfo in getbufinfo()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.BufLspServerGet(binfo.bufnr, 'inlayHint')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ continue
+ endif
+ LspInlayHintsUpdateStop(binfo.bufnr)
+ :silent! autocmd_delete([{bufnr: binfo.bufnr, group: 'LspInlayHints'}])
+ InlayHintsClear(binfo.bufnr)
+ endfor
+ save_showInlayHints = false
+# Some options are changed. If 'showInlayHints' option is changed, then
+# either enable or disable inlay hints.
+export def LspInlayHintsOptionsChanged()
+ if save_showInlayHints && !opt.lspOptions.showInlayHints
+ InlayHintsDisable()
+ elseif !save_showInlayHints && opt.lspOptions.showInlayHints
+ InlayHintsEnable()
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/lsp.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/lsp.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..507eb00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/lsp.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1304 @@
+# Vim9 LSP client
+# The functions called by plugin/lsp.vim are in this file.
+# Needs Vim 9.0 and higher
+if v:version < 900
+ finish
+import './options.vim' as opt
+import './lspserver.vim' as lserver
+import './util.vim'
+import './buffer.vim' as buf
+import './completion.vim'
+import './textedit.vim'
+import './diag.vim'
+import './symbol.vim'
+import './outline.vim'
+import './signature.vim'
+import './codeaction.vim'
+import './inlayhints.vim'
+import './semantichighlight.vim'
+# LSP server information
+var LSPServers: list<dict<any>> = []
+# filetype to LSP server map
+var ftypeServerMap: dict<list<dict<any>>> = {}
+var lspInitializedOnce = false
+def LspInitOnce()
+ hlset([
+ {name: 'LspTextRef', default: true, linksto: 'Search'},
+ {name: 'LspReadRef', default: true, linksto: 'DiffChange'},
+ {name: 'LspWriteRef', default: true, linksto: 'DiffDelete'}
+ ])
+ var override = &cursorline
+ && &cursorlineopt =~ '\<line\>\|\<screenline\>\|\<both\>'
+ prop_type_add('LspTextRef', {highlight: 'LspTextRef', override: override})
+ prop_type_add('LspReadRef', {highlight: 'LspReadRef', override: override})
+ prop_type_add('LspWriteRef', {highlight: 'LspWriteRef', override: override})
+ diag.InitOnce()
+ inlayhints.InitOnce()
+ signature.InitOnce()
+ symbol.InitOnce()
+ semantichighlight.InitOnce()
+ lspInitializedOnce = true
+# Returns the LSP servers for the a specific filetype. Based on how well there
+# score, LSP servers with the same score are being returned.
+# Returns an empty list if the servers is not found.
+def LspGetServers(bnr: number, ftype: string): list<dict<any>>
+ if !ftypeServerMap->has_key(ftype)
+ return []
+ endif
+ var bufDir = bnr->bufname()->fnamemodify(':p:h')
+ return ftypeServerMap[ftype]->filter((key, lspserver) => {
+ # Don't run the server if no path is found
+ if !lspserver.runIfSearchFiles->empty()
+ var path = util.FindNearestRootDir(bufDir, lspserver.runIfSearchFiles)
+ if path->empty()
+ return false
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Don't run the server if a path is found
+ if !lspserver.runUnlessSearchFiles->empty()
+ var path = util.FindNearestRootDir(bufDir, lspserver.runUnlessSearchFiles)
+ if !path->empty()
+ return false
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Run the server
+ return true
+ })
+# Add a LSP server for a filetype
+def LspAddServer(ftype: string, lspsrv: dict<any>)
+ var lspsrvlst = ftypeServerMap->has_key(ftype) ? ftypeServerMap[ftype] : []
+ lspsrvlst->add(lspsrv)
+ ftypeServerMap[ftype] = lspsrvlst
+# Enable/disable the logging of the language server protocol messages
+def ServerDebug(arg: string)
+ if ['errors', 'messages', 'off', 'on']->index(arg) == -1
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported argument "{arg}"')
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.CurbufGetServers()
+ if lspservers->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg($'No Lsp servers found for "{@%}"')
+ return
+ endif
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if arg == 'on'
+ util.ClearTraceLogs(lspserver.logfile)
+ util.ClearTraceLogs(lspserver.errfile)
+ lspserver.debug = true
+ elseif arg == 'off'
+ lspserver.debug = false
+ elseif arg == 'messages'
+ util.ServerMessagesShow(lspserver.logfile)
+ else
+ util.ServerMessagesShow(lspserver.errfile)
+ endif
+ endfor
+# Show information about all the LSP servers
+export def ShowAllServers()
+ var lines = []
+ # Add filetype to server mapping information
+ lines->add('Filetype Information')
+ lines->add('====================')
+ for [ftype, lspservers] in ftypeServerMap->items()
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ lines->add($"Filetype: '{ftype}'")
+ lines->add($"Server Name: '{}'")
+ lines->add($"Server Path: '{lspserver.path}'")
+ lines->add($"Status: {lspserver.running ? 'Running' : 'Not running'}")
+ lines->add('')
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ # Add buffer to server mapping information
+ lines->add('Buffer Information')
+ lines->add('==================')
+ for bnr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.BufLspServersGet(bnr)
+ if !lspservers->empty()
+ lines->add($"Buffer: '{bufname(bnr)}'")
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ lines->add($"Server Path: '{lspserver.path}'")
+ lines->add($"Status: {lspserver.running ? 'Running' : 'Not running'}")
+ endfor
+ lines->add('')
+ endif
+ endfor
+ var wid = bufwinid('Language-Servers')
+ if wid != -1
+ wid->win_gotoid()
+ :setlocal modifiable
+ :silent! :%d _
+ else
+ :new Language-Servers
+ :setlocal buftype=nofile
+ :setlocal bufhidden=wipe
+ :setlocal noswapfile
+ :setlocal nonumber nornu
+ :setlocal fdc=0 signcolumn=no
+ endif
+ setline(1, lines)
+ :setlocal nomodified
+ :setlocal nomodifiable
+# Create a new window containing the buffer "bname" or if the window is
+# already present then jump to it.
+def OpenScratchWindow(bname: string)
+ var wid = bufwinid(bname)
+ if wid != -1
+ wid->win_gotoid()
+ :setlocal modifiable
+ :silent! :%d _
+ else
+ exe $':new {bname}'
+ :setlocal buftype=nofile
+ :setlocal bufhidden=wipe
+ :setlocal noswapfile
+ :setlocal nonumber nornu
+ :setlocal fdc=0 signcolumn=no
+ endif
+# Show the status of the LSP server for the current buffer
+def ShowServer(arg: string)
+ if ['status', 'capabilities', 'initializeRequest', 'messages']->index(arg) == -1
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported argument "{arg}"')
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.CurbufGetServers()
+ if lspservers->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg($'No Lsp servers found for "{@%}"')
+ return
+ endif
+ var windowName: string = ''
+ var lines: list<string> = []
+ if arg->empty() || arg == 'status'
+ windowName = $'LangServer-Status'
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if !lines->empty()
+ lines->extend(['', repeat('=', &columns), ''])
+ endif
+ var msg = $"LSP server '{}' is "
+ if lspserver.running
+ msg ..= 'running'
+ else
+ msg ..= 'not running'
+ endif
+ lines->add(msg)
+ endfor
+ elseif arg == 'capabilities'
+ windowName = $'LangServer-Capabilities'
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if !lines->empty()
+ lines->extend(['', repeat('=', &columns), ''])
+ endif
+ lines->extend(lspserver.getCapabilities())
+ endfor
+ elseif arg == 'initializeRequest'
+ windowName = $'LangServer-InitializeRequest'
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if !lines->empty()
+ lines->extend(['', repeat('=', &columns), ''])
+ endif
+ lines->extend(lspserver.getInitializeRequest())
+ endfor
+ elseif arg == 'messages'
+ windowName = $'LangServer-Messages'
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if !lines->empty()
+ lines->extend(['', repeat('=', &columns), ''])
+ endif
+ lines->extend(lspserver.getMessages())
+ endfor
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported argument "{arg}"')
+ return
+ endif
+ if lines->len() > 1
+ OpenScratchWindow(windowName)
+ setline(1, lines)
+ :setlocal nomodified
+ :setlocal nomodifiable
+ else
+ util.InfoMsg(lines[0])
+ endif
+# Get LSP server running status for filetype "ftype"
+# Return true if running, or false if not found or not running
+export def ServerRunning(ftype: string): bool
+ if ftypeServerMap->has_key(ftype)
+ var lspservers = ftypeServerMap[ftype]
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if lspserver.running
+ return true
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return false
+# Go to a definition using "textDocument/definition" LSP request
+export def GotoDefinition(peek: bool, cmdmods: string, count: number)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('definition')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.gotoDefinition(peek, cmdmods, count)
+# Go to a declaration using "textDocument/declaration" LSP request
+export def GotoDeclaration(peek: bool, cmdmods: string, count: number)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('declaration')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.gotoDeclaration(peek, cmdmods, count)
+# Go to a type definition using "textDocument/typeDefinition" LSP request
+export def GotoTypedef(peek: bool, cmdmods: string, count: number)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('typeDefinition')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.gotoTypeDef(peek, cmdmods, count)
+# Go to a implementation using "textDocument/implementation" LSP request
+export def GotoImplementation(peek: bool, cmdmods: string, count: number)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('implementation')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.gotoImplementation(peek, cmdmods, count)
+# Switch source header using "textDocument/switchSourceHeader" LSP request
+# (Clangd specifc extension)
+export def SwitchSourceHeader()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked()
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.switchSourceHeader()
+# A buffer is saved. Send the "textDocument/didSave" LSP notification
+def LspSavedFile(bnr: number)
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.BufLspServersGet(bnr)->filter(
+ (key, lspsrv) => !lspsrv->empty() && lspsrv.running
+ )
+ if lspservers->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ lspserver.didSaveFile(bnr)
+ endfor
+# Called after leaving insert mode. Used to process diag messages (if any)
+def LspLeftInsertMode(bnr: number)
+ var updatePending: bool = bnr->getbufvar('LspDiagsUpdatePending', false)
+ if !updatePending
+ return
+ endif
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspDiagsUpdatePending', false)
+ diag.ProcessNewDiags(bnr)
+# Add buffer-local autocmds when attaching a LSP server to a buffer
+def AddBufLocalAutocmds(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number): void
+ var acmds: list<dict<any>> = []
+ # file saved notification handler
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'BufWritePost',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: $'LspSavedFile({bnr})'})
+ # Update the diagnostics when insert mode is stopped
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'InsertLeave',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: $'LspLeftInsertMode({bnr})'})
+ # Auto highlight all the occurrences of the current keyword
+ if opt.lspOptions.autoHighlight &&
+ lspserver.isDocumentHighlightProvider
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'CursorMoved',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: $'call LspDocHighlightClear({bnr}) | call LspDocHighlight({bnr}, "silent")'})
+ endif
+ autocmd_add(acmds)
+# The LSP server with ID "lspserverId" is ready, initialize the LSP features
+# for buffer "bnr".
+def BufferInit(lspserverId: number, bnr: number): void
+ var lspserver = buf.BufLspServerGetById(bnr, lspserverId)
+ if lspserver->empty() || !lspserver.running
+ return
+ endif
+ var ftype: string = bnr->getbufvar('&filetype')
+ lspserver.textdocDidOpen(bnr, ftype)
+ # add a listener to track changes to this buffer
+ listener_add((_bnr: number, start: number, end: number, added: number, changes: list<dict<number>>) => {
+ lspserver.textdocDidChange(bnr, start, end, added, changes)
+ }, bnr)
+ AddBufLocalAutocmds(lspserver, bnr)
+ diag.BufferInit(lspserver, bnr)
+ var allServersReady = true
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.BufLspServersGet(bnr)
+ for lspsrv in lspservers
+ if !lspsrv.ready
+ allServersReady = false
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if allServersReady
+ for lspsrv in lspservers
+ # It's only possible to initialize the features when the server
+ # capabilities of all the registered language servers for this file type
+ # are known.
+ var completionServer = buf.BufLspServerGet(bnr, 'completion')
+ if !completionServer->empty() && ==
+ completion.BufferInit(lspsrv, bnr, ftype)
+ endif
+ var signatureServer = buf.BufLspServerGet(bnr, 'signatureHelp')
+ if !signatureServer->empty() && ==
+ signature.BufferInit(lspsrv)
+ endif
+ var inlayHintServer = buf.BufLspServerGet(bnr, 'inlayHint')
+ if !inlayHintServer->empty() && ==
+ inlayhints.BufferInit(lspsrv, bnr)
+ endif
+ var semanticServer = buf.BufLspServerGet(bnr, 'semanticTokens')
+ if !semanticServer->empty() && ==
+ semantichighlight.BufferInit(lspserver, bnr)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if exists('#User#LspAttached')
+ doautocmd <nomodeline> User LspAttached
+ endif
+ endif
+# A new buffer is opened. If LSP is supported for this buffer, then add it
+export def AddFile(bnr: number): void
+ if buf.BufHasLspServer(bnr)
+ # LSP server for this buffer is already initialized and running
+ return
+ endif
+ # Skip remote files
+ if util.LspUriRemote(bnr->bufname()->fnamemodify(':p'))
+ return
+ endif
+ var ftype: string = bnr->getbufvar('&filetype')
+ if ftype->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = LspGetServers(bnr, ftype)
+ if lspservers->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if !lspserver.running
+ if !lspInitializedOnce
+ LspInitOnce()
+ endif
+ lspserver.startServer(bnr)
+ endif
+ buf.BufLspServerSet(bnr, lspserver)
+ if lspserver.ready
+ BufferInit(, bnr)
+ else
+ augroup LSPBufferAutocmds
+ exe $'autocmd User LspServerReady_{} ++once BufferInit({}, {bnr})'
+ augroup END
+ endif
+ endfor
+# Notify LSP server to remove a file
+export def RemoveFile(bnr: number): void
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.BufLspServersGet(bnr)
+ for lspserver in lspservers->copy()
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ continue
+ endif
+ if lspserver.running
+ lspserver.textdocDidClose(bnr)
+ endif
+ diag.DiagRemoveFile(bnr)
+ buf.BufLspServerRemove(bnr, lspserver)
+ endfor
+# Buffer 'bnr' is loaded in a window, send the latest buffer contents to the
+# language servers.
+export def BufferLoadedInWin(bnr: number)
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.BufLspServersGet(bnr)
+ if lspservers->empty()
+ # No language servers for this buffer
+ return
+ endif
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if !lspserver->empty() && lspserver.ready
+ lspserver.textdocDidChange(bnr, 0, 0, 0, [])
+ endif
+ endfor
+ # Refresh the displayed diags visuals
+ if opt.lspOptions.autoHighlightDiags
+ diag.DiagsRefresh(bnr)
+ endif
+ completion.BufferLoadedInWin(bnr)
+ # Refresh the semantic highlights
+ if opt.lspOptions.semanticHighlight
+ var semanticServer = buf.BufLspServerGet(bnr, 'semanticTokens')
+ if !semanticServer->empty()
+ semanticServer.semanticHighlightUpdate(bnr)
+ endif
+ endif
+# Stop all the LSP servers
+export def StopAllServers()
+ for lspserver in LSPServers
+ if lspserver.running
+ lspserver.stopServer()
+ endif
+ endfor
+# Add all the buffers with 'filetype' set to "ftype" to the language server.
+def AddBuffersToLsp(ftype: string)
+ # Add all the buffers with the same file type as the current buffer
+ for binfo in getbufinfo({bufloaded: 1})
+ if binfo.bufnr->getbufvar('&filetype') == ftype
+ AddFile(binfo.bufnr)
+ endif
+ endfor
+# Restart the LSP server for the current buffer
+def RestartServer()
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.CurbufGetServers()
+ if lspservers->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg($'No Lsp servers found for "{@%}"')
+ return
+ endif
+ # Remove all the buffers with the same file type as the current buffer
+ var ftype: string = &filetype
+ for binfo in getbufinfo()
+ if binfo.bufnr->getbufvar('&filetype') == ftype
+ RemoveFile(binfo.bufnr)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ # Stop the server (if running)
+ if lspserver.running
+ lspserver.stopServer()
+ endif
+ # Start the server again
+ lspserver.startServer(bufnr())
+ endfor
+ AddBuffersToLsp(ftype)
+# Add the LSP server for files with 'filetype' as "ftype".
+def AddServerForFiltype(lspserver: dict<any>, ftype: string, omnicompl: bool)
+ LspAddServer(ftype, lspserver)
+ completion.OmniComplSet(ftype, omnicompl)
+ # If a buffer of this file type is already present, then send it to the LSP
+ # server now.
+ AddBuffersToLsp(ftype)
+# Register a LSP server for one or more file types
+export def AddServer(serverList: list<dict<any>>)
+ for server in serverList
+ if !server->has_key('filetype') || !server->has_key('path')
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server information is missing filetype or path')
+ continue
+ endif
+ # Enable omni-completion by default
+ var omnicompl_def: bool = false
+ if opt.lspOptions.omniComplete == true
+ || (opt.lspOptions.omniComplete == null
+ && !opt.lspOptions.autoComplete)
+ omnicompl_def = true
+ endif
+ server.omnicompl = server->get('omnicompl', omnicompl_def)
+ if !server.path->executable()
+ if !opt.lspOptions.ignoreMissingServer
+ util.ErrMsg($'LSP server {server.path} is not found')
+ endif
+ continue
+ endif
+ if server->has_key('args')
+ if server.args->type() != v:t_list
+ util.ErrMsg($'Arguments for LSP server {server.args} is not a List')
+ continue
+ endif
+ else
+ server.args = []
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('initializationOptions')
+ || server.initializationOptions->type() != v:t_dict
+ server.initializationOptions = {}
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('forceOffsetEncoding')
+ || server.forceOffsetEncoding->type() != v:t_string
+ || (server.forceOffsetEncoding != 'utf-8'
+ && server.forceOffsetEncoding != 'utf-16'
+ && server.forceOffsetEncoding != 'utf-32')
+ server.forceOffsetEncoding = ''
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('customNotificationHandlers')
+ || server.customNotificationHandlers->type() != v:t_dict
+ server.customNotificationHandlers = {}
+ endif
+ if server->has_key('processDiagHandler')
+ if server.processDiagHandler->type() != v:t_func
+ util.ErrMsg($'Setting of processDiagHandler {server.processDiagHandler} is not a Funcref nor lambda')
+ continue
+ endif
+ else
+ server.processDiagHandler = null_function
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('customRequestHandlers')
+ || server.customRequestHandlers->type() != v:t_dict
+ server.customRequestHandlers = {}
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('features') || server.features->type() != v:t_dict
+ server.features = {}
+ endif
+ if server.omnicompl->type() != v:t_bool
+ util.ErrMsg($'Setting of omnicompl {server.omnicompl} is not a Boolean')
+ continue
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('syncInit')
+ server.syncInit = false
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('name') ||>type() != v:t_string
+ ||>empty()
+ # Use the executable name (without the extension) as the language server
+ # name.
+ = server.path->fnamemodify(':t:r')
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('debug') || server.debug->type() != v:t_bool
+ server.debug = false
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('traceLevel')
+ || server->type() != v:t_string
+ || (server.traceLevel != 'off' && server.traceLevel != 'debug'
+ && server.traceLevel != 'verbose')
+ server.traceLevel = 'off'
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('workspaceConfig')
+ || server.workspaceConfig->type() != v:t_dict
+ server.workspaceConfig = {}
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('rootSearch') || server.rootSearch->type() != v:t_list
+ server.rootSearch = []
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('runIfSearch') ||
+ server.runIfSearch->type() != v:t_list
+ server.runIfSearch = []
+ endif
+ if !server->has_key('runUnlessSearch') ||
+ server.runUnlessSearch->type() != v:t_list
+ server.runUnlessSearch = []
+ endif
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = lserver.NewLspServer(server)
+ var ftypes = server.filetype
+ if ftypes->type() == v:t_string
+ AddServerForFiltype(lspserver, ftypes, server.omnicompl)
+ elseif ftypes->type() == v:t_list
+ for ftype in ftypes
+ AddServerForFiltype(lspserver, ftype, server.omnicompl)
+ endfor
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported file type information "{ftypes->string()}" in LSP server registration')
+ continue
+ endif
+ endfor
+# The LSP server is considered ready when the server capabilities are
+# received ("initialize" LSP reply message)
+export def ServerReady(): bool
+ var fname: string = @%
+ if fname->empty()
+ return false
+ endif
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.CurbufGetServers()
+ if lspservers->empty()
+ return false
+ endif
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ if !lspserver.ready
+ return false
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return true
+# set the LSP server trace level for the current buffer
+# Params: SetTraceParams
+def ServerTraceSet(traceVal: string)
+ if ['off', 'messages', 'verbose']->index(traceVal) == -1
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported argument "{traceVal}"')
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.CurbufGetServers()
+ if lspservers->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg($'No Lsp servers found for "{@%}"')
+ return
+ endif
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ lspserver.setTrace(traceVal)
+ endfor
+# Display the diagnostic messages from the LSP server for the current buffer
+# in a quickfix list
+export def ShowDiagnostics(): void
+ diag.ShowAllDiags()
+# Show the diagnostic message for the current line
+export def LspShowCurrentDiag(atPos: bool)
+ diag.ShowCurrentDiag(atPos)
+# get the count of diagnostics in the current buffer
+export def ErrorCount(): dict<number>
+ var res = {Error: 0, Warn: 0, Info: 0, Hint: 0}
+ var fname: string = @%
+ if fname->empty()
+ return res
+ endif
+ return diag.DiagsGetErrorCount(bufnr())
+# jump to the next/previous/first diagnostic message in the current buffer
+export def JumpToDiag(which: string, count: number = 0): void
+ diag.LspDiagsJump(which, count)
+# Display the hover message from the LSP server for the current cursor
+# location
+export def Hover(cmdmods: string)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('hover')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.hover(cmdmods)
+# Enable or disable inlay hints
+export def InlayHints(ctl: string)
+ if ctl == 'enable'
+ inlayhints.InlayHintsEnable()
+ elseif ctl == 'disable'
+ inlayhints.InlayHintsDisable()
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($'LspInlayHints - Unsupported argument "{ctl}"')
+ endif
+# Command-line completion for the ":LspInlayHints" command
+export def LspInlayHintsComplete(arglead: string, cmdline: string, cursorPos: number): list<string>
+ var l = ['enable', 'disable']
+ return filter(l, (_, val) => val =~ $'^{arglead}')
+# show symbol references
+export def ShowReferences(peek: bool)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('references')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.showReferences(peek)
+# highlight all the places where a symbol is referenced
+def g:LspDocHighlight(bnr: number = bufnr(), cmdmods: string = '')
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('documentHighlight')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.docHighlight(bnr, cmdmods)
+# clear the symbol reference highlight
+def g:LspDocHighlightClear(bnr: number = bufnr())
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('documentHighlight')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var propNames = ['LspTextRef', 'LspReadRef', 'LspWriteRef']
+ if has('patch-9.0.0233')
+ prop_remove({types: propNames, bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ else
+ for propName in propNames
+ prop_remove({type: propName, bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ endfor
+ endif
+def g:LspRequestDocSymbols()
+ if outline.SkipOutlineRefresh()
+ return
+ endif
+ var fname: string = @%
+ if fname->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServer('documentSymbol')
+ if lspserver->empty() || !lspserver.running || !lspserver.ready
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.getDocSymbols(fname, true)
+# open a window and display all the symbols in a file (outline)
+export def Outline(cmdmods: string, winsize: number)
+ var fname: string = @%
+ if fname->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('documentSymbol')
+ if lspserver->empty() || !lspserver.running || !lspserver.ready
+ return
+ endif
+ outline.OpenOutlineWindow(cmdmods, winsize)
+ g:LspRequestDocSymbols()
+# show all the symbols in a file in a popup menu
+export def ShowDocSymbols()
+ var fname: string = @%
+ if fname->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('documentSymbol')
+ if lspserver->empty() || !lspserver.running || !lspserver.ready
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.getDocSymbols(fname, false)
+# Format the entire file
+export def TextDocFormat(range_args: number, line1: number, line2: number)
+ if !&modifiable
+ util.ErrMsg('Current file is not a modifiable file')
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('documentFormatting')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var fname: string = @%
+ if range_args > 0
+ lspserver.textDocFormat(fname, true, line1, line2)
+ else
+ lspserver.textDocFormat(fname, false, 0, 0)
+ endif
+# TODO: Add support for textDocument.onTypeFormatting?
+# Will this slow down Vim?
+# Display all the locations where the current symbol is called from.
+# Uses LSP "callHierarchy/incomingCalls" request
+export def IncomingCalls()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('callHierarchy')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.incomingCalls(@%)
+# Display all the symbols used by the current symbol.
+# Uses LSP "callHierarchy/outgoingCalls" request
+export def OutgoingCalls()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('callHierarchy')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.outgoingCalls(@%)
+# Display the type hierarchy for the current symbol. Direction is 0 for
+# sub types and 1 for super types.
+export def TypeHierarchy(direction: number)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('typeHierarchy')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.typeHierarchy(direction)
+# Rename a symbol
+# Uses LSP "textDocument/rename" request
+export def Rename(a_newName: string)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('rename')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var newName: string = a_newName
+ if newName->empty()
+ var sym: string = expand('<cword>')
+ newName = input($"Rename symbol '{sym}' to: ", sym)
+ if newName->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # clear the input prompt
+ :echo "\r"
+ endif
+ lspserver.renameSymbol(newName)
+# Perform a code action
+# Uses LSP "textDocument/codeAction" request
+export def CodeAction(line1: number, line2: number, query: string)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('codeAction')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var fname: string = @%
+ lspserver.codeAction(fname, line1, line2, query)
+# Code lens
+# Uses LSP "textDocument/codeLens" request
+export def CodeLens()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('codeLens')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.codeLens(@%)
+# Perform a workspace wide symbol lookup
+# Uses LSP "workspace/symbol" request
+export def SymbolSearch(queryArg: string, cmdmods: string)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('workspaceSymbol')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var query: string = queryArg
+ if query->empty()
+ query = input('Lookup symbol: ', expand('<cword>'))
+ if query->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ :redraw!
+ lspserver.workspaceQuery(query, true, cmdmods)
+# Display the list of workspace folders
+export def ListWorkspaceFolders()
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.CurbufGetServers()
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ util.InfoMsg($'Workspace Folders: "{}" {lspserver.workspaceFolders->string()}')
+ endfor
+# Add a workspace folder. Default is to use the current folder.
+export def AddWorkspaceFolder(dirArg: string)
+ var dirName: string = dirArg
+ if dirName->empty()
+ dirName = input('Add Workspace Folder: ', getcwd(), 'dir')
+ if dirName->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ :redraw!
+ if !dirName->isdirectory()
+ util.ErrMsg($'{dirName} is not a directory')
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.CurbufGetServers()
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ lspserver.addWorkspaceFolder(dirName)
+ endfor
+# Remove a workspace folder. Default is to use the current folder.
+export def RemoveWorkspaceFolder(dirArg: string)
+ var dirName: string = dirArg
+ if dirName->empty()
+ dirName = input('Remove Workspace Folder: ', getcwd(), 'dir')
+ if dirName->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ :redraw!
+ if !dirName->isdirectory()
+ util.ErrMsg($'{dirName} is not a directory')
+ return
+ endif
+ var lspservers: list<dict<any>> = buf.CurbufGetServers()
+ for lspserver in lspservers
+ lspserver.removeWorkspaceFolder(dirName)
+ endfor
+# expand the previous selection or start a new selection
+export def SelectionExpand()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('selectionRange')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.selectionExpand()
+# shrink the previous selection or start a new selection
+export def SelectionShrink()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('selectionRange')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.selectionShrink()
+# fold the entire document
+export def FoldDocument()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('foldingRange')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ if &foldmethod != 'manual'
+ util.ErrMsg("Only works when 'foldmethod' is 'manual'")
+ return
+ endif
+ var fname: string = @%
+ lspserver.foldRange(fname)
+# Enable diagnostic highlighting for all the buffers
+export def DiagHighlightEnable()
+ diag.DiagsHighlightEnable()
+# Disable diagnostic highlighting for all the buffers
+export def DiagHighlightDisable()
+ diag.DiagsHighlightDisable()
+# Function to use with the 'tagfunc' option.
+export def TagFunc(pat: string, flags: string, info: dict<any>): any
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('definition')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return v:null
+ endif
+ return lspserver.tagFunc(pat, flags, info)
+# Function to use with the 'formatexpr' option.
+export def FormatExpr(): number
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('documentFormatting')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return 1
+ endif
+ lspserver.textDocFormat(@%, true, v:lnum, v:lnum + v:count - 1)
+ return 0
+export def RegisterCmdHandler(cmd: string, Handler: func)
+ codeaction.RegisterCmdHandler(cmd, Handler)
+# Command-line completion for the ":LspServer <cmd>" and ":LspDiag <cmd>" sub
+# commands
+def LspSubCmdComplete(cmds: list<string>, arglead: string, cmdline: string, cursorPos: number): list<string>
+ var wordBegin = cmdline->match('\s\+\zs\S', cursorPos)
+ if wordBegin == -1
+ return cmds
+ endif
+ # Make sure there are no additional sub-commands
+ var wordEnd = cmdline->stridx(' ', wordBegin)
+ if wordEnd == -1
+ return cmds->filter((_, val) => val =~ $'^{arglead}')
+ endif
+ return []
+# Command-line completion for the ":LspDiag highlight" command
+def LspDiagHighlightComplete(arglead: string, cmdline: string, cursorPos: number): list<string>
+ return LspSubCmdComplete(['enable', 'disable'], arglead, cmdline, cursorPos)
+# Command-line completion for the ":LspDiag" command
+export def LspDiagComplete(arglead: string, cmdline: string, cursorPos: number): list<string>
+ var wordBegin = -1
+ var wordEnd = -1
+ var l = ['first', 'current', 'here', 'highlight', 'last', 'next', 'nextWrap',
+ 'prev', 'prevWrap', 'show']
+ # Skip the command name
+ var i = cmdline->stridx(' ', 0)
+ wordBegin = cmdline->match('\s\+\zs\S', i)
+ if wordBegin == -1
+ return l
+ endif
+ wordEnd = cmdline->stridx(' ', wordBegin)
+ if wordEnd == -1
+ return filter(l, (_, val) => val =~ $'^{arglead}')
+ endif
+ var cmd = cmdline->strpart(wordBegin, wordEnd - wordBegin)
+ if cmd == 'highlight'
+ return LspDiagHighlightComplete(arglead, cmdline, wordEnd)
+ endif
+ return []
+# ":LspDiag" command handler
+export def LspDiagCmd(args: string, cmdCount: number, force: bool)
+ if args->stridx('highlight') == 0
+ if args[9] == ' '
+ var subcmd = args[10 : ]->trim()
+ if subcmd == 'enable'
+ diag.DiagsHighlightEnable()
+ elseif subcmd == 'disable'
+ diag.DiagsHighlightDisable()
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($':LspDiag highlight - Unsupported argument "{subcmd}"')
+ endif
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg('Argument required for ":LspDiag highlight"')
+ endif
+ elseif args == 'first'
+ diag.LspDiagsJump('first', 0)
+ elseif args == 'current'
+ LspShowCurrentDiag(force)
+ elseif args == 'here'
+ diag.LspDiagsJump('here', 0)
+ elseif args == 'last'
+ diag.LspDiagsJump('last', 0)
+ elseif args == 'next'
+ diag.LspDiagsJump('next', cmdCount)
+ elseif args == 'nextWrap'
+ diag.LspDiagsJump('nextWrap', cmdCount)
+ elseif args == 'prev'
+ diag.LspDiagsJump('prev', cmdCount)
+ elseif args == 'prevWrap'
+ diag.LspDiagsJump('prevWrap', cmdCount)
+ elseif args == 'show'
+ ShowDiagnostics()
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($':LspDiag - Unsupported argument "{args}"')
+ endif
+# Command-line completion for the ":LspServer debug" command
+def LspServerDebugComplete(arglead: string, cmdline: string, cursorPos: number): list<string>
+ return LspSubCmdComplete(['errors', 'messages', 'off', 'on'], arglead,
+ cmdline, cursorPos)
+# Command-line completion for the ":LspServer show" command
+def LspServerShowComplete(arglead: string, cmdline: string, cursorPos: number): list<string>
+ return LspSubCmdComplete(['capabilities', 'initializeRequest', 'messages',
+ 'status'], arglead, cmdline, cursorPos)
+# Command-line completion for the ":LspServer trace" command
+def LspServerTraceComplete(arglead: string, cmdline: string, cursorPos: number): list<string>
+ return LspSubCmdComplete(['messages', 'off', 'verbose'], arglead, cmdline,
+ cursorPos)
+# Command-line completion for the ":LspServer" command
+export def LspServerComplete(arglead: string, cmdline: string, cursorPos: number): list<string>
+ var wordBegin = -1
+ var wordEnd = -1
+ var l = ['debug', 'restart', 'show', 'trace']
+ # Skip the command name
+ var i = cmdline->stridx(' ', 0)
+ wordBegin = cmdline->match('\s\+\zs\S', i)
+ if wordBegin == -1
+ return l
+ endif
+ wordEnd = cmdline->stridx(' ', wordBegin)
+ if wordEnd == -1
+ return filter(l, (_, val) => val =~ $'^{arglead}')
+ endif
+ var cmd = cmdline->strpart(wordBegin, wordEnd - wordBegin)
+ if cmd == 'debug'
+ return LspServerDebugComplete(arglead, cmdline, wordEnd)
+ elseif cmd == 'restart'
+ elseif cmd == 'show'
+ return LspServerShowComplete(arglead, cmdline, wordEnd)
+ elseif cmd == 'trace'
+ return LspServerTraceComplete(arglead, cmdline, wordEnd)
+ endif
+ return []
+# ":LspServer" command handler
+export def LspServerCmd(args: string)
+ if args->stridx('debug') == 0
+ if args[5] == ' '
+ var subcmd = args[6 : ]->trim()
+ ServerDebug(subcmd)
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg('Argument required for ":LspServer debug"')
+ endif
+ elseif args == 'restart'
+ RestartServer()
+ elseif args->stridx('show') == 0
+ if args[4] == ' '
+ var subcmd = args[5 : ]->trim()
+ ShowServer(subcmd)
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg('Argument required for ":LspServer show"')
+ endif
+ elseif args->stridx('trace') == 0
+ if args[5] == ' '
+ var subcmd = args[6 : ]->trim()
+ ServerTraceSet(subcmd)
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg('Argument required for ":LspServer trace"')
+ endif
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($'LspServer - Unsupported argument "{args}"')
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/lspserver.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/lspserver.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfbdd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/lspserver.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1982 @@
+# LSP server functions
+# The functions to send request messages to the language server are in this
+# file.
+# Refer to
+# for the Language Server Protocol (LSP) specificaiton.
+import './options.vim' as opt
+import './handlers.vim'
+import './util.vim'
+import './capabilities.vim'
+import './offset.vim'
+import './diag.vim'
+import './selection.vim'
+import './symbol.vim'
+import './textedit.vim'
+import './completion.vim'
+import './hover.vim'
+import './signature.vim'
+import './codeaction.vim'
+import './codelens.vim'
+import './callhierarchy.vim' as callhier
+import './typehierarchy.vim' as typehier
+import './inlayhints.vim'
+import './semantichighlight.vim'
+# LSP server standard output handler
+def Output_cb(lspserver: dict<any>, chan: channel, msg: any): void
+ if lspserver.debug
+ lspserver.traceLog($'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: Received {msg->string()}')
+ endif
+ = msg
+ lspserver.processMessages()
+# LSP server error output handler
+def Error_cb(lspserver: dict<any>, chan: channel, emsg: string): void
+ lspserver.errorLog(emsg)
+# LSP server exit callback
+def Exit_cb(lspserver: dict<any>, job: job, status: number): void
+ util.WarnMsg($'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: LSP server ({}) exited with status {status}')
+ lspserver.running = false
+ lspserver.ready = false
+ lspserver.requests = {}
+# Start a LSP server
+def StartServer(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number): number
+ if lspserver.running
+ util.WarnMsg($'LSP server "{}" is already running')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ var cmd = [lspserver.path]
+ cmd->extend(lspserver.args)
+ var opts = {in_mode: 'lsp',
+ out_mode: 'lsp',
+ err_mode: 'raw',
+ noblock: 1,
+ out_cb: function(Output_cb, [lspserver]),
+ err_cb: function(Error_cb, [lspserver]),
+ exit_cb: function(Exit_cb, [lspserver])}
+ = ''
+ lspserver.caps = {}
+ lspserver.nextID = 1
+ lspserver.requests = {}
+ lspserver.omniCompletePending = false
+ lspserver.completionLazyDoc = false
+ lspserver.completionTriggerChars = []
+ lspserver.signaturePopup = -1
+ var job = cmd->job_start(opts)
+ if job->job_status() == 'fail'
+ util.ErrMsg($'Failed to start LSP server {lspserver.path}')
+ return 1
+ endif
+ # wait a little for the LSP server to start
+ sleep 10m
+ lspserver.job = job
+ lspserver.running = true
+ lspserver.initServer(bnr)
+ return 0
+# process the "initialize" method reply from the LSP server
+# Result: InitializeResult
+def ServerInitReply(lspserver: dict<any>, initResult: dict<any>): void
+ if initResult->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var caps: dict<any> = initResult.capabilities
+ lspserver.caps = caps
+ for [key, val] in initResult->items()
+ if key == 'capabilities'
+ continue
+ endif
+ lspserver.caps[$'~additionalInitResult_{key}'] = val
+ endfor
+ capabilities.ProcessServerCaps(lspserver, caps)
+ if caps->has_key('completionProvider')
+ lspserver.completionTriggerChars =
+ caps.completionProvider->get('triggerCharacters', [])
+ lspserver.completionLazyDoc =
+ caps.completionProvider->get('resolveProvider', false)
+ endif
+ # send a "initialized" notification to server
+ lspserver.sendInitializedNotif()
+ # send any workspace configuration (optional)
+ if !lspserver.workspaceConfig->empty()
+ lspserver.sendWorkspaceConfig()
+ endif
+ lspserver.ready = true
+ if exists($'#User#LspServerReady{}')
+ exe $'doautocmd <nomodeline> User LspServerReady{}'
+ endif
+ # Used internally, and shouldn't be used by users
+ if exists($'#User#LspServerReady_{}')
+ exe $'doautocmd <nomodeline> User LspServerReady_{}'
+ endif
+ # set the server debug trace level
+ if lspserver.traceLevel != 'off'
+ lspserver.setTrace(lspserver.traceLevel)
+ endif
+ # if the outline window is opened, then request the symbols for the current
+ # buffer
+ if bufwinid('LSP-Outline') != -1
+ lspserver.getDocSymbols(@%, true)
+ endif
+ # Update the inlay hints (if enabled)
+ if opt.lspOptions.showInlayHints && (lspserver.isInlayHintProvider
+ || lspserver.isClangdInlayHintsProvider)
+ inlayhints.LspInlayHintsUpdateNow(bufnr())
+ endif
+# Request: "initialize"
+# Param: InitializeParams
+def InitServer(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number)
+ # interface 'InitializeParams'
+ var initparams: dict<any> = {}
+ initparams.processId = getpid()
+ initparams.clientInfo = {
+ name: 'Vim',
+ version: v:versionlong->string(),
+ }
+ # Compute the rootpath (based on the directory of the buffer)
+ var rootPath = ''
+ var rootSearchFiles = lspserver.rootSearchFiles
+ var bufDir = bnr->bufname()->fnamemodify(':p:h')
+ if !rootSearchFiles->empty()
+ rootPath = util.FindNearestRootDir(bufDir, rootSearchFiles)
+ endif
+ if rootPath->empty()
+ var cwd = getcwd()
+ # bufDir is within cwd
+ var bufDirPrefix = bufDir[0 : cwd->strcharlen() - 1]
+ if &fileignorecase
+ ? bufDirPrefix ==? cwd
+ : bufDirPrefix == cwd
+ rootPath = cwd
+ else
+ rootPath = bufDir
+ endif
+ endif
+ lspserver.workspaceFolders = [rootPath]
+ var rootUri = util.LspFileToUri(rootPath)
+ initparams.rootPath = rootPath
+ initparams.rootUri = rootUri
+ initparams.workspaceFolders = [{
+ name: rootPath->fnamemodify(':t'),
+ uri: rootUri
+ }]
+ initparams.trace = 'off'
+ initparams.capabilities = capabilities.GetClientCaps()
+ if !lspserver.initializationOptions->empty()
+ initparams.initializationOptions = lspserver.initializationOptions
+ else
+ initparams.initializationOptions = {}
+ endif
+ lspserver.rpcInitializeRequest = initparams
+ lspserver.rpc_a('initialize', initparams, ServerInitReply)
+# Send a "initialized" notification to the language server
+def SendInitializedNotif(lspserver: dict<any>)
+ # Notification: 'initialized'
+ # Params: InitializedParams
+ lspserver.sendNotification('initialized')
+# Request: shutdown
+# Param: void
+def ShutdownServer(lspserver: dict<any>): void
+ lspserver.rpc('shutdown', {})
+# Send a 'exit' notification to the language server
+def ExitServer(lspserver: dict<any>): void
+ # Notification: 'exit'
+ # Params: void
+ lspserver.sendNotification('exit')
+# Stop a LSP server
+def StopServer(lspserver: dict<any>): number
+ if !lspserver.running
+ util.WarnMsg($'LSP server {} is not running')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ # Send the shutdown request to the server
+ lspserver.shutdownServer()
+ # Notify the server to exit
+ lspserver.exitServer()
+ # Wait for the server to process the exit notification and exit for a
+ # maximum of 2 seconds.
+ var maxCount: number = 1000
+ while lspserver.job->job_status() == 'run' && maxCount > 0
+ sleep 2m
+ maxCount -= 1
+ endwhile
+ if lspserver.job->job_status() == 'run'
+ lspserver.job->job_stop()
+ endif
+ lspserver.running = false
+ lspserver.ready = false
+ lspserver.requests = {}
+ return 0
+# Set the language server trace level using the '$/setTrace' notification.
+# Supported values for "traceVal" are "off", "messages" and "verbose".
+def SetTrace(lspserver: dict<any>, traceVal: string)
+ # Notification: '$/setTrace'
+ # Params: SetTraceParams
+ var params = {value: traceVal}
+ lspserver.sendNotification('$/setTrace', params)
+# Log a debug message to the LSP server debug file
+def TraceLog(lspserver: dict<any>, msg: string)
+ if lspserver.debug
+ util.TraceLog(lspserver.logfile, false, msg)
+ endif
+# Log an error message to the LSP server error file
+def ErrorLog(lspserver: dict<any>, errmsg: string)
+ if lspserver.debug
+ util.TraceLog(lspserver.errfile, true, errmsg)
+ endif
+# Return the next id for a LSP server request message
+def NextReqID(lspserver: dict<any>): number
+ var id = lspserver.nextID
+ lspserver.nextID = id + 1
+ return id
+# create a LSP server request message
+def CreateRequest(lspserver: dict<any>, method: string): dict<any>
+ var req = {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ id: lspserver.nextReqID(),
+ method: method,
+ params: {}
+ }
+ # Save the request, so that the corresponding response can be processed
+ lspserver.requests->extend({[>string()]: req})
+ return req
+# create a LSP server response message
+def CreateResponse(lspserver: dict<any>, req_id: number): dict<any>
+ var resp = {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ id: req_id
+ }
+ return resp
+# create a LSP server notification message
+def CreateNotification(lspserver: dict<any>, notif: string): dict<any>
+ var req = {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ method: notif,
+ params: {}
+ }
+ return req
+# send a response message to the server
+def SendResponse(lspserver: dict<any>, request: dict<any>, result: any, error: dict<any>)
+ if (>type() == v:t_string
+ && (>trim() =~ '[^[:digit:]]\+'
+ ||>trim()->empty()))
+ || (>type() != v:t_string &&>type() != v:t_number)
+ util.ErrMsg(' of response to LSP server is not a correct number')
+ return
+ endif
+ var resp: dict<any> = lspserver.createResponse(
+>type() == v:t_string ?>str2nr() :
+ if error->empty()
+ resp->extend({result: result})
+ else
+ resp->extend({error: error})
+ endif
+ lspserver.sendMessage(resp)
+# Send a request message to LSP server
+def SendMessage(lspserver: dict<any>, content: dict<any>): void
+ var job = lspserver.job
+ if job->job_status() != 'run'
+ # LSP server has exited
+ return
+ endif
+ job->ch_sendexpr(content)
+ if content->has_key('id')
+ if lspserver.debug
+ lspserver.traceLog($'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: Sent {content->string()}')
+ endif
+ endif
+# Send a notification message to the language server
+def SendNotification(lspserver: dict<any>, method: string, params: any = {})
+ var notif: dict<any> = CreateNotification(lspserver, method)
+ notif.params->extend(params)
+ lspserver.sendMessage(notif)
+# Translate an LSP error code into a readable string
+def LspGetErrorMessage(errcode: number): string
+ var errmap = {
+ -32001: 'UnknownErrorCode',
+ -32002: 'ServerNotInitialized',
+ -32600: 'InvalidRequest',
+ -32601: 'MethodNotFound',
+ -32602: 'InvalidParams',
+ -32603: 'InternalError',
+ -32700: 'ParseError',
+ -32800: 'RequestCancelled',
+ -32801: 'ContentModified',
+ -32802: 'ServerCancelled',
+ -32803: 'RequestFailed'
+ }
+ return errmap->get(errcode, errcode->string())
+# Process a LSP server response error and display an error message.
+def ProcessLspServerError(method: string, responseError: dict<any>)
+ # request failed
+ var emsg: string = responseError.message
+ emsg ..= $', error = {LspGetErrorMessage(responseError.code)}'
+ if responseError->has_key('data')
+ emsg ..= $', data = {>string()}'
+ endif
+ util.ErrMsg($'request {method} failed ({emsg})')
+# Send a sync RPC request message to the LSP server and return the received
+# reply. In case of an error, an empty Dict is returned.
+def Rpc(lspserver: dict<any>, method: string, params: any, handleError: bool = true): dict<any>
+ var req = {
+ method: method,
+ params: params
+ }
+ var job = lspserver.job
+ if job->job_status() != 'run'
+ # LSP server has exited
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if lspserver.debug
+ lspserver.traceLog($'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: Sent {req->string()}')
+ endif
+ # Do the synchronous RPC call
+ var reply = job->ch_evalexpr(req)
+ if lspserver.debug
+ lspserver.traceLog($'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: Received {reply->string()}')
+ endif
+ if reply->has_key('result')
+ # successful reply
+ return reply
+ endif
+ if reply->has_key('error') && handleError
+ # request failed
+ ProcessLspServerError(method, reply.error)
+ endif
+ return {}
+# LSP server asynchronous RPC callback
+def AsyncRpcCb(lspserver: dict<any>, method: string, RpcCb: func, chan: channel, reply: dict<any>)
+ if lspserver.debug
+ lspserver.traceLog($'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: Received {reply->string()}')
+ endif
+ if reply->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ if reply->has_key('error')
+ # request failed
+ ProcessLspServerError(method, reply.error)
+ return
+ endif
+ if !reply->has_key('result')
+ util.ErrMsg($'request {method} failed (no result)')
+ return
+ endif
+ RpcCb(lspserver, reply.result)
+# Send a async RPC request message to the LSP server with a callback function.
+# Returns the LSP message id. This id can be used to cancel the RPC request
+# (if needed). Returns -1 on error.
