path: root/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc
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authorMarc Coquand <>2024-07-01 21:26:30 -0500
committerMarc Coquand <>2024-07-01 21:26:30 -0500
commit0a20357d4585da91d92252972f3eb7b715ff64ab (patch)
treec1e228d72b6331e89f72d99a1ba4ba1807d60381 /vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 2001 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc/lsp.txt b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc/lsp.txt
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index 0000000..0d39a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc/lsp.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2001 @@
+*lsp.txt* Language Server Protocol (LSP) Plugin for Vim9
+Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
+For Vim version 9.0 and above
+Last change: Feb 13, 2024
+CONTENTS *lsp-contents*
+ 1. Overview ................................. |lsp-overview|
+ 2. Requirements ............................. |lsp-installation|
+ 3. Usage .................................... |lsp-usage|
+ 4. Configuration............................. |lsp-configuration|
+ 5. Commands ................................. |lsp-commands|
+ 6. Insert Mode Completion ................... |lsp-ins-mode-completion|
+ 7. Diagnostics .............................. |lsp-diagnostics|
+ 8. Tag Function ............................. |lsp-tagfunc|
+ 9. LSP Formatting ........................... |lsp-format|
+ 10. Call Hierarchy ........................... |lsp-call-hierarchy|
+ 11. Autocommands ............................. |lsp-autocmds|
+ 12. Highlight Groups ......................... |lsp-highlight-groups|
+ 13. Debugging ................................ |lsp-debug|
+ 14. Custom Command Handlers .................. |lsp-custom-commands|
+ 15. Custom LSP Completion Kinds .............. |lsp-custom-kinds|
+ 16. Multiple Language Servers for a buffer ... |lsp-multiple-servers|
+ 17. Language Servers Features ................ |lsp-features|
+ 18. License .................................. |lsp-license|
+1. Overview *lsp-overview*
+The Language Server Protocol (LSP) plugin implements a LSP client for Vim9.
+Refer to the following pages for more information about LSP:
+This plugin needs Vim version 9.0 and after. You will need a programming
+language specific server in your system to use this plugin. Refer to the above
+pages for a list of available language servers for the various programming
+The Github repository for this plugin is available at:
+2. Installation *lsp-installation*
+You can install this plugin directly from github using the following steps:
+ $ mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt
+ $ cd $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt
+ $ git clone
+ $ vim -u NONE -c "helptags $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/opt/lsp/doc" -c q
+or you can use any one of the Vim plugin managers (dein.vim, pathogen, vam,
+vim-plug, volt, Vundle, etc.) to install and manage this plugin.
+To uninstall the LSP plugin, either use the uninstall command provided by the
+plugin manager or manually remove the $HOME/.vim/pack/downloads/lsp directory.
+To use this plugin, add the