+def AsyncRpc(lspserver: dict<any>, method: string, params: any, Cbfunc: func): number
+ var req = {
+ method: method,
+ params: params
+ }
+ var job = lspserver.job
+ if job->job_status() != 'run'
+ # LSP server has exited
+ return -1
+ endif
+ if lspserver.debug
+ lspserver.traceLog($'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: Sent {req->string()}')
+ endif
+ # Do the asynchronous RPC call
+ var Fn = function('AsyncRpcCb', [lspserver, method, Cbfunc])
+ var reply: dict<any>
+ if get(g:, 'LSPTest')
+ # When running LSP tests, make this a synchronous RPC call
+ reply = Rpc(lspserver, method, params)
+ Fn(test_null_channel(), reply)
+ else
+ # Otherwise, make an asynchronous RPC call
+ reply = job->ch_sendexpr(req, {callback: Fn})
+ endif
+ if reply->empty()
+ return -1
+ endif
+ return
+# Wait for a response message from the LSP server for the request "req"
+# Waits for a maximum of 5 seconds
+def WaitForResponse(lspserver: dict<any>, req: dict<any>)
+ var maxCount: number = 2500
+ var key: string =>string()
+ while lspserver.requests->has_key(key) && maxCount > 0
+ sleep 2m
+ maxCount -= 1
+ endwhile
+# Returns true when the "lspserver" has "feature" enabled.
+# By default, all the features of a lsp server are enabled.
+def FeatureEnabled(lspserver: dict<any>, feature: string): bool
+ return lspserver.features->get(feature, true)
+# Retrieve the Workspace configuration asked by the server.
+# Request: workspace/configuration
+def WorkspaceConfigGet(lspserver: dict<any>, configItem: dict<any>): dict<any>
+ if lspserver.workspaceConfig->empty()
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if !configItem->has_key('section') || configItem.section->empty()
+ return lspserver.workspaceConfig
+ endif
+ var config: dict<any> = lspserver.workspaceConfig
+ for part in configItem.section->split('\.')
+ if !config->has_key(part)
+ return {}
+ endif
+ config = config[part]
+ endfor
+ return config
+# Update semantic highlighting for buffer "bnr"
+# Request: textDocument/semanticTokens/full or
+# textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta
+def SemanticHighlightUpdate(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number)
+ if !lspserver.isSemanticTokensProvider
+ return
+ endif
+ # Send the pending buffer changes to the language server
+ bnr->listener_flush()
+ var method = 'textDocument/semanticTokens/full'
+ var params: dict<any> = {
+ textDocument: {
+ uri: util.LspBufnrToUri(bnr)
+ }
+ }
+ # Should we send a semantic tokens delta request instead of a full request?
+ if lspserver.semanticTokensDelta
+ var prevResultId: string = ''
+ prevResultId = bnr->getbufvar('LspSemanticResultId', '')
+ if prevResultId != ''
+ # semantic tokens delta request
+ params.previousResultId = prevResultId
+ method ..= '/delta'
+ endif
+ endif
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc(method, params)
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ semantichighlight.UpdateTokens(lspserver, bnr, reply.result)
+# Send a "workspace/didChangeConfiguration" notification to the language
+# server.
+def SendWorkspaceConfig(lspserver: dict<any>)
+ # Params: DidChangeConfigurationParams
+ var params = {settings: lspserver.workspaceConfig}
+ lspserver.sendNotification('workspace/didChangeConfiguration', params)
+# Send a file/document opened notification to the language server.
+def TextdocDidOpen(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, ftype: string): void
+ # Notification: 'textDocument/didOpen'
+ # Params: DidOpenTextDocumentParams
+ var params = {
+ textDocument: {
+ uri: util.LspBufnrToUri(bnr),
+ languageId: ftype,
+ # Use Vim 'changedtick' as the LSP document version number
+ version: bnr->getbufvar('changedtick'),
+ text: bnr->getbufline(1, '$')->join("\n") .. "\n"
+ }
+ }
+ lspserver.sendNotification('textDocument/didOpen', params)
+# Send a file/document closed notification to the language server.
+def TextdocDidClose(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number): void
+ # Notification: 'textDocument/didClose'
+ # Params: DidCloseTextDocumentParams
+ var params = {
+ textDocument: {
+ uri: util.LspBufnrToUri(bnr)
+ }
+ }
+ lspserver.sendNotification('textDocument/didClose', params)
+# Send a file/document change notification to the language server.
+# Params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams
+def TextdocDidChange(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, start: number,
+ end: number, added: number,
+ changes: list<dict<number>>): void
+ # Notification: 'textDocument/didChange'
+ # Params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams
+ # var changeset: list<dict<any>>
+ ##### FIXME: Sending specific buffer changes to the LSP server doesn't
+ ##### work properly as the computed line range numbers is not correct.
+ ##### For now, send the entire buffer content to LSP server.
+ # # Range
+ # for change in changes
+ # var lines: string
+ # var start_lnum: number
+ # var end_lnum: number
+ # var start_col: number
+ # var end_col: number
+ # if change.added == 0
+ # # lines changed
+ # start_lnum = change.lnum - 1
+ # end_lnum = change.end - 1
+ # lines = getbufline(bnr, change.lnum, change.end - 1)->join("\n") .. "\n"
+ # start_col = 0
+ # end_col = 0
+ # elseif change.added > 0
+ # # lines added
+ # start_lnum = change.lnum - 1
+ # end_lnum = change.lnum - 1
+ # start_col = 0
+ # end_col = 0
+ # lines = getbufline(bnr, change.lnum, change.lnum + change.added - 1)->join("\n") .. "\n"
+ # else
+ # # lines removed
+ # start_lnum = change.lnum - 1
+ # end_lnum = change.lnum + (-change.added) - 1
+ # start_col = 0
+ # end_col = 0
+ # lines = ''
+ # endif
+ # var range: dict<dict<number>> = {'start': {'line': start_lnum, 'character': start_col}, 'end': {'line': end_lnum, 'character': end_col}}
+ # changeset->add({'range': range, 'text': lines})
+ # endfor
+ var params = {
+ textDocument: {
+ uri: util.LspBufnrToUri(bnr),
+ # Use Vim 'changedtick' as the LSP document version number
+ version: bnr->getbufvar('changedtick')
+ },
+ contentChanges: [
+ {text: bnr->getbufline(1, '$')->join("\n") .. "\n"}
+ ]
+ }
+ lspserver.sendNotification('textDocument/didChange', params)
+# Return the current cursor position as a LSP position.
+# find_ident will search for a identifier in front of the cursor, just like
+# CTRL-] and c_CTRL-R_CTRL-W does.
+# LSP line and column numbers start from zero, whereas Vim line and column
+# numbers start from one. The LSP column number is the character index in the
+# line and not the byte index in the line.
+def GetPosition(lspserver: dict<any>, find_ident: bool): dict<number>
+ var lnum: number = line('.') - 1
+ var col: number = charcol('.') - 1
+ var line = getline('.')
+ if find_ident
+ # 1. skip to start of identifier
+ while line[col] != '' && line[col] !~ '\k'
+ col = col + 1
+ endwhile
+ # 2. back up to start of identifier
+ while col > 0 && line[col - 1] =~ '\k'
+ col = col - 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ # Compute character index counting composing characters as separate
+ # characters
+ var pos = {line: lnum, character: util.GetCharIdxWithCompChar(line, col)}
+ lspserver.encodePosition(bufnr(), pos)
+ return pos
+# Return the current file name and current cursor position as a LSP
+# TextDocumentPositionParams structure
+def GetTextDocPosition(lspserver: dict<any>, find_ident: bool): dict<dict<any>>
+ # interface TextDocumentIdentifier
+ # interface Position
+ return {textDocument: {uri: util.LspFileToUri(@%)},
+ position: lspserver.getPosition(find_ident)}
+# Get a list of completion items.
+# Request: "textDocument/completion"
+# Param: CompletionParams
+def GetCompletion(lspserver: dict<any>, triggerKind_arg: number, triggerChar: string): void
+ # Check whether LSP server supports completion
+ if !lspserver.isCompletionProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support completion')
+ return
+ endif
+ var fname = @%
+ if fname->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface CompletionParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ var params = lspserver.getTextDocPosition(false)
+ # interface CompletionContext
+ params.context = {triggerKind: triggerKind_arg, triggerCharacter: triggerChar}
+ lspserver.rpc_a('textDocument/completion', params,
+ completion.CompletionReply)
+# Get lazy properties for a completion item.
+# Request: "completionItem/resolve"
+# Param: CompletionItem
+def ResolveCompletion(lspserver: dict<any>, item: dict<any>, sync: bool = false): dict<any>
+ # Check whether LSP server supports completion item resolve
+ if !lspserver.isCompletionResolveProvider
+ return {}
+ endif
+ # interface CompletionItem
+ if sync
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('completionItem/resolve', item)
+ if !reply->empty() && !reply.result->empty()
+ return reply.result
+ endif
+ else
+ lspserver.rpc_a('completionItem/resolve', item,
+ completion.CompletionResolveReply)
+ endif
+ return {}
+# Jump to or peek a symbol location.
+# Send 'msg' to a LSP server and process the reply. 'msg' is one of the
+# following:
+# textDocument/definition
+# textDocument/declaration
+# textDocument/typeDefinition
+# textDocument/implementation
+# Process the LSP server reply and jump to the symbol location. Before
+# jumping to the symbol location, save the current cursor position in the tag
+# stack.
+# If 'peekSymbol' is true, then display the symbol location in the preview
+# window but don't jump to the symbol location.
+# Result: Location | Location[] | LocationLink[] | null
+def GotoSymbolLoc(lspserver: dict<any>, msg: string, peekSymbol: bool,
+ cmdmods: string, count: number)
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc(msg, lspserver.getTextDocPosition(true), false)
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ var emsg: string
+ if msg == 'textDocument/declaration'
+ emsg = 'symbol declaration is not found'
+ elseif msg == 'textDocument/typeDefinition'
+ emsg = 'symbol type definition is not found'
+ elseif msg == 'textDocument/implementation'
+ emsg = 'symbol implementation is not found'
+ else
+ emsg = 'symbol definition is not found'
+ endif
+ util.WarnMsg(emsg)
+ return
+ endif
+ var result = reply.result
+ var location: dict<any>
+ if result->type() == v:t_list
+ if count == 0
+ # When there are multiple symbol locations, and a specific one isn't
+ # requested with 'count', display the locations in a location list.
+ if result->len() > 1
+ var title: string = ''
+ if msg == 'textDocument/declaration'
+ title = 'Declarations'
+ elseif msg == 'textDocument/typeDefinition'
+ title = 'Type Definitions'
+ elseif msg == 'textDocument/implementation'
+ title = 'Implementations'
+ else
+ title = 'Definitions'
+ endif
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the symbol locations
+ result->map((_, loc) => {
+ lspserver.decodeLocation(loc)
+ return loc
+ })
+ endif
+ symbol.ShowLocations(lspserver, result, peekSymbol, title)
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Select the location requested in 'count'
+ var idx = count - 1
+ if idx >= result->len()
+ idx = result->len() - 1
+ endif
+ location = result[idx]
+ else
+ location = result
+ endif
+ lspserver.decodeLocation(location)
+ symbol.GotoSymbol(lspserver, location, peekSymbol, cmdmods)
+# Request: "textDocument/definition"
+# Param: DefinitionParams
+def GotoDefinition(lspserver: dict<any>, peek: bool, cmdmods: string, count: number)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports jumping to a definition
+ if !lspserver.isDefinitionProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('Jumping to a symbol definition is not supported')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface DefinitionParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ GotoSymbolLoc(lspserver, 'textDocument/definition', peek, cmdmods, count)
+# Request: "textDocument/declaration"
+# Param: DeclarationParams
+def GotoDeclaration(lspserver: dict<any>, peek: bool, cmdmods: string, count: number)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports jumping to a declaration
+ if !lspserver.isDeclarationProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('Jumping to a symbol declaration is not supported')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface DeclarationParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ GotoSymbolLoc(lspserver, 'textDocument/declaration', peek, cmdmods, count)
+# Request: "textDocument/typeDefinition"
+# Param: TypeDefinitionParams
+def GotoTypeDef(lspserver: dict<any>, peek: bool, cmdmods: string, count: number)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports jumping to a type definition
+ if !lspserver.isTypeDefinitionProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('Jumping to a symbol type definition is not supported')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface TypeDefinitionParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ GotoSymbolLoc(lspserver, 'textDocument/typeDefinition', peek, cmdmods, count)
+# Request: "textDocument/implementation"
+# Param: ImplementationParams
+def GotoImplementation(lspserver: dict<any>, peek: bool, cmdmods: string, count: number)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports jumping to a implementation
+ if !lspserver.isImplementationProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('Jumping to a symbol implementation is not supported')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface ImplementationParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ GotoSymbolLoc(lspserver, 'textDocument/implementation', peek, cmdmods, count)
+# Request: "textDocument/switchSourceHeader"
+# Param: TextDocumentIdentifier
+# Clangd specific extension
+def SwitchSourceHeader(lspserver: dict<any>)
+ var param = {
+ uri: util.LspFileToUri(@%)
+ }
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/switchSourceHeader', param)
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg('Source/Header file is not found')
+ return
+ endif
+ # process the 'textDocument/switchSourceHeader' reply from the LSP server
+ # Result: URI | null
+ var fname = util.LspUriToFile(reply.result)
+ # TODO: Add support for cmd modifiers
+ if (&modified && !&hidden) || &buftype != ''
+ # if the current buffer has unsaved changes and 'hidden' is not set,
+ # or if the current buffer is a special buffer, then ask to save changes
+ exe $'confirm edit {fname}'
+ else
+ exe $'edit {fname}'
+ endif
+# get symbol signature help.
+# Request: "textDocument/signatureHelp"
+# Param: SignatureHelpParams
+def ShowSignature(lspserver: dict<any>): void
+ # Check whether LSP server supports signature help
+ if !lspserver.isSignatureHelpProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support signature help')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface SignatureHelpParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ var params = lspserver.getTextDocPosition(false)
+ lspserver.rpc_a('textDocument/signatureHelp', params,
+ signature.SignatureHelp)
+# Send a file/document saved notification to the language server
+def DidSaveFile(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number): void
+ # Check whether the LSP server supports the didSave notification
+ if !lspserver.supportsDidSave
+ # LSP server doesn't support text document synchronization
+ return
+ endif
+ # Notification: 'textDocument/didSave'
+ # Params: DidSaveTextDocumentParams
+ var params: dict<any> = {textDocument: {uri: util.LspBufnrToUri(bnr)}}
+ if lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync->type() == v:t_dict
+ && lspserver.caps.textDocumentSync->has_key('save')
+ if>type() == v:t_dict
+ &&>has_key('includeText')
+ &&
+ params.text = bnr->getbufline(1, '$')->join("\n") .. "\n"
+ endif
+ endif
+ lspserver.sendNotification('textDocument/didSave', params)
+# get the hover information
+# Request: "textDocument/hover"
+# Param: HoverParams
+def ShowHoverInfo(lspserver: dict<any>, cmdmods: string): void
+ # Check whether LSP server supports getting hover information.
+ # caps->hoverProvider can be a "boolean" or "HoverOptions"
+ if !lspserver.isHoverProvider
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface HoverParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ var params = lspserver.getTextDocPosition(false)
+ lspserver.rpc_a('textDocument/hover', params, (_, reply) => {
+ hover.HoverReply(lspserver, reply, cmdmods)
+ })
+# Request: "textDocument/references"
+# Param: ReferenceParams
+def ShowReferences(lspserver: dict<any>, peek: bool): void
+ # Check whether LSP server supports getting reference information
+ if !lspserver.isReferencesProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support showing references')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface ReferenceParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ var param: dict<any>
+ param = lspserver.getTextDocPosition(true)
+ param.context = {includeDeclaration: true}
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/references', param)
+ # Result: Location[] | null
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg('No references found')
+ return
+ endif
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the reference locations
+ reply.result->map((_, loc) => {
+ lspserver.decodeLocation(loc)
+ return loc
+ })
+ endif
+ symbol.ShowLocations(lspserver, reply.result, peek, 'Symbol References')
+# process the 'textDocument/documentHighlight' reply from the LSP server
+# Result: DocumentHighlight[] | null
+def DocHighlightReply(lspserver: dict<any>, docHighlightReply: any,
+ bnr: number, cmdmods: string): void
+ if docHighlightReply->empty()
+ if cmdmods !~ 'silent'
+ util.WarnMsg($'No highlight for the current position')
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ for docHL in docHighlightReply
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, docHL.range)
+ var kind: number = docHL->get('kind', 1)
+ var propName: string
+ if kind == 2
+ # Read-access
+ propName = 'LspReadRef'
+ elseif kind == 3
+ # Write-access
+ propName = 'LspWriteRef'
+ else
+ # textual reference
+ propName = 'LspTextRef'
+ endif
+ try
+ var docHL_range = docHL.range
+ var docHL_start = docHL_range.start
+ var docHL_end = docHL_range.end
+ prop_add(docHL_start.line + 1,
+ util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, docHL_start) + 1,
+ {end_lnum: docHL_end.line + 1,
+ end_col: util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, docHL_end) + 1,
+ bufnr: bnr,
+ type: propName})
+ catch /E966\|E964/ # Invalid lnum | Invalid col
+ # Highlight replies arrive asynchronously and the document might have
+ # been modified in the mean time. As the reply is stale, ignore invalid
+ # line number and column number errors.
+ endtry
+ endfor
+# Request: "textDocument/documentHighlight"
+# Param: DocumentHighlightParams
+def DocHighlight(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, cmdmods: string): void
+ # Check whether LSP server supports getting highlight information
+ if !lspserver.isDocumentHighlightProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support document highlight')
+ return
+ endif
+ # Send the pending buffer changes to the language server
+ bnr->listener_flush()
+ # interface DocumentHighlightParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ var params = lspserver.getTextDocPosition(false)
+ lspserver.rpc_a('textDocument/documentHighlight', params, (_, reply) => {
+ DocHighlightReply(lspserver, reply, bufnr(), cmdmods)
+ })
+# Request: "textDocument/documentSymbol"
+# Param: DocumentSymbolParams
+def GetDocSymbols(lspserver: dict<any>, fname: string, showOutline: bool): void
+ # Check whether LSP server supports getting document symbol information
+ if !lspserver.isDocumentSymbolProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support getting list of symbols')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface DocumentSymbolParams
+ # interface TextDocumentIdentifier
+ var params = {textDocument: {uri: util.LspFileToUri(fname)}}
+ lspserver.rpc_a('textDocument/documentSymbol', params, (_, reply) => {
+ if showOutline
+ symbol.DocSymbolOutline(lspserver, reply, fname)
+ else
+ symbol.DocSymbolPopup(lspserver, reply, fname)
+ endif
+ })
+# Request: "textDocument/formatting"
+# Param: DocumentFormattingParams
+# or
+# Request: "textDocument/rangeFormatting"
+# Param: DocumentRangeFormattingParams
+def TextDocFormat(lspserver: dict<any>, fname: string, rangeFormat: bool,
+ start_lnum: number, end_lnum: number)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports formatting documents
+ if !lspserver.isDocumentFormattingProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support formatting documents')
+ return
+ endif
+ var cmd: string
+ if rangeFormat
+ cmd = 'textDocument/rangeFormatting'
+ else
+ cmd = 'textDocument/formatting'
+ endif
+ # interface DocumentFormattingParams
+ # interface TextDocumentIdentifier
+ # interface FormattingOptions
+ var fmtopts: dict<any> = {
+ tabSize: shiftwidth(),
+ insertSpaces: &expandtab ? true : false,
+ }
+ var param = {
+ textDocument: {
+ uri: util.LspFileToUri(fname)
+ },
+ options: fmtopts
+ }
+ if rangeFormat
+ var r: dict<dict<number>> = {
+ start: {line: start_lnum - 1, character: 0},
+ end: {line: end_lnum - 1, character: charcol([end_lnum, '$']) - 1}}
+ param.range = r
+ endif
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc(cmd, param)
+ # result: TextEdit[] | null
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ # nothing to format
+ return
+ endif
+ var bnr: number = fname->bufnr()
+ if bnr == -1
+ # file is already removed
+ return
+ endif
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the reference locations
+ reply.result->map((_, textEdit) => {
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, textEdit.range)
+ return textEdit
+ })
+ endif
+ # interface TextEdit
+ # Apply each of the text edit operations
+ var save_cursor: list<number> = getcurpos()
+ textedit.ApplyTextEdits(bnr, reply.result)
+ save_cursor->setpos('.')
+# Request: "textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy"
+def PrepareCallHierarchy(lspserver: dict<any>): dict<any>
+ # interface CallHierarchyPrepareParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ var param: dict<any>
+ param = lspserver.getTextDocPosition(false)
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy', param)
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ return {}
+ endif
+ # Result: CallHierarchyItem[] | null
+ var choice: number = 1
+ if reply.result->len() > 1
+ var items: list<string> = ['Select a Call Hierarchy Item:']
+ for i in reply.result->len()->range()
+ items->add(printf("%d. %s", i + 1, reply.result[i].name))
+ endfor
+ choice = items->inputlist()
+ if choice < 1 || choice > items->len()
+ return {}
+ endif
+ endif
+ return reply.result[choice - 1]
+# Request: "callHierarchy/incomingCalls"
+def IncomingCalls(lspserver: dict<any>, fname: string)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports call hierarchy
+ if !lspserver.isCallHierarchyProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support call hierarchy')
+ return
+ endif
+ callhier.IncomingCalls(lspserver)
+def GetIncomingCalls(lspserver: dict<any>, item_arg: dict<any>): any
+ # Request: "callHierarchy/incomingCalls"
+ # Param: CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams
+ var param = {
+ item: item_arg
+ }
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('callHierarchy/incomingCalls', param)
+ if reply->empty()
+ return null
+ endif
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the incoming call locations
+ var bnr = util.LspUriToBufnr(item_arg.uri)
+ reply.result->map((_, hierItem) => {
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, hierItem.from.range)
+ return hierItem
+ })
+ endif
+ return reply.result
+# Request: "callHierarchy/outgoingCalls"
+def OutgoingCalls(lspserver: dict<any>, fname: string)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports call hierarchy
+ if !lspserver.isCallHierarchyProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support call hierarchy')
+ return
+ endif
+ callhier.OutgoingCalls(lspserver)
+def GetOutgoingCalls(lspserver: dict<any>, item_arg: dict<any>): any
+ # Request: "callHierarchy/outgoingCalls"
+ # Param: CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams
+ var param = {
+ item: item_arg
+ }
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('callHierarchy/outgoingCalls', param)
+ if reply->empty()
+ return null
+ endif
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the outgoing call locations
+ var bnr = util.LspUriToBufnr(item_arg.uri)
+ reply.result->map((_, hierItem) => {
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr,
+ return hierItem
+ })
+ endif
+ return reply.result
+# Request: "textDocument/inlayHint"
+# Inlay hints.
+def InlayHintsShow(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports type hierarchy
+ if !lspserver.isInlayHintProvider && !lspserver.isClangdInlayHintsProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support inlay hint')
+ return
+ endif
+ # Send the pending buffer changes to the language server
+ bnr->listener_flush()
+ var binfo = bnr->getbufinfo()
+ if binfo->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var lastlnum = binfo[0].linecount
+ var lastline = bnr->getbufline('$')
+ var lastcol = 1
+ if !lastline->empty() && !lastline[0]->empty()
+ lastcol = lastline[0]->strchars()
+ endif
+ var param = {
+ textDocument: {uri: util.LspBufnrToUri(bnr)},
+ range:
+ {
+ start: {line: 0, character: 0},
+ end: {line: lastlnum - 1, character: lastcol - 1}
+ }
+ }
+ lspserver.encodeRange(bnr, param.range)
+ var msg: string
+ if lspserver.isClangdInlayHintsProvider
+ # clangd-style inlay hints
+ msg = 'clangd/inlayHints'
+ else
+ msg = 'textDocument/inlayHint'
+ endif
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc_a(msg, param, (_, reply) => {
+ inlayhints.InlayHintsReply(lspserver, bnr, reply)
+ })
+def DecodeTypeHierarchy(lspserver: dict<any>, isSuper: bool, typeHier: dict<any>)
+ if !lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ return
+ endif
+ var bnr = util.LspUriToBufnr(typeHier.uri)
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, typeHier.range)
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, typeHier.selectionRange)
+ var subType: list<dict<any>>
+ if isSuper
+ subType = typeHier->get('parents', [])
+ else
+ subType = typeHier->get('children', [])
+ endif
+ if !subType->empty()
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the type hierarchy items
+ subType->map((_, typeHierItem) => {
+ DecodeTypeHierarchy(lspserver, isSuper, typeHierItem)
+ return typeHierItem
+ })
+ endif
+# Request: "textDocument/typehierarchy"
+# Support the clangd version of type hierarchy retrieval method.
+# The method described in the LSP 3.17.0 standard is not supported as clangd
+# doesn't support that method.
+def TypeHierarchy(lspserver: dict<any>, direction: number)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports type hierarchy
+ if !lspserver.isTypeHierarchyProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support type hierarchy')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface TypeHierarchy
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ var param: dict<any>
+ param = lspserver.getTextDocPosition(false)
+ # 0: children, 1: parent, 2: both
+ param.direction = direction
+ param.resolve = 5
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/typeHierarchy', param)
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg('No type hierarchy available')
+ return
+ endif
+ var isSuper = (direction == 1)
+ DecodeTypeHierarchy(lspserver, isSuper, reply.result)
+ typehier.ShowTypeHierarchy(lspserver, isSuper, reply.result)
+# Decode the ranges in "WorkspaceEdit"
+def DecodeWorkspaceEdit(lspserver: dict<any>, workspaceEdit: dict<any>)
+ if !lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ return
+ endif
+ if workspaceEdit->has_key('changes')
+ for [uri, changes] in workspaceEdit.changes->items()
+ var bnr: number = util.LspUriToBufnr(uri)
+ if bnr <= 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the text edit locations
+ changes->map((_, textEdit) => {
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, textEdit.range)
+ return textEdit
+ })
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if workspaceEdit->has_key('documentChanges')
+ for change in workspaceEdit.documentChanges
+ if !change->has_key('kind')
+ var bnr: number = util.LspUriToBufnr(change.textDocument.uri)
+ if bnr <= 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the text edit locations
+ change.edits->map((_, textEdit) => {
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, textEdit.range)
+ return textEdit
+ })
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+# Request: "textDocument/rename"
+# Param: RenameParams
+def RenameSymbol(lspserver: dict<any>, newName: string)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports rename operation
+ if !lspserver.isRenameProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support rename operation')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface RenameParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ var param: dict<any> = {}
+ param = lspserver.getTextDocPosition(true)
+ param.newName = newName
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/rename', param)
+ # Result: WorkspaceEdit | null
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ # nothing to rename
+ return
+ endif
+ # result: WorkspaceEdit
+ DecodeWorkspaceEdit(lspserver, reply.result)
+ textedit.ApplyWorkspaceEdit(reply.result)
+# Decode the range in "CodeAction"
+def DecodeCodeAction(lspserver: dict<any>, actionList: list<dict<any>>)
+ if !lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ return
+ endif
+ actionList->map((_, act) => {
+ if !act->has_key('disabled') && act->has_key('edit')
+ DecodeWorkspaceEdit(lspserver, act.edit)
+ endif
+ return act
+ })
+# Request: "textDocument/codeAction"
+# Param: CodeActionParams
+def CodeAction(lspserver: dict<any>, fname_arg: string, line1: number,
+ line2: number, query: string)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports code action operation
+ if !lspserver.isCodeActionProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support code action operation')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface CodeActionParams
+ var params: dict<any> = {}
+ var fname: string = fname_arg->fnamemodify(':p')
+ var bnr: number = fname_arg->bufnr()
+ var r: dict<dict<number>> = {
+ start: {
+ line: line1 - 1,
+ character: line1 == line2 ? util.GetCharIdxWithCompChar(getline('.'), charcol('.') - 1) : 0
+ },
+ end: {
+ line: line2 - 1,
+ character: util.GetCharIdxWithCompChar(getline(line2), charcol([line2, '$']) - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ lspserver.encodeRange(bnr, r)
+ params->extend({textDocument: {uri: util.LspFileToUri(fname)}, range: r})
+ var d: list<dict<any>> = []
+ for lnum in range(line1, line2)
+ var diagsInfo: list<dict<any>> = diag.GetDiagsByLine(bnr, lnum, lspserver)->deepcopy()
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ diagsInfo->map((_, di) => {
+ lspserver.encodeRange(bnr, di.range)
+ return di
+ })
+ endif
+ d->extend(diagsInfo)
+ endfor
+ params->extend({context: {diagnostics: d, triggerKind: 1}})
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/codeAction', params)
+ # Result: (Command | CodeAction)[] | null
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ # no action can be performed
+ util.WarnMsg('No code action is available')
+ return
+ endif
+ DecodeCodeAction(lspserver, reply.result)
+ codeaction.ApplyCodeAction(lspserver, reply.result, query)
+# Request: "textDocument/codeLens"
+# Param: CodeLensParams
+def CodeLens(lspserver: dict<any>, fname: string)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports code lens operation
+ if !lspserver.isCodeLensProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support code lens operation')
+ return
+ endif
+ var params = {textDocument: {uri: util.LspFileToUri(fname)}}
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/codeLens', params)
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg($'No code lens actions found for the current file')
+ return
+ endif
+ var bnr = fname->bufnr()
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the code lens items
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ reply.result->map((_, codeLensItem) => {
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, codeLensItem.range)
+ return codeLensItem
+ })
+ endif
+ codelens.ProcessCodeLens(lspserver, bnr, reply.result)
+# Request: "codeLens/resolve"
+# Param: CodeLens
+def ResolveCodeLens(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number,
+ codeLens: dict<any>): dict<any>
+ if !lspserver.isCodeLensResolveProvider
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ lspserver.encodeRange(bnr, codeLens.range)
+ endif
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('codeLens/resolve', codeLens)
+ if reply->empty()
+ return {}
+ endif
+ var codeLensItem: dict<any> = reply.result
+ # Decode the position encoding in the code lens item
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, codeLensItem.range)
+ endif
+ return codeLensItem
+# List project-wide symbols matching query string
+# Request: "workspace/symbol"
+# Param: WorkspaceSymbolParams
+def WorkspaceQuerySymbols(lspserver: dict<any>, query: string, firstCall: bool, cmdmods: string = '')
+ # Check whether the LSP server supports listing workspace symbols
+ if !lspserver.isWorkspaceSymbolProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support listing workspace symbols')
+ return
+ endif
+ # Param: WorkspaceSymbolParams
+ var param = {
+ query: query
+ }
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('workspace/symbol', param)
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ util.WarnMsg($'Symbol "{query}" is not found')
+ return
+ endif
+ var symInfo: list<dict<any>> = reply.result
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the symbol locations
+ symInfo->map((_, sym) => {
+ if sym->has_key('location')
+ lspserver.decodeLocation(sym.location)
+ endif
+ return sym
+ })
+ endif
+ if firstCall && symInfo->len() == 1
+ # If there is only one symbol, then jump to the symbol location
+ var symLoc: dict<any> = symInfo[0]->get('location', {})
+ if !symLoc->empty()
+ symbol.GotoSymbol(lspserver, symLoc, false, cmdmods)
+ endif
+ else
+ symbol.WorkspaceSymbolPopup(lspserver, query, symInfo, cmdmods)
+ endif
+# Add a workspace folder to the language server.
+def AddWorkspaceFolder(lspserver: dict<any>, dirName: string): void
+ if !lspserver.caps->has_key('workspace')
+ || !lspserver.caps.workspace->has_key('workspaceFolders')
+ || !lspserver.caps.workspace.workspaceFolders->has_key('supported')
+ || !lspserver.caps.workspace.workspaceFolders.supported
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support workspace folders')
+ return
+ endif
+ if lspserver.workspaceFolders->index(dirName) != -1
+ util.ErrMsg($'{dirName} is already part of this workspace')
+ return
+ endif
+ # Notification: 'workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders'
+ # Params: DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams
+ var params = {event: {added: [dirName], removed: []}}
+ lspserver.sendNotification('workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders', params)
+ lspserver.workspaceFolders->add(dirName)
+# Remove a workspace folder from the language server.
+def RemoveWorkspaceFolder(lspserver: dict<any>, dirName: string): void
+ if !lspserver.caps->has_key('workspace')
+ || !lspserver.caps.workspace->has_key('workspaceFolders')
+ || !lspserver.caps.workspace.workspaceFolders->has_key('supported')
+ || !lspserver.caps.workspace.workspaceFolders.supported
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support workspace folders')
+ return
+ endif
+ var idx: number = lspserver.workspaceFolders->index(dirName)
+ if idx == -1
+ util.ErrMsg($'{dirName} is not currently part of this workspace')
+ return
+ endif
+ # Notification: "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders"
+ # Param: DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams
+ var params = {event: {added: [], removed: [dirName]}}
+ lspserver.sendNotification('workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders', params)
+ lspserver.workspaceFolders->remove(idx)
+def DecodeSelectionRange(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, selRange: dict<any>)
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, selRange.range)
+ if selRange->has_key('parent')
+ DecodeSelectionRange(lspserver, bnr, selRange.parent)
+ endif
+# select the text around the current cursor location
+# Request: "textDocument/selectionRange"
+# Param: SelectionRangeParams
+def SelectionRange(lspserver: dict<any>, fname: string)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports selection ranges
+ if !lspserver.isSelectionRangeProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support selection ranges')
+ return
+ endif
+ # clear the previous selection reply
+ lspserver.selection = {}
+ # interface SelectionRangeParams
+ # interface TextDocumentIdentifier
+ var param = {
+ textDocument: {
+ uri: util.LspFileToUri(fname)
+ },
+ positions: [lspserver.getPosition(false)]
+ }
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/selectionRange', param)
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the selection range items
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ var bnr = fname->bufnr()
+ reply.result->map((_, selItem) => {
+ DecodeSelectionRange(lspserver, bnr, selItem)
+ return selItem
+ })
+ endif
+ selection.SelectionStart(lspserver, reply.result)
+# Expand the previous selection or start a new one
+def SelectionExpand(lspserver: dict<any>)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports selection ranges
+ if !lspserver.isSelectionRangeProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support selection ranges')
+ return
+ endif
+ selection.SelectionModify(lspserver, true)
+# Shrink the previous selection or start a new one
+def SelectionShrink(lspserver: dict<any>)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports selection ranges
+ if !lspserver.isSelectionRangeProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support selection ranges')
+ return
+ endif
+ selection.SelectionModify(lspserver, false)
+# fold the entire document
+# Request: "textDocument/foldingRange"
+# Param: FoldingRangeParams
+def FoldRange(lspserver: dict<any>, fname: string)
+ # Check whether LSP server supports fold ranges
+ if !lspserver.isFoldingRangeProvider
+ util.ErrMsg('LSP server does not support folding')
+ return
+ endif
+ # interface FoldingRangeParams
+ # interface TextDocumentIdentifier
+ var params = {textDocument: {uri: util.LspFileToUri(fname)}}
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/foldingRange', params)
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # result: FoldingRange[]
+ var end_lnum: number
+ var last_lnum: number = line('$')
+ for foldRange in reply.result
+ end_lnum = foldRange.endLine + 1
+ if end_lnum < foldRange.startLine + 2
+ end_lnum = foldRange.startLine + 2
+ endif
+ exe $':{foldRange.startLine + 2}, {end_lnum}fold'
+ # Open all the folds, otherwise the subsequently created folds are not
+ # correct.
+ :silent! foldopen!
+ endfor
+ if &foldcolumn == 0
+ :setlocal foldcolumn=2
+ endif
+# process the 'workspace/executeCommand' reply from the LSP server
+# Result: any | null
+def WorkspaceExecuteReply(lspserver: dict<any>, execReply: any)
+ # Nothing to do for the reply
+# Request the LSP server to execute a command
+# Request: workspace/executeCommand
+# Params: ExecuteCommandParams
+def ExecuteCommand(lspserver: dict<any>, cmd: dict<any>)
+ # Need to check for lspserver.caps.executeCommandProvider?
+ var params: dict<any> = {}
+ params.command = cmd.command
+ if cmd->has_key('arguments')
+ params.arguments = cmd.arguments
+ endif
+ lspserver.rpc_a('workspace/executeCommand', params, WorkspaceExecuteReply)
+# Display the LSP server capabilities (received during the initialization
+# stage).
+def GetCapabilities(lspserver: dict<any>): list<string>
+ var l = []
+ var heading = $"'{lspserver.path}' Language Server Capabilities"
+ var underlines = repeat('=', heading->len())
+ l->extend([heading, underlines])
+ for k in lspserver.caps->keys()->sort()
+ l->add($'{k}: {lspserver.caps[k]->string()}')
+ endfor
+ return l
+# Display the LSP server initialize request and result
+def GetInitializeRequest(lspserver: dict<any>): list<string>
+ var l = []
+ var heading = $"'{lspserver.path}' Language Server Initialize Request"
+ var underlines = repeat('=', heading->len())
+ l->extend([heading, underlines])
+ if lspserver->has_key('rpcInitializeRequest')
+ for k in lspserver.rpcInitializeRequest->keys()->sort()
+ l->add($'{k}: {lspserver.rpcInitializeRequest[k]->string()}')
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return l
+# Store a log or trace message received from the language server.
+def AddMessage(lspserver: dict<any>, msgType: string, newMsg: string)
+ # A single message may contain multiple lines separate by newline
+ var msgs = newMsg->split("\n")
+ lspserver.messages->add($'{strftime("%m/%d/%y %T")}: [{msgType}]: {msgs[0]}')
+ lspserver.messages->extend(msgs[1 : ])
+ # Keep only the last 500 messages to reduce the memory usage
+ if lspserver.messages->len() >= 600
+ lspserver.messages = lspserver.messages[-500 : ]
+ endif
+# Display the log messages received from the LSP server (window/logMessage)
+def GetMessages(lspserver: dict<any>): list<string>
+ if lspserver.messages->empty()
+ return [$'No messages received from "{}" server']
+ endif
+ var l = []
+ var heading = $"'{lspserver.path}' Language Server Messages"
+ var underlines = repeat('=', heading->len())
+ l->extend([heading, underlines])
+ l->extend(lspserver.messages)
+ return l
+# Send a 'textDocument/definition' request to the LSP server to get the
+# location where the symbol under the cursor is defined and return a list of
+# Dicts in a format accepted by the 'tagfunc' option.
+# Returns null if the LSP server doesn't support getting the location of a
+# symbol definition or the symbol is not defined.
+def TagFunc(lspserver: dict<any>, pat: string, flags: string, info: dict<any>): any
+ # Check whether LSP server supports getting the location of a definition
+ if !lspserver.isDefinitionProvider
+ return null
+ endif
+ # interface DefinitionParams
+ # interface TextDocumentPositionParams
+ var reply = lspserver.rpc('textDocument/definition',
+ lspserver.getTextDocPosition(false))
+ if reply->empty() || reply.result->empty()
+ return null
+ endif
+ var taglocations: list<dict<any>>
+ if reply.result->type() == v:t_list
+ taglocations = reply.result
+ else
+ taglocations = [reply.result]
+ endif
+ if lspserver.needOffsetEncoding
+ # Decode the position encoding in all the reference locations
+ taglocations->map((_, loc) => {
+ lspserver.decodeLocation(loc)
+ return loc
+ })
+ endif
+ return symbol.TagFunc(lspserver, taglocations, pat)
+# Returns unique ID used for identifying the various servers
+var UniqueServerIdCounter = 0
+def GetUniqueServerId(): number
+ UniqueServerIdCounter = UniqueServerIdCounter + 1
+ return UniqueServerIdCounter
+export def NewLspServer(serverParams: dict<any>): dict<any>
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = {
+ id: GetUniqueServerId(),
+ name:,
+ path: serverParams.path,
+ args: serverParams.args->deepcopy(),
+ running: false,
+ ready: false,
+ job: v:none,
+ data: '',
+ nextID: 1,
+ caps: {},
+ requests: {},
+ callHierarchyType: '',
+ completionTriggerChars: [],
+ customNotificationHandlers: serverParams.customNotificationHandlers->deepcopy(),
+ customRequestHandlers: serverParams.customRequestHandlers->deepcopy(),
+ debug: serverParams.debug,
+ features: serverParams.features->deepcopy(),
+ forceOffsetEncoding: serverParams.forceOffsetEncoding,
+ initializationOptions: serverParams.initializationOptions->deepcopy(),
+ messages: [],
+ needOffsetEncoding: false,
+ omniCompletePending: false,
+ peekSymbolFilePopup: -1,
+ peekSymbolPopup: -1,
+ processDiagHandler: serverParams.processDiagHandler,
+ rootSearchFiles: serverParams.rootSearch->deepcopy(),
+ runIfSearchFiles: serverParams.runIfSearch->deepcopy(),
+ runUnlessSearchFiles: serverParams.runUnlessSearch->deepcopy(),
+ selection: {},
+ signaturePopup: -1,
+ syncInit: serverParams.syncInit,
+ traceLevel: serverParams.traceLevel,
+ typeHierFilePopup: -1,
+ typeHierPopup: -1,
+ workspaceConfig: serverParams.workspaceConfig->deepcopy(),
+ workspaceSymbolPopup: -1,
+ workspaceSymbolQuery: ''
+ }
+ lspserver.logfile = $'lsp-{}.log'
+ lspserver.errfile = $'lsp-{}.err'
+ # Add the LSP server functions
+ lspserver->extend({
+ startServer: function(StartServer, [lspserver]),
+ initServer: function(InitServer, [lspserver]),
+ stopServer: function(StopServer, [lspserver]),
+ shutdownServer: function(ShutdownServer, [lspserver]),
+ exitServer: function(ExitServer, [lspserver]),
+ setTrace: function(SetTrace, [lspserver]),
+ traceLog: function(TraceLog, [lspserver]),
+ errorLog: function(ErrorLog, [lspserver]),
+ nextReqID: function(NextReqID, [lspserver]),
+ createRequest: function(CreateRequest, [lspserver]),
+ createResponse: function(CreateResponse, [lspserver]),
+ sendResponse: function(SendResponse, [lspserver]),
+ sendMessage: function(SendMessage, [lspserver]),
+ sendNotification: function(SendNotification, [lspserver]),
+ rpc: function(Rpc, [lspserver]),
+ rpc_a: function(AsyncRpc, [lspserver]),
+ waitForResponse: function(WaitForResponse, [lspserver]),
+ processReply: function(handlers.ProcessReply, [lspserver]),
+ processNotif: function(handlers.ProcessNotif, [lspserver]),
+ processRequest: function(handlers.ProcessRequest, [lspserver]),
+ processMessages: function(handlers.ProcessMessages, [lspserver]),
+ encodePosition: function(offset.EncodePosition, [lspserver]),
+ decodePosition: function(offset.DecodePosition, [lspserver]),
+ encodeRange: function(offset.EncodeRange, [lspserver]),
+ decodeRange: function(offset.DecodeRange, [lspserver]),
+ encodeLocation: function(offset.EncodeLocation, [lspserver]),
+ decodeLocation: function(offset.DecodeLocation, [lspserver]),
+ getPosition: function(GetPosition, [lspserver]),
+ getTextDocPosition: function(GetTextDocPosition, [lspserver]),
+ featureEnabled: function(FeatureEnabled, [lspserver]),
+ textdocDidOpen: function(TextdocDidOpen, [lspserver]),
+ textdocDidClose: function(TextdocDidClose, [lspserver]),
+ textdocDidChange: function(TextdocDidChange, [lspserver]),
+ sendInitializedNotif: function(SendInitializedNotif, [lspserver]),
+ sendWorkspaceConfig: function(SendWorkspaceConfig, [lspserver]),
+ getCompletion: function(GetCompletion, [lspserver]),
+ resolveCompletion: function(ResolveCompletion, [lspserver]),
+ gotoDefinition: function(GotoDefinition, [lspserver]),
+ gotoDeclaration: function(GotoDeclaration, [lspserver]),
+ gotoTypeDef: function(GotoTypeDef, [lspserver]),
+ gotoImplementation: function(GotoImplementation, [lspserver]),
+ tagFunc: function(TagFunc, [lspserver]),
+ switchSourceHeader: function(SwitchSourceHeader, [lspserver]),
+ showSignature: function(ShowSignature, [lspserver]),
+ didSaveFile: function(DidSaveFile, [lspserver]),
+ hover: function(ShowHoverInfo, [lspserver]),
+ showReferences: function(ShowReferences, [lspserver]),
+ docHighlight: function(DocHighlight, [lspserver]),
+ getDocSymbols: function(GetDocSymbols, [lspserver]),
+ textDocFormat: function(TextDocFormat, [lspserver]),
+ prepareCallHierarchy: function(PrepareCallHierarchy, [lspserver]),
+ incomingCalls: function(IncomingCalls, [lspserver]),
+ getIncomingCalls: function(GetIncomingCalls, [lspserver]),
+ outgoingCalls: function(OutgoingCalls, [lspserver]),
+ getOutgoingCalls: function(GetOutgoingCalls, [lspserver]),
+ inlayHintsShow: function(InlayHintsShow, [lspserver]),
+ typeHierarchy: function(TypeHierarchy, [lspserver]),
+ renameSymbol: function(RenameSymbol, [lspserver]),
+ codeAction: function(CodeAction, [lspserver]),
+ codeLens: function(CodeLens, [lspserver]),
+ resolveCodeLens: function(ResolveCodeLens, [lspserver]),
+ workspaceQuery: function(WorkspaceQuerySymbols, [lspserver]),
+ addWorkspaceFolder: function(AddWorkspaceFolder, [lspserver]),
+ removeWorkspaceFolder: function(RemoveWorkspaceFolder, [lspserver]),
+ selectionRange: function(SelectionRange, [lspserver]),
+ selectionExpand: function(SelectionExpand, [lspserver]),
+ selectionShrink: function(SelectionShrink, [lspserver]),
+ foldRange: function(FoldRange, [lspserver]),
+ executeCommand: function(ExecuteCommand, [lspserver]),
+ workspaceConfigGet: function(WorkspaceConfigGet, [lspserver]),
+ semanticHighlightUpdate: function(SemanticHighlightUpdate, [lspserver]),
+ getCapabilities: function(GetCapabilities, [lspserver]),
+ getInitializeRequest: function(GetInitializeRequest, [lspserver]),
+ addMessage: function(AddMessage, [lspserver]),
+ getMessages: function(GetMessages, [lspserver])
+ })
+ return lspserver
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/markdown.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/markdown.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd73cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/markdown.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+# Markdown parser
+# Refer to
+# for the GitHub Flavored Markdown specification.
+# TODO: different highlight for different heading level
+# TODO: links
+# TODO: pretty table
+# Container blocks
+var block_quote = '^ \{,3\}\zs> \='
+var list_marker = '[-+*]\|[0-9]\{1,9}[.)]'
+var list_item = $'^\%({list_marker}\)\ze\s*$\|^ \{{,3}}\zs\%({list_marker}\) \{{1,4}}\ze\S\|^ \{{,3}}\zs\%({list_marker}\) \{{5}}\ze\s*\S'
+# pattern to match list items
+export var list_pattern = $'^ *\%({list_marker}\) *'
+# Leaf blocks
+var blank_line = '^\s*$'
+var thematic_break = '^ \{,3\}\([-_*]\)\%(\s*\1\)\{2,\}\s*$'
+var code_fence = '^ \{,3\}\(`\{3,\}\|\~\{3,\}\)\s*\(\S*\)'
+var code_indent = '^ \{4\}\zs\s*\S.*'
+var paragraph = '^\s*\zs\S.\{-}\s*\ze$'
+var atx_heading = '^ \{,3}\zs\(#\{1,6}\) \s*\(.\{-}\)\s*\ze\%( #\{1,}\s*\)\=$'
+var setext_heading = '^ \{,3}\zs\%(=\{1,}\|-\{1,}\)\ze *$'
+var setext_heading_level = {"=": 1, "-": 2}
+var table_delimiter = '^|\=\zs *:\=-\{1,}:\= *\%(| *:\=-\{1,}:\= *\)*\ze|\=$'
+var punctuation = "[!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\\\\\\]^_`{|}~]"
+# Setting text properties
+highlight LspBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
+highlight LspItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic
+highlight LspStrikeThrough term=strikethrough cterm=strikethrough gui=strikethrough
+prop_type_add('LspMarkdownBold', {highlight: 'LspBold'})
+prop_type_add('LspMarkdownItalic', {highlight: 'LspItalic'})
+prop_type_add('LspMarkdownStrikeThrough', {highlight: 'LspStrikeThrough'})
+prop_type_add('LspMarkdownHeading', {highlight: 'Function'})
+prop_type_add('LspMarkdownCode', {highlight: 'PreProc'})
+prop_type_add('LspMarkdownCodeBlock', {highlight: 'PreProc'})
+prop_type_add('LspMarkdownListMarker', {highlight: 'Special'})
+prop_type_add('LspMarkdownTableHeader', {highlight: 'Label'})
+prop_type_add('LspMarkdownTableMarker', {highlight: 'Special'})
+def GetMarkerProp(marker: string, col: number, ...opt: list<any>): dict<any>
+ if marker == 'list_item'
+ return {
+ type: 'LspMarkdownListMarker',
+ col: col,
+ length: opt[0]
+ }
+ elseif marker == 'code_block'
+ return {
+ type: 'LspMarkdownCodeBlock',
+ col: col,
+ end_lnum: opt[0],
+ end_col: opt[1]
+ }
+ elseif marker == 'heading'
+ return {
+ type: 'LspMarkdownHeading',
+ col: col,
+ length: opt[0]
+ }
+ elseif marker == 'table_header'
+ return {
+ type: 'LspMarkdownTableHeader',
+ col: col,
+ length: opt[0]
+ }
+ elseif marker == 'table_sep'
+ return {
+ type: 'LspMarkdownTableMarker',
+ col: col,
+ length: opt[0]
+ }
+ elseif marker == 'code_span'
+ return {
+ type: 'LspMarkdownCode',
+ col: col,
+ length: opt[0]
+ }
+ elseif marker == 'emphasis'
+ return {
+ type: 'LspMarkdownItalic',
+ col: col,
+ length: opt[0]
+ }
+ elseif marker == 'strong'
+ return {
+ type: 'LspMarkdownBold',
+ col: col,
+ length: opt[0]
+ }
+ elseif marker == 'strikethrough'
+ return {
+ type: 'LspMarkdownStrikeThrough',
+ col: col,
+ length: opt[0]
+ }
+ endif
+ return {}
+def GetCodeSpans(text: string): list<dict<any>>
+ var code_spans = []
+ var pos = 0
+ while pos < text->len()
+ var backtick = text->matchstrpos('\\*`', pos)
+ if backtick[1] < 0
+ break
+ endif
+ if backtick[0]->len() % 2 == 0
+ # escaped backtick
+ pos = backtick[2]
+ continue
+ endif
+ pos = backtick[2] - 1
+ var code_span = text->matchstrpos('^\(`\+\)`\@!.\{-}`\@1<!\1`\@!', pos)
+ if code_span[1] < 0
+ break
+ endif
+ var code_text = text->matchstrpos('^\(`\+\)\%(\zs \+\ze\|\([ \n]\=\)\zs.\{-}\S.\{-}\ze\2\)`\@1<!\1`\@!', pos)
+ code_spans->add({
+ marker: '`',
+ start: [code_span[1], code_text[1]],
+ end: [code_text[2], code_span[2]]
+ })
+ pos = code_span[2]
+ endwhile
+ return code_spans
+def Unescape(text: string, block_marker: string = ""): string
+ if block_marker == '`'
+ # line breaks do not occur inside code spans
+ return text->substitute('\n', ' ', 'g')
+ endif
+ # use 2 spaces instead of \ for hard line break
+ var result = text->substitute('\\\@<!\(\(\\\\\)*\)\\\n', '\1 \n', 'g')
+ # change soft line breaks
+ result = result->substitute(' \@<! \=\n', ' ', 'g')
+ # change hard line breaks
+ result = result->substitute(' \{2,}\n', '\n', 'g')
+ # replace non-breaking spaces with spaces
+ result = result->substitute('&nbsp;', ' ', 'g')
+ return result->substitute($'\\\({punctuation}\)', '\1', 'g')
+def GetNextInlineDelimiter(text: string, start_pos: number, end_pos: number): dict<any>
+ var pos = start_pos
+ while pos < text->len()
+ # search the first delimiter char
+ var delimiter = text->matchstrpos('\\*[_*~]', pos)
+ if delimiter[1] < 0 || delimiter[1] > end_pos
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if delimiter[0]->len() % 2 == 0
+ # escaped delimiter char
+ pos = delimiter[2]
+ continue
+ endif
+ pos = delimiter[2] - 1
+ var delimiter_run = text->matchstrpos(
+ $'{delimiter[0][-1]->substitute("\\([*~]\\)", "\\\\\\1", "g")}\+',
+ pos)
+ if delimiter_run[0][0] == '~' && delimiter_run[0]->len() > 2
+ pos = delimiter_run[2]
+ continue
+ endif
+ var add_char = ''
+ if pos > 0
+ pos -= 1
+ add_char = '.'
+ endif
+ var delim_regex = delimiter_run[0]->substitute('\([*~]\)', '\\\1', 'g')
+ var is_left = text->match($'^{add_char}{delim_regex}\%(\s\|$\|{punctuation}\)\@!\|^{add_char}\%(\s\|^\|{punctuation}\)\@1<={delim_regex}{punctuation}', pos) >= 0
+ var is_right = text->match($'^{add_char}\%(\s\|^\|{punctuation}\)\@1<!{delim_regex}\|^{add_char}{punctuation}\@1<={delim_regex}\%(\s\|$\|{punctuation}\)', pos) >= 0
+ if !is_left && ! is_right
+ pos = delimiter_run[2]
+ continue
+ endif
+ if delimiter_run[0][0] == '_'
+ && text->match($'^\w{delimiter_run[0]}\w', pos) >= 0
+ # intraword emphasis is disallowed
+ pos = delimiter_run[2]
+ continue
+ endif
+ return {
+ marker: delimiter_run[0],
+ start: [delimiter_run[1], delimiter_run[2]],
+ left: is_left,
+ right: is_right
+ }
+ endwhile
+ return {}
+def GetNextInlineBlock(text: string, blocks: list<any>, rel_pos: number): dict<any>
+ var result = {
+ text: '',
+ props: []
+ }
+ var cur = blocks->remove(0)
+ var pos = cur.start[1]
+ while blocks->len() > 0 && cur.end[0] >= blocks[0].start[0]
+ result.text ..= Unescape(text->strpart(pos, blocks[0].start[0] - pos), cur.marker[0])
+ # get nested block
+ var part = GetNextInlineBlock(text, blocks, rel_pos + result.text->len())
+ result.text ..= part.text
+ result.props += part.props
+ pos = part.end_pos
+ endwhile
+ result.text ..= Unescape(text->strpart(pos, cur.end[0] - pos), cur.marker[0])
+ # add props for current inline block
+ var prop_type = {
+ '`': 'code_span',
+ '_': 'emphasis',
+ '__': 'strong',
+ '*': 'emphasis',
+ '**': 'strong',
+ '~': 'strikethrough',
+ '~~': 'strikethrough'
+ }
+ result.props->insert(GetMarkerProp(prop_type[cur.marker],
+ rel_pos + 1,
+ result.text->len()))
+ result->extend({'end_pos': cur.end[1]})
+ return result
+def ParseInlines(text: string, rel_pos: number = 0): dict<any>
+ var formatted = {
+ text: '',
+ props: []
+ }
+ var code_spans = GetCodeSpans(text)
+ var pos = 0
+ var seq = []
+ # search all emphasis
+ while pos < text->len()
+ var code_pos: list<number>
+ if code_spans->len() > 0
+ code_pos = [code_spans[0].start[0], code_spans[0].end[1]]
+ if pos >= code_pos[0]
+ pos = code_pos[1]
+ seq->add(code_spans->remove(0))
+ continue
+ endif
+ else
+ code_pos = [text->len(), text->len()]
+ endif
+ var delimiter = GetNextInlineDelimiter(text, pos, code_pos[0])
+ if delimiter->empty()
+ pos = code_pos[1]
+ continue
+ endif
+ if delimiter.right
+ var idx = seq->len() - 1
+ while idx >= 0
+ if delimiter.marker[0] != seq[idx].marker[0]
+ || seq[idx]->has_key('end')
+ idx -= 1
+ continue
+ endif
+ if delimiter.left || seq[idx].right
+ # check the sum rule
+ if (delimiter.marker->len() + seq[idx].marker->len()) % 3 == 0
+ && (delimiter.marker->len() % 3 > 0
+ || seq[idx].marker->len() % 3 > 0)
+ # not valid condition
+ idx -= 1
+ continue
+ endif
+ endif
+ var marker_len = min([delimiter.marker->len(),
+ seq[idx].marker->len(), 2])
+ if seq[idx].marker->len() > marker_len
+ var new_delim = {
+ marker: delimiter.marker[0]->repeat(marker_len),
+ start: [seq[idx].start[1] - marker_len, seq[idx].start[1]],
+ left: true,
+ right: false
+ }
+ seq[idx].marker = seq[idx].marker[: -1 - marker_len]
+ seq[idx].start[1] -= marker_len
+ seq[idx].right = false
+ idx += 1
+ seq->insert(new_delim, idx)
+ endif
+ seq[idx]->extend({
+ end: [delimiter.start[0],
+ delimiter.start[0] + marker_len]})
+ # close all overlapped emphasis spans not closed
+ for i in range(seq->len() - 1, idx + 1, -1)
+ if !seq[i]->has_key('end')
+ seq->remove(i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if delimiter.marker->len() > marker_len
+ delimiter.start[0] += marker_len
+ else
+ delimiter.left = false
+ break
+ endif
+ idx -= 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ if delimiter.left
+ seq->add(delimiter)
+ endif
+ pos = delimiter.start[1]
+ endwhile
+ while code_spans->len() > 0
+ seq->add(code_spans->remove(0))
+ endwhile
+ # remove all not closed delimiters
+ for i in range(seq->len() - 1, 0, -1)
+ if !seq[i]->has_key('end')
+ seq->remove(i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ # compose final text
+ pos = 0
+ while seq->len() > 0
+ if pos < seq[0].start[0]
+ formatted.text ..= Unescape(text->strpart(pos, seq[0].start[0] - pos))
+ pos = seq[0].start[0]
+ endif
+ var inline = GetNextInlineBlock(text, seq,
+ rel_pos + formatted.text->len())
+ formatted.text ..= inline.text
+ formatted.props += inline.props
+ pos = inline.end_pos
+ endwhile
+ if pos < text->len()
+ formatted.text ..= Unescape(text->strpart(pos))
+ endif
+ return formatted
+# new open container block
+def CreateContainerBlock(match: list<any>, start_lnum: number): dict<any>
+ if match[0][0] == '>'
+ return {
+ type: 'quote_block',
+ lnum: start_lnum,
+ indent: 0
+ }
+ else
+ return {
+ type: 'list_item',
+ lnum: start_lnum,
+ marker: $' {match[0]->matchstr("\\S\\+")} ',
+ indent: match[2]
+ }
+ endif
+# new open leaf block
+def CreateLeafBlock(block_type: string, line: string, ...opt: list<any>): dict<any>
+ if block_type == 'fenced_code'
+ var token = line->matchlist(code_fence)
+ return {
+ type: block_type,
+ fence: token[1],
+ language: token[2],
+ text: []
+ }
+ elseif block_type == 'indented_code'
+ return {
+ type: block_type,
+ text: [line->matchstr(code_indent)]
+ }
+ elseif block_type == 'paragraph'
+ return {
+ type: block_type,
+ text: [line->matchstr(paragraph)]
+ }
+ elseif block_type == 'heading'
+ return {
+ type: block_type,
+ level: opt[0],
+ text: line
+ }
+ elseif block_type == 'table'
+ return {
+ type: block_type,
+ header: line,
+ delimiter: opt[0],
+ text: []
+ }
+ endif
+ return {}
+def NeedBlankLine(prev: string, cur: string): bool
+ if prev == 'hr' || cur == 'hr'
+ return false
+ elseif prev == 'heading' || cur == 'heading'
+ return true
+ elseif prev == 'paragraph' && cur == 'paragraph'
+ return true
+ elseif prev != cur
+ return true
+ endif
+ return false
+def SplitLine(line: dict<any>, indent: number = 0): list<dict<any>>
+ var lines: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var tokens: list<string> = line.text->split("\n", true)
+ if tokens->len() == 1
+ lines->add(line)
+ return lines
+ endif
+ var props: list<dict<any>> = line.props
+ for cur_text in tokens
+ var cur_props: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var next_props: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var length: number = cur_text->len()
+ for prop in props
+ if prop.col + prop.length - 1 <= length
+ cur_props->add(prop)
+ elseif prop.col > length
+ prop.col -= length + 1
+ next_props->add(prop)
+ else
+ var cur_length: number = length - prop.col + 1
+ cur_props->add({
+ type: prop.type,
+ col: prop.col,
+ length: cur_length
+ })
+ prop.col = 1
+ prop.length -= cur_length + 1
+ next_props->add(prop)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ lines->add({
+ text: cur_text,
+ props: cur_props
+ })
+ props = next_props
+ endfor
+ return lines
+var last_block: string = ''
+def CloseBlocks(document: dict<list<any>>, blocks: list<dict<any>>, start: number = 0): void
+ if start >= blocks->len()
+ return
+ endif
+ var line: dict<any> = {
+ text: '',
+ props: []
+ }
+ if !document.content->empty() && NeedBlankLine(last_block, blocks[0].type)
+ document.content->add({text: '', props: []})
+ endif
+ last_block = blocks[0].type
+ for i in start->range()
+ if blocks[i]->has_key('marker')
+ if blocks[i].marker =~ '\S'
+ line.props->add(GetMarkerProp('list_item',
+ line.text->len() + 1,
+ blocks[i].marker->len()))
+ line.text ..= blocks[i].marker
+ blocks[i].marker = ' '->repeat(blocks[i].marker->len())
+ else
+ line.text ..= blocks[i].marker
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ for block in blocks->remove(start, -1)
+ if block.type =~ 'quote_block\|list_item'
+ if block->has_key('marker')
+ if block.marker =~ '\S'
+ line.props->add(GetMarkerProp('list_item',
+ line.text->len() + 1,
+ block.marker->len()))
+ line.text ..= block.marker
+ block.marker = ' '->repeat(block.marker->len())
+ else
+ line.text ..= block.marker
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ # leaf block
+ if block.type =~ '_code'
+ if block.type == 'indented_code'
+ while !block.text->empty() && block.text[0] !~ '\S'
+ block.text->remove(0)
+ endwhile
+ while !block.text->empty() && block.text[-1] !~ '\S'
+ block.text->remove(-1)
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ if !block.text->empty()
+ var indent = ' '->repeat(line.text->len())
+ var max_len = mapnew(block.text, (_, l) => l->len())->max()
+ var text = block.text->remove(0)
+ line.text ..= text
+ document.content->add(line)
+ var startline = document.content->len()
+ for l in block.text
+ document.content->add({text: indent .. l})
+ endfor
+ if block->has_key('language')
+ && !globpath(&rtp, $'syntax/{block.language}.vim')->empty()
+ document.syntax->add({lang: block.language,
+ start: $'\%{startline}l\%{indent->len() + 1}c',
+ end: $'\%{document.content->len()}l$'})
+ else
+ line.props->add(GetMarkerProp('code_block',
+ indent->len() + 1,
+ document.content->len(),
+ indent->len() + max_len + 1))
+ endif
+ endif
+ elseif block.type == 'heading'
+ line.props->add(GetMarkerProp('heading',
+ line.text->len() + 1,
+ block.text->len(),
+ block.level))
+ var format = ParseInlines(block.text, line.text->len())
+ line.text ..= format.text
+ line.props += format.props
+ document.content += SplitLine(line)
+ elseif block.type == 'table'
+ var indent = line.text
+ var head = block.header->split('\\\@1<!|')
+ var col1 = head->remove(0)
+ var format = ParseInlines(col1, line.text->len())
+ line.props->add(GetMarkerProp('table_header',
+ line.text->len() + 1,
+ format.text->len()))
+ line.text ..= format.text
+ line.props += format.props
+ for colx in head
+ format = ParseInlines(colx, line.text->len() + 1)
+ line.props->add(GetMarkerProp('table_sep', line.text->len() + 1, 1))
+ line.props->add(GetMarkerProp('table_header',
+ line.text->len() + 2,
+ format.text->len()))
+ line.text ..= $'|{format.text}'
+ line.props += format.props
+ endfor
+ document.content->add(line)
+ var data = {
+ text: indent .. block.delimiter,
+ props: [GetMarkerProp('table_sep',
+ indent->len() + 1,
+ block.delimiter->len())]
+ }
+ document.content->add(data)
+ for row in block.text
+ data = {
+ text: indent,
+ props: []
+ }
+ var cell = row->split('\\\@1<!|')
+ col1 = cell->remove(0)
+ format = ParseInlines(col1, data.text->len())
+ data.text ..= format.text
+ data.props += format.props
+ for colx in cell
+ format = ParseInlines(colx, data.text->len() + 1)
+ data.props->add(GetMarkerProp('table_sep',
+ data.text->len() + 1,
+ 1))
+ data.text ..= $'|{format.text}'
+ data.props += format.props
+ endfor
+ document.content->add(data)
+ endfor
+ elseif block.type == 'paragraph'
+ var indent = line.text->len()
+ var format = ParseInlines(block.text->join("\n")->substitute('\s\+$', '', ''), indent)
+ line.text ..= format.text
+ line.props += format.props
+ document.content += SplitLine(line, indent)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+def ExpandTabs(line: string): string
+ var block_marker = line->matchstrpos($'^ \{{,3}}>[ \t]\+\|^[ \t]*\%({list_marker}\)\=[ \t]*')
+ if block_marker[0]->match('\t') < 0
+ return line
+ endif
+ var begin: string = ""
+ for char in block_marker[0]
+ if char == ' '
+ begin ..= ' '->repeat(4 - (begin->len() % 4))
+ else
+ begin ..= char
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return begin .. line[block_marker[2] :]
+export def ParseMarkdown(data: list<string>, width: number = 80): dict<list<any>>
+ var document: dict<list<any>> = {content: [], syntax: []}
+ var open_blocks: list<dict<any>> = []
+ for l in data
+ var line: string = ExpandTabs(l)
+ var cur = 0
+ # for each open block check if current line continue it
+ while cur < open_blocks->len()
+ if open_blocks[cur].type == 'quote_block'
+ var marker = line->matchstrpos(block_quote)
+ if marker[1] == -1
+ break
+ endif
+ line = line->strpart(marker[2])
+ elseif open_blocks[cur].type == 'list_item'
+ var marker = line->matchstrpos($'^ \{{{open_blocks[cur].indent}}}')
+ if marker[1] == -1
+ break
+ endif
+ line = line->strpart(marker[2])
+ elseif open_blocks[cur].type == 'fenced_code'
+ if line =~ $'^ \{{,3}}{open_blocks[cur].fence}{open_blocks[cur].fence[0]}* *$'
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, cur)
+ else
+ open_blocks[cur].text->add(line)
+ endif
+ cur = -1
+ break
+ elseif open_blocks[cur].type == 'indented_code'
+ var marker = line->matchstrpos(code_indent)
+ if marker[1] >= 0
+ open_blocks[cur].text->add(marker[0])
+ cur = -1
+ endif
+ break
+ elseif open_blocks[cur].type == 'paragraph'
+ if line =~ setext_heading
+ var marker = line->matchstrpos(setext_heading)
+ open_blocks->add(CreateLeafBlock(
+ 'heading',
+ open_blocks->remove(cur).text->join("\n")->substitute('\s\+$', '', ''),
+ setext_heading_level[marker[0][0]]))
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, cur)
+ cur = -1
+ elseif open_blocks[cur].text->len() == 1
+ # may be a table
+ var marker = line->matchstr(table_delimiter)
+ if !marker->empty()
+ if open_blocks[cur].text[0]->split('\\\@1<!|')->len() == marker->split('|')->len()
+ open_blocks->add(CreateLeafBlock(
+ 'table',
+ open_blocks->remove(cur).text[0],
+ marker))
+ cur = -1
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ cur += 1
+ endwhile
+ if cur < 0
+ # the whole line is already consumed
+ continue
+ endif
+ # a thematic break close all previous blocks
+ if line =~ thematic_break
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks)
+ if &g:encoding == 'utf-8'
+ document.content->add({text: "\u2500"->repeat(width)})
+ else
+ document.content->add({text: '-'->repeat(width)})
+ endif
+ last_block = 'hr'
+ continue
+ endif
+ # check for new container blocks
+ while true
+ var block = line->matchstrpos($'{block_quote}\|{list_item}')
+ if block[1] < 0
+ break
+ endif
+ # close unmatched blocks
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, cur)
+ # start a new block
+ open_blocks->add(CreateContainerBlock(block, document->len()))
+ cur = open_blocks->len()
+ line = line->strpart(block[2])
+ endwhile
+ # check for leaf block
+ if line =~ code_fence
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, cur)
+ open_blocks->add(CreateLeafBlock('fenced_code', line))
+ elseif line =~ blank_line
+ if open_blocks->empty()
+ continue
+ endif
+ if open_blocks[-1].type == 'paragraph'
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, min([cur, open_blocks->len() - 1]))
+ elseif open_blocks[-1].type == 'table'
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, open_blocks->len() - 1)
+ elseif open_blocks[-1].type =~ '_code'
+ open_blocks[-1].text->add(line)
+ endif
+ elseif line =~ code_indent
+ if open_blocks->empty()
+ open_blocks->add(CreateLeafBlock('indented_code', line))
+ elseif open_blocks[-1].type =~ '_code'
+ open_blocks[-1].text->add(line->matchstr(code_indent))
+ elseif open_blocks[-1].type == 'paragraph'
+ open_blocks[-1].text->add(line->matchstr(paragraph))
+ else
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, cur)
+ open_blocks->add(CreateLeafBlock('indented_code', line))
+ endif
+ elseif line =~ atx_heading
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, cur)
+ var token = line->matchlist(atx_heading)
+ open_blocks->add(CreateLeafBlock('heading', token[2], token[1]->len()))
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, cur)
+ elseif !open_blocks->empty()
+ if open_blocks[-1].type == 'table'
+ open_blocks[-1].text->add(line)
+ elseif open_blocks[-1].type == 'paragraph'
+ open_blocks[-1].text->add(line->matchstr(paragraph))
+ else
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks, cur)
+ open_blocks->add(CreateLeafBlock('paragraph', line))
+ endif
+ else
+ open_blocks->add(CreateLeafBlock('paragraph', line))
+ endif
+ endfor
+ CloseBlocks(document, open_blocks)
+ return document
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/offset.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/offset.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..699964e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/offset.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+import './util.vim'
+# Functions for encoding and decoding the LSP position offsets. Language
+# servers support either UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32 position offsets. The
+# character related Vim functions use the UTF-32 position offset. The
+# encoding used is negotiated during the language server initialization.
+# Encode the UTF-32 character offset in the LSP position "pos" to the encoding
+# negotiated with the language server.
+# Modifies in-place the UTF-32 offset in pos.character to a UTF-8 or UTF-16 or
+# UTF-32 offset.
+export def EncodePosition(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, pos: dict<number>)
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ if lspserver.posEncoding == 32 || bnr <= 0
+ # LSP client plugin also uses utf-32 encoding
+ return
+ endif
+ :silent! bnr->bufload()
+ var text = bnr->getbufline(pos.line + 1)->get(0, '')
+ if text->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ if lspserver.posEncoding == 16
+ pos.character = text->utf16idx(pos.character, true, true)
+ else
+ pos.character = text->byteidxcomp(pos.character)
+ endif
+ endif
+# Decode the character offset in the LSP position "pos" using the encoding
+# negotiated with the language server to a UTF-32 offset.
+# Modifies in-place the UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32 offset in pos.character to a
+# UTF-32 offset.
+export def DecodePosition(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, pos: dict<number>)
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ if lspserver.posEncoding == 32 || bnr <= 0
+ # LSP client plugin also uses utf-32 encoding
+ return
+ endif
+ :silent! bnr->bufload()
+ var text = bnr->getbufline(pos.line + 1)->get(0, '')
+ # If the line is empty then don't decode the character position.
+ if text->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # If the character position is out-of-bounds, then don't decode the
+ # character position.
+ var textLen = 0
+ if lspserver.posEncoding == 16
+ textLen = text->strutf16len(true)
+ else
+ textLen = text->strlen()
+ endif
+ if pos.character > textLen
+ return
+ endif
+ if pos.character == textLen
+ pos.character = text->strchars()
+ else
+ if lspserver.posEncoding == 16
+ pos.character = text->charidx(pos.character, true, true)
+ else
+ pos.character = text->charidx(pos.character, true)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+# Encode the start and end UTF-32 character offsets in the LSP range "range"
+# to the encoding negotiated with the language server.
+# Modifies in-place the UTF-32 offset in range.start.character and
+# range.end.character to a UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32 offset.
+export def EncodeRange(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number,
+ range: dict<dict<number>>)
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ if lspserver.posEncoding == 32
+ return
+ endif
+ EncodePosition(lspserver, bnr, range.start)
+ EncodePosition(lspserver, bnr, range.end)
+ endif
+# Decode the start and end character offsets in the LSP range "range" to
+# UTF-32 offsets.
+# Modifies in-place the offset value in range.start.character and
+# range.end.character to a UTF-32 offset.
+export def DecodeRange(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number,
+ range: dict<dict<number>>)
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ if lspserver.posEncoding == 32
+ return
+ endif
+ DecodePosition(lspserver, bnr, range.start)
+ DecodePosition(lspserver, bnr, range.end)
+ endif
+# Encode the range in the LSP position "location" to the encoding negotiated
+# with the language server.
+# Modifies in-place the UTF-32 offset in location.range to a UTF-8 or UTF-16
+# or UTF-32 offset.
+export def EncodeLocation(lspserver: dict<any>, location: dict<any>)
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ if lspserver.posEncoding == 32
+ return
+ endif
+ var bnr = 0
+ if location->has_key('targetUri')
+ # LocationLink
+ bnr = util.LspUriToBufnr(location.targetUri)
+ if bnr > 0
+ # We use only the "targetSelectionRange" item. The
+ # "originSelectionRange" and the "targetRange" items are not used.
+ lspserver.encodeRange(bnr, location.targetSelectionRange)
+ endif
+ else
+ # Location
+ bnr = util.LspUriToBufnr(location.uri)
+ if bnr > 0
+ lspserver.encodeRange(bnr, location.range)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+# Decode the range in the LSP location "location" to UTF-32.
+# Modifies in-place the offset value in location.range to a UTF-32 offset.
+export def DecodeLocation(lspserver: dict<any>, location: dict<any>)
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ if lspserver.posEncoding == 32
+ return
+ endif
+ var bnr = 0
+ if location->has_key('targetUri')
+ # LocationLink
+ bnr = util.LspUriToBufnr(location.targetUri)
+ # We use only the "targetSelectionRange" item. The
+ # "originSelectionRange" and the "targetRange" items are not used.
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, location.targetSelectionRange)
+ else
+ # Location
+ bnr = util.LspUriToBufnr(location.uri)
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, location.range)
+ endif
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/options.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/options.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50697a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/options.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# LSP plugin options
+# User can override these by calling the OptionsSet() function.
+export var lspOptions: dict<any> = {
+ # Enable ale diagnostics support.
+ # If true, diagnostics will be sent to ale, which will be responsible for
+ # showing them.
+ aleSupport: false,
+ # In insert mode, complete the current symbol automatically
+ # Otherwise, use omni-completion
+ autoComplete: true,
+ # In normal mode, highlight the current symbol automatically
+ autoHighlight: false,
+ # Automatically highlight diagnostics messages from LSP server
+ autoHighlightDiags: true,
+ # Automatically populate the location list with new diagnostics
+ autoPopulateDiags: false,
+ # icase | fuzzy | case match for language servers that replies with a full
+ # list of completion items
+ completionMatcher: 'case',
+ # Due to a bug in the earlier versions of Vim, cannot use the
+ # COMPLETIONMATCHER_CASE constant here for initialization.
+ completionMatcherValue: 1,
+ # diagnostics signs options
+ diagSignErrorText: 'E>',
+ diagSignHintText: 'H>',
+ diagSignInfoText: 'I>',
+ diagSignWarningText: 'W>',
+ # In insert mode, echo the current symbol signature in the status line
+ # instead of showing it in a popup
+ echoSignature: false,
+ # hide disabled code actions
+ hideDisabledCodeActions: false,
+ # Highlight diagnostics inline
+ highlightDiagInline: true,
+ # Show the symbol documentation in the preview window instead of in a popup
+ hoverInPreview: false,
+ # Don't print message when a configured language server is missing.
+ ignoreMissingServer: false,
+ # Focus on the location list window after ":LspDiag show"
+ keepFocusInDiags: true,
+ # Focus on the location list window after LspShowReferences
+ keepFocusInReferences: true,
+ # If true, apply the LSP server supplied text edits after a completion.
+ # If a snippet plugin is going to apply the text edits, then set this to
+ # false to avoid applying the text edits twice.
+ completionTextEdit: true,
+ # Alignment of virtual diagnostic text, when showDiagWithVirtualText is true
+ # Allowed values: 'above' | 'below' | 'after' (default is 'above')
+ diagVirtualTextAlign: 'above',
+ # Wrapping of virtual diagnostic text, when showDiagWithVirtualText is true.
+ # Allowed valuse: 'default' | 'truncate' | 'wrap' (default is 'default')
+ diagVirtualTextWrap: 'default',
+ # Suppress adding a new line on completion selection with <CR>
+ noNewlineInCompletion: false,
+ # Omni-completion support. To keep backward compatibility, this option is
+ # set to null by default instead of false.
+ omniComplete: null,
+ # Open outline window on right side
+ outlineOnRight: false,
+ # Outline window size
+ outlineWinSize: 20,
+ # Enable semantic highlighting
+ semanticHighlight: false,
+ # Show diagnostic text in a balloon when the mouse is over the diagnostic
+ showDiagInBalloon: true,
+ # Make diagnostics show in a popup instead of echoing
+ showDiagInPopup: true,
+ # Suppress diagnostic hover from appearing when the mouse is over the line
+ # Show a diagnostic message on a status line
+ showDiagOnStatusLine: false,
+ # Show a diagnostic messages using signs
+ showDiagWithSign: true,
+ # Show a diagnostic messages with virtual text
+ showDiagWithVirtualText: false,
+ # enable inlay hints
+ showInlayHints: false,
+ # In insert mode, show the current symbol signature automatically
+ showSignature: true,
+ # enable snippet completion support
+ snippetSupport: false,
+ # enable SirVer/ultisnips completion support
+ ultisnipsSupport: false,
+ # add to autocomplition list current buffer words
+ useBufferCompletion: false,
+ # Use a floating menu to show the code action menu instead of asking for
+ # input
+ usePopupInCodeAction: false,
+ # ShowReferences in a quickfix list instead of a location list`
+ useQuickfixForLocations: false,
+ # enable hrsh7th/vim-vsnip completion support
+ vsnipSupport: false,
+ # Limit the time autocompletion searches for words in current buffer (in
+ # milliseconds)
+ bufferCompletionTimeout: 100,
+ # Enable support for custom completion kinds
+ customCompletionKinds: false,
+ # A dictionary with all completion kinds that you want to customize
+ completionKinds: {},
+ # Filter duplicate completion items
+ filterCompletionDuplicates: false,
+# set the LSP plugin options from the user provided option values
+export def OptionsSet(opts: dict<any>)
+ lspOptions->extend(opts)
+ if !has('patch-9.0.0178')
+ lspOptions.showInlayHints = false
+ endif
+ if !has('patch-9.0.1157')
+ lspOptions.showDiagWithVirtualText = false
+ endif
+ # For faster comparison, convert the 'completionMatcher' option value from a
+ # string to a number.
+ if lspOptions.completionMatcher == 'icase'
+ lspOptions.completionMatcherValue = COMPLETIONMATCHER_ICASE
+ elseif lspOptions.completionMatcher == 'fuzzy'
+ lspOptions.completionMatcherValue = COMPLETIONMATCHER_FUZZY
+ else
+ lspOptions.completionMatcherValue = COMPLETIONMATCHER_CASE
+ endif
+ # Apply the changed options
+ if exists('#LspCmds#User#LspOptionsChanged')
+ :doautocmd <nomodeline> LspCmds User LspOptionsChanged
+ endif
+# return a copy of the LSP plugin options
+export def OptionsGet(): dict<any>
+ return lspOptions->deepcopy()
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/outline.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/outline.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b414884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/outline.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+import './util.vim'
+import './options.vim' as opt
+# jump to a symbol selected in the outline window
+def OutlineJumpToSymbol()
+ var lnum: number = line('.') - 1
+ if w:lspSymbols.lnumTable[lnum]->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var slnum: number = w:lspSymbols.lnumTable[lnum].lnum
+ var scol: number = w:lspSymbols.lnumTable[lnum].col
+ var fname: string = w:lspSymbols.filename
+ # Highlight the selected symbol
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspOutlineHighlight'})
+ var col: number = getline('.')->match('\S') + 1
+ prop_add(line('.'), col, {type: 'LspOutlineHighlight',
+ length: w:lspSymbols.lnumTable[lnum].name->len()})
+ # disable the outline window refresh
+ skipRefresh = true
+ # If the file is already opened in a window, jump to it. Otherwise open it
+ # in another window
+ var wid: number = fname->bufwinid()
+ if wid == -1
+ # Find a window showing a normal buffer and use it
+ for w in getwininfo()
+ if w.winid->getwinvar('&buftype')->empty()
+ wid = w.winid
+ wid->win_gotoid()
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if wid == -1
+ var symWinid: number = win_getid()
+ :rightbelow vnew
+ # retain the fixed symbol window width
+ win_execute(symWinid, 'vertical resize 20')
+ endif
+ exe $'edit {fname}'
+ else
+ wid->win_gotoid()
+ endif
+ [slnum, scol]->cursor()
+ skipRefresh = false
+# Skip refreshing the outline window. Used to prevent recursive updates to the
+# outline window
+var skipRefresh: bool = false
+export def SkipOutlineRefresh(): bool
+ return skipRefresh
+def AddSymbolText(bnr: number,
+ symbolTypeTable: dict<list<dict<any>>>,
+ pfx: string,
+ text: list<string>,
+ lnumMap: list<dict<any>>,
+ children: bool)
+ var prefix: string = pfx .. ' '
+ for [symType, symbols] in symbolTypeTable->items()
+ if !children
+ # Add an empty line for the top level symbol types. For types in the
+ # children symbols, don't add the empty line.
+ text->extend([''])
+ lnumMap->extend([{}])
+ endif
+ if children
+ text->extend([prefix .. symType])
+ prefix ..= ' '
+ else
+ text->extend([symType])
+ endif
+ lnumMap->extend([{}])
+ for s in symbols
+ text->add(prefix ..
+ # remember the line number for the symbol
+ var s_start = s.range.start
+ var start_col: number = util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, s_start) + 1
+ lnumMap->add({name:, lnum: s_start.line + 1,
+ col: start_col})
+ s.outlineLine = lnumMap->len()
+ if s->has_key('children') && !s.children->empty()
+ AddSymbolText(bnr, s.children, prefix, text, lnumMap, true)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+# update the symbols displayed in the outline window
+export def UpdateOutlineWindow(fname: string,
+ symbolTypeTable: dict<list<dict<any>>>,
+ symbolLineTable: list<dict<any>>)
+ var wid: number = bufwinid('LSP-Outline')
+ if wid == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ # stop refreshing the outline window recursively
+ skipRefresh = true
+ var prevWinID: number = win_getid()
+ wid->win_gotoid()
+ # if the file displayed in the outline window is same as the new file, then
+ # save and restore the cursor position
+ var symbols = wid->getwinvar('lspSymbols', {})
+ var saveCursor: list<number> = []
+ if !symbols->empty() && symbols.filename == fname
+ saveCursor = getcurpos()
+ endif
+ :setlocal modifiable
+ :silent! :%d _
+ setline(1, ['# LSP Outline View',
+ $'# {fname->fnamemodify(":t")} ({fname->fnamemodify(":h")})'])
+ # First two lines in the buffer display comment information
+ var lnumMap: list<dict<any>> = [{}, {}]
+ var text: list<string> = []
+ AddSymbolText(fname->bufnr(), symbolTypeTable, '', text, lnumMap, false)
+ text->append('$')
+ w:lspSymbols = {filename: fname, lnumTable: lnumMap,
+ symbolsByLine: symbolLineTable}
+ :setlocal nomodifiable
+ if !saveCursor->empty()
+ saveCursor->setpos('.')
+ endif
+ prevWinID->win_gotoid()
+ # Highlight the current symbol
+ OutlineHighlightCurrentSymbol()
+ # re-enable refreshing the outline window
+ skipRefresh = false
+def OutlineHighlightCurrentSymbol()
+ var fname: string = expand('%')->fnamemodify(':p')
+ if fname->empty() || &filetype->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var wid: number = bufwinid('LSP-Outline')
+ if wid == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ # Check whether the symbols for this file are displayed in the outline
+ # window
+ var lspSymbols = wid->getwinvar('lspSymbols', {})
+ if lspSymbols->empty() || lspSymbols.filename != fname
+ return
+ endif
+ var symbolTable: list<dict<any>> = lspSymbols.symbolsByLine
+ # line number to locate the symbol
+ var lnum: number = line('.')
+ # Find the symbol for the current line number (binary search)
+ var left: number = 0
+ var right: number = symbolTable->len() - 1
+ var mid: number
+ while left <= right
+ mid = (left + right) / 2
+ var r = symbolTable[mid].range
+ if lnum >= (r.start.line + 1) && lnum <= (r.end.line + 1)
+ break
+ endif
+ if lnum > (r.start.line + 1)
+ left = mid + 1
+ else
+ right = mid - 1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ # clear the highlighting in the outline window
+ var bnr: number = wid->winbufnr()
+ prop_remove({bufnr: bnr, type: 'LspOutlineHighlight'})
+ if left > right
+ # symbol not found
+ return
+ endif
+ # Highlight the selected symbol
+ var col: number =
+ bnr->getbufline(symbolTable[mid].outlineLine)->get(0, '')->match('\S') + 1
+ prop_add(symbolTable[mid].outlineLine, col,
+ {bufnr: bnr, type: 'LspOutlineHighlight',
+ length: symbolTable[mid].name->len()})
+ # if the line is not visible, then scroll the outline window to make the
+ # line visible
+ var wininfo = wid->getwininfo()
+ if symbolTable[mid].outlineLine < wininfo[0].topline
+ || symbolTable[mid].outlineLine > wininfo[0].botline
+ var cmd: string = $'call cursor({symbolTable[mid].outlineLine}, 1) | normal z.'
+ win_execute(wid, cmd)
+ endif
+# when the outline window is closed, do the cleanup
+def OutlineCleanup()
+ # Remove the outline autocommands
+ :silent! autocmd_delete([{group: 'LSPOutline'}])
+ :silent! syntax clear LSPTitle
+# open the symbol outline window
+export def OpenOutlineWindow(cmdmods: string, winsize: number)
+ var wid: number = bufwinid('LSP-Outline')
+ if wid != -1
+ return
+ endif
+ var prevWinID: number = win_getid()
+ var mods = cmdmods
+ if mods->empty()
+ if opt.lspOptions.outlineOnRight
+ mods = ':vert :botright'
+ else
+ mods = ':vert :topleft'
+ endif
+ endif
+ var size = winsize
+ if size == 0
+ size = opt.lspOptions.outlineWinSize
+ endif
+ execute $'{mods} :{size}new LSP-Outline'
+ :setlocal modifiable
+ :setlocal noreadonly
+ :silent! :%d _
+ :setlocal buftype=nofile
+ :setlocal bufhidden=delete
+ :setlocal noswapfile nobuflisted
+ :setlocal nonumber norelativenumber fdc=0 nowrap winfixheight winfixwidth
+ :setlocal shiftwidth=2
+ :setlocal foldenable
+ :setlocal foldcolumn=4
+ :setlocal foldlevel=4
+ :setlocal foldmethod=indent
+ setline(1, ['# File Outline'])
+ :nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :quit<CR>
+ :nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <CR> :call <SID>OutlineJumpToSymbol()<CR>
+ :setlocal nomodifiable
+ # highlight all the symbol types
+ :syntax keyword LSPTitle File Module Namespace Package Class Method Property
+ :syntax keyword LSPTitle Field Constructor Enum Interface Function Variable
+ :syntax keyword LSPTitle Constant String Number Boolean Array Object Key Null
+ :syntax keyword LSPTitle EnumMember Struct Event Operator TypeParameter
+ if str2nr(&t_Co) > 2
+ :highlight clear LSPTitle
+ :highlight default link LSPTitle Title
+ endif
+ prop_type_add('LspOutlineHighlight', {bufnr: bufnr(), highlight: 'Search', override: true})
+ try
+ autocmd_delete([{group: 'LSPOutline', event: '*'}])
+ catch /E367:/
+ endtry
+ var acmds: list<dict<any>>
+ # Refresh or add the symbols in a buffer to the outline window
+ acmds->add({event: 'BufEnter',
+ group: 'LSPOutline',
+ pattern: '*',
+ cmd: 'call g:LspRequestDocSymbols()'})
+ # when the outline window is closed, do the cleanup
+ acmds->add({event: 'BufUnload',
+ group: 'LSPOutline',
+ pattern: 'LSP-Outline',
+ cmd: 'OutlineCleanup()'})
+ # Highlight the current symbol when the cursor is not moved for sometime
+ acmds->add({event: 'CursorHold',
+ group: 'LSPOutline',
+ pattern: '*',
+ cmd: 'OutlineHighlightCurrentSymbol()'})
+ autocmd_add(acmds)
+ prevWinID->win_gotoid()
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/selection.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/selection.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef289b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/selection.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Functions related to handling LSP range selection.
+import './util.vim'
+# Visually (character-wise) select the text in a range
+def SelectText(bnr: number, range: dict<dict<number>>)
+ var rstart = range.start
+ var rend = range.end
+ var start_col: number = util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, rstart) + 1
+ var end_col: number = util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, rend)
+ :normal! v"_y
+ setcharpos("'<", [0, rstart.line + 1, start_col, 0])
+ setcharpos("'>", [0, rend.line + 1, end_col, 0])
+ :normal! gv
+# Process the range selection reply from LSP server and start a new selection
+export def SelectionStart(lspserver: dict<any>, sel: list<dict<any>>)
+ if sel->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ # save the reply for expanding or shrinking the selected text.
+ lspserver.selection = {bnr: bnr, selRange: sel[0], index: 0}
+ SelectText(bnr, sel[0].range)
+# Locate the range in the LSP reply at a specified level
+def GetSelRangeAtLevel(selRange: dict<any>, level: number): dict<any>
+ var r: dict<any> = selRange
+ var idx: number = 0
+ while idx != level
+ if !r->has_key('parent')
+ break
+ endif
+ r = r.parent
+ idx += 1
+ endwhile
+ return r
+# Returns true if the current visual selection matches a range in the
+# selection reply from LSP.
+def SelectionFromLSP(range: dict<any>, startpos: list<number>, endpos: list<number>): bool
+ var rstart = range.start
+ var rend = range.end
+ return startpos[1] == rstart.line + 1
+ && endpos[1] == rend.line + 1
+ && startpos[2] == rstart.character + 1
+ && endpos[2] == rend.character
+# Expand or Shrink the current selection or start a new one.
+export def SelectionModify(lspserver: dict<any>, expand: bool)
+ var fname: string = @%
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ if mode() == 'v' && !lspserver.selection->empty()
+ && lspserver.selection.bnr == bnr
+ && !lspserver.selection->empty()
+ # Already in characterwise visual mode and the previous LSP selection
+ # reply for this buffer is available. Modify the current selection.
+ var selRange: dict<any> = lspserver.selection.selRange
+ var startpos: list<number> = getcharpos('v')
+ var endpos: list<number> = getcharpos('.')
+ var idx: number = lspserver.selection.index
+ # Locate the range in the LSP reply for the current selection
+ selRange = GetSelRangeAtLevel(selRange, lspserver.selection.index)
+ # If the current selection is present in the LSP reply, then modify the
+ # selection
+ if SelectionFromLSP(selRange.range, startpos, endpos)
+ if expand
+ # expand the selection
+ if selRange->has_key('parent')
+ selRange = selRange.parent
+ lspserver.selection.index = idx + 1
+ endif
+ else
+ # shrink the selection
+ if idx > 0
+ idx -= 1
+ selRange = GetSelRangeAtLevel(lspserver.selection.selRange, idx)
+ lspserver.selection.index = idx
+ endif
+ endif
+ SelectText(bnr, selRange.range)
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Start a new selection
+ lspserver.selectionRange(fname)
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/semantichighlight.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/semantichighlight.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..243aea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/semantichighlight.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# LSP semantic highlighting functions
+import './offset.vim'
+import './options.vim' as opt
+import './buffer.vim' as buf
+# Map token type names to higlight group/text property type names
+var TokenTypeMap: dict<string> = {
+ 'namespace': 'LspSemanticNamespace',
+ 'type': 'LspSemanticType',
+ 'class': 'LspSemanticClass',
+ 'enum': 'LspSemanticEnum',
+ 'interface': 'LspSemanticInterface',
+ 'struct': 'LspSemanticStruct',
+ 'typeParameter': 'LspSemanticTypeParameter',
+ 'parameter': 'LspSemanticParameter',
+ 'variable': 'LspSemanticVariable',
+ 'property': 'LspSemanticProperty',
+ 'enumMember': 'LspSemanticEnumMember',
+ 'event': 'LspSemanticEvent',
+ 'function': 'LspSemanticFunction',
+ 'method': 'LspSemanticMethod',
+ 'macro': 'LspSemanticMacro',
+ 'keyword': 'LspSemanticKeyword',
+ 'modifier': 'LspSemanticModifier',
+ 'comment': 'LspSemanticComment',
+ 'string': 'LspSemanticString',
+ 'number': 'LspSemanticNumber',
+ 'regexp': 'LspSemanticRegexp',
+ 'operator': 'LspSemanticOperator',
+ 'decorator': 'LspSemanticDecorator'
+export def InitOnce()
+ # Define the default semantic token type highlight groups
+ hlset([
+ {name: 'LspSemanticNamespace', default: true, linksto: 'Type'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticType', default: true, linksto: 'Type'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticClass', default: true, linksto: 'Type'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticEnum', default: true, linksto: 'Type'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticInterface', default: true, linksto: 'TypeDef'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticStruct', default: true, linksto: 'Type'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticTypeParameter', default: true, linksto: 'Type'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticParameter', default: true, linksto: 'Identifier'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticVariable', default: true, linksto: 'Identifier'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticProperty', default: true, linksto: 'Identifier'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticEnumMember', default: true, linksto: 'Constant'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticEvent', default: true, linksto: 'Identifier'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticFunction', default: true, linksto: 'Function'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticMethod', default: true, linksto: 'Function'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticMacro', default: true, linksto: 'Macro'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticKeyword', default: true, linksto: 'Keyword'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticModifier', default: true, linksto: 'Type'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticComment', default: true, linksto: 'Comment'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticString', default: true, linksto: 'String'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticNumber', default: true, linksto: 'Number'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticRegexp', default: true, linksto: 'String'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticOperator', default: true, linksto: 'Operator'},
+ {name: 'LspSemanticDecorator', default: true, linksto: 'Macro'}
+ ])
+ for hlName in TokenTypeMap->values()
+ prop_type_add(hlName, {highlight: hlName, combine: true})
+ endfor
+def ParseSemanticTokenMods(lspserverTokenMods: list<string>, tokenMods: number): string
+ var n = tokenMods
+ var tokenMod: number
+ var str = ''
+ while n > 0
+ tokenMod = float2nr(log10(and(n, invert(n - 1))) / log10(2))
+ str = $'{str}{lspserverTokenMods[tokenMod]},'
+ n = and(n, n - 1)
+ endwhile
+ return str
+# Apply the edit operations in a semantic tokens delta update message
+# (SemanticTokensDelta) from the language server.
+# The previous list of tokens are stored in the buffer-local
+# LspSemanticTokensData variable. After applying the edits in
+# semTokens.edits, the new set of tokens are returned in
+def ApplySemanticTokenEdits(bnr: number, semTokens: dict<any>)
+ if semTokens.edits->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # Need to sort the edits and apply the last edit first.
+ semTokens.edits->sort((a: dict<any>, b: dict<any>) => a.start - b.start)
+ # TODO: Remove this code
+ # var d = bnr->getbufvar('LspSemanticTokensData', [])
+ # for e in semTokens.edits
+ # var insertData = e->get('data', [])
+ # d = (e.start > 0 ? d[: e.start - 1] : []) + insertData +
+ # d[e.start + e.deleteCount :]
+ # endfor
+ # = d
+ var oldTokens = bnr->getbufvar('LspSemanticTokensData', [])
+ var newTokens = []
+ var idx = 0
+ for e in semTokens.edits
+ if e.start > 0
+ newTokens->extend(oldTokens[idx : e.start - 1])
+ endif
+ newTokens->extend(e->get('data', []))
+ idx = e.start + e.deleteCount
+ endfor
+ newTokens->extend(oldTokens[idx : ])
+ = newTokens
+# Process a list of semantic tokens and return the corresponding text
+# properties for highlighting.
+def ProcessSemanticTokens(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, tokens: list<number>): dict<list<list<number>>>
+ var props: dict<list<list<number>>> = {}
+ var tokenLine: number = 0
+ var startChar: number = 0
+ var length: number = 0
+ var tokenType: number = 0
+ var tokenMods: number = 0
+ var prevTokenLine = 0
+ var lnum = 1
+ var charIdx = 0
+ var lspserverTokenTypes: list<string> =
+ lspserver.semanticTokensLegend.tokenTypes
+ var lspserverTokenMods: list<string> =
+ lspserver.semanticTokensLegend.tokenModifiers
+ # Each semantic token uses 5 items in the tokens List
+ var i = 0
+ while i < tokens->len()
+ tokenLine = tokens[i]
+ # tokenLine is relative to the previous token line number
+ lnum += tokenLine
+ if prevTokenLine != lnum
+ # this token is on a different line from the previous token
+ charIdx = 0
+ prevTokenLine = lnum
+ endif
+ startChar = tokens[i + 1]
+ charIdx += startChar
+ length = tokens[i + 2]
+ tokenType = tokens[i + 3]
+ tokenMods = tokens[i + 4]
+ var typeStr = lspserverTokenTypes[tokenType]
+ var modStr = ParseSemanticTokenMods(lspserverTokenMods, tokenMods)
+ # Decode the semantic token line number, column number and length to
+ # UTF-32 encoding.
+ var r = {
+ start: {
+ line: lnum - 1,
+ character: charIdx
+ },
+ end: {
+ line: lnum - 1,
+ character: charIdx + length
+ }
+ }
+ offset.DecodeRange(lspserver, bnr, r)
+ if !props->has_key(typeStr)
+ props[typeStr] = []
+ endif
+ props[typeStr]->add([
+ lnum, r.start.character + 1,
+ lnum, r.end.character + 1
+ ])
+ i += 5
+ endwhile
+ return props
+# Parse the semantic highlight reply from the language server and update the
+# text properties
+export def UpdateTokens(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number, semTokens: dict<any>)
+ if semTokens->has_key('edits')
+ # Delta semantic update. Need to sort the edits and apply the last edit
+ # first.
+ ApplySemanticTokenEdits(bnr, semTokens)
+ endif
+ # Cache the semantic tokens in a buffer-local variable, it will be used
+ # later for a delta update.
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspSemanticResultId', semTokens->get('resultId', ''))
+ if !semTokens->has_key('data')
+ return
+ endif
+ setbufvar(bnr, 'LspSemanticTokensData',
+ var props: dict<list<list<number>>>
+ props = ProcessSemanticTokens(lspserver, bnr,
+ # First clear all the previous text properties
+ if has('patch-9.0.0233')
+ prop_remove({types: TokenTypeMap->values(), bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ else
+ for propName in TokenTypeMap->values()
+ prop_remove({type: propName, bufnr: bnr, all: true})
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if props->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # Apply the new text properties
+ for tokenType in TokenTypeMap->keys()
+ if props->has_key(tokenType)
+ prop_add_list({bufnr: bnr, type: TokenTypeMap[tokenType]},
+ props[tokenType])
+ endif
+ endfor
+# Update the semantic highlighting for buffer "bnr"
+def LspUpdateSemanticHighlight(bnr: number)
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.BufLspServerGet(bnr, 'semanticTokens')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.semanticHighlightUpdate(bnr)
+# Initialize the semantic highlighting for the buffer 'bnr'
+export def BufferInit(lspserver: dict<any>, bnr: number)
+ if !opt.lspOptions.semanticHighlight || !lspserver.isSemanticTokensProvider
+ # no support for semantic highlighting
+ return
+ endif
+ # Highlight all the semantic tokens
+ LspUpdateSemanticHighlight(bnr)
+ # buffer-local autocmds for semantic highlighting
+ var acmds: list<dict<any>> = []
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'TextChanged',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: $'LspUpdateSemanticHighlight({bnr})'})
+ acmds->add({bufnr: bnr,
+ event: 'BufUnload',
+ group: 'LSPBufferAutocmds',
+ cmd: $"b:LspSemanticTokensData = [] | b:LspSemanticResultId = ''"})
+ autocmd_add(acmds)
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/signature.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/signature.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca2bed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/signature.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Functions related to handling LSP symbol signature help.
+import './options.vim' as opt
+import './util.vim'
+import './buffer.vim' as buf
+# close the signature popup window
+def CloseSignaturePopup(lspserver: dict<any>)
+ if lspserver.signaturePopup != -1
+ lspserver.signaturePopup->popup_close()
+ endif
+ lspserver.signaturePopup = -1
+def CloseCurBufSignaturePopup()
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServer('signatureHelp')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ CloseSignaturePopup(lspserver)
+# Show the signature using "textDocument/signatureHelp" LSP method
+# Invoked from an insert-mode mapping, so return an empty string.
+def g:LspShowSignature(): string
+ var lspserver: dict<any> = buf.CurbufGetServerChecked('signatureHelp')
+ if lspserver->empty()
+ return ''
+ endif
+ # first send all the changes in the current buffer to the LSP server
+ listener_flush()
+ lspserver.showSignature()
+ return ''
+export def InitOnce()
+ hlset([{name: 'LspSigActiveParameter', default: true, linksto: 'LineNr'}])
+# Initialize the signature triggers for the current buffer
+export def BufferInit(lspserver: dict<any>)
+ if !lspserver.isSignatureHelpProvider
+ || !lspserver.caps.signatureHelpProvider->has_key('triggerCharacters')
+ # no support for signature help
+ return
+ endif
+ if !opt.lspOptions.showSignature
+ || !lspserver.featureEnabled('signatureHelp')
+ # Show signature support is disabled
+ return
+ endif
+ # map characters that trigger signature help
+ for ch in lspserver.caps.signatureHelpProvider.triggerCharacters
+ exe $"inoremap <buffer> <silent> {ch} {ch}<C-R>=g:LspShowSignature()<CR>"
+ endfor
+ # close the signature popup when leaving insert mode
+ autocmd_add([{bufnr: bufnr(),
+ event: 'InsertLeave',
+ cmd: 'CloseCurBufSignaturePopup()'}])
+# process the 'textDocument/signatureHelp' reply from the LSP server and
+# display the symbol signature help.
+# Result: SignatureHelp | null
+export def SignatureHelp(lspserver: dict<any>, sighelp: any): void
+ if sighelp->empty()
+ CloseSignaturePopup(lspserver)
+ return
+ endif
+ if sighelp.signatures->len() <= 0
+ CloseSignaturePopup(lspserver)
+ return
+ endif
+ var sigidx: number = 0
+ if sighelp->has_key('activeSignature')
+ sigidx = sighelp.activeSignature
+ endif
+ var sig: dict<any> = sighelp.signatures[sigidx]
+ var text: string = sig.label
+ var hllen: number = 0
+ var startcol: number = 0
+ if sig->has_key('parameters') && sighelp->has_key('activeParameter')
+ var params: list<dict<any>> = sig.parameters
+ var params_len: number = params->len()
+ var activeParam: number = sighelp.activeParameter
+ if params_len > 0 && activeParam < params_len
+ var paramInfo: dict<any> = params[activeParam]
+ var label: any = paramInfo.label
+ if label->type() == v:t_string
+ # label string
+ var label_str: string = label
+ hllen = label_str->len()
+ startcol = text->stridx(label_str)
+ else
+ # [inclusive start offset, exclusive end offset]
+ var label_offset: list<number> = params[activeParam].label
+ var start_offset: number = label_offset[0]
+ var end_offset: number = label_offset[1]
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ # Convert UTF-16 offsets
+ startcol = text->byteidx(start_offset, true)
+ var endcol: number = text->byteidx(end_offset, true)
+ hllen = endcol - startcol
+ else
+ startcol = start_offset
+ hllen = end_offset - start_offset
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if opt.lspOptions.echoSignature
+ :echon "\r\r"
+ :echon ''
+ :echon text->strpart(0, startcol)
+ :echoh LspSigActiveParameter
+ :echon text->strpart(startcol, hllen)
+ :echoh None
+ :echon text->strpart(startcol + hllen)
+ else
+ # Close the previous signature popup and open a new one
+ lspserver.signaturePopup->popup_close()
+ var popupID = text->popup_atcursor({padding: [0, 1, 0, 1], moved: [col('.') - 1, 9999999]})
+ var bnr: number = popupID->winbufnr()
+ prop_type_add('signature', {bufnr: bnr, highlight: 'LspSigActiveParameter'})
+ if hllen > 0
+ prop_add(1, startcol + 1, {bufnr: bnr, length: hllen, type: 'signature'})
+ endif
+ lspserver.signaturePopup = popupID
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/snippet.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/snippet.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03b49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/snippet.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Snippet support
+# Integration with the UltiSnips plugin
+export def CompletionUltiSnips(prefix: string, items: list<dict<any>>)
+ call UltiSnips#SnippetsInCurrentScope(1)
+ for key in matchfuzzy(g:current_ulti_dict_info->keys(), prefix)
+ var item = g:current_ulti_dict_info[key]
+ var parts = split(item.location, ':')
+ var txt = parts[0]->readfile()[parts[1]->str2nr() : parts[1]->str2nr() + 20]
+ var restxt = item.description .. "\n\n"
+ for line in txt
+ if line->empty() || line[0 : 6] == "snippet"
+ break
+ else
+ restxt = restxt .. line .. "\n"
+ endif
+ endfor
+ items->add({
+ label: key,
+ data: {
+ entryNames: [key],
+ },
+ kind: 15,
+ documentation: restxt,
+ })
+ endfor
+# Integration with the vim-vsnip plugin
+export def CompletionVsnip(items: list<dict<any>>)
+ def Pattern(abbr: string): string
+ var chars = escape(abbr, '\/?')->split('\zs')
+ var chars_pattern = '\%(\V' .. chars->join('\m\|\V') .. '\m\)'
+ var separator = chars[0] =~ '\a' ? '\<' : ''
+ return $'{separator}\V{chars[0]}\m{chars_pattern}*$'
+ enddef
+ if charcol('.') == 1
+ return
+ endif
+ var starttext = getline('.')->slice(0, charcol('.') - 1)
+ for item in vsnip#get_complete_items(bufnr())
+ var match = starttext->matchstrpos(Pattern(item.abbr))
+ if match[0] != ''
+ var user_data = item.user_data->json_decode()
+ var documentation = []
+ for line in vsnip#to_string(user_data.vsnip.snippet)->split("\n")
+ documentation->add(line)
+ endfor
+ items->add({
+ label: item.abbr,
+ filterText: item.word,
+ insertTextFormat: 2,
+ textEdit: {
+ newText: user_data.vsnip.snippet->join("\n"),
+ range: {
+ start: {
+ line: line('.'),
+ character: match[1],
+ },
+ ['end']: {
+ line: line('.'),
+ character: match[2],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ data: {
+ entryNames: [item.word],
+ },
+ kind: 15,
+ documentation: {
+ kind: 'markdown',
+ value: documentation->join("\n"),
+ },
+ })
+ endif
+ endfor
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/symbol.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/symbol.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcd547a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/symbol.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+# Functions for dealing with symbols.
+# - LSP symbol menu and for searching symbols across the workspace.
+# - show locations
+# - jump to a symbol definition, declaration, type definition or
+# implementation
+import './options.vim' as opt
+import './util.vim'
+import './outline.vim'
+# Initialize the highlight group and the text property type used for
+# document symbol search
+export def InitOnce()
+ # Use a high priority value to override other highlights in the line
+ hlset([
+ {name: 'LspSymbolName', default: true, linksto: 'Search'},
+ {name: 'LspSymbolRange', default: true, linksto: 'Visual'}
+ ])
+ prop_type_add('LspSymbolNameProp', {highlight: 'LspSymbolName',
+ combine: false,
+ override: true,
+ priority: 201})
+ prop_type_add('LspSymbolRangeProp', {highlight: 'LspSymbolRange',
+ combine: false,
+ override: true,
+ priority: 200})
+# Handle keys pressed when the workspace symbol popup menu is displayed
+def FilterSymbols(lspserver: dict<any>, popupID: number, key: string): bool
+ var key_handled: bool = false
+ var update_popup: bool = false
+ var query: string = lspserver.workspaceSymbolQuery
+ if key == "\<BS>" || key == "\<C-H>"
+ # Erase one character from the filter text
+ if query->len() >= 1
+ query = query[: -2]
+ update_popup = true
+ endif
+ key_handled = true
+ elseif key == "\<C-U>"
+ # clear the filter text
+ query = ''
+ update_popup = true
+ key_handled = true
+ elseif key == "\<C-F>"
+ || key == "\<C-B>"
+ || key == "\<PageUp>"
+ || key == "\<PageDown>"
+ || key == "\<C-Home>"
+ || key == "\<C-End>"
+ || key == "\<C-N>"
+ || key == "\<C-P>"
+ # scroll the popup window
+ var cmd: string = 'normal! ' .. (key == "\<C-N>" ? 'j' : key == "\<C-P>" ? 'k' : key)
+ win_execute(popupID, cmd)
+ key_handled = true
+ elseif key == "\<Up>" || key == "\<Down>"
+ # Use native Vim handling for these keys
+ key_handled = false
+ elseif key =~ '^\f$' || key == "\<Space>"
+ # Filter the names based on the typed key and keys typed before
+ query ..= key
+ update_popup = true
+ key_handled = true
+ endif
+ if update_popup
+ # Update the popup with the new list of symbol names
+ popupID->popup_settext('')
+ if query != ''
+ lspserver.workspaceQuery(query, false)
+ else
+ []->setwinvar(popupID, 'LspSymbolTable')
+ endif
+ :echo $'Symbol: {query}'
+ endif
+ # Update the workspace symbol query string
+ lspserver.workspaceSymbolQuery = query
+ if key_handled
+ return true
+ endif
+ return popupID->popup_filter_menu(key)
+# Jump to the location of a symbol selected in the popup menu
+def JumpToWorkspaceSymbol(cmdmods: string, popupID: number, result: number): void
+ # clear the message displayed at the command-line
+ :echo ''
+ if result <= 0
+ # popup is canceled
+ return
+ endif
+ var symTbl: list<dict<any>> = popupID->getwinvar('LspSymbolTable', [])
+ if symTbl->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ try
+ # Save the current location in the tag stack
+ util.PushCursorToTagStack()
+ # if the selected file is already present in a window, then jump to it
+ var fname: string = symTbl[result - 1].file
+ var bnr = fname->bufnr()
+ if cmdmods->empty()
+ var winList: list<number> = bnr->win_findbuf()
+ if winList->empty()
+ # Not present in any window
+ if &modified || &buftype != ''
+ # the current buffer is modified or is not a normal buffer, then
+ # open the file in a new window
+ exe $'split {symTbl[result - 1].file}'
+ else
+ exe $'confirm edit {symTbl[result - 1].file}'
+ endif
+ else
+ # If the target buffer is opened in the current window, then don't
+ # change the window.
+ if bufnr() != bnr
+ # If the target buffer is opened in a window in the current tab
+ # page, then use it.
+ var winID = fname->bufwinid()
+ if winID == -1
+ # not present in the current tab page. Use the first window.
+ winID = winList[0]
+ endif
+ winID->win_gotoid()
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ exe $'{cmdmods} split {symTbl[result - 1].file}'
+ endif
+ # Set the previous cursor location mark. Instead of using setpos(), m' is
+ # used so that the current location is added to the jump list.
+ :normal m'
+ setcursorcharpos(symTbl[result - 1].pos.line + 1,
+ util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bufnr(),
+ symTbl[result - 1].pos) + 1)
+ :normal! zv
+ catch
+ # ignore exceptions
+ endtry
+# display a list of symbols from the workspace
+def ShowSymbolMenu(lspserver: dict<any>, query: string, cmdmods: string)
+ # Create the popup menu
+ var lnum = &lines - &cmdheight - 2 - 10
+ var popupAttr = {
+ title: 'Workspace Symbol Search',
+ wrap: false,
+ pos: 'topleft',
+ line: lnum,
+ col: 2,
+ minwidth: 60,
+ minheight: 10,
+ maxheight: 10,
+ maxwidth: 60,
+ mapping: false,
+ fixed: 1,
+ close: 'button',
+ filter: function(FilterSymbols, [lspserver]),
+ callback: function('JumpToWorkspaceSymbol', [cmdmods])
+ }
+ lspserver.workspaceSymbolPopup = popup_menu([], popupAttr)
+ lspserver.workspaceSymbolQuery = query
+ prop_type_add('lspworkspacesymbol',
+ {bufnr: lspserver.workspaceSymbolPopup->winbufnr(),
+ highlight: 'Title'})
+ :echo $'Symbol: {query}'
+# Convert a file name to <filename> (<dirname>) format.
+# Make sure the popup doesn't occupy the entire screen by reducing the width.
+def MakeMenuName(popupWidth: number, fname: string): string
+ var filename: string = fname->fnamemodify(':t')
+ var flen: number = filename->len()
+ var dirname: string = fname->fnamemodify(':h')
+ if fname->len() > popupWidth && flen < popupWidth
+ # keep the full file name and reduce directory name length
+ # keep some characters at the beginning and end (equally).
+ # 6 spaces are used for "..." and " ()"
+ var dirsz = (popupWidth - flen - 6) / 2
+ dirname = dirname[: dirsz] .. '...' .. dirname[-dirsz : ]
+ endif
+ var str: string = filename
+ if dirname != '.'
+ str ..= $' ({dirname}/)'
+ endif
+ return str
+# process the 'workspace/symbol' reply from the LSP server
+# Result: SymbolInformation[] | null
+export def WorkspaceSymbolPopup(lspserver: dict<any>, query: string,
+ symInfo: list<dict<any>>, cmdmods: string)
+ var symbols: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var symbolType: string
+ var fileName: string
+ var symName: string
+ # Create a symbol popup menu if it is not present
+ if lspserver.workspaceSymbolPopup->winbufnr() == -1
+ ShowSymbolMenu(lspserver, query, cmdmods)
+ endif
+ for symbol in symInfo
+ if !symbol->has_key('location')
+ # ignore entries without location information
+ continue
+ endif
+ # interface SymbolInformation
+ fileName = util.LspUriToFile(symbol.location.uri)
+ symName =
+ if symbol->has_key('containerName') && symbol.containerName != ''
+ symName = $'{symbol.containerName}::{symName}'
+ endif
+ symName ..= $' [{SymbolKindToName(symbol.kind)}]'
+ symName ..= ' ' .. MakeMenuName(
+ lspserver.workspaceSymbolPopup->popup_getpos().core_width,
+ fileName)
+ symbols->add({name: symName,
+ file: fileName,
+ pos: symbol.location.range.start})
+ endfor
+ symbols->setwinvar(lspserver.workspaceSymbolPopup, 'LspSymbolTable')
+ lspserver.workspaceSymbolPopup->popup_settext(
+ symbols->copy()->mapnew(''))
+# map the LSP symbol kind number to string
+export def SymbolKindToName(symkind: number): string
+ var symbolMap: list<string> = [
+ '',
+ 'File',
+ 'Module',
+ 'Namespace',
+ 'Package',
+ 'Class',
+ 'Method',
+ 'Property',
+ 'Field',
+ 'Constructor',
+ 'Enum',
+ 'Interface',
+ 'Function',
+ 'Variable',
+ 'Constant',
+ 'String',
+ 'Number',
+ 'Boolean',
+ 'Array',
+ 'Object',
+ 'Key',
+ 'Null',
+ 'EnumMember',
+ 'Struct',
+ 'Event',
+ 'Operator',
+ 'TypeParameter'
+ ]
+ if symkind > 26
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return symbolMap[symkind]
+def UpdatePeekFilePopup(lspserver: dict<any>, locations: list<dict<any>>)
+ if lspserver.peekSymbolPopup->winbufnr() == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup->popup_close()
+ var n = line('.', lspserver.peekSymbolPopup) - 1
+ var [uri, range] = util.LspLocationParse(locations[n])
+ var fname: string = util.LspUriToFile(uri)
+ var bnr: number = fname->bufnr()
+ if bnr == -1
+ bnr = fname->bufadd()
+ endif
+ var popupAttrs = {
+ title: $"{fname->fnamemodify(':t')} ({fname->fnamemodify(':h')})",
+ wrap: false,
+ fixed: true,
+ minheight: 10,
+ maxheight: 10,
+ minwidth: winwidth(0) - 38,
+ maxwidth: winwidth(0) - 38,
+ cursorline: true,
+ border: [],
+ mapping: false,
+ line: 'cursor+1',
+ col: 1
+ }
+ lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup = popup_create(bnr, popupAttrs)
+ var rstart = range.start
+ var cmds =<< trim eval END
+ :setlocal number
+ [{rstart.line + 1}, 1]->cursor()
+ :normal! z.
+ win_execute(lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup, cmds)
+ lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup->clearmatches()
+ var start_col = util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, rstart) + 1
+ var end_col = util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, range.end)
+ var pos = [[rstart.line + 1,
+ start_col, end_col - start_col + 1]]
+ matchaddpos('Search', pos, 10, -1, {window: lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup})
+def LocPopupFilter(lspserver: dict<any>, locations: list<dict<any>>,
+ popup_id: number, key: string): bool
+ popup_filter_menu(popup_id, key)
+ if lspserver.peekSymbolPopup->winbufnr() == -1
+ if lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup->winbufnr() != -1
+ lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup->popup_close()
+ endif
+ lspserver.peekSymbolPopup = -1
+ lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup = -1
+ else
+ UpdatePeekFilePopup(lspserver, locations)
+ endif
+ return true
+def LocPopupCallback(lspserver: dict<any>, locations: list<dict<any>>,
+ popup_id: number, selIdx: number)
+ if lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup->winbufnr() != -1
+ lspserver.peekSymbolFilePopup->popup_close()
+ endif
+ lspserver.peekSymbolPopup = -1
+ if selIdx != -1
+ util.PushCursorToTagStack()
+ util.JumpToLspLocation(locations[selIdx - 1], '')
+ endif
+# Display the locations in a popup menu. Display the corresponding file in
+# an another popup window.
+def PeekLocations(lspserver: dict<any>, locations: list<dict<any>>,
+ title: string)
+ if lspserver.peekSymbolPopup->winbufnr() != -1
+ # If the symbol popup window is already present, close it.
+ lspserver.peekSymbolPopup->popup_close()
+ endif
+ var w: number = &columns
+ var fnamelen = float2nr(w * 0.4)
+ var curlnum = line('.')
+ var symIdx = 1
+ var curSymIdx = 1
+ var menuItems: list<string> = []
+ for loc in locations
+ var [uri, range] = util.LspLocationParse(loc)
+ var fname: string = util.LspUriToFile(uri)
+ var bnr: number = fname->bufnr()
+ if bnr == -1
+ bnr = fname->bufadd()
+ endif
+ :silent! bnr->bufload()
+ var lnum = range.start.line + 1
+ var text: string = bnr->getbufline(lnum)->get(0, '')
+ menuItems->add($'{lnum}: {text}')
+ if lnum == curlnum
+ curSymIdx = symIdx
+ endif
+ symIdx += 1
+ endfor
+ var popupAttrs = {
+ title: title,
+ wrap: false,
+ pos: 'topleft',
+ line: 'cursor+1',
+ col: winwidth(0) - 34,
+ minheight: 10,
+ maxheight: 10,
+ minwidth: 30,
+ maxwidth: 30,
+ mapping: false,
+ fixed: true,
+ filter: function(LocPopupFilter, [lspserver, locations]),
+ callback: function(LocPopupCallback, [lspserver, locations])
+ }
+ lspserver.peekSymbolPopup = popup_menu(menuItems, popupAttrs)
+ # Select the current symbol in the menu
+ var cmds =<< trim eval END
+ [{curSymIdx}, 1]->cursor()
+ win_execute(lspserver.peekSymbolPopup, cmds, 'silent!')
+ UpdatePeekFilePopup(lspserver, locations)
+export def ShowLocations(lspserver: dict<any>, locations: list<dict<any>>,
+ peekSymbol: bool, title: string)
+ if peekSymbol
+ PeekLocations(lspserver, locations, title)
+ return
+ endif
+ # create a loclist the location of the locations
+ var qflist: list<dict<any>> = []
+ for loc in locations
+ var [uri, range] = util.LspLocationParse(loc)
+ var fname: string = util.LspUriToFile(uri)
+ var bnr: number = fname->bufnr()
+ if bnr == -1
+ bnr = fname->bufadd()
+ endif
+ :silent! bnr->bufload()
+ var rstart = range.start
+ var text: string = bnr->getbufline(rstart.line + 1)->get(0, '')->trim("\t ", 1)
+ qflist->add({filename: fname,
+ lnum: rstart.line + 1,
+ col: util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, rstart) + 1,
+ text: text})
+ endfor
+ var save_winid = win_getid()
+ if opt.lspOptions.useQuickfixForLocations
+ setqflist([], ' ', {title: title, items: qflist})
+ var mods: string = ''
+ exe $'{mods} copen'
+ else
+ setloclist(0, [], ' ', {title: title, items: qflist})
+ var mods: string = ''
+ exe $'{mods} lopen'
+ endif
+ if !opt.lspOptions.keepFocusInReferences
+ save_winid->win_gotoid()
+ endif
+# Key filter callback function used for the symbol popup window.
+# Vim doesn't close the popup window when the escape key is pressed.
+# This is function supports that.
+def SymbolFilterCB(lspserver: dict<any>, id: number, key: string): bool
+ if key == "\<Esc>"
+ lspserver.peekSymbolPopup->popup_close()
+ return true
+ endif
+ return false
+# Display the file specified by LSP "LocationLink" in a popup window and
+# highlight the range in "location".
+def PeekSymbolLocation(lspserver: dict<any>, location: dict<any>)
+ var [uri, range] = util.LspLocationParse(location)
+ var fname = util.LspUriToFile(uri)
+ var bnum = fname->bufadd()
+ if bnum == 0
+ # Failed to create or find a buffer
+ return
+ endif
+ :silent! bnum->bufload()
+ if lspserver.peekSymbolPopup->winbufnr() != -1
+ # If the symbol popup window is already present, close it.
+ lspserver.peekSymbolPopup->popup_close()
+ endif
+ var CbFunc = function(SymbolFilterCB, [lspserver])
+ var popupAttrs = {
+ title: $"{fnamemodify(fname, ':t')} ({fnamemodify(fname, ':h')})",
+ wrap: false,
+ moved: 'any',
+ minheight: 10,
+ maxheight: 10,
+ minwidth: 10,
+ maxwidth: 60,
+ cursorline: true,
+ border: [],
+ mapping: false,
+ filter: CbFunc
+ }
+ lspserver.peekSymbolPopup = popup_atcursor(bnum, popupAttrs)
+ # Highlight the symbol name and center the line in the popup
+ var pwid = lspserver.peekSymbolPopup
+ var pwbuf = pwid->winbufnr()
+ var pos: list<number> = []
+ var start_col: number
+ var end_col: number
+ var rstart = range.start
+ start_col = util.GetLineByteFromPos(pwbuf, rstart) + 1
+ end_col = util.GetLineByteFromPos(pwbuf, range.end) + 1
+ pos->add(rstart.line + 1)
+ pos->extend([start_col, end_col - start_col])
+ matchaddpos('Search', [pos], 10, 101, {window: pwid})
+ var cmds =<< trim eval END
+ :setlocal number
+ [{rstart.line + 1}, 1]->cursor()
+ :normal! z.
+ win_execute(pwid, cmds, 'silent!')
+# Jump to the definition, declaration or implementation of a symbol.
+# Also, used to peek at the definition, declaration or implementation of a
+# symbol.
+export def GotoSymbol(lspserver: dict<any>, location: dict<any>,
+ peekSymbol: bool, cmdmods: string)
+ if peekSymbol
+ PeekSymbolLocation(lspserver, location)
+ else
+ # Save the current cursor location in the tag stack.
+ util.PushCursorToTagStack()
+ util.JumpToLspLocation(location, cmdmods)
+ endif
+# Process the LSP server reply message for a 'textDocument/definition' request
+# and return a list of Dicts in a format accepted by the 'tagfunc' option.
+export def TagFunc(lspserver: dict<any>,
+ taglocations: list<dict<any>>,
+ pat: string): list<dict<any>>
+ var retval: list<dict<any>>
+ for tagloc in taglocations
+ var tagitem = {}
+ = pat
+ var [uri, range] = util.LspLocationParse(tagloc)
+ tagitem.filename = util.LspUriToFile(uri)
+ var bnr = util.LspUriToBufnr(uri)
+ var rstart = range.start
+ var startByteIdx = util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, rstart)
+ tagitem.cmd = $"/\\%{rstart.line + 1}l\\%{startByteIdx + 1}c"
+ retval->add(tagitem)
+ endfor
+ return retval
+# process SymbolInformation[]
+def ProcessSymbolInfoTable(lspserver: dict<any>,
+ bnr: number,
+ symbolInfoTable: list<dict<any>>,
+ symbolTypeTable: dict<list<dict<any>>>,
+ symbolLineTable: list<dict<any>>)
+ var fname: string
+ var symbolType: string
+ var name: string
+ var r: dict<dict<number>>
+ var symInfo: dict<any>
+ for syminfo in symbolInfoTable
+ fname = util.LspUriToFile(syminfo.location.uri)
+ symbolType = SymbolKindToName(syminfo.kind)
+ name =
+ if syminfo->has_key('containerName')
+ if syminfo.containerName != ''
+ name ..= $' [{syminfo.containerName}]'
+ endif
+ endif
+ r = syminfo.location.range
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, r)
+ if !symbolTypeTable->has_key(symbolType)
+ symbolTypeTable[symbolType] = []
+ endif
+ symInfo = {name: name, range: r}
+ symbolTypeTable[symbolType]->add(symInfo)
+ symbolLineTable->add(symInfo)
+ endfor
+# process DocumentSymbol[]
+def ProcessDocSymbolTable(lspserver: dict<any>,
+ bnr: number,
+ docSymbolTable: list<dict<any>>,
+ symbolTypeTable: dict<list<dict<any>>>,
+ symbolLineTable: list<dict<any>>)
+ var symbolType: string
+ var name: string
+ var r: dict<dict<number>>
+ var symInfo: dict<any>
+ var symbolDetail: string
+ var childSymbols: dict<list<dict<any>>>
+ for syminfo in docSymbolTable
+ name =
+ symbolType = SymbolKindToName(syminfo.kind)
+ r = syminfo.selectionRange
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, r)
+ if syminfo->has_key('detail')
+ symbolDetail = syminfo.detail
+ endif
+ if !symbolTypeTable->has_key(symbolType)
+ symbolTypeTable[symbolType] = []
+ endif
+ childSymbols = {}
+ if syminfo->has_key('children')
+ ProcessDocSymbolTable(lspserver, bnr, syminfo.children, childSymbols,
+ symbolLineTable)
+ endif
+ symInfo = {name: name, range: r, detail: symbolDetail,
+ children: childSymbols}
+ symbolTypeTable[symbolType]->add(symInfo)
+ symbolLineTable->add(symInfo)
+ endfor
+# process the 'textDocument/documentSymbol' reply from the LSP server
+# Open a symbols window and display the symbols as a tree
+# Result: DocumentSymbol[] | SymbolInformation[] | null
+export def DocSymbolOutline(lspserver: dict<any>, docSymbol: any, fname: string)
+ var bnr = fname->bufnr()
+ var symbolTypeTable: dict<list<dict<any>>> = {}
+ var symbolLineTable: list<dict<any>> = []
+ if docSymbol->empty()
+ # No symbols defined for this file. Clear the outline window.
+ outline.UpdateOutlineWindow(fname, symbolTypeTable, symbolLineTable)
+ return
+ endif
+ if docSymbol[0]->has_key('location')
+ # SymbolInformation[]
+ ProcessSymbolInfoTable(lspserver, bnr, docSymbol, symbolTypeTable,
+ symbolLineTable)
+ else
+ # DocumentSymbol[]
+ ProcessDocSymbolTable(lspserver, bnr, docSymbol, symbolTypeTable,
+ symbolLineTable)
+ endif
+ # sort the symbols by line number
+ symbolLineTable->sort((a, b) => a.range.start.line - b.range.start.line)
+ outline.UpdateOutlineWindow(fname, symbolTypeTable, symbolLineTable)
+# Process the list of symbols (LSP interface "SymbolInformation") in
+# "symbolInfoTable". For each symbol, create the name to display in the popup
+# menu along with the symbol range and return the List.
+def GetSymbolsInfoTable(lspserver: dict<any>,
+ bnr: number,
+ symbolInfoTable: list<dict<any>>): list<dict<any>>
+ var symbolTable: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var symbolType: string
+ var name: string
+ var containerName: string
+ var r: dict<dict<number>>
+ for syminfo in symbolInfoTable
+ symbolType = SymbolKindToName(syminfo.kind)
+ name = $'{symbolType} : {}'
+ if syminfo->has_key('containerName') && !syminfo.containerName->empty()
+ name ..= $' [{syminfo.containerName}]'
+ endif
+ r = syminfo.location.range
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, r)
+ symbolTable->add({name: name, range: r, selectionRange: {}})
+ endfor
+ return symbolTable
+# Process the list of symbols (LSP interface "DocumentSymbol") in
+# "docSymbolTable". For each symbol, create the name to display in the popup
+# menu along with the symbol range and return the List in "symbolTable"
+def GetSymbolsDocSymbol(lspserver: dict<any>,
+ bnr: number,
+ docSymbolTable: list<dict<any>>,
+ symbolTable: list<dict<any>>,
+ parentName: string = '')
+ var symbolType: string
+ var name: string
+ var r: dict<dict<number>>
+ var sr: dict<dict<number>>
+ var symInfo: dict<any>
+ for syminfo in docSymbolTable
+ var symName =
+ symbolType = SymbolKindToName(syminfo.kind)->tolower()
+ sr = syminfo.selectionRange
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, sr)
+ r = syminfo.range
+ lspserver.decodeRange(bnr, r)
+ name = $'{symbolType} : {symName}'
+ if parentName != ''
+ name ..= $' [{parentName}]'
+ endif
+ # TODO: Should include syminfo.detail? Will it clutter the menu?
+ symInfo = {name: name, range: r, selectionRange: sr}
+ symbolTable->add(symInfo)
+ if syminfo->has_key('children')
+ # Process all the child symbols
+ GetSymbolsDocSymbol(lspserver, bnr, syminfo.children, symbolTable,
+ symName)
+ endif
+ endfor
+# Highlight the name and the range of lines for the symbol at symTbl[symIdx]
+def SymbolHighlight(symTbl: list<dict<any>>, symIdx: number)
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspSymbolNameProp', all: true})
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspSymbolRangeProp', all: true})
+ if symTbl->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var r = symTbl[symIdx].range
+ if r->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var rangeStart = r.start
+ var rangeEnd = r.end
+ var start_lnum = rangeStart.line + 1
+ var start_col = rangeStart.character + 1
+ var end_lnum = rangeEnd.line + 1
+ var end_col: number
+ var last_lnum = line('$')
+ if end_lnum > line('$')
+ end_lnum = last_lnum
+ end_col = col([last_lnum, '$'])
+ else
+ end_col = rangeEnd.character + 1
+ endif
+ prop_add(start_lnum, start_col,
+ {type: 'LspSymbolRangeProp',
+ end_lnum: end_lnum,
+ end_col: end_col})
+ cursor(start_lnum, 1)
+ :normal! z.
+ var sr = symTbl[symIdx].selectionRange
+ if sr->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ rangeStart = sr.start
+ rangeEnd = sr.end
+ prop_add(rangeStart.line + 1, 1,
+ {type: 'LspSymbolNameProp',
+ start_col: rangeStart.character + 1,
+ end_lnum: rangeEnd.line + 1,
+ end_col: rangeEnd.character + 1})
+# Callback invoked when an item is selected in the symbol popup menu
+# "symTbl" - list of symbols
+# "symInputPopup" - Symbol search input popup window ID
+# "save_curpos" - Cursor position before invoking the symbol search. If the
+# symbol search is canceled, restore the cursor to this
+# position.
+def SymbolMenuItemSelected(symPopupMenu: number,
+ result: number)
+ var symTblFiltered = symPopupMenu->getwinvar('symbolTableFiltered', [])
+ var symInputPopup = symPopupMenu->getwinvar('symbolInputPopup', 0)
+ var save_curpos = symPopupMenu->getwinvar('saveCurPos', [])
+ # Restore the cursor to the location where the command was invoked
+ setpos('.', save_curpos)
+ if result > 0
+ # A symbol is selected in the popup menu
+ # Set the previous cursor location mark. Instead of using setpos(), m' is
+ # used so that the current location is added to the jump list.
+ :normal m'
+ # Jump to the selected symbol location
+ var r = symTblFiltered[result - 1].selectionRange
+ if r->empty()
+ # SymbolInformation doesn't have the selectionRange field
+ r = symTblFiltered[result - 1].range
+ endif
+ setcursorcharpos(r.start.line + 1,
+ util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bufnr(), r.start) + 1)
+ :normal! zv
+ endif
+ symInputPopup->popup_close()
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspSymbolNameProp', all: true})
+ prop_remove({type: 'LspSymbolRangeProp', all: true})
+# Key filter function for the symbol popup menu.
+def SymbolMenuFilterKey(symPopupMenu: number,
+ key: string): bool
+ var keyHandled = true
+ var updateInputPopup = false
+ var inputText = symPopupMenu->getwinvar('inputText', '')
+ var symInputPopup = symPopupMenu->getwinvar('symbolInputPopup', 0)
+ if key == "\<BS>" || key == "\<C-H>"
+ # Erase a character in the input popup
+ if inputText->len() >= 1
+ inputText = inputText[: -2]
+ updateInputPopup = true
+ else
+ keyHandled = false
+ endif
+ elseif key == "\<C-U>"
+ # Erase all the characters in the input popup
+ inputText = ''
+ updateInputPopup = true
+ elseif key == "\<tab>"
+ || key == "\<C-n>"
+ || key == "\<Down>"
+ || key == "\<ScrollWheelDown>"
+ var ln = getcurpos(symPopupMenu)[1]
+ win_execute(symPopupMenu, "normal! j")
+ if ln == getcurpos(symPopupMenu)[1]
+ win_execute(symPopupMenu, "normal! gg")
+ endif
+ elseif key == "\<S-tab>"
+ || key == "\<C-p>"
+ || key == "\<Up>"
+ || key == "\<ScrollWheelUp>"
+ var ln = getcurpos(symPopupMenu)[1]
+ win_execute(symPopupMenu, "normal! k")
+ if ln == getcurpos(symPopupMenu)[1]
+ win_execute(symPopupMenu, "normal! G")
+ endif
+ elseif key == "\<PageDown>"
+ win_execute(symPopupMenu, "normal! \<C-d>")
+ elseif key == "\<PageUp>"
+ win_execute(symPopupMenu, "normal! \<C-u>")
+ elseif key == "\<C-F>"
+ || key == "\<C-B>"
+ || key == "\<C-Home>"
+ || key == "\<C-End>"
+ win_execute(symPopupMenu, $"normal! {key}")
+ elseif key =~ '^\k$'
+ # A keyword character is typed. Add to the input text and update the
+ # popup
+ inputText ..= key
+ updateInputPopup = true
+ else
+ keyHandled = false
+ endif
+ var symTblFiltered: list<dict<any>> = []
+ symTblFiltered = symPopupMenu->getwinvar('symbolTableFiltered', [])
+ if updateInputPopup
+ # Update the input popup with the new text and update the symbol popup
+ # window with the matching symbol names.
+ symInputPopup->popup_settext(inputText)
+ var symbolTable = symPopupMenu->getwinvar('symbolTable')
+ symTblFiltered = symbolTable->deepcopy()
+ var symbolMatchPos: list<list<number>> = []
+ # Get the list of symbols fuzzy matching the entered text
+ if inputText != ''
+ var t = symTblFiltered->matchfuzzypos(inputText, {key: 'name'})
+ symTblFiltered = t[0]
+ symbolMatchPos = t[1]
+ endif
+ var popupText: list<dict<any>>
+ var text: list<dict<any>>
+ if !symbolMatchPos->empty()
+ # Generate a list of symbol names and the corresponding text properties
+ # to highlight the matching characters.
+ popupText = symTblFiltered->mapnew((idx, val): dict<any> => ({
+ text:,
+ props: symbolMatchPos[idx]->mapnew((_, w: number): dict<any> => ({
+ col: w + 1,
+ length: 1,
+ type: 'LspSymbolMatch'}
+ ))}
+ ))
+ else
+ popupText = symTblFiltered->mapnew((idx, val): dict<string> => {
+ return {text:}
+ })
+ endif
+ symPopupMenu->popup_settext(popupText)
+ # Select the first symbol and highlight the corresponding text range
+ win_execute(symPopupMenu, 'cursor(1, 1)')
+ SymbolHighlight(symTblFiltered, 0)
+ endif
+ # Save the filtered symbol table and the search text in popup window
+ # variables
+ setwinvar(symPopupMenu, 'inputText', inputText)
+ setwinvar(symPopupMenu, 'symbolTableFiltered', symTblFiltered)
+ if !keyHandled
+ # Use the default handler for the key
+ symPopupMenu->popup_filter_menu(key)
+ endif
+ # Highlight the name and range of the selected symbol
+ var lnum = line('.', symPopupMenu) - 1
+ if lnum >= 0
+ SymbolHighlight(symTblFiltered, lnum)
+ endif
+ return true
+# Display the symbols popup menu
+def SymbolPopupMenu(symbolTable: list<dict<any>>)
+ var curLine = line('.')
+ var curSymIdx = 0
+ # Get the names of all the symbols. Also get the index of the symbol under
+ # the cursor.
+ var symNames = symbolTable->mapnew((idx, val): string => {
+ var r = val.range
+ if !r->empty() && curSymIdx == 0
+ if curLine >= r.start.line + 1 && curLine <= r.end.line + 1
+ curSymIdx = idx
+ endif
+ endif
+ return
+ })
+ var symInputPopupAttr = {
+ title: 'Select Symbol',
+ wrap: false,
+ pos: 'topleft',
+ line: &lines - 14,
+ col: 10,
+ minwidth: 60,
+ minheight: 1,
+ maxheight: 1,
+ maxwidth: 60,
+ fixed: 1,
+ close: 'button',
+ border: []
+ }
+ var symInputPopup = popup_create('', symInputPopupAttr)
+ var symNamesPopupattr = {
+ wrap: false,
+ pos: 'topleft',
+ line: &lines - 11,
+ col: 10,
+ minwidth: 60,
+ minheight: 10,
+ maxheight: 10,
+ maxwidth: 60,
+ fixed: 1,
+ border: [0, 0, 0, 0],
+ callback: SymbolMenuItemSelected,
+ filter: SymbolMenuFilterKey,
+ }
+ var symPopupMenu = popup_menu(symNames, symNamesPopupattr)
+ # Save the state in the popup menu window variables
+ setwinvar(symPopupMenu, 'symbolTable', symbolTable)
+ setwinvar(symPopupMenu, 'symbolTableFiltered', symbolTable->deepcopy())
+ setwinvar(symPopupMenu, 'symbolInputPopup', symInputPopup)
+ setwinvar(symPopupMenu, 'saveCurPos', getcurpos())
+ prop_type_add('LspSymbolMatch', {bufnr: symPopupMenu->winbufnr(),
+ highlight: 'Title',
+ override: true})
+ # Start with the symbol under the cursor
+ var cmds =<< trim eval END
+ [{curSymIdx + 1}, 1]->cursor()
+ :normal! z.
+ win_execute(symPopupMenu, cmds, 'silent!')
+ # Highlight the name and range of the first symbol
+ SymbolHighlight(symbolTable, curSymIdx)
+# process the 'textDocument/documentSymbol' reply from the LSP server
+# Result: DocumentSymbol[] | SymbolInformation[] | null
+# Display the symbols in a popup window and jump to the selected symbol
+export def DocSymbolPopup(lspserver: dict<any>, docSymbol: any, fname: string)
+ var symList: list<dict<any>> = []
+ if docSymbol->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ var bnr = fname->bufnr()
+ if docSymbol[0]->has_key('location')
+ # SymbolInformation[]
+ symList = GetSymbolsInfoTable(lspserver, bnr, docSymbol)
+ else
+ # DocumentSymbol[]
+ GetSymbolsDocSymbol(lspserver, bnr, docSymbol, symList)
+ endif
+ :redraw!
+ SymbolPopupMenu(symList)
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/textedit.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/textedit.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee4cc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/textedit.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+import './util.vim'
+# sort the list of edit operations in the descending order of line and column
+# numbers.
+# 'a': {'A': [lnum, col], 'B': [lnum, col]}
+# 'b': {'A': [lnum, col], 'B': [lnum, col]}
+def Edit_sort_func(a: dict<any>, b: dict<any>): number
+ # line number
+ if a.A[0] != b.A[0]
+ return b.A[0] - a.A[0]
+ endif
+ # column number
+ if a.A[1] != b.A[1]
+ return b.A[1] - a.A[1]
+ endif
+ # Assume that the LSP sorted the lines correctly to begin with
+ return b.idx - a.idx
+# Replaces text in a range with new text.
+# CAUTION: Changes in-place!
+# 'lines': Original list of strings
+# 'A': Start position; [line, col]
+# 'B': End position [line, col]
+# 'new_lines' A list of strings to replace the original
+# returns the modified 'lines'
+def Set_lines(lines: list<string>, A: list<number>, B: list<number>,
+ new_lines: list<string>): list<string>
+ var i_0: number = A[0]
+ # If it extends past the end, truncate it to the end. This is because the
+ # way the LSP describes the range including the last newline is by
+ # specifying a line number after what we would call the last line.
+ var numlines: number = lines->len()
+ var i_n = [B[0], numlines - 1]->min()
+ if i_0 < 0 || i_0 >= numlines || i_n < 0 || i_n >= numlines
+ #util.WarnMsg("set_lines: Invalid range, A = " .. A->string()
+ # .. ", B = " .. B->string() .. ", numlines = " .. numlines
+ # .. ", new lines = " .. new_lines->string())
+ var msg = $"set_lines: Invalid range, A = {A->string()}"
+ msg ..= $", B = {B->string()}, numlines = {numlines}"
+ msg ..= $", new lines = {new_lines->string()}"
+ util.WarnMsg(msg)
+ return lines
+ endif
+ # save the prefix and suffix text before doing the replacements
+ var prefix: string = ''
+ var suffix: string = lines[i_n][B[1] :]
+ if A[1] > 0
+ prefix = lines[i_0][0 : A[1] - 1]
+ endif
+ var new_lines_len: number = new_lines->len()
+ #echomsg $"i_0 = {i_0}, i_n = {i_n}, new_lines = {string(new_lines)}"
+ var n: number = i_n - i_0 + 1
+ if n != new_lines_len
+ if n > new_lines_len
+ # remove the deleted lines
+ lines->remove(i_0, i_0 + n - new_lines_len - 1)
+ else
+ # add empty lines for newly the added lines (will be replaced with the
+ # actual lines below)
+ lines->extend(repeat([''], new_lines_len - n), i_0)
+ endif
+ endif
+ #echomsg $"lines(1) = {string(lines)}"
+ # replace the previous lines with the new lines
+ for i in new_lines_len->range()
+ lines[i_0 + i] = new_lines[i]
+ endfor
+ #echomsg $"lines(2) = {string(lines)}"
+ # append the suffix (if any) to the last line
+ if suffix != ''
+ var i = i_0 + new_lines_len - 1
+ lines[i] = lines[i] .. suffix
+ endif
+ #echomsg $"lines(3) = {string(lines)}"
+ # prepend the prefix (if any) to the first line
+ if prefix != ''
+ lines[i_0] = prefix .. lines[i_0]
+ endif
+ #echomsg $"lines(4) = {string(lines)}"
+ return lines
+# Apply set of text edits to the specified buffer
+# The text edit logic is ported from the Neovim lua implementation
+export def ApplyTextEdits(bnr: number, text_edits: list<dict<any>>): void
+ if text_edits->empty()
+ return
+ endif
+ # if the buffer is not loaded, load it and make it a listed buffer
+ :silent! bnr->bufload()
+ setbufvar(bnr, '&buflisted', true)
+ var start_line: number = 4294967295 # 2 ^ 32
+ var finish_line: number = -1
+ var updated_edits: list<dict<any>> = []
+ var start_row: number
+ var start_col: number
+ var end_row: number
+ var end_col: number
+ # create a list of buffer positions where the edits have to be applied.
+ var idx = 0
+ for e in text_edits
+ # Adjust the start and end columns for multibyte characters
+ var r = e.range
+ var rstart: dict<any> = r.start
+ var rend: dict<any> = r.end
+ start_row = rstart.line
+ start_col = util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bnr, rstart)
+ end_row = rend.line
+ end_col = util.GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bnr, rend)
+ start_line = [rstart.line, start_line]->min()
+ finish_line = [rend.line, finish_line]->max()
+ updated_edits->add({A: [start_row, start_col],
+ B: [end_row, end_col],
+ idx: idx,
+ lines: e.newText->split("\n", true)})
+ idx += 1
+ endfor
+ # Reverse sort the edit operations by descending line and column numbers so
+ # that they can be applied without interfering with each other.
+ updated_edits->sort('Edit_sort_func')
+ var lines: list<string> = bnr->getbufline(start_line + 1, finish_line + 1)
+ var fix_eol: bool = bnr->getbufvar('&fixeol')
+ var set_eol = fix_eol && bnr->getbufinfo()[0].linecount <= finish_line + 1
+ if !lines->empty() && set_eol && lines[-1]->len() != 0
+ lines->add('')
+ endif
+ #echomsg $'lines(1) = {string(lines)}'
+ #echomsg updated_edits
+ for e in updated_edits
+ var A: list<number> = [e.A[0] - start_line, e.A[1]]
+ var B: list<number> = [e.B[0] - start_line, e.B[1]]
+ lines = Set_lines(lines, A, B, e.lines)
+ endfor
+ #echomsg $'lines(2) = {string(lines)}'
+ # If the last line is empty and we need to set EOL, then remove it.
+ if !lines->empty() && set_eol && lines[-1]->len() == 0
+ lines->remove(-1)
+ endif
+ #echomsg $'ApplyTextEdits: start_line = {start_line}, finish_line = {finish_line}'
+ #echomsg $'lines = {string(lines)}'
+ # if the buffer is empty, appending lines before the first line adds an
+ # extra empty line at the end. Delete the empty line after appending the
+ # lines.
+ var dellastline: bool = false
+ if start_line == 0 && bnr->getbufinfo()[0].linecount == 1 &&
+ bnr->getbufline(1)->get(0, '')->empty()
+ dellastline = true
+ endif
+ # Now we apply the textedits to the actual buffer.
+ # In theory we could just delete all old lines and append the new lines.
+ # This would however cause the cursor to change position: It will always be
+ # on the last line added.
+ #
+ # Luckily there is an even simpler solution, that has no cursor sideeffects.
+ #
+ # Logically this method is split into the following three cases:
+ #
+ # 1. The number of new lines is equal to the number of old lines:
+ # Just replace the lines inline with setbufline()
+ #
+ # 2. The number of new lines is greater than the old ones:
+ # First append the missing lines at the **end** of the range, then use
+ # setbufline() again. This does not cause the cursor to change position.
+ #
+ # 3. The number of new lines is less than before:
+ # First use setbufline() to replace the lines that we can replace.
+ # Then remove superfluous lines.
+ #
+ # Luckily, the three different cases exist only logically, we can reduce
+ # them to a single case practically, because appendbufline() does not append
+ # anything if an empty list is passed just like deletebufline() does not
+ # delete anything, if the last line of the range is before the first line.
+ # We just need to be careful with all indices.
+ appendbufline(bnr, finish_line + 1, lines[finish_line - start_line + 1 : -1])
+ setbufline(bnr, start_line + 1, lines)
+ deletebufline(bnr, start_line + 1 + lines->len(), finish_line + 1)
+ if dellastline
+ bnr->deletebufline(bnr->getbufinfo()[0].linecount)
+ endif
+# interface TextDocumentEdit
+def ApplyTextDocumentEdit(textDocEdit: dict<any>)
+ var bnr: number = util.LspUriToBufnr(textDocEdit.textDocument.uri)
+ if bnr == -1
+ util.ErrMsg($'Text Document edit, buffer {textDocEdit.textDocument.uri} is not found')
+ return
+ endif
+ ApplyTextEdits(bnr, textDocEdit.edits)
+# interface CreateFile
+# Create the "createFile.uri" file
+def FileCreate(createFile: dict<any>)
+ var fname: string = util.LspUriToFile(createFile.uri)
+ var opts: dict<bool> = createFile->get('options', {})
+ var ignoreIfExists: bool = opts->get('ignoreIfExists', true)
+ var overwrite: bool = opts->get('overwrite', false)
+ # LSP Spec: Overwrite wins over `ignoreIfExists`
+ if fname->filereadable() && ignoreIfExists && !overwrite
+ return
+ endif
+ fname->fnamemodify(':p:h')->mkdir('p')
+ []->writefile(fname)
+ fname->bufadd()
+# interface DeleteFile
+# Delete the "deleteFile.uri" file
+def FileDelete(deleteFile: dict<any>)
+ var fname: string = util.LspUriToFile(deleteFile.uri)
+ var opts: dict<bool> = deleteFile->get('options', {})
+ var recursive: bool = opts->get('recursive', false)
+ var ignoreIfNotExists: bool = opts->get('ignoreIfNotExists', true)
+ if !fname->filereadable() && ignoreIfNotExists
+ return
+ endif
+ var flags: string = ''
+ if recursive
+ # # NOTE: is this a dangerous operation? The LSP server can send a
+ # # DeleteFile message to recursively delete all the files in the disk.
+ # flags = 'rf'
+ util.ErrMsg($'Recursively deleting files is not supported')
+ return
+ elseif fname->isdirectory()
+ flags = 'd'
+ endif
+ var bnr: number = fname->bufadd()
+ fname->delete(flags)
+ exe $'{bnr}bwipe!'
+# interface RenameFile
+# Rename file "renameFile.oldUri" to "renameFile.newUri"
+def FileRename(renameFile: dict<any>)
+ var old_fname: string = util.LspUriToFile(renameFile.oldUri)
+ var new_fname: string = util.LspUriToFile(renameFile.newUri)
+ var opts: dict<bool> = renameFile->get('options', {})
+ var overwrite: bool = opts->get('overwrite', false)
+ var ignoreIfExists: bool = opts->get('ignoreIfExists', true)
+ if new_fname->filereadable() && (!overwrite || ignoreIfExists)
+ return
+ endif
+ old_fname->rename(new_fname)
+# interface WorkspaceEdit
+export def ApplyWorkspaceEdit(workspaceEdit: dict<any>)
+ if workspaceEdit->has_key('documentChanges')
+ for change in workspaceEdit.documentChanges
+ if change->has_key('kind')
+ if change.kind == 'create'
+ FileCreate(change)
+ elseif change.kind == 'delete'
+ FileDelete(change)
+ elseif change.kind == 'rename'
+ FileRename(change)
+ else
+ util.ErrMsg($'Unsupported change in workspace edit [{change.kind}]')
+ endif
+ else
+ ApplyTextDocumentEdit(change)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return
+ endif
+ if !workspaceEdit->has_key('changes')
+ return
+ endif
+ for [uri, changes] in workspaceEdit.changes->items()
+ var bnr: number = util.LspUriToBufnr(uri)
+ if bnr == 0
+ # file is not present
+ continue
+ endif
+ # interface TextEdit
+ ApplyTextEdits(bnr, changes)
+ endfor
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/typehierarchy.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/typehierarchy.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8786b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/typehierarchy.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Functions for dealing with type hierarchy (super types/sub types)
+import './util.vim'
+import './symbol.vim'
+# Parse the type hierarchy in "typeHier" and displays a tree of type names
+# in the current buffer. This function is called recursively to display the
+# super/sub type hierarchy.
+# Returns the line number where the next type name should be added.
+def TypeTreeGenerate(isSuper: bool, typeHier: dict<any>, pfx_arg: string,
+ typeTree: list<string>, typeUriMap: list<dict<any>>)
+ var itemHasChildren = false
+ if isSuper
+ if typeHier->has_key('parents') && !typeHier.parents->empty()
+ itemHasChildren = true
+ endif
+ else
+ if typeHier->has_key('children') && !typeHier.children->empty()
+ itemHasChildren = true
+ endif
+ endif
+ var itemBranchPfx: string
+ if itemHasChildren
+ itemBranchPfx = '▾ '
+ else
+ itemBranchPfx = pfx_arg->empty() ? '' : ' '
+ endif
+ var typestr: string
+ var kindstr = symbol.SymbolKindToName(typeHier.kind)
+ if kindstr != ''
+ typestr = $'{pfx_arg}{itemBranchPfx}{} ({kindstr[0]})'
+ else
+ typestr = $'{pfx_arg}{itemBranchPfx}{}'
+ endif
+ typeTree->add(typestr)
+ typeUriMap->add(typeHier)
+ # last item to process
+ if !itemHasChildren
+ return
+ endif
+ var items: list<dict<any>>
+ items = isSuper ? typeHier.parents : typeHier.children
+ for item in items
+ TypeTreeGenerate(isSuper, item, $'{pfx_arg}| ', typeTree, typeUriMap)
+ endfor
+# Display a popup with the file containing a type and highlight the line and
+# the type name.
+def UpdateTypeHierFileInPopup(lspserver: dict<any>, typeUriMap: list<dict<any>>)
+ if lspserver.typeHierPopup->winbufnr() == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ lspserver.typeHierFilePopup->popup_close()
+ var n = line('.', lspserver.typeHierPopup) - 1
+ var fname: string = util.LspUriToFile(typeUriMap[n].uri)
+ var bnr = fname->bufadd()
+ if bnr == 0
+ return
+ endif
+ var popupAttrs = {
+ title: $"{fname->fnamemodify(':t')} ({fname->fnamemodify(':h')})",
+ wrap: false,
+ fixed: true,
+ minheight: 10,
+ maxheight: 10,
+ minwidth: winwidth(0) - 38,
+ maxwidth: winwidth(0) - 38,
+ cursorline: true,
+ border: [],
+ line: 'cursor+1',
+ col: 1
+ }
+ lspserver.typeHierFilePopup = popup_create(bnr, popupAttrs)
+ var cmds =<< trim eval END
+ [{typeUriMap[n].range.start.line + 1}, 1]->cursor()
+ :normal! z.
+ win_execute(lspserver.typeHierFilePopup, cmds)
+ lspserver.typeHierFilePopup->clearmatches()
+ var start_col = util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr,
+ typeUriMap[n].selectionRange.start) + 1
+ var end_col = util.GetLineByteFromPos(bnr, typeUriMap[n].selectionRange.end)
+ var pos = [[typeUriMap[n].selectionRange.start.line + 1,
+ start_col, end_col - start_col + 1]]
+ matchaddpos('Search', pos, 10, -1, {window: lspserver.typeHierFilePopup})
+def TypeHierPopupFilter(lspserver: dict<any>, typeUriMap: list<dict<any>>,
+ popupID: number, key: string): bool
+ popupID->popup_filter_menu(key)
+ if lspserver.typeHierPopup->winbufnr() == -1
+ # popup is closed
+ if lspserver.typeHierFilePopup->winbufnr() != -1
+ lspserver.typeHierFilePopup->popup_close()
+ endif
+ lspserver.typeHierFilePopup = -1
+ lspserver.typeHierPopup = -1
+ else
+ UpdateTypeHierFileInPopup(lspserver, typeUriMap)
+ endif
+ return true
+def TypeHierPopupCallback(lspserver: dict<any>, typeUriMap: list<dict<any>>,
+ popupID: number, selIdx: number)
+ if lspserver.typeHierFilePopup->winbufnr() != -1
+ lspserver.typeHierFilePopup->popup_close()
+ endif
+ lspserver.typeHierFilePopup = -1
+ lspserver.typeHierPopup = -1
+ if selIdx <= 0
+ # popup is canceled
+ return
+ endif
+ # Save the current cursor location in the tag stack.
+ util.PushCursorToTagStack()
+ util.JumpToLspLocation(typeUriMap[selIdx - 1], '')
+# Show the super or sub type hierarchy items "types" as a tree in a popup
+# window
+export def ShowTypeHierarchy(lspserver: dict<any>, isSuper: bool, types: dict<any>)
+ if lspserver.typeHierPopup->winbufnr() != -1
+ # If the type hierarchy popup window is already present, close it.
+ lspserver.typeHierPopup->popup_close()
+ endif
+ var typeTree: list<string>
+ var typeUriMap: list<dict<any>>
+ # Generate a tree of the type hierarchy items
+ TypeTreeGenerate(isSuper, types, '', typeTree, typeUriMap)
+ # Display a popup window with the type hierarchy tree and a popup window for
+ # the file.
+ var popupAttrs = {
+ title: $'{isSuper ? "Super" : "Sub"}Type Hierarchy',
+ wrap: 0,
+ pos: 'topleft',
+ line: 'cursor+1',
+ col: winwidth(0) - 34,
+ minheight: 10,
+ maxheight: 10,
+ minwidth: 30,
+ maxwidth: 30,
+ mapping: false,
+ fixed: true,
+ filter: function(TypeHierPopupFilter, [lspserver, typeUriMap]),
+ callback: function(TypeHierPopupCallback, [lspserver, typeUriMap])
+ }
+ lspserver.typeHierPopup = popup_menu(typeTree, popupAttrs)
+ UpdateTypeHierFileInPopup(lspserver, typeUriMap)
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/util.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/util.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0a64f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/autoload/lsp/util.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# Display an info message
+export def InfoMsg(msg: string)
+ :echohl Question
+ :echomsg $'Info: {msg}'
+ :echohl None
+# Display a warning message
+export def WarnMsg(msg: string)
+ :echohl WarningMsg
+ :echomsg $'Warn: {msg}'
+ :echohl None
+# Display an error message
+export def ErrMsg(msg: string)
+ :echohl Error
+ :echomsg $'Error: {msg}'
+ :echohl None
+# Lsp server trace log directory
+var lsp_log_dir: string
+if has('unix')
+ lsp_log_dir = '/tmp/'
+ lsp_log_dir = $TEMP .. '\\'
+# Log a message from the LSP server. stderr is true for logging messages
+# from the standard error and false for stdout.
+export def TraceLog(fname: string, stderr: bool, msg: string)
+ if stderr
+ writefile(msg->split("\n"), $'{lsp_log_dir}{fname}', 'a')
+ else
+ writefile([msg], $'{lsp_log_dir}{fname}', 'a')
+ endif
+# Empty out the LSP server trace logs
+export def ClearTraceLogs(fname: string)
+ writefile([], $'{lsp_log_dir}{fname}')
+# Open the LSP server debug messages file.
+export def ServerMessagesShow(fname: string)
+ var fullname = $'{lsp_log_dir}{fname}'
+ if !filereadable(fullname)
+ WarnMsg($'File {fullname} is not found')
+ return
+ endif
+ var wid = fullname->bufwinid()
+ if wid == -1
+ exe $'split {fullname}'
+ else
+ win_gotoid(wid)
+ endif
+ setlocal autoread
+ setlocal bufhidden=wipe
+ setlocal nomodified
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+# Parse a LSP Location or LocationLink type and return a List with two items.
+# The first item is the DocumentURI and the second item is the Range.
+export def LspLocationParse(lsploc: dict<any>): list<any>
+ if lsploc->has_key('targetUri')
+ # LocationLink
+ return [lsploc.targetUri, lsploc.targetSelectionRange]
+ else
+ # Location
+ return [lsploc.uri, lsploc.range]
+ endif
+# Convert a LSP file URI (file://<absolute_path>) to a Vim file name
+export def LspUriToFile(uri: string): string
+ # Replace all the %xx numbers (e.g. %20 for space) in the URI to character
+ var uri_decoded: string = substitute(uri, '%\(\x\x\)',
+ '\=nr2char(str2nr(submatch(1), 16))', 'g')
+ # File URIs on MS-Windows start with file:///[a-zA-Z]:'
+ if uri_decoded =~? '^file:///\a:'
+ # MS-Windows URI
+ uri_decoded = uri_decoded[8 : ]
+ uri_decoded = uri_decoded->substitute('/', '\\', 'g')
+ # On GNU/Linux (pattern not end with `:`)
+ elseif uri_decoded =~? '^file:///\a'
+ uri_decoded = uri_decoded[7 : ]
+ endif
+ return uri_decoded
+# Convert a LSP file URI (file://<absolute_path>) to a Vim buffer number.
+# If the file is not in a Vim buffer, then adds the buffer.
+# Returns 0 on error.
+export def LspUriToBufnr(uri: string): number
+ return LspUriToFile(uri)->bufadd()
+# Returns if the URI refers to a remote file (e.g. ssh://)
+# Credit: vim-lsp plugin
+export def LspUriRemote(uri: string): bool
+ return uri =~ '^\w\+::' || uri =~ '^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*://'
+var resolvedUris = {}
+# Convert a Vim filename to an LSP URI (file://<absolute_path>)
+export def LspFileToUri(fname: string): string
+ var fname_full: string = fname->fnamemodify(':p')
+ if resolvedUris->has_key(fname_full)
+ return resolvedUris[fname_full]
+ endif
+ var uri: string = fname_full
+ if has("win32unix")
+ # We're in Cygwin, convert POSIX style paths to Windows style.
+ # The substitution is to remove the '^@' escape character from the end of
+ # line.
+ uri = system($'cygpath -m {uri}')->substitute('^\(\p*\).*$', '\=submatch(1)', "")
+ endif
+ var on_windows: bool = false
+ if uri =~? '^\a:'
+ on_windows = true
+ endif
+ if on_windows
+ # MS-Windows
+ uri = uri->substitute('\\', '/', 'g')
+ endif
+ uri = uri->substitute('\([^A-Za-z0-9-._~:/]\)',
+ '\=printf("%%%02x", char2nr(submatch(1)))', 'g')
+ if on_windows
+ uri = $'file:///{uri}'
+ else
+ uri = $'file://{uri}'
+ endif
+ resolvedUris[fname_full] = uri
+ return uri
+# Convert a Vim buffer number to an LSP URI (file://<absolute_path>)
+export def LspBufnrToUri(bnr: number): string
+ return LspFileToUri(bnr->bufname())
+# Returns the byte number of the specified LSP position in buffer "bnr".
+# LSP's line and characters are 0-indexed.
+# Vim's line and columns are 1-indexed.
+# Returns a zero-indexed column.
+export def GetLineByteFromPos(bnr: number, pos: dict<number>): number
+ var col: number = pos.character
+ # When on the first character, we can ignore the difference between byte and
+ # character
+ if col <= 0
+ return col
+ endif
+ # Need a loaded buffer to read the line and compute the offset
+ :silent! bnr->bufload()
+ var ltext: string = bnr->getbufline(pos.line + 1)->get(0, '')
+ if ltext->empty()
+ return col
+ endif
+ var byteIdx = ltext->byteidxcomp(col)
+ if byteIdx != -1
+ return byteIdx
+ endif
+ return col
+# Get the index of the character at [pos.line, pos.character] in buffer "bnr"
+# without counting the composing characters. The LSP server counts composing
+# characters as separate characters whereas Vim string indexing ignores the
+# composing characters.
+export def GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bnr: number, pos: dict<number>): number
+ var col: number = pos.character
+ # When on the first character, nothing to do.
+ if col <= 0
+ return col
+ endif
+ # Need a loaded buffer to read the line and compute the offset
+ :silent! bnr->bufload()
+ var ltext: string = bnr->getbufline(pos.line + 1)->get(0, '')
+ if ltext->empty()
+ return col
+ endif
+ # Convert the character index that includes composing characters as separate
+ # characters to a byte index and then back to a character index ignoring the
+ # composing characters.
+ var byteIdx = ltext->byteidxcomp(col)
+ if byteIdx != -1
+ if byteIdx == ltext->strlen()
+ # Byte index points to the byte after the last byte.
+ return ltext->strcharlen()
+ else
+ return ltext->charidx(byteIdx, false)
+ endif
+ endif
+ return col
+# Get the index of the character at [pos.line, pos.character] in buffer "bnr"
+# counting the composing characters as separate characters. The LSP server
+# counts composing characters as separate characters whereas Vim string
+# indexing ignores the composing characters.
+export def GetCharIdxWithCompChar(ltext: string, charIdx: number): number
+ # When on the first character, nothing to do.
+ if charIdx <= 0 || ltext->empty()
+ return charIdx
+ endif
+ # Convert the character index that doesn't include composing characters as
+ # separate characters to a byte index and then back to a character index
+ # that includes the composing characters as separate characters
+ var byteIdx = ltext->byteidx(charIdx)
+ if byteIdx != -1
+ if byteIdx == ltext->strlen()
+ return ltext->strchars()
+ else
+ return ltext->charidx(byteIdx, true)
+ endif
+ endif
+ return charIdx
+# push the current location on to the tag stack
+export def PushCursorToTagStack()
+ settagstack(winnr(), {items: [
+ {
+ bufnr: bufnr(),
+ from: getpos('.'),
+ matchnr: 1,
+ tagname: expand('<cword>')
+ }]}, 't')
+# Jump to the LSP "location". The "location" contains the file name, line
+# number and character number. The user specified window command modifiers
+# (e.g. topleft) are in "cmdmods".
+export def JumpToLspLocation(location: dict<any>, cmdmods: string)
+ var [uri, range] = LspLocationParse(location)
+ var fname = LspUriToFile(uri)
+ # jump to the file and line containing the symbol
+ var bnr: number = fname->bufnr()
+ if cmdmods->empty()
+ if bnr == bufnr()
+ # Set the previous cursor location mark. Instead of using setpos(), m' is
+ # used so that the current location is added to the jump list.
+ :normal m'
+ else
+ var wid = fname->bufwinid()
+ if wid != -1
+ wid->win_gotoid()
+ else
+ if bnr != -1
+ # Reuse an existing buffer. If the current buffer has unsaved changes
+ # and 'hidden' is not set or if the current buffer is a special
+ # buffer, then open the buffer in a new window.
+ if (&modified && !&hidden) || &buftype != ''
+ exe $'belowright sbuffer {bnr}'
+ else
+ exe $'buf {bnr}'
+ endif
+ else
+ if (&modified && !&hidden) || &buftype != ''
+ # if the current buffer has unsaved changes and 'hidden' is not set,
+ # or if the current buffer is a special buffer, then open the file
+ # in a new window
+ exe $'belowright split {fname}'
+ else
+ exe $'edit {fname}'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if bnr == -1
+ exe $'{cmdmods} split {fname}'
+ else
+ # Use "sbuffer" so that the 'switchbuf' option settings are used.
+ exe $'{cmdmods} sbuffer {bnr}'
+ endif
+ endif
+ var rstart = range.start
+ setcursorcharpos(rstart.line + 1,
+ GetCharIdxWithoutCompChar(bufnr(), rstart) + 1)
+ :normal! zv
+# indexof() function is not present in older Vim 9 versions. So use this
+# function.
+export def Indexof(list: list<any>, CallbackFn: func(number, any): bool): number
+ var ix = 0
+ for val in list
+ if CallbackFn(ix, val)
+ return ix
+ endif
+ ix += 1
+ endfor
+ return -1
+# Find the nearest root directory containing a file or directory name from the
+# list of names in "files" starting with the directory "startDir".
+# Based on a similar implementation in the vim-lsp plugin.
+# Searches upwards starting with the directory "startDir".
+# If a file name ends with '/' or '\', then it is a directory name, otherwise
+# it is a file name.
+# Returns '' if none of the file and directory names in "files" can be found
+# in one of the parent directories.
+export def FindNearestRootDir(startDir: string, files: list<any>): string
+ var foundDirs: dict<bool> = {}
+ for file in files
+ if file->type() != v:t_string || file->empty()
+ continue
+ endif
+ var isDir = file[-1 : ] == '/' || file[-1 : ] == '\'
+ var relPath: string
+ if isDir
+ relPath = finddir(file, $'{startDir};')
+ else
+ relPath = findfile(file, $'{startDir};')
+ endif
+ if relPath->empty()
+ continue
+ endif
+ var rootDir = relPath->fnamemodify(isDir ? ':p:h:h' : ':p:h')
+ foundDirs[rootDir] = true
+ endfor
+ if foundDirs->empty()
+ return ''
+ endif
+ # Sort the directory names by length
+ var sortedList: list<string> = foundDirs->keys()->sort((a, b) => {
+ return b->len() - a->len()
+ })
+ # choose the longest matching path (the nearest directory from "startDir")
+ return sortedList[0]
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc/lsp.txt b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc/lsp.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d39a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc/lsp.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2001 @@
+*lsp.txt* Language Server Protocol (LSP) Plugin for Vim9
+Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
+For Vim version 9.0 and above
+Last change: Feb 13, 2024
+CONTENTS *lsp-contents*
+ 1. Overview ................................. |lsp-overview|
+ 2. Requirements ............................. |lsp-installation|
+ 3. Usage .................................... |lsp-usage|
+ 4. Configuration............................. |lsp-configuration|
+ 5. Commands ................................. |lsp-commands|
+ 6. Insert Mode Completion ................... |lsp-ins-mode-completion|
+ 7. Diagnostics .............................. |lsp-diagnostics|
+ 8. Tag Function ............................. |lsp-tagfunc|
+ 9. LSP Formatting ........................... |lsp-format|
+ 10. Call Hierarchy ........................... |lsp-call-hierarchy|
+ 11. Autocommands ............................. |lsp-autocmds|
+ 12. Highlight Groups ......................... |lsp-highlight-groups|
+ 13. Debugging ................................ |lsp-debug|
+ 14. Custom Command Handlers .................. |lsp-custom-commands|
+ 15. Custom LSP Completion Kinds .............. |lsp-custom-kinds|
+ 16. Multiple Language Servers for a buffer ... |lsp-multiple-servers|
+ 17. Language Servers Features ................ |lsp-features|
+ 18. License .................................. |lsp-license|
+1. Overview *lsp-overview*
+The Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin implements a LSP client for Vim9.
+Refer to the following pages for more information about LSP:
+This plugin needs Vim version 9.0 and after. You will need a programming
+language specific server in your system to use this plugin. Refer to the above
+pages for a list of available language servers for the various programming
+The Github repository for this plugin is available at:
+2. Installation *lsp-installation*
+You can install this plugin directly from github using the following steps:
+ $ mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt
+ $ cd $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt
+ $ git clone
+ $ vim -u NONE -c "helptags $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc" -c q
+or you can use any one of the Vim plugin managers (dein.vim, pathogen, vam,
+vim-plug, volt, Vundle, etc.) to install and manage this plugin.
+To uninstall the LSP plugin, either use the uninstall command provided by the
+plugin manager or manually remove the $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/lsp directory.
+To use this plugin, add the following line to your .vimrc file:
+ packadd lsp
+3. Usage *lsp-usage*
+The following commands are provided:
+:LspCodeAction Apply the code action supplied by the language server
+ to the diagnostic in the current line.
+:LspCodeLens Display all the code lens commands available for the
+ current file and apply the selected command.
+:LspDiag current Display the diagnostic message for the current line.
+:LspDiag first Jump to the first diagnostic message for the current
+ buffer.
+:LspDiag here Jump to the next diagnostic message in the current
+ line.
+:LspDiag highlight disable
+ Disable highlighting lines with a diagnostic message
+ for the current Vim session.
+:LspDiag highlight enable
+ Enable highlighting lines with a diagnostic message
+ for the current Vim session.
+:LspDiag last Jump to the last diagnostic message for the current
+ buffer.
+:LspDiag next Jump to the next diagnostic message for the current
+ buffer after the current cursor position.
+:LspDiag nextWrap Jump to the next diagnostic message for the current
+ buffer after the current cursor position.
+ Wrap back to the first message when no more messages
+ are found.
+:LspDiag prev Jump to the previous diagnostic message for the
+ current buffer before the current current position.
+:LspDiag prevWrap Jump to the previous diagnostic message for the
+ current buffer before the current current position.
+ Wrap back to the last message when no previous
+ messages are found.
+:LspDiag show Display the diagnostics messages from the language
+ server for the current buffer in a location list.
+:LspDocumentSymbol Display the symbols in the current file in a popup
+ menu and jump to the location of a selected symbol.
+:LspFold Fold the current file
+:LspFormat Format a range of lines in the current file using the
+ language server. The default range is the entire
+ file. See |lsp-format| for more information.
+:LspGotoDeclaration Go to the declaration of the symbol under cursor
+:LspGotoDefinition Go to the definition of the symbol under cursor
+:LspGotoImpl Go to the implementation of the symbol under cursor
+:LspGotoTypeDef Go to the type definition of the symbol under cursor
+:LspHighlight Highlight all the matches for the keyword under cursor
+:LspHighlightClear Clear all the matches highlighted by :LspHighlight
+:LspHover Show the documentation for the symbol under the cursor
+ in a popup window.
+:LspIncomingCalls Display the list of symbols calling the current symbol
+ in a window.
+:LspInlayHints Enable or disable inlay hints.
+:LspOutgoingCalls Display the list of symbols called by the current
+ symbol in a window.
+:LspOutline Show the list of symbols defined in the current file
+ in a separate window.
+:LspPeekDeclaration Open the declaration of the symbol under cursor in a
+ popup window.
+:LspPeekDefinition Open the definition of the symbol under cursor in a
+ popup window.
+:LspPeekImpl Open the implementation of the symbol under cursor in
+ a popup window.
+:LspPeekReferences Display the list of references to the symbol under
+ cursor in a popup window.
+:LspPeekTypeDef Open the type definition of the symbol under cursor in
+ a popup window.
+:LspRename Rename the current symbol
+:LspSelectionExpand Expand the current symbol range visual selection
+:LspSelectionShrink Shrink the current symbol range visual selection
+:LspServer Command to display the status and messages from a
+ language server and to restart the language server.
+:LspShowAllServers Display the status of all the registered language
+ servers.
+:LspShowReferences Display the list of references to the keyword under
+ cursor in a new location list.
+:LspShowSignature Display the signature of the symbol under cursor.
+:LspSubTypeHierarchy Display the sub type hierarchy in a popup window.
+:LspSuperTypeHierarchy Display the super type hierarchy in a popup window.
+:LspSwitchSourceHeader Switch between a source and a header file.
+:LspSymbolSearch Perform a workspace wide search for a symbol
+:LspWorkspaceAddFolder {folder}
+ Add a folder to the workspace
+ Show the list of folders in the workspace
+:LspWorkspaceRemoveFolder {folder}
+ Remove a folder from the workspace
+4. Configuration *lsp-configuration*
+ *LspAddServer()* *g:LspAddServer()*
+To use the plugin features with a particular file type(s), you need to first
+register a language server for that file type(s).
+To register one or more language servers, use the LspAddServer() function with
+a list of lanaguge server details in the .vimrc file.
+To register a language server, add the following lines to your .vimrc file
+(use only the language servers that you need from the below list).
+If you used [vim-plug]( to install the
+LSP plugin, the steps are described later in this section: >
+ vim9script
+ var lspServers = [
+ {
+ name: 'typescriptls',
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pythonls',
+ filetype: 'python',
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/pyls',
+ args: ['--check-parent-process', '-v']
+ }
+ ]
+ LspAddServer(lspServers)
+Depending on the location of the typescript and python pyls language servers
+installed in your system, update the "path" in the above snippet
+Another example, for adding the language servers for the C, C++, Golang, Rust,
+Shell script, Vim script and PHP file types: >
+ vim9script
+ var lspServers = [
+ {
+ name: 'clangd',
+ filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/clangd',
+ args: ['--background-index']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'golang',
+ filetype: ['go', 'gomod', 'gohtmltmpl', 'gotexttmpl'],
+ path: '/path/to/.go/bin/gopls',
+ args: [],
+ syncInit: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'rustls',
+ filetype: ['rust'],
+ path: '/path/to/.cargo/bin/rust-analyzer',
+ args: [],
+ syncInit: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'bashls',
+ filetype: 'sh',
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/bash-language-server',
+ args: ['start']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'vimls',
+ filetype: ['vim'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/vim-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'phpls',
+ filetype: ['php'],
+ path': '/usr/local/bin/intelephense',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ syncInit: true,
+ initializationOptions: {
+ licenceKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ LspAddServer(lspServers)
+To add a language server, the following information is needed:
+ *lsp-cfg-name*
+ name (Optional) name of the language server. Can by any
+ string. Used in LSP messages and log files.
+ *lsp-cfg-path*
+ path complete path to the language server executable
+ (without any arguments).
+ *lsp-cfg-args*
+ args a |List| of command-line arguments passed to the
+ language server. Each space separated language server
+ command-line argument is a separate List item.
+ *lsp-cfg-filetype*
+ filetype One or more file types supported by the language
+ server. This can be a |String| or a |List|. To
+ specify multiple file types, use a List.
+ *lsp-cfg-initializationOptions*
+ initializationOptions
+ (Optional) for lsp servers (e.g. intelephense) some
+ additional initialization options may be required
+ or useful for initialization. Those can be provided in
+ this dictionary and if present will be transmitted to
+ the lsp server.
+ *lsp-cfg-workspaceConfig*
+ workspaceConfig (Optional) a json encodable value that will be sent to
+ the language server after initialization as the
+ "settings" in a "workspace/didChangeConfiguration"
+ notification. Refer to the language server
+ documentation for the values that will be accepted in
+ this notification. This configuration is also used to
+ respond to the "workspace/configuration" request
+ message from the language server.
+ *lsp-cfg-rootSearch*
+ rootSearch (Optional) a List of file and directory names used to
+ locate the root path or uri of the workspace. The
+ directory names in "rootSearch" must end in "/" or
+ "\". Each file and directory name in "rootSearch" is
+ searched upwards in all the parent directories. If
+ multiple directories are found, then the directory
+ closest to the directory of the current buffer is used
+ as the workspace root.
+ If this parameter is not specified or the files are
+ not found, then the current working directory is used
+ as the workspace root for decendent files, for any
+ other files the parent directory of the file is used.
+ *lsp-cfg-runIfSearch*
+ runIfSearch (Optional) a List of file and directory names used to
+ determinate if a server should run or not. The
+ directory names in "runIfSearch" must end in "/" or
+ "\". Each file and directory name in "runIfSearch" is
+ searched upwards in all the parent directories.
+ Exactly like |lsp-cfg-rootSearch|.
+ If a file or directory is found then the server will
+ be started, otherwise it will not.
+ If this parameter is not specified or is an empty
+ list, then the server will be started unless
+ |lsp-cfg-runUnlessSearch| prevents it.
+ *lsp-cfg-runUnlessSearch*
+ runUnlessSearch (Optional) Opposite of |lsp-cfg-runIfSearch|.
+Additionally the following configurations can be made:
+ *lsp-cfg-customNotificationHandlers*
+ customNotificationHandlers
+ (Optional) some lsp servers (e.g.
+ typescript-language-server) will send additional
+ notifications which you might want to silence or
+ handle. The provided notification handlers will be
+ called with a reference to the "lspserver" and the
+ "reply". >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([{
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ customNotificationHandlers: {
+ '$/typescriptVersion': (lspserver, reply) => {
+ echom printf("TypeScript Version = %s",
+ reply.params.version)
+ }
+ }
+ }])
+ *lsp-cfg-customRequestHandlers*
+ customRequestHandlers
+ (Optional) some lsp servers will send additional
+ request replies which you might want to silence or
+ handle. The provided request handlers will be called
+ with a reference to the "lspserver" and the "request".
+ features *lsp-cfg-features*
+ (Optional) toggle which features should be enabled for
+ a given language server. See |lsp-multiple-servers|
+ and |lsp-features| for more information.
+ forceOffsetEncoding *lsp-cfg-forceOffsetEncoding*
+ (Optional) a |String| value that forces the use of a
+ specific offset encoding in LSP messages. If this
+ option is not specified, then the UTF offset encoding
+ is negotiated with the server during initialization.
+ Supported values are 'utf-8' or 'utf-16' or 'utf-32'.
+ The Vim native offset encoding is 'utf-32'. For the
+ 'utf-8' and 'utf-16' encodings, the offsets need to be
+ encoded and decoded in every LSP message and will
+ incur some overhead.
+ *lsp-cfg-omnicompl*
+ omnicompl (Optional) a boolean value that enables (true)
+ or disables (false) omni-completion for these file
+ types. By default this is set to "v:true". This value
+ is applicable only if auto completion is disabled
+ (|lsp-opt-autoComplete|).
+ *lsp-cfg-processDiagHandler*
+ processDiagHandler
+ (Optional) A |Funcref| or |lambda| that takes a list
+ of language server diagnostics and returns a new list
+ of filtered, or otherwise changed diagnostics. Can be
+ used to remove unwanted diagnostics, prefix the
+ diagnostics text, etc. The following example will
+ remove all but errors and warnings: >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([{
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ processDiagHandler: (diags: list<dict<any>>) => {
+ # Only include errors and warnings
+ return diags->filter((diag, ix) => {
+ return diag.severity <= 2
+ })
+ },
+ }])
+ And this example will prefix the diagnostic message
+ with the string "TypeScript: ": >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([{
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ processDiagHandler: (diags: list<dict<any>>) => {
+ return diags->map((diag, ix) => {
+ diag.message = $'TypeScript: {diag.message}'
+ return diag
+ })
+ },
+ }])
+ *lsp-cfg-syncInit*
+ syncInit (Optional) for language servers (e.g. rust analyzer,
+ gopls, etc.) that take time to initialize and reply to
+ a "initialize" request message this should be set to
+ "true". If this is set to true, then a synchronous
+ call is used to initialize the language server,
+ otherwise the server is initialized asynchronously.
+ By default this is set to "false".
+ *lsp-cfg-debug*
+ debug (Optional) log the messages printed by this language
+ server in stdout and stderr to a file. Useful for
+ debugging a language server. By default the
+ messages are not logged. See |lsp-debug| for more
+ information.
+ *lsp-cfg-traceLevel*
+ traceLevel (Optional) set the debug trace level for this language
+ server. Supported values are: "off", "debug" and
+ "verbose". By default this is seto "off".
+The language servers are added using the LspAddServer() function. This
+function accepts a list of language servers with the above information.
+If you used [vim-plug]( to install the
+LSP plugin, then you need to use the LspSetup User autocmd to initialize the
+language server and to set the language server options. For example: >
+ vim9script
+ var lspOpts = {autoHighlightDiags: true}
+ autocmd User LspSetup LspOptionsSet(lspOpts)
+ var lspServers = [
+ {
+ name: 'clangd',
+ filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/clangd',
+ args: ['--background-index']
+ }
+ ]
+ autocmd User LspSetup LspAddServer(lspServers)
+ *lsp-options* *LspOptionsSet()*
+ *g:LspOptionsSet()*
+Some of the LSP plugin features can be enabled or disabled by using the
+LspOptionsSet() function. This function accepts a dictionary argument with the
+following optional items:
+ *lsp-opt-aleSupport*
+aleSupport |Boolean| option. If true, diagnostics will be sent to
+ Ale, instead of being displayed by this plugin.
+ This is useful to combine all LSP and linter
+ diagnostics. By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-autoComplete*
+autoComplete |Boolean| option. In insert mode, automatically
+ complete the current symbol. Otherwise use
+ omni-completion. By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-autoHighlight*
+autoHighlight |Boolean| option. In normal mode, automatically
+ highlight all the occurrences of the symbol under the
+ cursor. By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-autoHighlightDiags*
+autoHighlightDiags |Boolean| option. Automatically place signs on the
+ lines with a diagnostic message from the language
+ server. By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-autoPopulateDiags*
+autoPopulateDiags |Boolean| option. Automatically populate the location
+ list with diagnostics from the language server.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-completionMatcher*
+completionMatcher |String| option. Enable fuzzy or case insensitive
+ completion for language servers that replies with a
+ full list of completion items. Some language servers
+ does completion filtering in the server, while other
+ relies on the client to do the filtering.
+ This option only works for language servers that
+ expect the client to filter the completion items.
+ This option accepts one of the following values:
+ case - case sensitive matching (default).
+ fuzzy - fuzzy match completion items.
+ icase - ignore case when matching items.
+ *lsp-opt-completionTextEdit*
+completionTextEdit |Boolean| option. If true, apply the LSP server
+ supplied text edits after a completion. If a snippet
+ plugin is going to apply the text edits, then set
+ this to false to avoid applying the text edits twice.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-completionKinds*
+completionKinds |Dictionary| option. See |lsp-custom-kinds| for all
+ completion kind names.
+ *lsp-opt-customCompletionKinds*
+customCompletionKinds |Boolean| option. If you set this to true, you can
+ set custom completion kinds using the option
+ completionKinds.
+ *lsp-opt-diagSignErrorText*
+diagSignErrorText |String| option. Change diag sign text for errors
+ By default 'E>'
+ *lsp-opt-diagSignHintText*
+diagSignHintText |String| option. Change diag sign text for hints
+ By default 'H>',
+ *lsp-opt-diagSignInfoText*
+diagSignInfoText |String| option. Change diag sign text for info
+ By default 'I>',
+ *lsp-opt-diagSignWarningText*
+diagSignWarningText |String| option. Change diag sign text for warnings
+ By default 'W>',
+ *lsp-opt-diagVirtualTextAlign*
+diagVirtualTextAlign |String| option. Alignment of diagnostics messages
+ if |lsp-opt-showDiagWithVirtualText| is set to true.
+ Allowed values are 'above', 'below' or 'after'
+ By default this is set to 'above',
+ *lsp-opt-diagVirtualTextWrap*
+diagVirtualTextWrap |String| option. Wrapping of diagnostics messages
+ if |lsp-opt-showDiagWithVirtualText| is set to true.
+ Allowed values are 'default', 'wrap' or 'truncate'
+ By default this is set to 'default',
+ *lsp-opt-echoSignature*
+echoSignature |Boolean| option. In insert mode, echo the current
+ symbol signature instead of showing it in a popup.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-hideDisabledCodeActions*
+hideDisabledCodeActions |Boolean| option. Hide all the disabled code actions.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-highlightDiagInline*
+highlightDiagInline |Boolean| option. Highlight the diagnostics inline.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-hoverInPreview*
+hoverInPreview |Boolean| option. Show |:LspHover| in a preview window
+ instead of a popup.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-ignoreMissingServer*
+ignoreMissingServer |Boolean| option. Do not print a missing language
+ server executable. By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-keepFocusInDiags*
+keepFocusInDiags |Boolean| option. Focus on the location list window
+ after ":LspDiag show".
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-keepFocusInReferences*
+keepFocusInReferences |Boolean| option. Focus on the location list window
+ after LspShowReferences.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-noNewlineInCompletion*
+noNewlineInCompletion |Boolean| option. Suppress adding a new line on
+ completion selection with <CR>.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-omniComplete*
+omniComplete |Boolean| option. Enables or disables omni-completion.
+ By default this is set to v:false. If "autoComplete"
+ is set to v:false, then omni-completion is enabled by
+ default. By setting "omniComplete" option to v:false,
+ omni-completion can also be disabled.
+ *lsp-opt-outlineOnRight*
+outlineOnRight |Boolean| option. Open the outline window on the
+ right side, by default this is false.
+ *lsp-opt-outlineWinSize*
+outlineWinSize |Number| option. The size of the symbol Outline
+ window. By default this is set to 20.
+ *lsp-opt-semanticHighlight*
+semanticHighlight |Boolean| option. Enables or disables semantic
+ highlighting.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagInBalloon*
+showDiagInBalloon |Boolean| option. When the mouse is over a range of
+ text referenced by a diagnostic, display the
+ diagnostic text in a balloon. By default this is set
+ to true. In a GUI Vim, this needs the |+balloon_eval|
+ feature. In a terminal Vim, this needs the
+ |+balloon_eval_term| feature. In a terminal Vim,
+ 'mouse' option should be set to enable mouse.
+ If this option is set to true, then the 'ballooneval'
+ and 'balloonevalterm' options are set.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagInPopup*
+showDiagInPopup |Boolean| option. When using the ":LspDiag current"
+ command to display the diagnostic message for the
+ current line, use a popup window to display the
+ message instead of echoing in the status area.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagOnStatusLine*
+showDiagOnStatusLine |Boolean| option. Show a diagnostic message on a
+ status line. By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagWithSign*
+showDiagWithSign |Boolean| option. Place a sign on lines with
+ diagnostics. By default this is set to true. The
+ "autoHighlightDiags" option should be set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagWithVirtualText*
+showDiagWithVirtualText |Boolean| option. Show diagnostic message text from
+ the language server with virtual text. By default
+ this is set to false. The "autoHighlightDiags" option
+ should be set to true.
+ Needs Vim version 9.0.1157 or later.
+ *lsp-opt-showInlayHints*
+showInlayHints |Boolean| option. Show inlay hints from the language
+ server. By default this is set to false. The inlay
+ hint text is displayed as a virtual text. Needs Vim
+ version 9.0.0178 or later.
+ *lsp-opt-showSignature*
+showSignature |Boolean| option. In insert mode, automatically show
+ the current symbol signature in a popup.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-snippetSupport*
+snippetSupport |Boolean| option. Enable snippet completion support.
+ Need a snippet completion plugin like vim-vsnip.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-ultisnipsSupport*
+ultisnipsSupport |Boolean| option. Enable SirVer/ultisnips support.
+ Need a snippet completion plugin SirVer/ultisnips.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-vssnipSupport*
+vsnipSupport |Boolean| option. Enable hrsh7th/vim-vsnip support.
+ Need snippet completion plugins hrsh7th/vim-vsnip
+ and hrsh7th/vim-vsnip-integ. Make sure
+ ultisnipsSupport is set to false before enabling this.
+ By default this option is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-usePopupInCodeAction*
+usePopupInCodeAction |Boolean| option. When using the |:LspCodeAction|
+ command to display the code action for the current
+ line, use a popup menu instead of echoing.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-useQuickfixForLocations*
+useQuickfixForLocations |Boolean| option. Show |:LspShowReferences| in a
+ quickfix list instead of a location list.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-useBufferCompletion*
+useBufferCompletion |Boolean| option. If enabled, the words from the
+ current buffer are added to the auto completion list.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-bufferCompletionTimeout*
+bufferCompletionTimeout |Number| option. Specifies how long (in milliseconds)
+ to wait while processing current buffer for
+ autocompletion words. If set too high Vim performance
+ may degrade as the current buffer contents are
+ processed every time the completion menu is displayed.
+ If set to 0 the entire buffer is processed without
+ regard to timeout.
+ By default this is set to 100 ms.
+ *lsp-opt-filterCompletionDuplicates*
+filterCompletionDuplicates |Boolean| option. If enabled, duplicate completion
+ items sent from the server will be filtered to only
+ include one instance of the duplicates.
+For example, to disable the automatic placement of signs for the LSP
+diagnostic messages, you can add the following line to your .vimrc file: >
+ call LspOptionsSet({'autoHighlightDiags': false})
+ *LspOptionsGet()*
+The LspOptionsGet() function returns a |Dict| of all the LSP plugin options,
+To get a particular option value you can use the following: >
+ echo LspOptionsGet()['autoHighlightDiags']
+5. Commands *lsp-commands*
+A description of the various commands provided by this plugin is below. You
+can map these commands to keys and make it easier to invoke them.
+ *:LspCodeAction*
+:LspCodeAction [query] Apply the code action supplied by the language server
+ to the diagnostic in the current line. This works only
+ if there is a diagnostic message for the current line.
+ You can use the ":LspDiag current" command to display
+ the diagnostic for the current line.
+ When [query] is given the code action starting with
+ [query] will be applied. [query] can be a regexp
+ pattern, or a digit corresponding to the index of the
+ code actions in the created prompt.
+ When [query] is not given you will be prompted to
+ select one of the actions supplied by the language
+ server.
+ *:LspCodeLens*
+:LspCodeLens Display a list of code lens commands available for the
+ current buffer and apply the selected code lens
+ command.
+ *:LspDiag-current*
+:LspDiag current Displays the diagnostic message (if any) for the
+ current line. If the option 'showDiagInPopup' is set
+ to true (default), then the message is displayed in
+ a popup window. Otherwise the message is displayed in
+ the status message area.
+:LspDiag! current Only display a diagnostic message if it's directly
+ under the cursor. Otherwise works exactly like
+ ":LspDiag current"
+ To show the current diagnotic under the cursor while
+ moving around the following autocmd can be used: >
+ augroup LspCustom
+ au!
+ au CursorMoved * silent! LspDiag! current
+ augroup END
+ *:LspDiag-first*
+:LspDiag first Jumps to the location of the first diagnostic message
+ for the current file.
+ *:LspDiag-here*
+:LspDiag here Jumps to the location of the diagnostic message in
+ the current line (start from current column).
+:LspDiag highlight disable *:LspDiag-highlight-disable*
+ Disable highlighting lines with a diagnostic message
+ for the current Vim session.
+ To always disable the highlighting, set the
+ autoHighlightDiags option to false.
+:LspDiag highlight enable *:LspDiag-highlight-enable*
+ Enable highlighting lines with a diagnostic message
+ for the current Vim session. Note that highlighting
+ lines with a diagnostic message is enabled by default.
+ *:LspDiag-last*
+:LspDiag last Jumps to the location of the first diagnostic message
+ for the current file.
+ *:LspDiag-next*
+:[count]LspDiag next Go to the [count] diagnostic message after the current
+ cursor position. If [count] is omitted, then 1 is
+ used. If [count] exceeds the number of diagnostics
+ after the current position, then the last diagnostic
+ is selected.
+ *:LspDiag-prev*
+:[count]LspDiag prev Go to the [count] diagnostic message before the
+ current cursor position. If [count] is omitted, then
+ 1 is used. If [count] exceeds the number of
+ diagnostics before the current position, then first
+ last diagnostic is selected.
+ *:LspDiag-show*
+:LspDiag show Creates a new location list with the diagnostics
+ messages (if any) from the language server for the
+ current file and opens the location list window. You
+ can use the Vim location list commands to browse the
+ list.
+ *:LspDocumentSymbol*
+:LspDocumentSymbol Display the symbols in the current file in a popup
+ menu. When a symbol is selected in the popup menu by
+ pressing <Enter> or <Space>, jump to the location of
+ the symbol.
+ The <Up>, <Down>, <Tab>, <S-Tab>, <C-N>, <C-P>,
+ <ScrollWheelUp>, ScrollWheelDown> keys can be used to
+ scroll popup menu one item at a time. <PageUp> and
+ <PageDown> can be used to scroll a page of popup
+ window, while <C-F> and <C-B> can be used to scroll a
+ page of underlying window. The <Esc> or <Ctrl-C> keys
+ can be used to cancel the popup menu.
+ If one or more keyword characters are typed, then only
+ the symbols containing the keyword characters are
+ displayed in the popup menu. Fuzzy searching is used
+ to get the list of matching symbols. The <BS> key can
+ be used to erase the last typed character. The <C-U>
+ key can be used to erase all the characters.
+ When scrolling through the symbols in the popup menu,
+ the corresponding range of lines is highlighted.
+ *:LspFold*
+:LspFold Create folds for the current buffer.
+ *:LspFormat*
+:LspFormat Format the current file using the language server. The
+ 'shiftwidth' and 'expandtab' values set for the
+ current buffer are used when format is applied.
+:{range}LspFormat Format the specified range of lines in the current
+ file using the language server.
+ *:LspGotoDeclaration*
+ Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the
+ cursor. The behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspGotoDefinition| command.
+ *:LspGotoDefinition*
+ Jumps to the [count] definition of the symbol under
+ the cursor. If there are multiple matches and [count]
+ isn't specified, then a location list will be created
+ with the list of locations.
+ If there is only one location, or [count] is provided
+ then the following will apply:
+ If the file is already present in a window, then jumps
+ to that window. Otherwise, opens the file in a new
+ window. If the current buffer is modified and
+ 'hidden' is not set or if the current buffer is a
+ special buffer, then a new window is opened. If the
+ jump is successful, then the current cursor location
+ is pushed onto the tag stack. The |CTRL-T| command
+ can be used to go back up the tag stack. Also the
+ |``| mark is set to the position before the jump.
+ This command supports |:command-modifiers|. You can
+ use the modifiers to specify whether a new window or
+ a new tab page is used and where the window is opened.
+ Example(s): >
+ # Open a horizontally split window
+ :topleft LspGotoDefinition
+ # Open a vertically split window
+ :vert LspGotoDefinition
+ # Open a new tab page
+ :tab LspGotoDefinition
+ You may want to map a key to invoke this command: >
+ nnoremap <buffer> gd <Cmd>LspGotoDefinition<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <C-W>gd <Cmd>topleft LspGotoDefinition<CR>
+ Or if you want to support [count]gd >
+ nnoremap <buffer> gd <Cmd>execute v:count .. 'LspGotoDefinition'<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <C-W>gd <Cmd>execute 'topleft ' .. v:count .. 'LspGotoDefinition'<CR>
+ *:LspGotoImpl*
+:[count]LspGotoImpl Jumps to the implementation of the symbol under the
+ cursor. The behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspGotoDefinition| command. Note that not all the
+ language servers support this feature.
+ You may want to map a key to invoke this command: >
+ nnoremap <buffer> gi <Cmd>LspGotoImpl<CR>
+ *:LspGotoTypeDef*
+:[count]LspGotoTypeDef Jumps to the type definition of the symbol under the
+ cursor. The behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspGotoDefinition| command. Note that not all the
+ language servers support this feature.
+ You may want to map a key to invoke this command: >
+ nnoremap <buffer> gt <Cmd>LspGotoTypeDef<CR>
+ *:LspHighlight*
+:LspHighlight Highlights all the matches for the symbol under
+ cursor. The text, read and write references to the
+ symbol are highlighted using Search, DiffChange and
+ DiffDelete highlight groups respectively.
+ *:LspHighlightClear*
+:LspHighlightClear Clears all the symbol matches highlighted by the
+ |:LspHighlight| command.
+ *:LspHover*
+:LspHover Show the documentation for the symbol under the cursor
+ in a popup window. The following keys can be used to
+ scroll the popup window:
+ <CTRL-E> - Scroll window downwards by a line.
+ <CTRL-D> - Scroll window downwards by 'scroll'
+ lines.
+ <CTRL-F> - Scroll window downards by a page.
+ <PageDown> - ditto.
+ <CTRL-Y> - Scroll window upwards by a line.
+ <CTRL-U> - Scroll window upwards by 'scroll'
+ lines.
+ <CTRL-B> - Scroll window upwards by a page.
+ <PageUp> - ditto.
+ <CTRL-Home> - Goto the first line
+ <CTRL-End> - Goto the last line
+ Pressing any other key will close the popup window.
+ If you want to show the symbol documentation in the
+ |preview-window| instead of in a popup window set >
+ LspOptionsSet({'hoverInPreview': true})
+ You can use the |:pclose| command to close the preview
+ window.
+ You can use the |K| key in normal mode to display the
+ documentation for the keyword under the cursor by
+ setting the 'keywordprg' Vim option: >
+ :set keywordprg=:LspHover
+ *:LspIncomingCalls*
+:LspIncomingCalls Display a hierarchy of symbols calling the symbol
+ under the cursor in a window. See
+ |lsp-call-hierarchy| for more information. Note that
+ not all the language servers support this feature.
+ *:LspInlayHints*
+:LspInlayHints Enable or disable inlay hints. Supports the "enable"
+ and "disable" arguments. When "enable" is specified,
+ enables the inlay hints for all the buffers with a
+ language server that supports inlay hints. When
+ "disable" is specified, disables the inlay hints.
+ *:LspOutoingCalls*
+:LspOutgoingCalls Display a hierarchy of symbols called by the symbol
+ under the cursor in a window. See
+ |lsp-call-hierarchy| for more information. Note that
+ not all the language servers support this feature.
+ *:LspOutline*
+:[count]LspOutline Opens a vertically split window with the list of
+ symbols defined in the current file. The current
+ symbol is highlighted. The symbols are grouped by
+ their type. You can select a symbol and press <Enter>
+ to jump to the position of the symbol. As you move the
+ cursor in a file, the current symbol is automatically
+ highlighted in the outline window. If you open a new
+ file, the outline window is automatically updated with
+ the symbols in the new file. Folds are created in the
+ outline window for the various group of symbols.
+ You can use |lsp-opt-outlineOnRight| and
+ |lsp-opt-outlineWinSize| to customize the placement
+ and size of the window.
+ This command also supports |:command-modifiers|. You
+ can use the modifiers specify the position of the
+ window. Note that the default is ":vert :topleft" or
+ ":vert :botright" depending on
+ |lsp-opt-outlineOnRight|
+ This command also supports providing a [count] to
+ specify the size of the window. Note that this
+ overrides the values defined in
+ |lsp-opt-outlineWinSize|.
+ Example: >
+ # Open the outline window just above the current
+ # window
+ :aboveleft LspOutline
+ # Open the outline window just next to the current
+ # window, this is different from the default, when
+ # you have multiple splits already
+ :vert aboveleft LspOutline
+ # Same as above, but with a width of 50
+ :vert aboveleft 50LspOutline
+ *:LspPeekDeclaration*
+ Displays the line where the symbol under the
+ cursor is declared in a popup window. The
+ behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspPeekDefinition| command.
+ *:LspPeekDefinition*
+ Displays the line where the symbol under the cursor is
+ defined in a popup window. The symbol is highlighted
+ in the popup window. Moving the cursor or pressing
+ <Esc> will close the popup window.
+ When more than one symbol is found all of them will be
+ shown. The corresponding file for the symbol is
+ displayed in another popup window. As the selection
+ in the symbol popup menu changes, the file in the
+ popup is updated.
+ When [count] is provided only the [count] symbol will
+ be shown.
+ *:LspPeekImpl*
+:[count]LspPeekImpl Displays the implementation of the symbol under the
+ cursor in a popup window. The behavior of this
+ command is similar to the |:LspPeekDefinition|
+ command. Note that not all the language servers
+ support this feature.
+ *:LspPeekReferences*
+:LspPeekReferences Displays the list of references to the symbol under
+ cursor in a popup menu. The corresponding file for
+ the reference is displayed in another popup window.
+ As the selection in the reference popup menu changes,
+ the file in the popup is updated.
+ *:LspPeekTypeDef*
+:[count]LspPeekTypeDef Displays the line where the type of the symbol under
+ the cursor is defined in a popup window. The
+ behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspPeekDefinition| command. Note that not all the
+ language servers support this feature.
+ *:LspRename*
+:LspRename [newName] Rename the current symbol.
+ When [newName] is not given, then you will be prompted
+ to enter the new name for the symbol. You can press
+ <Esc> or enter an empty string in the prompt to cancel
+ the operation.
+ *:LspSelectionExpand*
+:LspSelectionExpand Visually select the region of the symbol under the
+ cursor. In visual mode, expands the current symbol
+ visual region selection to include the next level.
+ For example, if the cursor is on a "for" statement,
+ this command selects the "for" statement and the body
+ of the "for" statement.
+ It is useful to create a visual map to use this
+ command. Example: >
+ xnoremap <silent> <Leader>e <Cmd>LspSelectionExpand<CR>
+ With the above map, you can press "\e" in visual mode
+ successively to expand the current symbol visual
+ region.
+ *:LspSelectionShrink*
+:LspSelectionShrink Shrink the current symbol range visual selection. It
+ is useful to create a visual map to use this command.
+ Example: >
+ xnoremap <silent> <Leader>s <Cmd>LspSelectionShrink<CR>
+ With the above map, you can press "\s" in visual mode
+ successively to shrink the current symbol visual
+ region.
+ *:LspServer*
+:LspServer { debug | restart | show | trace }
+ Command to display and control the language server for
+ the current buffer. Each argument has additional
+ sub-commands which are described below.
+ debug { on | off | messages | errors }
+ Command to enable or disable the language server
+ debug messages and to display the debug messages
+ and error messages received from the language
+ server. The following sub-commands are supported:
+ errors Open the log file containing the
+ language server error messages.
+ messages
+ Open the log file containing the
+ language server debug messages.
+ off Disable the logging of the language
+ server messages.
+ on Enable the logging of the messages
+ emitted by the language server in the
+ standard output and standard error.
+ By default, the language server messages are not
+ logged. On a Unix-like system, when enabled,
+ these messages are logged to the
+ /tmp/lsp-<server-name>.log and
+ /tmp/lsp-<server-name>.err file respectively. On
+ MS-Windows, the %TEMP%/lsp-<server-name>.log and
+ %TEMP%/lsp-<server-name>.err% files are used. See
+ |lsp-debug| for more information.
+ restart
+ Restart (stop and then start) the language server
+ for the current buffer. All the loaded buffers
+ with the same filetype as the current buffer are
+ added back to the server.
+ show {capabilities | initializeRequest | messages
+ | status}
+ The following sub-commands are supported:
+ capabilities
+ Display the list of language server
+ capabilities for the current buffer.
+ The server capabilities are described
+ in the LSP protocol specification
+ under the "ServerCapabilities"
+ interface.
+ initializeRequest
+ Display the contents of the language
+ server initialization request message
+ (initialize).
+ messages
+ Display the log messages received from
+ the language server. This includes
+ the messages received using the
+ "window/logMessage" and "$/logTrace"
+ LSP notifications.
+ status
+ Display the language server status for
+ the current buffer. The output shows
+ the path to the language server
+ executable and the server status.
+ trace { off | messages | verbose }
+ Set the language server debug trace value using
+ the "$/setTrace" command.
+ *:LspShowAllServers*
+:LspShowAllServers Displays the list of registered language servers and
+ their status. The language servers are registered
+ using the LspAddServer() function. The output is
+ displayed in a scratch buffer. The output shows the
+ Vim file type, the corresponding language server
+ status and the path to the language server executable.
+ The language server information for each buffer is
+ also shown.
+ *:LspShowReferences*
+:LspShowReferences Creates a new location list with the list of locations
+ where the symbol under the cursor is referenced and
+ opens the location window. If you want to show the
+ references in a quickfix list instead of in a location
+ list set >
+ LspOptionsSet({'useQuickfixForLocations': true})
+ *:LspShowSignature*
+:LspShowSignature Displays the signature of the symbol (e.g. a function
+ or method) before the cursor in a popup.
+ The popup is also automatically displayed in insert
+ mode after entering a symbol name followed by a
+ separator (e.g. a opening parenthesis). To disable
+ this, you can set the showSignature option to false in
+ your .vimrc file: >
+ LspOptionsSet({'showSignature': false})
+ Default is true.
+ You can get the function signature echoed in cmdline
+ rather than displayed in popup if you use >
+ LspOptionsSet({'echoSignature': true})
+ Default is false.
+ *:LspSubTypeHierarchy*
+:LspSubTypeHierarchy Show the sub type hierarchy for the symbol under the
+ cursor in a popup window. The file containing the
+ type is shown in another popup window. You can jump
+ to the location where a type is defined by browsing
+ the popup menu and selecting an entry.
+ *:LspSuperTypeHierarchy*
+:LspSuperTypeHierarchy Show the super type hierarchy for the symbol under the
+ cursor in a popup window. The file containing the
+ type is shown in another popup window. As the current
+ entry in the type hierarchy popup menu changes, the
+ file popup window is updated to show the location
+ where the type is defined. You can jump to the
+ location where a type is defined by selecting the
+ entry in the popup menu.
+ Note that the type hierarchy support is based on the
+ protocol supported by clangd. This is different from
+ the one specified in the 3.17 of the LSP standard.
+ *:LspSwitchSourceHeader*
+:LspSwitchSourceHeader Switch between source and header files. This is a
+ Clangd specific extension and only works with C/C++
+ source files.
+ *:LspSymbolSearch*
+:LspSymbolSearch <sym> Perform a workspace wide search for the symbol <sym>.
+ If <sym> is not supplied, then you will be prompted to
+ enter the symbol name (the keyword under the cursor is
+ used as the default). If there is only one matching
+ symbol, then the cursor will be positioned at the
+ symbol location. Otherwise a popup window is opened
+ with the list of matching symbols. You can enter a
+ few characters to narrow down the list of matches. The
+ displayed symbol name can be erased by pressing
+ <Backspace> or <C-U> and a new symbol search pattern
+ can be entered. You can close the popup menu by
+ pressing the escape key or by pressing CTRL-C.
+ In the popup menu, the following keys can be used:
+ CTRL-F - Scroll one page forward
+ <PageDown> - idem
+ CTRL-B - Scroll one page backward
+ <PageUp> - idem
+ CTRL-Home - Jump to the first entry
+ CTRL-End - Jump to the last entry
+ <Up> - Go up one entry
+ <C-P> - idem
+ <Down> - Go down one entry
+ <C-N> - idem
+ <Enter> - Open the selected file
+ <Esc> - Close the popup menu
+ <CTRL-C> - idem
+ <BS> - Erase one character from the
+ filter text
+ <C-H> - idem
+ <C-U> - Erase the filter text
+ Any other alphanumeric key will be used to narrow down
+ the list of names displayed in the popup menu. When
+ you type a filter string, then only the symbols fuzzy
+ matching the string are displayed in the popup menu.
+ You can enter a new search pattern to do a workspace
+ wide symbol search.
+ This command accepts |:command-modifiers| which can be
+ used to jump to a symbol in a horizontally or
+ vertically split window or a new tab page: >
+ :topleft LspSymbolSearch foo
+ :vert LspSymbolSearch bar
+ :tab LspSymbolSearch baz
+ *:LspWorkspaceAddFolder*
+:LspWorkspaceAddFolder {folder}
+ Add a folder to the workspace
+:LspWorkspaceListFolders *:LspWorkspaceListFolders*
+ Show the list of folders in the workspace.
+ *:LspWorkspaceRemoveFolder*
+:LspWorkspaceRemoveFolder {folder}
+ Remove a folder from the workspace
+6. Insert Mode Completion *lsp-ins-mode-completion*
+By default, when you are in insert mode, the LSP plugin will automatically
+display suggestions for the symbol under the cursor in an insert-completion
+popup menu. The keys specified in |popupmenu-keys| can be used to interact
+with this menu.
+To disable this auto-completion feature for all files, you can set the
+"autoComplete" option to false in your .vimrc file using the |LspOptionsSet()|
+function: >
+ call LspOptionsSet({'autoComplete': false})
+By setting the "autoComplete" option to |v:false|, the LSP plugin will no
+longer automatically trigger completion suggestions in insert mode. Instead,
+it will use omni-completion (|compl-omni|) and set the 'omnifunc' option for
+buffers that have a registered language server. To manually trigger symbol
+completion in insert mode, you can press CTRL-X CTRL-O. This key combination
+will invoke completion using the suggestions provided by the language server.
+To enable omni-completion for all the buffers, set the "omniComplete" option
+to v:true. To explicitly disable omni-completion for all the buffers, set the
+"omniComplete" option to v:false (default).
+In addition to the general auto-completion behavior discussed above, you
+have the option to enable or disable omni-completion for a specific language
+server when registering it for a particular filetype.
+To do this, you can set the 'omnicompl' item to |v:false| in the configuration
+when registering the language server for the desired filetype. If the
+'omnicompl' item is not specified, omni-completion is enabled by default.
+Here's an example of how to disable omni-completion for Python: >
+ vim9script
+ var lspServers = [
+ {
+ filetype: 'python',
+ omnicompl: false,
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/pyls',
+ args: ['--check-parent-process', '-v']
+ }
+ ]
+In this example, the language server for Python is registered using the
+|LspAddServer()| function, and the 'omnicompl' item is explicitly set to
+|v:false|. As a result, omni-completion will be disabled for Python files
+associated with this language server.
+Please note that if 'omnicompl' is not included in the configuration
+when registering the language server, omni-completion will be enabled by
+In insert-mode completion, the plugin sends a completion request message to
+the language server and obtains a list of potential completion matches based
+on the current cursor position. To achieve this, the plugin retrieves the
+keyword immediately preceding the cursor (refer to 'iskeyword' setting) and
+then filters the list of completion items received from the language server
+based on this keyword. The resulting filtered list is displayed as the
+completion menu.
+It's worth noting that different language servers handle completion filtering
+in distinct ways. Some servers perform the filtering directly on the
+server-side, while others delegate this task to the client-side, which is the
+plugin in this context.
+By default, the plugin uses a case-sensitive comparison method to filter the
+returned completion items. However, you have the flexibility to customize this
+behavior by modifying the "completionMatcher" option. This option allows you
+to switch between case-insensitive or fuzzy comparison methods as per your
+preference and requirements for completion matching.
+In addition to automatic completion and omni completion, there is a
+possibility to utilize external completion engines with the LSP client. This
+can be achieved by repurposing the |g:LspOmniFunc| function. The external
+completion engine adapter needs to invoke this function twice, following the
+approach outlined in the |complete-functions| documentation.
+The process works as follows:
+1. First Invocation: The external completion engine adapter calls
+ |g:LspOmniFunc| to initiate a request to the LSP server for completion
+ candidates.
+2. After the first invocation, a request is sent to the LSP server to find
+ completion candidates.
+3. Second Invocation: The external completion engine adapter calls
+ |g:LspOmniFunc| again to retrieve the matches returned by the LSP server.
+4. If the LSP server is not ready to reply immediately, |g:LspOmniFunc| waits
+ for up to 2 seconds.
+5. However, this wait could block the caller from performing other tasks,
+ which might be a concern for asynchronous completion engines.
+6. To address this issue, the adapter can use the |g:LspOmniCompletePending|
+ function, which allows for a non-blocking check. It returns true
+ immediately if the language server is not ready to respond yet.
+7. To proceed with the second invocation of g:LspOmniFunc, it is crucial to
+ ensure that |g:LspOmniCompletePending| returns false, indicating that the
+ language server is now ready to provide the completion matches.
+7. Diagnostics *lsp-diagnostics*
+The LSP plugin offers a feature to highlight syntax errors, warnings, and
+static analysis warnings in a source file by placing signs in the sign column.
+These signs serve as visual indicators of the diagnostics reported by the
+language server.
+To interact with these diagnostics, you can use various commands provided by
+the LSP plugin:
+1. ":LspDiag show": This command displays all the diagnostic messages for the
+ current file in a location-list window. The location-list window allows
+ you to view a list of all the diagnostic messages, along with their
+ corresponding line numbers and descriptions.
+2. ":LspDiag first": Use this command to jump directly to the line containing
+ the first diagnostic message. It helps you quickly navigate to the
+ location of the initial issue detected by the language server.
+3. ":LspDiag next": With this command, you can navigate to the next nearest
+ line with a diagnostic message. It helps you step through the list of
+ diagnostics one by one.
+4. ":LspDiag prev": Conversely, this command allows you to jump to the
+ previous nearest line with a diagnostic message. It is useful for
+ reviewing diagnostics in reverse order.
+5. ":LspDiag here": If you want to focus solely on the diagnostic message for
+ the current line, you can use this command to jump directly to it.
+6. ":LspDiag current": This command displays the entire diagnostic message
+ from the language server for the current line. It provides detailed
+ information about the specific issue and its description.
+By using these commands, you can efficiently navigate and inspect the
+diagnostics reported by the language server, making it easier to identify and
+address syntax errors, warnings, or static analysis issues in your code.
+By default, the LSP plugin marks lines with diagnostic messages by placing a
+sign on them and highlighting the range of text associated with the
+diagnostic. However, you have the option to customize this behavior by
+adjusting certain configuration settings:
+1. Disabling Automatic Sign Placement: If you wish to prevent the automatic
+ placement of signs on lines with diagnostic messages, you can achieve this
+ by setting the "showDiagWithSign" option to |v:false|. By default, this
+ option is set to |v:true|, meaning that signs are automatically placed on
+ lines with diagnostics.
+2. Disabling Diagnostic Text Highlighting: If you prefer not to have the
+ diagnostic text highlighted, you can do so by setting the
+ "highlightDiagInline" option to |v:false|. By default, this option is set
+ to |v:true|, resulting in the highlighting of the text range associated
+ with each diagnostic.
+3. Highlight Group for Line with Diagnostics: The LSP plugin uses the
+ "LspDiagLine" highlight group to highlight lines containing diagnostics.
+ By default, this highlight group is not set, allowing you to define your
+ own highlighting style for lines with diagnostics if desired.
+In addition to the default display of the diagnostic messages with signs and
+text highlighting, the LSP plugin offers the option to present the diagnostic
+message as virtual text, located near the relevant location of the
+diagnostics. To enable this feature, you can set the
+"showDiagWithVirtualText" option to |v:true|. However, please note that this
+functionality requires Vim version 9.0.1157 or later. By default, this option
+is set to |v:false|, meaning that virtual text display is not activated.
+The position of the virtual text can be controlled using the
+"diagVirtualTextAlign" option, which determines its alignment relative to the
+affected line. By default, this option is set to 'above', which places the
+virtual text above the line with the diagnostic message. The other supported
+values for "diagVirtualTextAlign" are 'below', which positions the virtual
+text below the affected line, and 'after', which displays the virtual text
+immediately after the text on the affected line.
+The wrapping of the virtual text can be controlled using the
+"diagVirtualTextWrap" option. By default, this option is set to 'default',
+which will 'truncate' virtual text placed 'above' or 'below' the affected
+line, and 'wrap' text placed 'after' the affected line. Setting the value to
+'wrap' or 'truncate' will force the specified behavior for the current
+value of "diagVirtualTextAlign". If 'truncate' is used while
+"diagVirtualTextAlign" is set to 'after', and a diagnostic message has already
+been truncated for the affected line, then further diagnostics will be placed
+below the affected line.
+The LSP plugin offers convenient ways to highlight diagnostic messages, making
+it easier to spot errors, warnings, hints, or informational notices within
+your code. By default, the plugin automatically highlights the range of text
+associated with each diagnostic message when the "highlightDiagInline" option
+is set to |v:true.|
+The highlighting is done using different highlight groups based on the type of
+diagnostic message:
+ "LspDiagInlineError" for error messages.
+ "LspDiagInlineHint" for hints.
+ "LspDiagInlineInfo" for informational messages.
+ "LspDiagInlineWarning" for warning messages.
+If you wish to temporarily disable the automatic diagnostic highlighting for
+the current Vim session, you can achieve this using the ":LspDiag highlight
+disable" command. When you want to re-enable the highlighting, you can use
+the ":LspDiag highlight enable" command.
+To permanently disable the automatic highlighting of diagnostics, you can set
+the "autoHighlightDiags" option to |v:false| in your .vimrc file. This
+configuration can be achieved using the |LspOptionsSet()| function: >
+ call LspOptionsSet({'autoHighlightDiags': v:false})
+By default, the "autoHighlightDiags" option is set to |v:true|, ensuring that
+diagnostic messages are automatically highlighted during your coding sessions.
+The lsp#lsp#ErrorCount() function returns the count of diagnostic messages in
+the current buffer, categorized by their types. When called, this function
+returns a Dictionary containing four keys: "Info," "Hint," "Warn," and
+"Error." Each key corresponds to a specific diagnostic type, and its
+associated value is the number of diagnostic messages of that particular type
+found in the buffer. With the information gathered using this function, you
+can easily display the number of diagnostics in the current buffer in your
+For some diagnostic errors/warnings, the language server may provide an
+automatic fix. To apply this fix, you can use the |:LspCodeAction| command.
+This command applies the action provided by the language server (if any) for
+the current line.
+The ":LspDiag show" command creates a new location list with the current list
+of diagnostics for the current buffer. To automatically refresh the location
+list with the latest diagnostics received from the language server, you can
+set the "autoPopulateDiags" option to |v:true|. By default this option is set
+to |v:false|. When new diagnostics are received for a buffer, if a location
+list with the diagnostics is already present, then it is refreshed with the
+new diagnostics.
+In GUI Vim or terminal Vim with the 'balloonevalterm' option enabled, a
+helpful feature allows you to view diagnostic messages in a popup balloon when
+you hover the mouse over the affected range of text. This provides a
+convenient way to quickly access diagnostic information without the need to
+execute additional commands or navigate through the location list.
+By default, the LSP plugin is configured to display diagnostic messages in the
+popup balloon, enhancing the user experience and providing visual feedback as
+you interact with your code. This default behavior is governed by the
+"showDiagInBalloon" option, which is set to |v:true| by default.
+However, if you prefer not to see the diagnostic messages in the popup
+balloons and prefer to rely solely on other methods, you have the flexibility
+to customize this behavior. By setting the "showDiagInBalloon" option to
+|v:false|, you can disable the display of diagnostic messages in the popup
+balloons. This can be useful if you find the balloons intrusive or if you
+prefer to view diagnostics through other means, such as the location list or
+the status line.
+To display the diagnostic message for the current line in the status area, you
+can set the "showDiagOnStatusLine" option to |v:true|. By default, this
+option is set to |v:false|.
+By default, the ":LspDiag current" command displays the diagnostic message for
+the current line in a popup window. To display the message in the status
+message area instead, you can set the 'showDiagInPopup' option to |v:false|.
+By default this is set to |v:true|.
+The lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf() function can be used to get all the LSP
+diagnostics in a buffer. This function optionally accepts a buffer number.
+If the buffer number argument is not specified, then the current buffer is
+used. This function returns a |List| of diagnostics sorted by their line and
+column number. Each diagnostic is a |Dict| returned by the language server.
+8. Tag Function *lsp-tagfunc*
+The |:LspGotoDefinition| command can be used jump to the location where a
+symbol is defined. To jump to the symbol definition using the Vim
+|tag-commands|, you can set the 'tagfunc' option to the 'lsp#lsp#TagFunc'
+function: >
+ setlocal tagfunc=lsp#lsp#TagFunc
+After setting the above option, you can use |Ctrl-]| and other tag related
+commands to jump to the symbol definition.
+Note that most of the language servers return only one symbol location even if
+the symbol is defined in multiple places in the code.
+9. Code Formatting *lsp-format*
+The |:LspFormat| command can be used to format either the entire file or a
+selected range of lines using the language server. The 'shiftwidth' and
+'expandtab' values set for the current buffer are used when format is applied.
+To format code using the 'gq' command, you can set the 'formatexpr' option: >
+ setlocal formatexpr=lsp#lsp#FormatExpr()
+10. Call Hierarchy *lsp-call-hierarchy*
+The |:LspIncomingCalls| and the |:LspOutoingCalls| commands can be used to
+display the call hierarchy of a symbol. For example, the functions calling a
+function or the functions called by a function. These two commands open a
+window containing the call hierarchy tree. You can use the Vim motion
+commands to browse the call hierarchy.
+In the call hierarchy tree window, the following keys are supported:
+<Enter> Jump to the location of the symbol under the
+ cursor.
+- Expand and show the symbols calling or called
+ by the symbol under the cursor.
++ Close the call hierarchy for the symbol under
+ the cursor.
+You can display either the incoming call hierarchy or the outgoing call
+hierarchy in this window. You cannot display both at the same time.
+In the call hierarchy tree window, the following commands are supported:
+ *:LspCallHierarchyRefresh*
+:LspCallHierarchyRefresh Query the language server again for the top
+ level symbol and refresh the call hierarchy
+ tree.
+ *:LspCallHierarchyIncoming*
+:LspCallHierarchyIncoming Display the incoming call hierarchy for the
+ top level symbol. If the window is currently
+ displaying the outgoing calls, then it is
+ refreshed to display the incoming calls.
+ *:LspCallHierarchyOutgoing*
+:LspCallHierarchyOutgoing Display the outgoing call hierarchy for the
+ top level symbol. If the window is currently
+ displaying the incoming calls, then it is
+ refreshed to display the outgoing calls.
+11. Autocommands *lsp-autocmds*
+ *LspSetup*
+LspSetup A |User| autocommand fired when the LSP plugin
+ is loaded. Can be used to add language
+ servers using the |LspAddServer()| function
+ and to set plugin options using the
+ |LspOptionsSet()| function.
+ *LspAttached*
+LspAttached A |User| autocommand fired when the LSP client
+ attaches to a buffer. Can be used to configure
+ buffer-local mappings or options.
+ *LspDiagsUpdated*
+LspDiagsUpdated A |User| autocommand invoked when new
+ diagnostics are received from the language
+ server. This is invoked after the LSP client
+ has processed the diagnostics. The function
+ lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf() can be used to get
+ all the diagnostics for a buffer.
+12. Highlight Groups *lsp-highlight-groups*
+The following highlight groups are used by the LSP plugin. You can define
+these highlight groups in your .vimrc file before sourcing this plugin to
+override them.
+*LspDiagInlineError* Used to highlight inline error diagnostics.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellBad" highlight
+ group.
+*LspDiagInlineHint* Used to highlight inline hint diagnostics.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellLocal"
+ highlight group.
+*LspDiagInlineInfo* Used to highlight inline info diagnostics.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellRare"
+ highlight group.
+*LspDiagInlineWarning* Used to highlight inline warning diagnostics.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellCap" highlight
+ group.
+*LspDiagLine* Used to highlight a line with one or more
+ diagnostics. By default linked to "NONE"
+ (cleared). You can link this to a highlight
+ group to highlight the line.
+*LspDiagSignErrorText* Used to highlight the sign text for error
+ diags. By default linked to 'ErrorMsg'.
+*LspDiagSignHintText* Used to highlight the sign text for hint
+ diags. By default linked to 'Question'.
+*LspDiagSignInfoText* Used to highlight the sign text for info
+ diags. By default linked to 'Pmenu'.
+*LspDiagSignWarningText* Used to highlight the sign text for warning
+ diags. By default linked to 'Search'.
+*LspDiagVirtualText* Used to highlight diagnostic virtual text.
+ By default, linked to the "LineNr" highlight
+ group.
+*LspDiagVirtualTextError* Used to highlight virtual text for error diags.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellBad" highlight
+ group.
+*LspDiagVirtualTextHint* Used to highlight virtual text for hint
+ diags. By default, linked to the "SpellLocal"
+ highlight group.
+*LspDiagVirtualTextInfo* Used to highlight virtual text for info
+ diags. By default, linked to the "SpellRare"
+ highlight group.
+*LspDiagVirtualTextWarning* Used to highlight virtual text for warning
+ diags. By default, linked to the "SpellCap"
+ highlight group.
+*LspInlayHintsParam* Used to highlight inlay hints of kind
+ "parameter". By default, linked to the
+ "Label" highlight group.
+*LspInlayHintsType* Used to highlight inlay hints of kind "type".
+ By default, linked to the "Conceal" highlight
+ group.
+*LspSigActiveParameter* Used to highlight the active signature
+ parameter. By default, linked to the "LineNr"
+ highlight group.
+*LspSymbolName* Used to highlight the symbol name when using
+ the |:LspDocumentSymbol| command. By default,
+ linked to the "Search" highlight group.
+*LspSymbolRange* Used to highlight the range of lines
+ containing a symbol when using the
+ |:LspDocumentSymbol| command. By default,
+ linked to the "Visual" highlight group.
+For example, to override the highlight used for diagnostics virtual text, you
+can use the following: >
+ highlight LspDiagVirtualText ctermfg=Cyan guifg=Blue
+or >
+ highlight link LspDiagLine DiffAdd
+ highlight link LspDiagVirtualText WarningMsg
+13. Debugging *lsp-debug*
+To debug this plugin, you can log the language server protocol messages sent
+and received by the plugin from the language server. The following command
+enables the logging of the messages from the language server for the current
+buffer: >
+ :LspServer debug on
+This command also clears the log files. The following command disables the
+logging of the messages from the language server for the current buffer: >
+ :LspServer debug off
+By default, the messages are not logged. Another method to enable the debug
+is to set the "debug" field to true when adding a language server
+using |LspAddServer()|.
+The messages printed by the language server in the stdout are logged to the
+lsp-<server-name>.log file and the messages printed in the stderr are logged
+to the lsp-<server-name>.err file. On a Unix-like system, these files are
+created in the /tmp directory. On MS-Windows, these files are created in the
+%TEMP% directory.
+The following command opens the file containing the messages printed by the
+language server in the stdout: >
+ :LspServer debug messages
+The following command opens the file containing the messages printed by the
+language server in the stderr: >
+ :LspServer debug errors
+To debug language server initialization problems, after enabling the above
+server debug, you can restart the server for the file type in the current
+buffer using the following command: >
+ :LspServer restart
+The language servers typically support command line options to enable debug
+messages and to increase the verbosity of the messages. You can refer to the
+language server documentation for information about this. You can include
+these options when registering the language server with this plugin.
+If a language server supports the "$/logTrace" LSP notification, then you can
+use the :LspServerTrace command to set the server trace value: >
+ :LspServer trace { off | messages | verbose }
+14. Custom Command Handlers *lsp-custom-commands*
+When applying a code action, the language server may issue a non-standard
+command. For example, the Java language server uses non-standard commands
+(e.g. java.apply.workspaceEdit). To handle these commands, you can register a
+callback function for each command using the LspRegisterCmdHandler() function.
+For example: >
+ vim9script
+ import autoload "lsp/textedit.vim"
+ def WorkspaceEdit(cmd: dict<any>)
+ for editAct in cmd.arguments
+ textedit.ApplyWorkspaceEdit(editAct)
+ endfor
+ enddef
+ g:LspRegisterCmdHandler('java.apply.workspaceEdit', WorkspaceEdit)
+Place the above code in a file named lsp_java/plugin/lsp_java.vim and load
+this plugin.
+The callback function should accept a Dict argument. The Dict argument
+contains the LSP Command interface fields. Refer to the LSP specification for
+more information about the "Command" interface.
+15. Custom LSP Completion Kinds *lsp-custom-kinds*
+When a completion popup is triggered, the LSP client will use a default kind
+list to show in the completion "kind" section, to customize it, you need to
+use the option |lsp-opt-customCompletionKinds| and set all custom kinds in the
+option |lsp-opt-completionKinds| . There is a table with all default LSP
+ Kind Name | Value
+ Text | t
+ Method | m
+ Function | f
+ Constructor | C
+ Field | F
+ Variable | v
+ Class | c
+ Interface | i
+ Module | M
+ Property | p
+ Unit | u
+ Value | V
+ Enum | e
+ Keyword | k
+ Snippet | S
+ Color | C
+ File | f
+ Reference | r
+ Folder | F
+ EnumMember | E
+ Constant | d
+ Struct | s
+ Event | E
+ Operator | o
+ TypeParameter | T
+ Buffer | B
+For example, if you want to change the "Method" kind to the kind "method()": >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspOptionsSet({
+ customCompletionKinds: true,
+ completionKinds: {
+ "Method": "method()"
+ }
+ })
+In the completion popup, will show something like this: >
+ var file = new File()
+ file.cre
+ | create method() |
+ | createIfNotExists method() |
+ | ... |
+16. Multiple Language Servers for a buffer *lsp-multiple-servers*
+It's possible to run multiple language servers for a given buffer.
+By default the language server defined first will be used for as much as it
+supports, then the next and so on. With the exception that diagnostics from
+all running language servers will be combined.
+This means that you can define a language server that only supports a subset
+of features at first and then define the general purpose language server after
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([
+ # This language server reports that it only supports
+ # textDocument/documentFormatting, so it will be used
+ # for :LspFormat but nothing else.
+ {
+ filetype: ['html'],
+ path: 'html-pretty-lsp',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ },
+ # This language server also supports
+ # textDocument/documentFormatting, but since it's been
+ # defined later, the one above will be used instead.
+ # However this server also supports
+ # textDocument/definition, textDocument/declaration,
+ # etc, so it will be used for :LspGotoDefinition,
+ # :LspGotoDeclaration, etc
+ {
+ filetype: ['html'],
+ path: 'html-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ }
+ ])
+As shown in the example above the order of when the language servers are being
+defined is taken into account for a given method. However sometimes the
+language server that you want to use for formatting also reports that it
+supports other features. In such a case you can do one of two things:
+1. change the order of language servers, and specify that a given language
+server should be used for a given method.
+2. set the unwanted features to |false| in the features |Dictionary| >
+ features: { 'codeAction': false }
+For example, if you want to use the efm-langserver for formatting, but the
+typescript-language-server for everything else: >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([
+ # this language server will be used by default, as it's defined
+ # as the first LSP for 'javascript' and 'typescript'
+ {
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ },
+ # this language server will be used for documentFormatting
+ {
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/efm-langserver',
+ args: [],
+ features: {
+ documentFormatting: true
+ }
+ }
+ ])
+Another way is to disable the unwanted features: for example if you don't want
+diagnostics from the typescript-language-server, but want to use it for
+everything else: >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([
+ {
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ features: {
+ diagnostics: false
+ }
+ },
+ ])
+17. Language Server Features *lsp-features*
+When using multiple language servers for a given file type, by providing the
+configuration |lsp-cfg-features| it is possible to specify which language
+server should be used for a given method/functionality. The following feature
+flags are supported: See |lsp-multiple-servers| for examples.
+ *lsp-features-callHierarchy*
+callHierarchy Used by the|:LspIncomingCalls| and the
+ |:LspOutgoingCalls| commands.
+ *lsp-features-codeAction*
+codeAction Used by the |:LspCodeAction| command.
+ *lsp-features-codeLens*
+codeLens Used by the |:LspCodeLens| command.
+ *lsp-features-completion*
+completion Used by 24/7 Completion and 'omnifunc'
+ *lsp-features-declaration*
+declaration Used by the |:LspGotoDeclaration|, and
+ the |:LspPeekDeclaration| commands.
+ *lsp-features-definition*
+definition Used by the|:LspGotoDefinition|, and
+ the |:LspPeekDefinition| commands.
+ *lsp-features-diagnostics*
+diagnostics Used to disable diagnostics for a single
+ language server, by default diagnostics are
+ combined from all running servers, by setting
+ this to |false| you can ignore diagnostics
+ from a specific server.
+ *lsp-features-documentFormatting*
+documentFormatting Used by the |:LspFormat| command, and
+ 'formatexpr'
+ *lsp-features-documentHighlight*
+documentHighlight Used by the |:LspHighlight| and the
+ |:LspHighlightClear| commands.
+ *lsp-features-documentSymbol*
+documentSymbol Used by the |:LspDocumentSymbol| and the
+ |:LspOutline| commands.
+ *lsp-features-foldingRange*
+foldingRange Used by the|:LspFold| command.
+ *lsp-features-hover*
+hover Used by the |:LspHover| command.
+ *lsp-features-implementation*
+implementation Used by the |:LspGotoImpl| and the
+ |:LspPeekImpl| commands.
+ *lsp-features-inlayHint*
+inlayHint Used to show the inlay hints for
+ function/method arguments.
+ *lsp-features-references*
+references Used by the |:LspShowReferences| command.
+ *lsp-features-rename*
+rename Used by the |:LspRename| command.
+ *lsp-features-selectionRange*
+selectionRange Used by the |:LspSelectionExpand| and the
+ |:LspSelectionShrink| commands.
+ *lsp-features-signatureHelp*
+signatureHelp Used by the |:LspShowSignature| command.
+ *lsp-features-typeDefinition*
+typeDefinition Used by the |:LspGotoTypeDef| and the
+ |:LspPeekTypeDef| commands.
+typeHierarchy Used by the |:LspSubTypeHierarchy| and the
+ |:LspSuperTypeHiearchy| commands.
+workspaceSymbol Used by the |:LspSymbolSearch| command.
+ *lsp-license*
+License: MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Yegappan Lakshmanan
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/ftplugin/lspgfm.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/ftplugin/lspgfm.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e9bf76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/ftplugin/lspgfm.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import autoload 'lsp/markdown.vim' as md
+# Update the preview window with the github flavored markdown text
+def UpdatePreviewWindowContents(bnr: number, contentList: list<dict<any>>)
+ :silent! bnr->deletebufline(1, '$')
+ var lines: list<string> = []
+ var props: dict<list<list<number>>>
+ var lnum = 0
+ # Each item in "contentList" is a Dict with the following items:
+ # text: text for this line
+ # props: list of text properties. Each list item is a Dict. See
+ # |popup-props| for more information.
+ #
+ # Need to convert the text properties from the format used by
+ # popup_settext() to that used by prop_add_list().
+ for entry in contentList
+ lines->add(entry.text)
+ lnum += 1
+ if entry->has_key('props')
+ for p in entry.props
+ if !props->has_key(p.type)
+ props[p.type] = []
+ endif
+ if p->has_key('end_lnum')
+ props[p.type]->add([lnum, p.col, p.end_lnum, p.end_col])
+ else
+ props[p.type]->add([lnum, p.col, lnum, p.col + p.length])
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endfor
+ setbufline(bnr, 1, lines)
+ for prop_type in props->keys()
+ prop_add_list({type: prop_type}, props[prop_type])
+ endfor
+# Render the github flavored markdown text.
+# Text can be displayed either in a popup window or in a preview window.
+def RenderGitHubMarkdownText()
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ var winId: number = win_getid()
+ var document: dict<list<any>>
+ var inPreviewWindow = false
+ if win_gettype() == 'preview'
+ inPreviewWindow = true
+ endif
+ try
+ if !inPreviewWindow
+ winId = bnr->getbufinfo()[0].popups[0]
+ endif
+ # parse the github markdown content and convert it into a list of text and
+ # list of associated text properties.
+ document = md.ParseMarkdown(bnr->getbufline(1, '$'), winId->winwidth())
+ catch /.*/
+ b:markdown_fallback = v:true
+ return
+ endtry
+ b:lsp_syntax = document.syntax
+ md.list_pattern->setbufvar(bnr, '&formatlistpat')
+ var settings = 'linebreak breakindent breakindentopt=list:-1'
+ win_execute(winId, $'setlocal {settings}')
+ if inPreviewWindow
+ UpdatePreviewWindowContents(bnr, document.content)
+ else
+ winId->popup_settext(document.content)
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/plugin/lsp.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/plugin/lsp.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b3815a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/plugin/lsp.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+if !has('vim9script') || v:version < 900
+ " Needs Vim version 9.0 and above
+ finish
+vim9script noclear
+# Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin for vim
+if get(g:, 'loaded_lsp', false)
+ finish
+g:loaded_lsp = true
+import '../autoload/lsp/options.vim'
+import autoload '../autoload/lsp/lsp.vim'
+# Set LSP plugin options from 'opts'.
+def g:LspOptionsSet(opts: dict<any>)
+ options.OptionsSet(opts)
+# Return a copy of all the LSP plugin options
+def g:LspOptionsGet(): dict<any>
+ return options.OptionsGet()
+# Add one or more LSP servers in 'serverList'
+def g:LspAddServer(serverList: list<dict<any>>)
+ lsp.AddServer(serverList)
+# Register 'Handler' callback function for LSP command 'cmd'.
+def g:LspRegisterCmdHandler(cmd: string, Handler: func)
+ lsp.RegisterCmdHandler(cmd, Handler)
+# Returns true if the language server for the current buffer is initialized
+# and ready to accept requests.
+def g:LspServerReady(): bool
+ return lsp.ServerReady()
+# Returns true if the language server for 'ftype' file type is running
+def g:LspServerRunning(ftype: string): bool
+ return lsp.ServerRunning(ftype)
+augroup LSPAutoCmds
+ au!
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost,FileType * lsp.AddFile(expand('<abuf>')->str2nr())
+ # Note that when BufWipeOut is invoked, the current buffer may be different
+ # from the buffer getting wiped out.
+ autocmd BufWipeOut * lsp.RemoveFile(expand('<abuf>')->str2nr())
+ autocmd BufWinEnter * lsp.BufferLoadedInWin(expand('<abuf>')->str2nr())
+augroup END
+# TODO: Is it needed to shutdown all the LSP servers when exiting Vim?
+# This takes some time.
+# autocmd VimLeavePre * call lsp.StopAllServers()
+# LSP commands
+command! -nargs=? -bar -range LspCodeAction lsp.CodeAction(<line1>, <line2>, <q-args>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspCodeLens lsp.CodeLens()
+command! -nargs=+ -bar -bang -count -complete=customlist,lsp.LspDiagComplete LspDiag lsp.LspDiagCmd(<q-args>, <count>, <bang>false)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -bang LspDiagCurrent lsp.LspShowCurrentDiag(<bang>false)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspDiagFirst lsp.JumpToDiag('first')
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspDiagLast lsp.JumpToDiag('last')
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count=1 LspDiagNext lsp.JumpToDiag('next', <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count=1 LspDiagNextWrap lsp.JumpToDiag('nextWrap', <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count=1 LspDiagPrev lsp.JumpToDiag('prev', <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count=1 LspDiagPrevWrap lsp.JumpToDiag('prevWrap', <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspDiagShow lsp.ShowDiagnostics()
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspDiagHere lsp.JumpToDiag('here')
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspDocumentSymbol lsp.ShowDocSymbols()
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspFold lsp.FoldDocument()
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -range=% LspFormat lsp.TextDocFormat(<range>, <line1>, <line2>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count LspGotoDeclaration lsp.GotoDeclaration(v:false, <q-mods>, <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count LspGotoDefinition lsp.GotoDefinition(v:false, <q-mods>, <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count LspGotoImpl lsp.GotoImplementation(v:false, <q-mods>, <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count LspGotoTypeDef lsp.GotoTypedef(v:false, <q-mods>, <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspHighlight call LspDocHighlight(bufnr(), <q-mods>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspHighlightClear call LspDocHighlightClear()
+command! -nargs=? -bar LspHover lsp.Hover(<q-mods>)
+command! -nargs=1 -bar -complete=customlist,lsp.LspInlayHintsComplete LspInlayHints lsp.InlayHints(<q-args>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspIncomingCalls lsp.IncomingCalls()
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspOutgoingCalls lsp.OutgoingCalls()
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count LspOutline lsp.Outline(<q-mods>, <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count LspPeekDeclaration lsp.GotoDeclaration(v:true, <q-mods>, <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count LspPeekDefinition lsp.GotoDefinition(v:true, <q-mods>, <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count LspPeekImpl lsp.GotoImplementation(v:true, <q-mods>, <count>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspPeekReferences lsp.ShowReferences(v:true)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar -count LspPeekTypeDef lsp.GotoTypedef(v:true, <q-mods>, <count>)
+command! -nargs=? -bar LspRename lsp.Rename(<q-args>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspSelectionExpand lsp.SelectionExpand()
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspSelectionShrink lsp.SelectionShrink()
+command! -nargs=+ -bar -complete=customlist,lsp.LspServerComplete LspServer lsp.LspServerCmd(<q-args>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspShowReferences lsp.ShowReferences(v:false)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspShowAllServers lsp.ShowAllServers()
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspShowSignature call LspShowSignature()
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspSubTypeHierarchy lsp.TypeHierarchy(0)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspSuperTypeHierarchy lsp.TypeHierarchy(1)
+# Clangd specifc extension to switch from one C/C++ source file to a
+# corresponding header file
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspSwitchSourceHeader lsp.SwitchSourceHeader()
+command! -nargs=? -bar LspSymbolSearch lsp.SymbolSearch(<q-args>, <q-mods>)
+command! -nargs=1 -bar -complete=dir LspWorkspaceAddFolder lsp.AddWorkspaceFolder(<q-args>)
+command! -nargs=0 -bar LspWorkspaceListFolders lsp.ListWorkspaceFolders()
+command! -nargs=1 -bar -complete=dir LspWorkspaceRemoveFolder lsp.RemoveWorkspaceFolder(<q-args>)
+# Add the GUI menu entries
+if has('gui_running')
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Goto.Definition :LspGotoDefinition<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Goto.Declaration :LspGotoDeclaration<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Goto.Implementation :LspGotoImpl<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Goto.TypeDef :LspGotoTypeDef<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Show\ Signature :LspShowSignature<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Show\ References :LspShowReferences<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Show\ Detail :LspHover<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Outline :LspOutline<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Goto\ Symbol :LspDocumentSymbol<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Symbol\ Search :LspSymbolSearch<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Outgoing\ Calls :LspOutgoingCalls<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Incoming\ Calls :LspIncomingCalls<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Rename :LspRename<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Code\ Action :LspCodeAction<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Highlight\ Symbol :LspHighlight<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Highlight\ Clear :LspHighlightClear<CR>
+ # Diagnostics
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Diagnostics.Current :LspDiag current<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Diagnostics.Show\ All :LspDiag show<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Diagnostics.First :LspDiag first<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Diagnostics.Last :LspDiag last<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Diagnostics.Next :LspDiag next<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Diagnostics.Previous :LspDiag prev<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> L&sp.Diagnostics.This :LspDiag here<CR>
+ if &mousemodel =~ 'popup'
+ anoremenu <silent> PopUp.L&sp.Go\ to\ Definition
+ \ :LspGotoDefinition<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> PopUp.L&sp.Go\ to\ Declaration
+ \ :LspGotoDeclaration<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> PopUp.L&sp.Find\ All\ References
+ \ :LspShowReferences<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> PopUp.L&sp.Show\ Detail
+ \ :LspHover<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> PopUp.L&sp.Highlight\ Symbol
+ \ :LspHighlight<CR>
+ anoremenu <silent> PopUp.L&sp.Highlight\ Clear
+ \ :LspHighlightClear<CR>
+ endif
+# Invoke autocmd to register LSP servers and to set LSP options
+if exists('#User#LspSetup')
+ :doautocmd <nomodeline> User LspSetup
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/syntax/lspgfm.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/syntax/lspgfm.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e71010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/syntax/lspgfm.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+if get(b:, 'markdown_fallback', v:false)
+ runtime! syntax/markdown.vim
+ finish
+var group: dict<string> = {}
+for region in get(b:, 'lsp_syntax', [])
+ if !group->has_key(region.lang)
+ group[region.lang] = region.lang->substitute('\(^.\|_\a\)', '\u&', 'g')
+ try
+ exe $'syntax include @{group[region.lang]} syntax/{region.lang}.vim'
+ catch /.*/
+ group[region.lang] = ''
+ endtry
+ endif
+ if !group[region.lang]->empty()
+ exe $'syntax region lspCodeBlock start="{region.start}" end="{region.end}" contains=@{group[region.lang]}'
+ endif
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/clangd_offsetencoding.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/clangd_offsetencoding.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397f459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/clangd_offsetencoding.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+# Unit tests for language server protocol offset encoding using clangd
+source common.vim
+# Start the C language server. Returns true on success and false on failure.
+def g:StartLangServer(): bool
+ if has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ return g:StartLangServerWithFile('Xtest.c')
+ endif
+ return false
+if !has('patch-9.0.1629')
+ # Need patch 9.0.1629 to properly encode/decode the UTF-16 offsets
+ finish
+var lspOpts = {autoComplete: false}
+var lspServers = [{
+ filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
+ path: (exepath('clangd-15') ?? exepath('clangd')),
+ args: ['--background-index',
+ '--clang-tidy',
+ $'--offset-encoding={$LSP_OFFSET_ENCODING}']
+ }]
+call LspAddServer(lspServers)
+# Test for :LspCodeAction with symbols containing multibyte and composing
+# characters
+def g:Test_LspCodeAction_multibyte()
+ silent! edit XLspCodeAction_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines =<< trim END
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ void fn(int aVar)
+ {
+ printf("aVar = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("😊😊😊😊 = %d\n", aVar):
+ printf("áb́áb́ = %d\n", aVar):
+ printf("ą́ą́ą́ą́ = %d\n", aVar):
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(3)
+ :redraw!
+ cursor(5, 5)
+ redraw!
+ :LspCodeAction 1
+ assert_equal(' printf("😊😊😊😊 = %d\n", aVar);', getline(5))
+ cursor(6, 5)
+ redraw!
+ :LspCodeAction 1
+ assert_equal(' printf("áb́áb́ = %d\n", aVar);', getline(6))
+ cursor(7, 5)
+ redraw!
+ :LspCodeAction 1
+ assert_equal(' printf("ą́ą́ą́ą́ = %d\n", aVar);', getline(7))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for ":LspDiag show" when using multibyte and composing characters
+def g:Test_LspDiagShow_multibyte()
+ :silent! edit XLspDiagShow_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines =<< trim END
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ void fn(int aVar)
+ {
+ printf("aVar = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("😊😊😊😊 = %d\n". aVar);
+ printf("áb́áb́ = %d\n". aVar);
+ printf("ą́ą́ą́ą́ = %d\n". aVar);
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(3)
+ :redraw!
+ :LspDiag show
+ var qfl: list<dict<any>> = getloclist(0)
+ assert_equal([5, 37], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col])
+ assert_equal([6, 33], [qfl[1].lnum, qfl[1].col])
+ assert_equal([7, 41], [qfl[2].lnum, qfl[2].col])
+ :lclose
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspFormat when using multibyte and composing characters
+def g:Test_LspFormat_multibyte()
+ :silent! edit XLspFormat_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines =<< trim END
+ void fn(int aVar)
+ {
+ int 😊😊😊😊 = aVar + 1;
+ int áb́áb́ = aVar + 1;
+ int ą́ą́ą́ą́ = aVar + 1;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ :redraw!
+ :LspFormat
+ var expected =<< trim END
+ void fn(int aVar) {
+ int 😊😊😊😊 = aVar + 1;
+ int áb́áb́ = aVar + 1;
+ int ą́ą́ą́ą́ = aVar + 1;
+ }
+ assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspGotoDefinition when using multibyte and composing characters
+def g:Test_LspGotoDefinition_multibyte()
+ :silent! edit XLspGotoDefinition_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ void fn(int aVar)
+ {
+ printf("aVar = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("😊😊😊😊 = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("áb́áb́ = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("ą́ą́ą́ą́ = %d\n", aVar);
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ for [lnum, colnr] in [[4, 27], [5, 39], [6, 35], [7, 43]]
+ cursor(lnum, colnr)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([2, 13], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ endfor
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspGotoDefinition when using multibyte and composing characters
+def g:Test_LspGotoDefinition_after_multibyte()
+ :silent! edit XLspGotoDef_after_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines =<< trim END
+ void fn(int aVar)
+ {
+ /* αβγδ, 😊😊😊😊, áb́áb́, ą́ą́ą́ą́ */ int αβγδ, bVar;
+ /* αβγδ, 😊😊😊😊, áb́áb́, ą́ą́ą́ą́ */ int 😊😊😊😊, cVar;
+ /* αβγδ, 😊😊😊😊, áb́áb́, ą́ą́ą́ą́ */ int áb́áb́, dVar;
+ /* αβγδ, 😊😊😊😊, áb́áb́, ą́ą́ą́ą́ */ int ą́ą́ą́ą́, eVar;
+ bVar = 1;
+ cVar = 2;
+ dVar = 3;
+ eVar = 4;
+ aVar = αβγδ + 😊😊😊😊 + áb́áb́ + ą́ą́ą́ą́ + bVar;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ :redraw!
+ cursor(7, 5)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([3, 88], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(8, 5)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([4, 96], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(9, 5)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([5, 92], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(10, 5)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([6, 100], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(11, 12)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([3, 78], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(11, 23)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([4, 78], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(11, 42)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([5, 78], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(11, 57)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([6, 78], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for doing omni completion for symbols with multibyte and composing
+# characters
+def g:Test_OmniComplete_multibyte()
+ :silent! edit XOmniComplete_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void Func1(void)
+ {
+ int 😊😊😊😊, aVar;
+ int áb́áb́, bVar;
+ int ą́ą́ą́ą́, cVar;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ cursor(6, 4)
+ feedkeys("aaV\<C-X>\<C-O> = 😊😊\<C-X>\<C-O>;", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(' aVar = 😊😊😊😊;', getline('.'))
+ cursor(7, 4)
+ feedkeys("abV\<C-X>\<C-O> = áb́\<C-X>\<C-O>;", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(' bVar = áb́áb́;', getline('.'))
+ cursor(8, 4)
+ feedkeys("acV\<C-X>\<C-O> = ą́ą́\<C-X>\<C-O>;", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(' cVar = ą́ą́ą́ą́;', getline('.'))
+ feedkeys("oáb́\<C-X>\<C-O> = ą́ą́\<C-X>\<C-O>;", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(' áb́áb́ = ą́ą́ą́ą́;', getline('.'))
+ feedkeys("oą́ą́\<C-X>\<C-O> = áb́\<C-X>\<C-O>;", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(' ą́ą́ą́ą́ = áb́áb́;', getline('.'))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspOutline with multibyte and composing characters
+def g:Test_Outline_multibyte()
+ silent! edit XLspOutline_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ typedef void 😊😊😊😊;
+ typedef void áb́áb́;
+ typedef void ą́ą́ą́ą́;
+ 😊😊😊😊 Func1()
+ {
+ }
+ áb́áb́ Func2()
+ {
+ }
+ ą́ą́ą́ą́ Func3()
+ {
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ :LspOutline
+ assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ :wincmd w
+ cursor(5, 1)
+ feedkeys("\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([2, 5, 18], [winnr(), line('.'), col('.')])
+ :wincmd w
+ cursor(6, 1)
+ feedkeys("\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([2, 9, 14], [winnr(), line('.'), col('.')])
+ :wincmd w
+ cursor(7, 1)
+ feedkeys("\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([2, 13, 22], [winnr(), line('.'), col('.')])
+ :wincmd w
+ cursor(10, 1)
+ feedkeys("\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([2, 1, 14], [winnr(), line('.'), col('.')])
+ :wincmd w
+ cursor(11, 1)
+ feedkeys("\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([2, 2, 14], [winnr(), line('.'), col('.')])
+ :wincmd w
+ cursor(12, 1)
+ feedkeys("\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([2, 3, 14], [winnr(), line('.'), col('.')])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspRename with multibyte and composing characters
+def g:Test_LspRename_multibyte()
+ silent! edit XLspRename_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ void fn(int aVar)
+ {
+ printf("aVar = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("😊😊😊😊 = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("áb́áb́ = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("ą́ą́ą́ą́ = %d\n", aVar);
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ cursor(2, 12)
+ :LspRename bVar
+ redraw!
+ var expected: list<string> =<< trim END
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ void fn(int bVar)
+ {
+ printf("aVar = %d\n", bVar);
+ printf("😊😊😊😊 = %d\n", bVar);
+ printf("áb́áb́ = %d\n", bVar);
+ printf("ą́ą́ą́ą́ = %d\n", bVar);
+ }
+ assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspShowReferences when using multibyte and composing characters
+def g:Test_LspShowReferences_multibyte()
+ :silent! edit XLspShowReferences_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ void fn(int aVar)
+ {
+ printf("aVar = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("😊😊😊😊 = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("áb́áb́ = %d\n", aVar);
+ printf("ą́ą́ą́ą́ = %d\n", aVar);
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ cursor(4, 27)
+ :LspShowReferences
+ var qfl: list<dict<any>> = getloclist(0)
+ assert_equal([2, 13], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col])
+ assert_equal([4, 27], [qfl[1].lnum, qfl[1].col])
+ assert_equal([5, 39], [qfl[2].lnum, qfl[2].col])
+ assert_equal([6, 35], [qfl[3].lnum, qfl[3].col])
+ assert_equal([7, 43], [qfl[4].lnum, qfl[4].col])
+ :lclose
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspSymbolSearch when using multibyte and composing characters
+def g:Test_LspSymbolSearch_multibyte()
+ silent! edit XLspSymbolSearch_mb.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ typedef void 😊😊😊😊;
+ typedef void áb́áb́;
+ typedef void ą́ą́ą́ą́;
+ 😊😊😊😊 Func1()
+ {
+ }
+ áb́áb́ Func2()
+ {
+ }
+ ą́ą́ą́ą́ Func3()
+ {
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ feedkeys(":LspSymbolSearch Func1\<CR>", "xt")
+ assert_equal([5, 18], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ feedkeys(":LspSymbolSearch Func2\<CR>", "xt")
+ assert_equal([9, 14], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ feedkeys(":LspSymbolSearch Func3\<CR>", "xt")
+ assert_equal([13, 22], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for setting the 'tagfunc' with multibyte and composing characters in
+# symbols
+def g:Test_LspTagFunc_multibyte()
+ var lines =<< trim END
+ void fn(int aVar)
+ {
+ int 😊😊😊😊, bVar;
+ int áb́áb́, cVar;
+ int ą́ą́ą́ą́, dVar;
+ bVar = 10;
+ cVar = 10;
+ dVar = 10;
+ }
+ writefile(lines, 'Xtagfunc_mb.c')
+ :silent! edit! Xtagfunc_mb.c
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ :setlocal tagfunc=lsp#lsp#TagFunc
+ cursor(6, 5)
+ :exe "normal \<C-]>"
+ assert_equal([3, 27], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(7, 5)
+ :exe "normal \<C-]>"
+ assert_equal([4, 23], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(8, 5)
+ :exe "normal \<C-]>"
+ assert_equal([5, 31], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :set tagfunc&
+ :%bw!
+ delete('Xtagfunc_mb.c')
+# Test for the :LspSuperTypeHierarchy and :LspSubTypeHierarchy commands with
+# multibyte and composing characters
+def g:Test_LspTypeHier_multibyte()
+ silent! edit XLspTypeHier_mb.cpp
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines =<< trim END
+ /* αβ😊😊ááą́ą́ */ class parent {
+ };
+ /* αβ😊😊ááą́ą́ */ class child : public parent {
+ };
+ /* αβ😊😊ááą́ą́ */ class grandchild : public child {
+ };
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ cursor(1, 42)
+ :LspSubTypeHierarchy
+ call feedkeys("\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([1, 36], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(1, 42)
+ :LspSubTypeHierarchy
+ call feedkeys("\<Down>\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([4, 42], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(1, 42)
+ :LspSubTypeHierarchy
+ call feedkeys("\<Down>\<Down>\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([7, 42], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(7, 42)
+ :LspSuperTypeHierarchy
+ call feedkeys("\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([7, 36], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(7, 42)
+ :LspSuperTypeHierarchy
+ call feedkeys("\<Down>\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([4, 36], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(7, 42)
+ :LspSuperTypeHierarchy
+ call feedkeys("\<Down>\<Down>\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal([1, 36], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :%bw!
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/clangd_tests.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/clangd_tests.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b084e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/clangd_tests.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1782 @@
+# Unit tests for Vim Language Server Protocol (LSP) clangd client
+source common.vim
+var lspOpts = {autoComplete: false}
+g:LSPTest_modifyDiags = false
+var lspServers = [{
+ filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
+ path: (exepath('clangd-15') ?? exepath('clangd')),
+ args: ['--background-index', '--clang-tidy'],
+ initializationOptions: { clangdFileStatus: true },
+ customNotificationHandlers: {
+ 'textDocument/clangd.fileStatus': (lspserver: dict<any>, reply: dict<any>) => {
+ g:LSPTest_customNotificationHandlerReplied = true
+ }
+ },
+ processDiagHandler: (diags: list<dict<any>>) => {
+ if g:LSPTest_modifyDiags != true
+ return diags
+ endif
+ return diags->map((ix, diag) => {
+ diag.message = $'this is overridden'
+ return diag
+ })
+ }
+ }]
+call LspAddServer(lspServers)
+var clangdVerDetail = systemlist($'{shellescape(lspServers[0].path)} --version')
+var clangdVerMajor = clangdVerDetail->matchstr('.*version \d\+\..*')->substitute('.* \(\d\+\)\..*', '\1', 'g')->str2nr()
+echomsg clangdVerDetail
+# Test for formatting a file using LspFormat
+def g:Test_LspFormat()
+ :silent! edit XLspFormat.c
+ sleep 200m
+ setline(1, [' int i;', ' int j;'])
+ :redraw!
+ :LspFormat
+ assert_equal(['int i;', 'int j;'], getline(1, '$'))
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ setline(1, ['int f1(int i)', '{', 'int j = 10; return j;', '}'])
+ :redraw!
+ :LspFormat
+ assert_equal(['int f1(int i) {', ' int j = 10;', ' return j;', '}'],
+ getline(1, '$'))
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ setline(1, ['', 'int i;'])
+ :redraw!
+ :LspFormat
+ assert_equal(['', 'int i;'], getline(1, '$'))
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ setline(1, [' int i;'])
+ :redraw!
+ :LspFormat
+ assert_equal(['int i;'], getline(1, '$'))
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ setline(1, [' int i; '])
+ :redraw!
+ :LspFormat
+ assert_equal(['int i;'], getline(1, '$'))
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ setline(1, ['int i;', '', '', ''])
+ :redraw!
+ :LspFormat
+ assert_equal(['int i;'], getline(1, '$'))
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ setline(1, ['int f1(){int x;int y;x=1;y=2;return x+y;}'])
+ :redraw!
+ :LspFormat
+ var expected: list<string> =<< trim END
+ int f1() {
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ x = 1;
+ y = 2;
+ return x + y;
+ }
+ assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ setline(1, ['', '', '', ''])
+ :redraw!
+ :LspFormat
+ assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ int f1() {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { j++; }
+ for (j = 1; j < 10; j++) { i++; }
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ :redraw!
+ :4LspFormat
+ expected =<< trim END
+ int f1() {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { j++; }
+ for (j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ # shrinking multiple lines into a single one works
+ setline(1, ['int \', 'i \', '= \', '42;'])
+ :redraw!
+ :4LspFormat
+ assert_equal(['int i = 42;'], getline(1, '$'))
+ bw!
+ # empty file
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspFormat'))
+ # file without an LSP server
+ edit a.raku
+ assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "documentFormatting" feature is not found',
+ execute('LspFormat')->split("\n")[0])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for formatting a file using 'formatexpr'
+def g:Test_LspFormatExpr()
+ :silent! edit XLspFormat.c
+ sleep 200m
+ setlocal formatexpr=lsp#lsp#FormatExpr()
+ setline(1, [' int i;', ' int j;'])
+ :redraw!
+ normal! ggVGgq
+ assert_equal(['int i;', 'int j;'], getline(1, '$'))
+ # empty line/file
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ setline(1, [''])
+ redraw!
+ normal! ggVGgq
+ assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
+ setlocal formatexpr&
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspShowReferences - showing all the references to a symbol in a
+# file using LSP
+def g:Test_LspShowReferences()
+ :silent! edit XshowRefs.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ int count;
+ void redFunc()
+ {
+ int count, i;
+ count = 10;
+ i = count;
+ }
+ void blueFunc()
+ {
+ int count, j;
+ count = 20;
+ j = count;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ :redraw!
+ cursor(5, 2)
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ :LspShowReferences
+ sleep 100m
+ assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype'))
+ var loclist: list<dict<any>> = getloclist(0)
+ assert_equal(bnr, loclist[0].bufnr)
+ assert_equal(3, loclist->len())
+ assert_equal([4, 6], [loclist[0].lnum, loclist[0].col])
+ assert_equal([5, 2], [loclist[1].lnum, loclist[1].col])
+ assert_equal([6, 6], [loclist[2].lnum, loclist[2].col])
+ :lclose
+ cursor(1, 5)
+ :LspShowReferences
+ assert_equal(1, getloclist(0)->len())
+ loclist = getloclist(0)
+ assert_equal([1, 5], [loclist[0].lnum, loclist[0].col])
+ :lclose
+ # Test for opening in qf list
+ g:LspOptionsSet({useQuickfixForLocations: true})
+ cursor(5, 2)
+ :LspShowReferences
+ sleep 100m
+ assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype'))
+ :cclose
+ var qfl: list<dict<any>> = getqflist()
+ assert_equal(3, qfl->len())
+ assert_equal(bufnr(), qfl[0].bufnr)
+ assert_equal([4, 6], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col])
+ assert_equal([5, 2], [qfl[1].lnum, qfl[1].col])
+ assert_equal([6, 6], [qfl[2].lnum, qfl[2].col])
+ cursor(1, 5)
+ :LspShowReferences
+ assert_equal(1, getqflist()->len())
+ qfl = getqflist()
+ assert_equal([1, 5], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col])
+ :cclose
+ g:LspOptionsSet({useQuickfixForLocations: false})
+ # Test for maintaining buffer focus
+ g:LspOptionsSet({keepFocusInReferences: false})
+ :LspShowReferences
+ assert_equal('', getwinvar(0, '&buftype'))
+ :lclose
+ g:LspOptionsSet({keepFocusInReferences: true})
+ # Test for LspPeekReferences
+ # Opening the preview window with an unsaved buffer displays the "E37: No
+ # write since last change" error message. To disable this message, mark the
+ # buffer as not modified.
+ setlocal nomodified
+ cursor(10, 6)
+ :LspPeekReferences
+ sleep 50m
+ var ids = popup_list()
+ assert_equal(2, ids->len())
+ var filePopupAttrs = ids[0]->popup_getoptions()
+ var refPopupAttrs = ids[1]->popup_getoptions()
+ assert_match('XshowRefs', filePopupAttrs.title)
+ assert_equal('Symbol References', refPopupAttrs.title)
+ assert_equal(10, line('.', ids[0]))
+ assert_equal(1, line('.', ids[1]))
+ assert_equal(3, line('$', ids[1]))
+ feedkeys("jj\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(12, line('.'))
+ assert_equal([], popup_list())
+ popup_clear()
+ # LspShowReferences should start with the current symbol
+ cursor(12, 6)
+ :LspPeekReferences
+ sleep 50m
+ ids = popup_list()
+ assert_equal(2, ids->len())
+ assert_equal(12, line('.', ids[0]))
+ assert_equal(3, line('.', ids[1]))
+ feedkeys("\<CR>", 'xt')
+ popup_clear()
+ bw!
+ # empty file
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspShowReferences'))
+ # file without an LSP server
+ edit a.raku
+ assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "references" feature is not found',
+ execute('LspShowReferences')->split("\n")[0])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for LSP diagnostics
+def g:Test_LspDiag()
+ :silent! edit XLspDiag.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void blueFunc()
+ {
+ int count, j:
+ count = 20;
+ j <= count;
+ j = 10;
+ MyFunc();
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ :redraw!
+ :LspDiag show
+ var qfl: list<dict<any>> = getloclist(0)
+ assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype'))
+ assert_equal(bnr, qfl[0].bufnr)
+ assert_equal(3, qfl->len())
+ assert_equal([3, 14, 'E'], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col, qfl[0].type])
+ assert_equal([5, 2, 'W'], [qfl[1].lnum, qfl[1].col, qfl[1].type])
+ assert_equal([7, 2, 'W'], [qfl[2].lnum, qfl[2].col, qfl[2].type])
+ close
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false})
+ normal gg
+ var output = execute('LspDiag current')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for current line', output[0])
+ :LspDiag first
+ assert_equal([3, 14], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ output = execute('LspDiag current')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal("Expected ';' at end of declaration (fix available)", output[0])
+ :normal! 0
+ :LspDiag here
+ assert_equal([3, 14], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :LspDiag next
+ assert_equal([5, 2], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :LspDiag next
+ assert_equal([7, 2], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ output = execute('LspDiag next')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0])
+ :LspDiag prev
+ :LspDiag prev
+ :LspDiag prev
+ output = execute('LspDiag prev')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0])
+ # Test for maintaining buffer focus
+ g:LspOptionsSet({keepFocusInDiags: false})
+ :LspDiag show
+ assert_equal('', getwinvar(0, '&buftype'))
+ :lclose
+ g:LspOptionsSet({keepFocusInDiags: true})
+ # :[count]LspDiag next
+ cursor(3, 1)
+ :2LspDiag next
+ assert_equal([5, 2], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :2LspDiag next
+ assert_equal([7, 2], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ output = execute(':2LspDiag next')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0])
+ # :[count]LspDiag prev
+ cursor(7, 2)
+ :4LspDiag prev
+ assert_equal([3, 14], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ output = execute(':4LspDiag prev')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0])
+ :%d
+ setline(1, ['void blueFunc()', '{', '}'])
+ g:WaitForDiags(0)
+ output = execute('LspDiag show')->split("\n")
+ assert_match('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for', output[0])
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true})
+ popup_clear()
+ :%bw!
+# Test for LSP diagnostics handler
+def g:Test_LspProcessDiagHandler()
+ g:LSPTest_modifyDiags = true
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false})
+ :silent! edit XLspProcessDiag.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void blueFunc()
+ {
+ int count, j:
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ :redraw!
+ normal gg
+ :LspDiag first
+ assert_equal([3, 14], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ var output = execute('LspDiag current')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal("this is overridden", output[0])
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true})
+ g:LSPTest_modifyDiags = false
+ :%bw!
+# Diag location list should be automatically updated when the list of diags
+# changes.
+def g:Test_DiagLocListAutoUpdate()
+ :silent! edit XdiagLocListAutoUpdate.c
+ :sleep 200m
+ setloclist(0, [], 'f')
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ int i:
+ int j;
+ setline(1, lines)
+ var bnr = bufnr()
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ :redraw!
+ var d = lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf()[0]
+ assert_equal({start: {line: 0, character: 5}, end: {line: 0, character: 6}},
+ d.range)
+ :LspDiag show
+ assert_equal(1, line('$'))
+ wincmd w
+ setline(2, 'int j:')
+ redraw!
+ g:WaitForDiags(2)
+ var l = lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf()
+ assert_equal({start: {line: 0, character: 5}, end: {line: 0, character: 6}},
+ l[0].range)
+ assert_equal({start: {line: 1, character: 5}, end: {line: 1, character: 6}},
+ l[1].range)
+ wincmd w
+ assert_equal(2, line('$'))
+ wincmd w
+ deletebufline('', 1, '$')
+ redraw!
+ g:WaitForDiags(0)
+ assert_equal([], lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf())
+ wincmd w
+ assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$'))
+ :lclose
+ setloclist(0, [], 'f')
+ :%bw!
+# Test that the client have been able to configure the server to speak utf-32
+def g:Test_UnicodeColumnCalc()
+ :silent! edit XUnicodeColumn.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ int count;
+ int fn(int a)
+ {
+ int 😊😊😊😊;
+ 😊😊😊😊 = a;
+ int b;
+ b = a;
+ return count + 1;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ :redraw!
+ cursor(5, 1) # 😊😊😊😊 = a;
+ search('a')
+ assert_equal([],
+ execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal([2, 12], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(8, 1) # b = a;
+ search('a')
+ assert_equal([],
+ execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal([2, 12], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for multiple LSP diagnostics on the same line
+def g:Test_LspDiag_Multi()
+ :silent! edit XLspDiagMulti.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var bnr: number = bufnr()
+ var lines =<< trim END
+ int i = "a";
+ int j = i;
+ int y = 0;
+ setline(1, lines)
+ :redraw!
+ # TODO: Waiting count doesn't include Warning, Info, and Hint diags
+ if clangdVerMajor > 14
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(3)
+ else
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(2)
+ endif
+ :LspDiag show
+ var qfl: list<dict<any>> = getloclist(0)
+ assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype'))
+ assert_equal(bnr, qfl[0].bufnr)
+ assert_equal(3, qfl->len())
+ if clangdVerMajor > 14
+ assert_equal([1, 5, 'E'], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col, qfl[0].type])
+ else
+ assert_equal([1, 5, 'W'], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col, qfl[0].type])
+ endif
+ assert_equal([1, 9, 'E'], [qfl[1].lnum, qfl[1].col, qfl[1].type])
+ assert_equal([2, 9, 'E'], [qfl[2].lnum, qfl[2].col, qfl[2].type])
+ close
+ :sleep 100m
+ cursor(2, 1)
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag prev'))
+ assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag prev'))
+ assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ var output = execute('LspDiag prev')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0])
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag prevWrap'))
+ assert_equal([2, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(2, 1)
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag first'))
+ assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag next'))
+ assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag last'))
+ assert_equal([2, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag nextWrap'))
+ assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspDiag nextWrap'))
+ assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ popup_clear()
+ # Test for :LspDiag here on a line with multiple diagnostics
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ :LspDiag here
+ assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ var ids = popup_list()
+ assert_equal(1, ids->len())
+ assert_match('Incompatible pointer to integer', getbufline(ids[0]->winbufnr(), 1, '$')[0])
+ popup_clear()
+ cursor(1, 6)
+ :LspDiag here
+ assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ ids = popup_list()
+ assert_equal(1, ids->len())
+ assert_match('Initializer element is not', getbufline(ids[0]->winbufnr(), 1, '$')[0])
+ popup_clear()
+ # Line without diagnostics
+ cursor(3, 1)
+ output = execute('LspDiag here')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found on this line', output[0])
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false})
+ for i in range(1, 5)
+ cursor(1, i)
+ output = execute('LspDiag current')->split('\n')
+ assert_match('Incompatible pointer to integer', output[0])
+ endfor
+ for i in range(6, 12)
+ cursor(1, i)
+ output = execute('LspDiag current')->split('\n')
+ assert_match('Initializer element is not ', output[0])
+ endfor
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true})
+ # Check for exact diag ":LspDiag current!"
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false})
+ for i in range(1, 4)
+ cursor(1, i)
+ output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n')
+ assert_equal('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for current position', output[0])
+ endfor
+ cursor(1, 5)
+ output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n')
+ assert_match('Incompatible pointer to integer', output[0])
+ for i in range(6, 8)
+ cursor(1, i)
+ output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n')
+ assert_equal('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for current position', output[0])
+ endfor
+ for i in range(9, 11)
+ cursor(1, i)
+ output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n')
+ assert_match('Initializer element is not ', output[0])
+ endfor
+ for i in range(12, 12)
+ cursor(1, i)
+ output = execute('LspDiag! current')->split('\n')
+ assert_equal('Warn: No diagnostic messages found for current position', output[0])
+ endfor
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true})
+ # :[count]LspDiag next
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false})
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ :2LspDiag next
+ assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :2LspDiag next
+ assert_equal([2, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ output = execute(':2LspDiag next')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0])
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ :99LspDiag next
+ assert_equal([2, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true})
+ # :[count]LspDiag prev
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: false})
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ :2LspDiag prev
+ assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0])
+ cursor(3, 3)
+ :2LspDiag prev
+ assert_equal([1, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :2LspDiag prev
+ assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ output = execute(':2LspDiag prev')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No more diagnostics found', output[0])
+ cursor(3, 3)
+ :99LspDiag prev
+ assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagInPopup: true})
+ :%bw!
+# Test for highlight diag inline
+def g:Test_LspHighlightDiagInline()
+ :silent! edit XLspHighlightDiag.c
+ sleep 200m
+ setline(1, [
+ 'int main()',
+ '{',
+ ' struct obj obj',
+ '',
+ ' return 1;',
+ '}',
+ ])
+ # TODO: Waiting count doesn't include Warning, Info, and Hint diags
+ g:WaitForDiags(2)
+ g:LspOptionsSet({highlightDiagInline: true})
+ var props = prop_list(1)
+ assert_equal(0, props->len())
+ props = prop_list(2)
+ assert_equal(0, props->len())
+ props = prop_list(3)
+ assert_equal(2, props->len())
+ assert_equal([
+ {'id': 0, 'col': 12, 'type_bufnr': 0, 'end': 1, 'type': 'LspDiagInlineInfo', 'length': 3, 'start': 1},
+ {'id': 0, 'col': 16, 'type_bufnr': 0, 'end': 1, 'type': 'LspDiagInlineError', 'length': 3, 'start': 1}
+ ], props)
+ props = prop_list(4)
+ assert_equal(0, props->len())
+ props = prop_list(5)
+ assert_equal(1, props->len())
+ assert_equal([{'id': 0, 'col': 5, 'type_bufnr': 0, 'end': 1, 'type': 'LspDiagInlineError', 'length': 6, 'start': 1}], props)
+ props = prop_list(6)
+ assert_equal(0, props->len())
+ g:LspOptionsSet({highlightDiagInline: false})
+ props = prop_list(1, {end_lnum: line('$')})
+ assert_equal(0, props->len())
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspCodeAction
+def g:Test_LspCodeAction()
+ silent! edit XLspCodeAction.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void testFunc()
+ {
+ int count;
+ count == 20;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(4, 1)
+ redraw!
+ :LspCodeAction 1
+ assert_equal("\tcount = 20;", getline(4))
+ setline(4, "\tcount = 20:")
+ cursor(4, 1)
+ sleep 500m
+ :LspCodeAction 0
+ assert_equal("\tcount = 20:", getline(4))
+ cursor(4, 1)
+ :LspCodeAction 2
+ assert_equal("\tcount = 20:", getline(4))
+ cursor(4, 1)
+ :LspCodeAction 1
+ assert_equal("\tcount = 20;", getline(4))
+ bw!
+ # pattern and string prefix
+ silent! edit XLspCodeActionPattern.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines2: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void testFunc()
+ {
+ int count;
+ if (count = 1) {
+ }
+ }
+ setline(1, lines2)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(4, 1)
+ redraw!
+ :LspCodeAction use
+ assert_equal("\tif (count == 1) {", getline(4))
+ setline(4, "\tif (count = 1) {")
+ cursor(4, 1)
+ sleep 500m
+ :LspCodeAction /paren
+ assert_equal("\tif ((count = 1)) {", getline(4))
+ setline(4, "\tif (count = 1) {")
+ cursor(4, 1)
+ sleep 500m
+ assert_equal("\tif (count = 1) {", getline(4))
+ cursor(4, 1)
+ assert_equal("\tif (count = 1) {", getline(4))
+ bw!
+ # empty file
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspCodeAction'))
+ # file without an LSP server
+ edit a.raku
+ assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "codeAction" feature is not found',
+ execute('LspCodeAction')->split("\n")[0])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspRename
+def g:Test_LspRename()
+ silent! edit XLspRename.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void F1(int count)
+ {
+ count = 20;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ void F2(int count)
+ {
+ count = 5;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ search('count')
+ redraw!
+ feedkeys(":LspRename\<CR>er\<CR>", "xt")
+ redraw!
+ var expected: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void F1(int counter)
+ {
+ counter = 20;
+ ++counter;
+ }
+ void F2(int count)
+ {
+ count = 5;
+ }
+ assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ search('counter')
+ LspRename countvar
+ var expected2: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void F1(int countvar)
+ {
+ countvar = 20;
+ ++countvar;
+ }
+ void F2(int count)
+ {
+ count = 5;
+ }
+ assert_equal(expected2, getline(1, '$'))
+ sleep 100m
+ bw!
+ # empty file
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspRename'))
+ # file without an LSP server
+ edit a.raku
+ assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "rename" feature is not found',
+ execute('LspRename')->split("\n")[0])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspSelectionExpand and :LspSelectionShrink
+def g:Test_LspSelection()
+ silent! edit XLspSelection.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void fnSel(int count)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ count = 20;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ # start a block-wise visual mode, LspSelectionExpand should change this to
+ # a characterwise visual mode.
+ exe "normal! 1G\<C-V>G\"_y"
+ cursor(2, 1)
+ redraw!
+ :LspSelectionExpand
+ redraw!
+ normal! y
+ assert_equal('v', visualmode())
+ assert_equal([2, 8], [line("'<"), line("'>")])
+ # start a linewise visual mode, LspSelectionExpand should change this to
+ # a characterwise visual mode.
+ exe "normal! 3GViB\"_y"
+ cursor(4, 29)
+ redraw!
+ :LspSelectionExpand
+ redraw!
+ normal! y
+ assert_equal('v', visualmode())
+ assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ # Expand the visual selection
+ xnoremap <silent> le <Cmd>LspSelectionExpand<CR>
+ xnoremap <silent> ls <Cmd>LspSelectionShrink<CR>
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vley
+ assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 12], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vleley
+ assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 14], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vleleley
+ assert_equal([4, 30, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vleleleley
+ assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vleleleleley
+ assert_equal([2, 1, 8, 1], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vleleleleleley
+ assert_equal([1, 1, 8, 1], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vleleleleleleley
+ assert_equal([1, 1, 8, 1], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ # Shrink the visual selection
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vlsy
+ assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 12], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vlelsy
+ assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 12], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vlelelsy
+ assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 12], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vlelelelsy
+ assert_equal([5, 8, 5, 14], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vlelelelelsy
+ assert_equal([4, 30, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vlelelelelelsy
+ assert_equal([4, 5, 6, 5], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ cursor(5, 8)
+ normal vlelelelelelelsy
+ assert_equal([2, 1, 8, 1], [line("'<"), col("'<"), line("'>"), col("'>")])
+ xunmap le
+ xunmap ls
+ bw!
+ # empty file
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspSelectionExpand'))
+ # file without an LSP server
+ edit a.raku
+ assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "selectionRange" feature is not found',
+ execute('LspSelectionExpand')->split("\n")[0])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspGotoDefinition, :LspGotoDeclaration and :LspGotoImpl
+def g:Test_LspGotoSymbol()
+ settagstack(0, {items: []})
+ silent! edit XLspGotoSymbol.cpp
+ sleep 600m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ class base {
+ public:
+ virtual void print();
+ };
+ void base::print()
+ {
+ }
+ class derived : public base {
+ public:
+ void print() {}
+ };
+ void f1(void)
+ {
+ base *bp;
+ derived d;
+ bp = &d;
+ bp->print();
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(21, 6)
+ :LspGotoDeclaration
+ assert_equal([3, 19], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ exe "normal! \<C-t>"
+ assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([6, 12], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ exe "normal! \<C-t>"
+ assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
+ # Command modifiers
+ :topleft LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([6, 12], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ assert_equal([1, 2], [winnr(), winnr('$')])
+ close
+ exe "normal! \<C-t>"
+ assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :tab LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([6, 12], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ assert_equal([2, 2, 1], [tabpagenr(), tabpagenr('$'), winnr('$')])
+ tabclose
+ exe "normal! \<C-t>"
+ assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ # :LspGotoTypeDef
+ cursor(21, 2)
+ :LspGotoTypeDef
+ assert_equal([1, 7], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ exe "normal! \<C-t>"
+ assert_equal([21, 2], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ # :LspGotoImpl
+ cursor(21, 6)
+ :LspGotoImpl
+ assert_equal([12, 11], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ exe "normal! \<C-t>"
+ assert_equal([21, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ # FIXME: The following tests are failing in Github CI. Comment out for now.
+ if 0
+ # Error cases
+ :messages clear
+ cursor(11, 5)
+ :LspGotoDeclaration
+ var m = execute('messages')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('symbol declaration is not found', m[1])
+ :messages clear
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ m = execute('messages')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('symbol definition is not found', m[1])
+ :messages clear
+ :LspGotoImpl
+ m = execute('messages')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('symbol implementation is not found', m[1])
+ :messages clear
+ endif
+ # Test for LspPeekDeclaration
+ cursor(21, 6)
+ var bnum = bufnr()
+ :LspPeekDeclaration
+ var plist = popup_list()
+ assert_true(1, plist->len())
+ assert_equal(bnum, plist[0]->winbufnr())
+ assert_equal(3, line('.', plist[0]))
+ popup_clear()
+ # tag stack should not be changed
+ assert_fails("normal! \<C-t>", 'E555:')
+ # Test for LspPeekDefinition
+ :LspPeekDefinition
+ plist = popup_list()
+ assert_true(1, plist->len())
+ assert_equal(bnum, plist[0]->winbufnr())
+ assert_equal(6, line('.', plist[0]))
+ popup_clear()
+ # tag stack should not be changed
+ assert_fails("normal! \<C-t>", 'E555:')
+ # FIXME: :LspPeekTypeDef and :LspPeekImpl are supported only with clang-14.
+ # This clangd version is not available in Github CI.
+ :%bw!
+ # empty file
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspGotoDefinition'))
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspGotoDeclaration'))
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspGotoImpl'))
+ # file without an LSP server
+ edit a.raku
+ assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "definition" feature is not found',
+ execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n")[0])
+ assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "declaration" feature is not found',
+ execute('LspGotoDeclaration')->split("\n")[0])
+ assert_equal('Error: Language server for "raku" file type supporting "implementation" feature is not found',
+ execute('LspGotoImpl')->split("\n")[0])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspHighlight
+def g:Test_LspHighlight()
+ silent! edit XLspHighlight.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void f1(int arg)
+ {
+ int i = arg;
+ arg = 2;
+ if (arg == 2) {
+ arg = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(1, 13)
+ :LspHighlight
+ var expected: dict<any>
+ expected = {id: 0, col: 13, end: 1, type: 'LspTextRef', length: 3, start: 1}
+ expected.type_bufnr = 0
+ assert_equal([expected], prop_list(1))
+ expected = {id: 0, col: 11, end: 1, type: 'LspReadRef', length: 3, start: 1}
+ expected.type_bufnr = 0
+ assert_equal([expected], prop_list(3))
+ expected = {id: 0, col: 3, end: 1, type: 'LspWriteRef', length: 3, start: 1}
+ expected.type_bufnr = 0
+ assert_equal([expected], prop_list(4))
+ :LspHighlightClear
+ assert_equal([], prop_list(1))
+ assert_equal([], prop_list(3))
+ assert_equal([], prop_list(4))
+ cursor(5, 3) # if (arg == 2) {
+ var output = execute('LspHighlight')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No highlight for the current position', output[0])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspHover
+def g:Test_LspHover()
+ silent! edit XLspHover.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ int f1(int a)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void f2(void)
+ {
+ f1(5);
+ char *z = "z";
+ f1(z);
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ if clangdVerMajor > 14
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ else
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ endif
+ cursor(8, 4)
+ var output = execute(':LspHover')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal([], output)
+ var p: list<number> = popup_list()
+ assert_equal(1, p->len())
+ assert_equal(['### function `f1` ', '', '---', '→ `int` ', 'Parameters: ', '- `int a`', '', '---', '```cpp', 'int f1(int a)', '```'], getbufline(winbufnr(p[0]), 1, '$'))
+ popup_close(p[0])
+ cursor(7, 1)
+ output = execute(':LspHover')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: No documentation found for current keyword', output[0])
+ output = execute(':silent LspHover')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal([], output)
+ assert_equal([], popup_list())
+ # Show current diagnostic as to open another popup.
+ # Then we can test that LspHover closes all existing popups
+ cursor(10, 6)
+ :LspDiag current
+ assert_equal(1, popup_list()->len())
+ :LspHover
+ assert_equal(1, popup_list()->len())
+ popup_clear()
+ # Show hover information in a preview window
+ g:LspOptionsSet({hoverInPreview: true})
+ cursor(8, 4)
+ :LspHover
+ assert_equal([2, 2, 'preview'], [winnr('$'), winnr(), win_gettype(1)])
+ assert_equal('LspHover', winbufnr(1)->bufname())
+ cursor(9, 9)
+ :LspHover
+ assert_equal([2, 2, 'preview'], [winnr('$'), winnr(), win_gettype(1)])
+ g:LspOptionsSet({hoverInPreview: false})
+ :pclose
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspShowSignature
+def g:Test_LspShowSignature()
+ silent! edit XLspShowSignature.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ int MyFunc(int a, int b)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void f2(void)
+ {
+ MyFunc(
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(2)
+ cursor(8, 10)
+ :LspShowSignature
+ var p: list<number> = popup_list()
+ var bnr: number = winbufnr(p[0])
+ assert_equal(1, p->len())
+ assert_equal(['MyFunc(int a, int b) -> int'], getbufline(bnr, 1, '$'))
+ var expected: dict<any>
+ expected = {id: 0, col: 8, end: 1, type: 'signature', length: 5, start: 1}
+ expected.type_bufnr = bnr
+ assert_equal([expected], prop_list(1, {bufnr: bnr}))
+ popup_close(p[0])
+ setline(line('.'), ' MyFunc(10, ')
+ cursor(8, 13)
+ :LspShowSignature
+ p = popup_list()
+ bnr = winbufnr(p[0])
+ assert_equal(1, p->len())
+ assert_equal(['MyFunc(int a, int b) -> int'], getbufline(bnr, 1, '$'))
+ expected = {id: 0, col: 15, end: 1, type: 'signature', length: 5, start: 1}
+ expected.type_bufnr = bnr
+ assert_equal([expected], prop_list(1, {bufnr: bnr}))
+ popup_close(p[0])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspSymbolSearch
+def g:Test_LspSymbolSearch()
+ silent! edit XLspSymbolSearch.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void lsptest_funcA()
+ {
+ }
+ void lsptest_funcB()
+ {
+ }
+ void lsptest_funcC()
+ {
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ feedkeys(":LspSymbolSearch lsptest_funcB\<CR>", "xt")
+ assert_equal([5, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ feedkeys(":LspSymbolSearch lsptest_func\<CR>\<Down>\<Down>\<CR>", "xt")
+ assert_equal([9, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ feedkeys(":LspSymbolSearch lsptest_func\<CR>A\<BS>B\<CR>", "xt")
+ assert_equal([5, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ var output = execute(':LspSymbolSearch lsptest_nonexist')->split("\n")
+ assert_equal('Warn: Symbol "lsptest_nonexist" is not found', output[0])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspIncomingCalls
+def g:Test_LspIncomingCalls()
+ silent! edit XLspIncomingCalls.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void xFuncIncoming(void)
+ {
+ }
+ void aFuncIncoming(void)
+ {
+ xFuncIncoming();
+ }
+ void bFuncIncoming(void)
+ {
+ xFuncIncoming();
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(1, 6)
+ :LspIncomingCalls
+ assert_equal([1, 2], [winnr(), winnr('$')])
+ var l = getline(1, '$')
+ assert_equal('# Incoming calls to "xFuncIncoming"', l[0])
+ assert_match('- xFuncIncoming (XLspIncomingCalls.c \[.*\])', l[1])
+ assert_match(' + aFuncIncoming (XLspIncomingCalls.c \[.*\])', l[2])
+ assert_match(' + bFuncIncoming (XLspIncomingCalls.c \[.*\])', l[3])
+ :%bw!
+# Test for :LspOutline
+def g:Test_LspOutline()
+ silent! edit XLspOutline.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void aFuncOutline(void)
+ {
+ }
+ void bFuncOutline(void)
+ {
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ var winid = win_getid()
+ :LspOutline
+ assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ var bnum = winbufnr(winid + 1)
+ assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum))
+ assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$'))
+ # Validate position vert topleft
+ assert_equal(['row', [['leaf', winid + 1], ['leaf', winid]]], winlayout())
+ # Validate default width is 20
+ assert_equal(20, winwidth(winid + 1))
+ execute $':{bnum}bw'
+ # Validate position vert botright
+ g:LspOptionsSet({outlineOnRight: true})
+ :LspOutline
+ assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ bnum = winbufnr(winid + 2)
+ assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum))
+ assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$'))
+ assert_equal(['row', [['leaf', winid], ['leaf', winid + 2]]], winlayout())
+ g:LspOptionsSet({outlineOnRight: false})
+ execute $':{bnum}bw'
+ # Validate <mods> position botright (below)
+ :botright LspOutline
+ assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ bnum = winbufnr(winid + 3)
+ assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum))
+ assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$'))
+ assert_equal(['col', [['leaf', winid], ['leaf', winid + 3]]], winlayout())
+ execute $':{bnum}bw'
+ # Validate that outlineWinSize works for LspOutline
+ g:LspOptionsSet({outlineWinSize: 40})
+ :LspOutline
+ assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ bnum = winbufnr(winid + 4)
+ assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum))
+ assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$'))
+ assert_equal(40, winwidth(winid + 4))
+ execute $':{bnum}bw'
+ g:LspOptionsSet({outlineWinSize: 20})
+ # Validate that <count> works for LspOutline
+ :37LspOutline
+ assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
+ bnum = winbufnr(winid + 5)
+ assert_equal('LSP-Outline', bufname(bnum))
+ assert_equal(['Function', ' aFuncOutline', ' bFuncOutline'], getbufline(bnum, 4, '$'))
+ assert_equal(37, winwidth(winid + 5))
+ execute $':{bnum}bw'
+ :%bw!
+# Test for setting the 'tagfunc'
+def g:Test_LspTagFunc()
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void aFuncTag(void)
+ {
+ xFuncTag();
+ }
+ void bFuncTag(void)
+ {
+ xFuncTag();
+ }
+ void xFuncTag(void)
+ {
+ }
+ writefile(lines, 'Xtagfunc.c')
+ :silent! edit Xtagfunc.c
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ :setlocal tagfunc=lsp#lsp#TagFunc
+ cursor(3, 4)
+ :exe "normal \<C-]>"
+ assert_equal([11, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ assert_fails('exe "normal \<C-]>"', 'E433:')
+ :set tagfunc&
+ :%bw!
+ delete('Xtagfunc.c')
+# Test for the LspDiagsUpdated autocmd
+def g:Test_LspDiagsUpdated_Autocmd()
+ g:LspAutoCmd = 0
+ autocmd_add([{event: 'User', pattern: 'LspDiagsUpdated', cmd: 'g:LspAutoCmd = g:LspAutoCmd + 1'}])
+ silent! edit XLspDiagsAutocmd.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void aFuncDiag(void)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ setline(3, ' return:')
+ redraw!
+ g:WaitForDiags(1)
+ setline(3, ' return;')
+ redraw!
+ g:WaitForDiags(0)
+ :%bw!
+ autocmd_delete([{event: 'User', pattern: 'LspDiagsUpdated'}])
+ assert_equal(5, g:LspAutoCmd)
+# Test custom notification handlers
+def g:Test_LspCustomNotificationHandlers()
+ g:LSPTest_customNotificationHandlerReplied = false
+ silent! edit XcustomNotification.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ int a = 1;
+ int main(void) {
+ return a;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForAssert(() => assert_equal(true, g:LSPTest_customNotificationHandlerReplied))
+ :%bw!
+def g:Test_ScanFindIdent()
+ :silent! edit XscanFindIdent.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ int countFI;
+ int fnFI(int a)
+ {
+ int hello;
+ hello = a;
+ return countFI + 1;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ :redraw!
+ # LspGotoDefinition et al
+ cursor(5, 10)
+ assert_equal([], execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal([2, 14], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(6, 10)
+ assert_equal([], execute('LspGotoDefinition')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal([1, 5], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ # LspShowReferences
+ cursor(6, 10)
+ assert_equal([], execute('LspShowReferences')->split("\n"))
+ :lclose
+ # LspRename
+ cursor(6, 10)
+ assert_equal([], execute('LspRename counterFI')->split("\n"))
+ sleep 100m
+ assert_equal('int counterFI;', getline(1))
+ assert_equal(' return counterFI + 1;', getline(6))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for doing omni completion from the first column
+def g:Test_OmniComplete_FirstColumn()
+ :silent! edit XOmniCompleteFirstColumn.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ typedef struct Foo_ {
+ } Foo_t;
+ #define FOO 1
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ feedkeys("G0i\<C-X>\<C-O>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal('Foo_t#define FOO 1', getline('.'))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for doing omni completion with a multibyte character
+def g:Test_OmniComplete_Multibyte()
+ :silent! edit XOmniCompleteMultibyte.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ #include <string.h>
+ void Fn(void)
+ {
+ int thisVar = 1;
+ int len = strlen("©©©©©") + thisVar;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ cursor(5, 36)
+ feedkeys("cwthis\<C-X>\<C-O>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(' int len = strlen("©©©©©") + thisVar;', getline('.'))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for doing omni completion for a struct field
+def g:Test_OmniComplete_Struct()
+ :silent! edit XOmniCompleteStruct.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ struct test_ {
+ int foo;
+ int bar;
+ int baz;
+ };
+ void Fn(void)
+ {
+ struct test_ myTest;
+ struct test_ *pTest;
+ = 10;
+ pTest->bar = 20;
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ cursor(10, 12)
+ feedkeys("cwb\<C-X>\<C-O>\<C-N>\<C-Y>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(' myTest.baz = 10;', getline('.'))
+ cursor(11, 12)
+ feedkeys("cw\<C-X>\<C-O>\<C-N>\<C-Y>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(' pTest->baz = 20;', getline('.'))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for doing omni completion after an opening parenthesis.
+# This used to result in an error message.
+def g:Test_OmniComplete_AfterParen()
+ :silent! edit XOmniCompleteAfterParen.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ void Fn(void)
+ {
+ printf(
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(2)
+ redraw!
+ cursor(4, 1)
+ feedkeys("A\<C-X>\<C-O>\<C-Y>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(' printf(', getline('.'))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for inlay hints
+def g:Test_InlayHints()
+ :silent! edit XinlayHints.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void func1(int a, int b)
+ {
+ }
+ void func2()
+ {
+ func1(10, 20);
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ redraw!
+ assert_equal([], prop_list(7))
+ :LspInlayHints enable
+ var p = prop_list(7)
+ assert_equal([9, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[0].col, p[0].type])
+ assert_equal([13, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[1].col, p[1].type])
+ :LspInlayHints disable
+ assert_equal([], prop_list(7))
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showInlayHints: true})
+ assert_equal([9, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[0].col, p[0].type])
+ assert_equal([13, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[1].col, p[1].type])
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showInlayHints: false})
+ assert_equal([], prop_list(7))
+ :hide enew
+ :LspInlayHints enable
+ :bprev
+ assert_equal([9, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[0].col, p[0].type])
+ assert_equal([13, 'LspInlayHintsParam'], [p[1].col, p[1].type])
+ :hide enew
+ :LspInlayHints disable
+ :bprev
+ assert_equal([], prop_list(7))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for reloading a modified buffer with diags
+def g:Test_ReloadBufferWithDiags()
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void ReloadBufferFunc1(void)
+ {
+ int a:
+ }
+ writefile(lines, 'Xreloadbuffer.c')
+ :silent! edit Xreloadbuffer.c
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ var signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs
+ assert_equal(3, signs[0].lnum)
+ append(0, ['', ''])
+ signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs
+ assert_equal(5, signs[0].lnum)
+ :edit!
+ sleep 200m
+ signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs
+ assert_equal(3, signs[0].lnum)
+ :%bw!
+ delete('Xreloadbuffer.c')
+# Test for ":LspDiag" sub commands
+def g:Test_LspDiagsSubcmd()
+ new XLspDiagsSubCmd.raku
+ feedkeys(":LspDiag \<C-A>\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal('LspDiag first current here highlight last next nextWrap prev prevWrap show', @:)
+ feedkeys(":LspDiag highlight \<C-A>\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal('LspDiag highlight enable disable', @:)
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "first xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag first xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "current xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag current xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "here xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag here xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Argument required for ":LspDiag highlight"'],
+ execute('LspDiag highlight')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag highlight - Unsupported argument "xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag highlight xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag highlight - Unsupported argument "enable xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag highlight enable xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "last xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag last xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "next xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag next xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "prev xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag prev xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: :LspDiag - Unsupported argument "show xyz"'],
+ execute('LspDiag show xyz')->split("\n"))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for the :LspServer command.
+def g:Test_LspServer()
+ new a.raku
+ assert_equal(['Warn: No Lsp servers found for "a.raku"'],
+ execute('LspServer debug on')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Warn: No Lsp servers found for "a.raku"'],
+ execute('LspServer restart')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Warn: No Lsp servers found for "a.raku"'],
+ execute('LspServer show status')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Warn: No Lsp servers found for "a.raku"'],
+ execute('LspServer trace verbose')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: LspServer - Unsupported argument "xyz"'],
+ execute('LspServer xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Argument required for ":LspServer debug"'],
+ execute('LspServer debug')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "xyz"'],
+ execute('LspServer debug xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "on xyz"'],
+ execute('LspServer debug on xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Argument required for ":LspServer show"'],
+ execute('LspServer show')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "xyz"'],
+ execute('LspServer show xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "status xyz"'],
+ execute('LspServer show status xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Argument required for ":LspServer trace"'],
+ execute('LspServer trace')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "xyz"'],
+ execute('LspServer trace xyz')->split("\n"))
+ assert_equal(['Error: Unsupported argument "verbose xyz"'],
+ execute('LspServer trace verbose xyz')->split("\n"))
+ :%bw!
+# Test for the diagnostics virtual text text property
+def g:Test_DiagVirtualText()
+ if !has('patch-9.0.1157')
+ # Doesn't support virtual text
+ return
+ endif
+ g:LspOptionsSet({highlightDiagInline: false})
+ :silent! edit XdiagVirtualText.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void DiagVirtualTextFunc1()
+ {
+ int i:
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ redraw!
+ var p = prop_list(1, {end_lnum: line('$')})
+ assert_equal(0, p->len())
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagWithVirtualText: true})
+ p = prop_list(1, {end_lnum: line('$')})
+ assert_equal(1, p->len())
+ assert_equal([3, 'LspDiagVirtualTextError'], [p[0].lnum, p[0].type])
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagWithVirtualText: false})
+ p = prop_list(1, {end_lnum: line('$')})
+ assert_equal(0, p->len())
+ g:LspOptionsSet({highlightDiagInline: true})
+ :%bw!
+# Test for enabling and disabling the "showDiagWithSign" option.
+def g:Test_DiagSigns()
+ :silent! edit Xdiagsigns.c
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ void DiagSignsFunc1(void)
+ {
+ int a:
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ redraw!
+ var signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs
+ assert_equal([1, 3], [signs->len(), signs[0].lnum])
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagWithSign: false})
+ signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs
+ assert_equal([], signs)
+ g:LspOptionsSet({showDiagWithSign: true})
+ signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs
+ assert_equal([1, 3], [signs->len(), signs[0].lnum])
+ # Test for enabling/disabling "autoHighlightDiags"
+ g:LspOptionsSet({autoHighlightDiags: false})
+ signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs
+ assert_equal([], signs)
+ g:LspOptionsSet({autoHighlightDiags: true})
+ signs = sign_getplaced('%', {group: '*'})[0].signs
+ assert_equal([1, 3], [signs->len(), signs[0].lnum])
+ :%bw!
+# TODO:
+# 1. Add a test for autocompletion with a single match while ignoring case.
+# After the full matched name is typed, the completion popup should still
+# be displayed. e.g.
+# int MyVar = 1;
+# int abc = myvar<C-N><C-Y>
+# 2. Add a test for jumping to a non-existing symbol definition, declaration.
+# Start the C language server. Returns true on success and false on failure.
+def g:StartLangServer(): bool
+ return g:StartLangServerWithFile('Xtest.c')
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/common.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/common.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb852c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/common.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Common routines used for running the unit tests
+# Load the LSP plugin. Also enable syntax, file type detection.
+def g:LoadLspPlugin()
+ syntax on
+ filetype on
+ filetype plugin on
+ filetype indent on
+ # Set the $LSP_PROFILE environment variable to profile the LSP plugin
+ var do_profile: bool = false
+ if exists('$LSP_PROFILE')
+ do_profile = true
+ endif
+ if do_profile
+ # profile the LSP plugin
+ profile start lsp_profile.txt
+ profile! file */lsp/*
+ endif
+ g:LSPTest = true
+ source ../plugin/lsp.vim
+# The WaitFor*() functions are reused from the Vim test suite.
+# Wait for up to five seconds for "assert" to return zero. "assert" must be a
+# (lambda) function containing one assert function. Example:
+# call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job)})
+# A second argument can be used to specify a different timeout in msec.
+# Return zero for success, one for failure (like the assert function).
+func g:WaitForAssert(assert, ...)
+ let timeout = get(a:000, 0, 5000)
+ if g:WaitForCommon(v:null, a:assert, timeout) < 0
+ return 1
+ endif
+ return 0
+# Either "expr" or "assert" is not v:null
+# Return the waiting time for success, -1 for failure.
+func g:WaitForCommon(expr, assert, timeout)
+ " using reltime() is more accurate, but not always available
+ let slept = 0
+ if exists('*reltimefloat')
+ let start = reltime()
+ endif
+ while 1
+ if type(a:expr) == v:t_func
+ let success = a:expr()
+ elseif type(a:assert) == v:t_func
+ let success = a:assert() == 0
+ else
+ let success = eval(a:expr)
+ endif
+ if success
+ return slept
+ endif
+ if slept >= a:timeout
+ break
+ endif
+ if type(a:assert) == v:t_func
+ " Remove the error added by the assert function.
+ call remove(v:errors, -1)
+ endif
+ sleep 10m
+ if exists('*reltimefloat')
+ let slept = float2nr(reltimefloat(reltime(start)) * 1000)
+ else
+ let slept += 10
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return -1 " timed out
+# Wait for up to five seconds for "expr" to become true. "expr" can be a
+# stringified expression to evaluate, or a funcref without arguments.
+# Using a lambda works best. Example:
+# call WaitFor({-> status == "ok"})
+# A second argument can be used to specify a different timeout in msec.
+# When successful the time slept is returned.
+# When running into the timeout an exception is thrown, thus the function does
+# not return.
+func g:WaitFor(expr, ...)
+ let timeout = get(a:000, 0, 5000)
+ let slept = g:WaitForCommon(a:expr, v:null, timeout)
+ if slept < 0
+ throw 'WaitFor() timed out after ' .. timeout .. ' msec'
+ endif
+ return slept
+# Wait for diagnostic messages from the LSP server.
+# Waits for a maximum of (150 * 200) / 1000 = 30 seconds
+def g:WaitForDiags(errCount: number)
+ var retries = 0
+ while retries < 200
+ var d = lsp#lsp#ErrorCount()
+ if d.Error == errCount
+ break
+ endif
+ retries += 1
+ :sleep 150m
+ endwhile
+ assert_equal(errCount, lsp#lsp#ErrorCount().Error)
+ if lsp#lsp#ErrorCount().Error != errCount
+ :LspDiag show
+ assert_report(getloclist(0)->string())
+ :lclose
+ endif
+# Wait for the LSP server to load and process a file. This works by waiting
+# for a certain number of diagnostic messages from the server.
+def g:WaitForServerFileLoad(diagCount: number)
+ :redraw!
+ var waitCount = diagCount
+ if waitCount == 0
+ # Introduce a temporary diagnostic
+ append('$', '-')
+ redraw!
+ waitCount = 1
+ endif
+ g:WaitForDiags(waitCount)
+ if waitCount != diagCount
+ # Remove the temporary line
+ deletebufline('%', '$')
+ redraw!
+ g:WaitForDiags(0)
+ endif
+# Start the language server. Returns true on success and false on failure.
+# 'fname' is the name of a dummy file to start the server.
+def g:StartLangServerWithFile(fname: string): bool
+ # Edit a dummy file to start the LSP server
+ exe ':silent! edit ' .. fname
+ # Wait for the LSP server to become ready (max 10 seconds)
+ var maxcount = 100
+ while maxcount > 0 && !g:LspServerReady()
+ :sleep 100m
+ maxcount -= 1
+ endwhile
+ var serverStatus: bool = g:LspServerReady()
+ :bw!
+ if !serverStatus
+ writefile(['FAIL: Not able to start the language server'], 'results.txt')
+ qall!
+ endif
+ return serverStatus
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/dumps/Test_tsserver_completion_1.dump b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/dumps/Test_tsserver_completion_1.dump
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175c1dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/dumps/Test_tsserver_completion_1.dump
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+|H+0#00e0003#ffffff0|>|c+0#af5f00255&|o|n|s|t| +0#0000000&|h|t@1|p| |=| |r|e|q|u|i|r|e|(|'+0#e000002&|h|t@1|p|'|)+0#0000000&| @44
+| +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|h+0#0000000#ffffff0|t@1|p|.|c|r|e> @64
+|~+0#4040ff13&| @4| +0#0000001#ffd7ff255|c|r|e|a|t|e|S|e|r|v|e|r| |f| | +0#4040ff13#ffffff0@52
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|-+2#0000000&@1| |I|N|S|E|R|T| |-@1| +0&&@62
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/dumps/Test_tsserver_completion_2.dump b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/dumps/Test_tsserver_completion_2.dump
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b6ecab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/dumps/Test_tsserver_completion_2.dump
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+|H+0#00e0003#ffffff0|>|c+0#af5f00255&|o|n|s|t| +0#0000000&|h|t@1|p| |=| |r|e|q|u|i|r|e|(|'+0#e000002&|h|t@1|p|'|)+0#0000000&| @44
+| +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|h+0#0000000#ffffff0|t@1|p|.|c|r> @65
+|~+0#4040ff13&| @4| +0#0000001#ffd7ff255|c|r|e|a|t|e|S|e|r|v|e|r| |f| | +0#4040ff13#ffffff0@52
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+|-+2#0000000&@1| |I|N|S|E|R|T| |-@1| +0&&@62
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/gopls_tests.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/gopls_tests.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf00c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/gopls_tests.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Unit tests for Vim Language Server Protocol (LSP) golang client
+source common.vim
+var lspServers = [{
+ filetype: ['go'],
+ path: exepath('gopls'),
+ args: ['serve']
+ }]
+call LspAddServer(lspServers)
+echomsg systemlist($'{lspServers[0].path} version')
+# Test for :LspGotoDefinition, :LspGotoDeclaration, etc.
+# This test also tests that multiple locations will be
+# shown in a list or popup
+def g:Test_LspGoto()
+ :silent! edit Xtest.go
+ var bnr = bufnr()
+ sleep 200m
+ var lines =<< trim END
+ package main
+ type A/*goto implementation*/ interface {
+ Hello()
+ }
+ type B struct{}
+ func (b *B) Hello() {}
+ type C struct{}
+ func (c *C) Hello() {}
+ func main() {
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ :redraw!
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(9, 10)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([7, 6], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ exe "normal! \<C-t>"
+ assert_equal([9, 10], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(9, 13)
+ :LspGotoImpl
+ assert_equal([4, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ cursor(13, 13)
+ :LspGotoImpl
+ assert_equal([4, 9], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ # Two implementions needs to be shown in a location list
+ cursor(4, 9)
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspGotoImpl'))
+ sleep 200m
+ var loclist: list<dict<any>> = getloclist(0)
+ assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype'))
+ assert_equal(2, loclist->len())
+ assert_equal(bnr, loclist[0].bufnr)
+ assert_equal([9, 13, ''], [loclist[0].lnum, loclist[0].col, loclist[0].type])
+ assert_equal([13, 13, ''], [loclist[1].lnum, loclist[1].col, loclist[1].type])
+ lclose
+ # Two implementions needs to be shown in a quickfix list
+ g:LspOptionsSet({ useQuickfixForLocations: true })
+ cursor(4, 9)
+ assert_equal('', execute('LspGotoImpl'))
+ sleep 200m
+ var qfl: list<dict<any>> = getqflist()
+ assert_equal('quickfix', getwinvar(winnr('$'), '&buftype'))
+ assert_equal(2, qfl->len())
+ assert_equal(bnr, qfl[0].bufnr)
+ assert_equal([9, 13, ''], [qfl[0].lnum, qfl[0].col, qfl[0].type])
+ assert_equal([13, 13, ''], [qfl[1].lnum, qfl[1].col, qfl[1].type])
+ cclose
+ g:LspOptionsSet({ useQuickfixForLocations: false })
+ # Two implementions needs to be peeked in a popup
+ cursor(4, 9)
+ :LspPeekImpl
+ sleep 10m
+ var ids = popup_list()
+ assert_equal(2, ids->len())
+ var filePopupAttrs = ids[0]->popup_getoptions()
+ var refPopupAttrs = ids[1]->popup_getoptions()
+ assert_match('Xtest', filePopupAttrs.title)
+ assert_match('Implementation', refPopupAttrs.title)
+ assert_equal(9, line('.', ids[0])) # current line in left panel
+ assert_equal(2, line('$', ids[1])) # last line in right panel
+ feedkeys("j\<CR>", 'xt')
+ assert_equal(13, line('.'))
+ assert_equal([], popup_list())
+ popup_clear()
+ # Jump to the first implementation
+ cursor(4, 9)
+ assert_equal('', execute(':1LspGotoImpl'))
+ assert_equal([9, 13], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ # Jump to the second implementation
+ cursor(4, 9)
+ assert_equal('', execute(':2LspGotoImpl'))
+ assert_equal([13, 13], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ bw!
+# Start the gopls language server. Returns true on success and false on
+# failure.
+def g:StartLangServer(): bool
+ return g:StartLangServerWithFile('Xtest.go')
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/markdown_tests.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/markdown_tests.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59abfb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/markdown_tests.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# Unit tests for the Github Flavored Markdown parser
+import '../autoload/lsp/markdown.vim' as md
+# Test for different markdowns
+def g:Test_Markdown()
+ var tests: list<list<list<any>>> = [
+ [
+ # Different headings
+ # Input text
+ [
+ '# First level heading',
+ '## Second level heading',
+ '### Third level heading',
+ '# Heading with leading and trailing whitespaces ',
+ 'Multiline setext heading ',
+ 'of level 1',
+ '===',
+ 'Multiline setext heading\',
+ 'of level 2',
+ '---'
+ ],
+ # Expected text
+ [
+ 'First level heading',
+ '',
+ 'Second level heading',
+ '',
+ 'Third level heading',
+ '',
+ 'Heading with leading and trailing whitespaces',
+ '',
+ 'Multiline setext heading',
+ 'of level 1',
+ '',
+ 'Multiline setext heading',
+ 'of level 2'
+ ],
+ # Expected text properties
+ [
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownHeading', 'length': 19}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownHeading', 'length': 20}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownHeading', 'length': 19}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownHeading', 'length': 45}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownHeading', 'length': 24}],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownHeading', 'length': 10}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownHeading', 'length': 24}],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownHeading', 'length': 10}],
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ # Bold text style
+ # Input text
+ [
+ 'This **word** should be bold',
+ '',
+ '**This line should be bold**',
+ '',
+ 'This __word__ should be bold',
+ '',
+ '__This line should be bold__'
+ ],
+ # Expected text
+ [
+ 'This word should be bold',
+ '',
+ 'This line should be bold',
+ '',
+ 'This word should be bold',
+ '',
+ 'This line should be bold'
+ ],
+ # Expected text properties
+ [
+ [{'col': 6, 'type': 'LspMarkdownBold', 'length': 4}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownBold', 'length': 24}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 6, 'type': 'LspMarkdownBold', 'length': 4}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownBold', 'length': 24}]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ # Italic text style
+ # Input text
+ [
+ 'This *word* should be italic',
+ '',
+ '*This line should be italic*',
+ '',
+ 'This _word_ should be italic',
+ '',
+ '_This line should be italic_'
+ ],
+ # Expected text
+ [
+ 'This word should be italic',
+ '',
+ 'This line should be italic',
+ '',
+ 'This word should be italic',
+ '',
+ 'This line should be italic'
+ ],
+ # Expected text properties
+ [
+ [{'col': 6, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 4}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 26}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 6, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 4}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 26}]
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ # strikethrough text style
+ # Input text
+ [
+ 'This ~word~ should be strikethrough',
+ '',
+ '~This line should be strikethrough~'
+ ],
+ # Expected text
+ [
+ 'This word should be strikethrough',
+ '',
+ 'This line should be strikethrough'
+ ],
+ # Expected text properties
+ [
+ [{'col': 6, 'type': 'LspMarkdownStrikeThrough', 'length': 4}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownStrikeThrough', 'length': 33}]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ # bold and nested italic text style
+ # Input text
+ [
+ '**This _word_ should be bold and italic**',
+ ],
+ # Expected text
+ [
+ 'This word should be bold and italic',
+ ],
+ # Expected text properties
+ [
+ [
+ {'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownBold', 'length': 35},
+ {'col': 6, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 4}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ # all bold and italic text style
+ # Input text
+ [
+ '***This line should be all bold and italic***',
+ ],
+ # Expected text
+ [
+ 'This line should be all bold and italic',
+ ],
+ # Expected text properties
+ [
+ [
+ {'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 39},
+ {'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownBold', 'length': 39}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ # quoted text
+ # FIXME: The text is not quoted
+ # Input text
+ [
+ 'Text that is not quoted',
+ '> quoted text'
+ ],
+ # Expected text
+ [
+ 'Text that is not quoted',
+ '',
+ 'quoted text'
+ ],
+ # Expected text properties
+ [
+ [], [], []
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ # line breaks
+ # Input text
+ [
+ 'This paragraph contains ',
+ 'a soft line break',
+ '',
+ 'This paragraph contains ',
+ 'an hard line break',
+ '',
+ 'This paragraph contains an emphasis _before_\',
+ 'an hard line break',
+ '',
+ 'This paragraph contains an emphasis ',
+ '_after_ an hard line break',
+ '',
+ 'This paragraph _contains\',
+ 'an emphasis_ with an hard line break in the middle',
+ '',
+ '→ This paragraph contains an hard line break ',
+ 'and starts with the multibyte character "\u2192"',
+ '',
+ 'Line breaks `',
+ 'do\',
+ 'not ',
+ 'occur',
+ '` inside code spans'
+ ],
+ # Expected text
+ [
+ 'This paragraph contains a soft line break',
+ '',
+ 'This paragraph contains',
+ 'an hard line break',
+ '',
+ 'This paragraph contains an emphasis before',
+ 'an hard line break',
+ '',
+ 'This paragraph contains an emphasis',
+ 'after an hard line break',
+ '',
+ 'This paragraph contains',
+ 'an emphasis with an hard line break in the middle',
+ '',
+ '→ This paragraph contains an hard line break',
+ 'and starts with the multibyte character "\u2192"',
+ '',
+ 'Line breaks do\ not occur inside code spans'
+ ],
+ # Expected text properties
+ [
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 37, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 6}],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 5}],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 16, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 8}],
+ [{'col': 1, 'type': 'LspMarkdownItalic', 'length': 11}],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [],
+ [{'col': 13, 'type': 'LspMarkdownCode', 'length': 15}]
+ ]
+ ],
+ [
+ # non-breaking space characters
+ # Input text
+ [
+ '&nbsp;&nbsp;This is text.',
+ ],
+ # Expected text
+ [
+ ' This is text.',
+ ],
+ # Expected text properties
+ [
+ []
+ ]
+ ],
+ ]
+ var doc: dict<list<any>>
+ var text_result: list<string>
+ var props_result: list<list<dict<any>>>
+ for t in tests
+ doc = md.ParseMarkdown(t[0])
+ text_result = doc.content->deepcopy()->map((_, v) => v.text)
+ props_result = doc.content->deepcopy()->map((_, v) => v.props)
+ assert_equal(t[1], text_result, t[0]->string())
+ assert_equal(t[2], props_result, t[0]->string())
+ endfor
+# Only here to because the test runner needs it
+def g:StartLangServer(): bool
+ return true
+# vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/not_lspserver_related_tests.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/not_lspserver_related_tests.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57c7525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/not_lspserver_related_tests.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Unit tests for Vim Language Server Protocol (LSP) for various functionality
+# Test for no duplicates in helptags
+def g:Test_Helptags()
+ :helptags ../doc
+# Only here to because the test runner needs it
+def g:StartLangServer(): bool
+ return true
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/run_tests.cmd b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/run_tests.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..863d06d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/run_tests.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+@echo off
+REM Script to run the unit-tests for the LSP Vim plugin on MS-Windows
+SET VIMPRG="vim.exe"
+SET VIM_CMD=%VIMPRG% -u NONE -U NONE -i NONE --noplugin -N --not-a-term
+%VIM_CMD% -c "let g:TestName='clangd_tests.vim'" -S runner.vim
+echo LSP unit test results
+type results.txt
+findstr /I FAIL results.txt > nul 2>&1
+if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 echo ERROR: Some test failed.
+if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 echo SUCCESS: All the tests passed.
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a1e69b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Script to run the unit-tests for the LSP Vim plugin
+VIMPRG=${VIMPRG:=$(which vim)}
+if [ -z "$VIMPRG" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: vim (\$VIMPRG) is not found in PATH"
+ exit 1
+VIM_CMD="$VIMPRG -u NONE -U NONE -i NONE --noplugin -N --not-a-term"
+TESTS="clangd_tests.vim tsserver_tests.vim gopls_tests.vim not_lspserver_related_tests.vim markdown_tests.vim rust_tests.vim"
+RunTestsInFile() {
+ testfile=$1
+ echo "Running tests in $testfile"
+ $VIM_CMD -c "let g:TestName='$testfile'" -S runner.vim
+ if ! [ -f results.txt ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Test results file 'results.txt' is not found."
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ cat results.txt
+ if grep -qw FAIL results.txt; then
+ echo "ERROR: Some test(s) in $testfile failed."
+ exit 3
+ fi
+ echo "SUCCESS: All the tests in $testfile passed."
+ echo
+for testfile in $TESTS
+ RunTestsInFile $testfile
+for encoding in "utf-8" "utf-16" "utf-32"
+ export LSP_OFFSET_ENCODING=$encoding
+ echo "LSP offset encoding: $LSP_OFFSET_ENCODING"
+ RunTestsInFile clangd_offsetencoding.vim
+echo "SUCCESS: All the tests passed."
+exit 0
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/runner.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/runner.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14c849a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/runner.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Script to run a language server unit tests
+# The global variable TestName should be set to the name of the file
+# containing the tests.
+source common.vim
+def LspRunTests()
+ :set nomore
+ :set debug=beep
+ delete('results.txt')
+ # Get the list of test functions in this file and call them
+ var fns: list<string> = execute('function /^Test_')
+ ->split("\n")
+ ->map("v:val->substitute('^def ', '', '')")
+ ->sort()
+ if fns->empty()
+ # No tests are found
+ writefile(['No tests are found'], 'results.txt')
+ return
+ endif
+ for f in fns
+ v:errors = []
+ v:errmsg = ''
+ try
+ :%bw!
+ exe $'g:{f}'
+ catch
+ call add(v:errors, $'Error: Test {f} failed with exception {v:exception} at {v:throwpoint}')
+ endtry
+ if v:errmsg != ''
+ call add(v:errors, $'Error: Test {f} generated error {v:errmsg}')
+ endif
+ if !v:errors->empty()
+ writefile(v:errors, 'results.txt', 'a')
+ writefile([$'{f}: FAIL'], 'results.txt', 'a')
+ else
+ writefile([$'{f}: pass'], 'results.txt', 'a')
+ endif
+ endfor
+ g:LoadLspPlugin()
+ exe $'source {g:TestName}'
+ g:StartLangServer()
+ LspRunTests()
+ writefile(['FAIL: Tests in ' .. g:TestName .. ' failed with exception ' .. v:exception .. ' at ' .. v:throwpoint], 'results.txt', 'a')
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/rust_tests.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/rust_tests.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dc2277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/rust_tests.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Unit tests for LSP rust-analyzer client
+source common.vim
+source term_util.vim
+source screendump.vim
+var lspServers = [{
+ filetype: ['rust'],
+ path: exepath('rust-analyzer'),
+ args: []
+ }]
+call LspAddServer(lspServers)
+echomsg systemlist($'{lspServers[0].path} --version')
+def g:Test_LspGotoDef()
+ settagstack(0, {items: []})
+ :cd xrust_tests/src
+ try
+ silent! edit ./
+ deletebufline('%', 1, '$')
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ fn main() {
+ }
+ fn foo() {
+ }
+ fn bar() {
+ foo();
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(6, 5)
+ :LspGotoDefinition
+ assert_equal([3, 4], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ :%bw!
+ finally
+ :cd ../..
+ endtry
+# Test for :LspCodeAction creating a file in the current directory
+def g:Test_LspCodeAction_CreateFile()
+ :cd xrust_tests/src
+ try
+ silent! edit ./
+ deletebufline('%', 1, '$')
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ mod foo;
+ fn main() {
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ :LspCodeAction 1
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ assert_true(filereadable(''))
+ :%bw!
+ delete('')
+ finally
+ :cd ../..
+ endtry
+# Test for :LspCodeAction creating a file in a subdirectory
+def g:Test_LspCodeAction_CreateFile_Subdir()
+ :cd xrust_tests/src
+ try
+ silent! edit ./
+ deletebufline('%', 1, '$')
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ mod baz;
+ fn main() {
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(1)
+ cursor(1, 1)
+ :LspCodeAction 2
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ assert_true(filereadable('baz/'))
+ :%bw!
+ delete('baz', 'rf')
+ finally
+ :cd ../..
+ endtry
+# Test for :LspCodeAction renaming a file
+def g:Test_LspCodeAction_RenameFile()
+ :cd xrust_tests/src
+ try
+ silent! edit ./
+ deletebufline('%', 1, '$')
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ writefile([], '')
+ var lines: list<string> =<< trim END
+ mod foobar;
+ fn main() {
+ }
+ setline(1, lines)
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ cursor(1, 5)
+ :LspRename foobaz
+ g:WaitForServerFileLoad(0)
+ assert_true(filereadable(''))
+ :%bw!
+ delete('')
+ finally
+ :cd ../..
+ endtry
+def g:Test_ZZZ_Cleanup()
+ delete('./xrust_tests', 'rf')
+# Start the rust-analyzer language server. Returns true on success and false
+# on failure.
+def g:StartLangServer(): bool
+ system('cargo new xrust_tests')
+ :cd xrust_tests/src
+ var status = false
+ try
+ status = g:StartLangServerWithFile('./')
+ finally
+ :cd ../..
+ endtry
+ return status
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/screendump.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/screendump.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d3c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/screendump.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+" Functions shared by tests making screen dumps.
+source term_util.vim
+" Skip the rest if there is no terminal feature at all.
+if !has('terminal')
+ finish
+" Read a dump file "fname" and if "filter" exists apply it to the text.
+def ReadAndFilter(fname: string, filter: string): list<string>
+ var contents = readfile(fname)
+ if filereadable(filter)
+ # do this in the bottom window so that the terminal window is unaffected
+ wincmd j
+ enew
+ setline(1, contents)
+ exe "source " .. filter
+ contents = getline(1, '$')
+ enew!
+ wincmd k
+ redraw
+ endif
+ return contents
+" Verify that Vim running in terminal buffer "buf" matches the screen dump.
+" "options" is passed to term_dumpwrite().
+" Additionally, the "wait" entry can specify the maximum time to wait for the
+" screen dump to match in msec (default 1000 msec).
+" The file name used is "dumps/{filename}.dump".
+" To ignore part of the dump, provide a "dumps/{filename}.vim" file with
+" Vim commands to be applied to both the reference and the current dump, so
+" that parts that are irrelevant are not used for the comparison. The result
+" is NOT written, thus "term_dumpdiff()" shows the difference anyway.
+" Optionally an extra argument can be passed which is prepended to the error
+" message. Use this when using the same dump file with different options.
+" Returns non-zero when verification fails.
+func VerifyScreenDump(buf, filename, options, ...)
+ let reference = 'dumps/' . a:filename . '.dump'
+ let filter = 'dumps/' . a:filename . '.vim'
+ let testfile = 'failed/' . a:filename . '.dump'
+ let max_loops = get(a:options, 'wait', 1000) / 10
+ " Starting a terminal to make a screendump is always considered flaky.
+ let g:test_is_flaky = 1
+ " wait for the pending updates to be handled.
+ call TermWait(a:buf)
+ " Redraw to execute the code that updates the screen. Otherwise we get the
+ " text and attributes only from the internal buffer.
+ redraw
+ if filereadable(reference)
+ let refdump = ReadAndFilter(reference, filter)
+ else
+ " Must be a new screendump, always fail
+ let refdump = []
+ endif
+ let did_mkdir = 0
+ if !isdirectory('failed')
+ let did_mkdir = 1
+ call mkdir('failed')
+ endif
+ let i = 0
+ while 1
+ " leave some time for updating the original window
+ sleep 10m
+ call delete(testfile)
+ call term_dumpwrite(a:buf, testfile, a:options)
+ let testdump = ReadAndFilter(testfile, filter)
+ if refdump == testdump
+ call delete(testfile)
+ if did_mkdir
+ call delete('failed', 'd')
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ if i == max_loops
+ " Leave the failed dump around for inspection.
+ if filereadable(reference)
+ let msg = 'See dump file difference: call term_dumpdiff("testdir/' .. testfile .. '", "testdir/' .. reference .. '")'
+ if a:0 == 1
+ let msg = a:1 . ': ' . msg
+ endif
+ if len(testdump) != len(refdump)
+ let msg = msg . '; line count is ' . len(testdump) . ' instead of ' . len(refdump)
+ endif
+ else
+ let msg = 'See new dump file: call term_dumpload("testdir/' .. testfile .. '")'
+ " no point in retrying
+ let g:run_nr = 10
+ endif
+ for i in range(len(refdump))
+ if i >= len(testdump)
+ break
+ endif
+ if testdump[i] != refdump[i]
+ let msg = msg . '; difference in line ' . (i + 1) . ': "' . testdump[i] . '"'
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call assert_report(msg)
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let i += 1
+ endwhile
+ return 0
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/start_tsserver.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/start_tsserver.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3896c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/start_tsserver.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+source common.vim
+var lspServers = [{
+filetype: ['typescript', 'javascript'],
+ path: exepath('typescript-language-server'),
+ args: ['--stdio']
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/term_util.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/term_util.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b1779f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/term_util.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+" Functions about terminal shared by several tests
+" Wrapper around term_wait().
+" The second argument is the minimum time to wait in msec, 10 if omitted.
+func TermWait(buf, ...)
+ let wait_time = a:0 ? a:1 : 10
+ call term_wait(a:buf, wait_time)
+" Run Vim with "arguments" in a new terminal window.
+" By default uses a size of 20 lines and 75 columns.
+" Returns the buffer number of the terminal.
+" Options is a dictionary, these items are recognized:
+" "keep_t_u7" - when 1 do not make t_u7 empty (resetting t_u7 avoids clearing
+" parts of line 2 and 3 on the display)
+" "rows" - height of the terminal window (max. 20)
+" "cols" - width of the terminal window (max. 78)
+" "statusoff" - number of lines the status is offset from default
+" "wait_for_ruler" - if zero then don't wait for ruler to show
+" "no_clean" - if non-zero then remove "--clean" from the command
+func RunVimInTerminal(arguments, options)
+ " If Vim doesn't exit a swap file remains, causing other tests to fail.
+ " Remove it here.
+ call delete(".swp")
+ if exists('$COLORFGBG')
+ " Clear $COLORFGBG to avoid 'background' being set to "dark", which will
+ " only be corrected if the response to t_RB is received, which may be too
+ " late.
+ let $COLORFGBG = ''
+ endif
+ " Make a horizontal and vertical split, so that we can get exactly the right
+ " size terminal window. Works only when the current window is full width.
+ call assert_equal(&columns, winwidth(0))
+ split
+ vsplit
+ " Always do this with 256 colors and a light background.
+ set t_Co=256 background=light
+ hi Normal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
+ " Make the window 20 lines high and 75 columns, unless told otherwise or
+ " 'termwinsize' is set.
+ let rows = get(a:options, 'rows', 20)
+ let cols = get(a:options, 'cols', 75)
+ let statusoff = get(a:options, 'statusoff', 1)
+ if get(a:options, 'keep_t_u7', 0)
+ let reset_u7 = ''
+ else
+ let reset_u7 = ' --cmd "set t_u7=" '
+ endif
+ let cmd = exepath('vim') .. ' -u NONE --clean --not-a-term --cmd "set enc=utf8"'.. reset_u7 .. a:arguments
+ if get(a:options, 'no_clean', 0)
+ let cmd = substitute(cmd, '--clean', '', '')
+ endif
+ let options = #{curwin: 1}
+ if &termwinsize == ''
+ let options.term_rows = rows
+ let options.term_cols = cols
+ endif
+ " Accept other options whose name starts with 'term_'.
+ call extend(options, filter(copy(a:options), 'v:key =~# "^term_"'))
+ let buf = term_start(cmd, options)
+ if &termwinsize == ''
+ " in the GUI we may end up with a different size, try to set it.
+ if term_getsize(buf) != [rows, cols]
+ call term_setsize(buf, rows, cols)
+ endif
+ call assert_equal([rows, cols], term_getsize(buf))
+ else
+ let rows = term_getsize(buf)[0]
+ let cols = term_getsize(buf)[1]
+ endif
+ call TermWait(buf)
+ if get(a:options, 'wait_for_ruler', 1)
+ " Wait for "All" or "Top" of the ruler to be shown in the last line or in
+ " the status line of the last window. This can be quite slow (e.g. when
+ " using valgrind).
+ " If it fails then show the terminal contents for debugging.
+ try
+ call g:WaitFor({-> len(term_getline(buf, rows)) >= cols - 1 || len(term_getline(buf, rows - statusoff)) >= cols - 1})
+ catch /timed out after/
+ let lines = map(range(1, rows), {key, val -> term_getline(buf, val)})
+ call assert_report('RunVimInTerminal() failed, screen contents: ' . join(lines, "<NL>"))
+ endtry
+ endif
+ return buf
+" Stop a Vim running in terminal buffer "buf".
+func StopVimInTerminal(buf, kill = 1)
+ call assert_equal("running", term_getstatus(a:buf))
+ " Wait for all the pending updates to terminal to complete
+ call TermWait(a:buf)
+ " CTRL-O : works both in Normal mode and Insert mode to start a command line.
+ " In Command-line it's inserted, the CTRL-U removes it again.
+ call term_sendkeys(a:buf, "\<C-O>:\<C-U>qa!\<cr>")
+ " Wait for all the pending updates to terminal to complete
+ call TermWait(a:buf)
+ " Wait for the terminal to end.
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("finished", term_getstatus(a:buf))})
+ " If the buffer still exists forcefully wipe it.
+ if a:kill && bufexists(a:buf)
+ exe a:buf .. 'bwipe!'
+ endif
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/tsserver_tests.vim b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/tsserver_tests.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e2836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/test/tsserver_tests.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Unit tests for Vim Language Server Protocol (LSP) typescript client
+source common.vim
+source term_util.vim
+source screendump.vim
+var lspServers = [{
+ filetype: ['typescript', 'javascript'],
+ path: exepath('typescript-language-server'),
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ }]
+call LspAddServer(lspServers)
+echomsg systemlist($'{lspServers[0].path} --version')
+# Test for auto-completion. Make sure that only keywords that matches with the
+# keyword before the cursor are shown.
+# def g:Test_LspCompletion1()
+# var lines =<< trim END
+# const http = require('http')
+# END
+# writefile(lines, 'Xcompletion1.js')
+# var buf = g:RunVimInTerminal('--cmd "silent so start_tsserver.vim" Xcompletion1.js', {rows: 10, wait_for_ruler: 1})
+# sleep 5
+# term_sendkeys(buf, "GAe")
+# g:TermWait(buf)
+# g:VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_tsserver_completion_1', {})
+# term_sendkeys(buf, "\<BS>")
+# g:TermWait(buf)
+# g:VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_tsserver_completion_2', {})
+# g:StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+# delete('Xcompletion1.js')
+# enddef
+# Start the typescript language server. Returns true on success and false on
+# failure.
+def g:StartLangServer(): bool
+ return g:StartLangServerWithFile('Xtest.ts')
+# vim: shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 noexpandtab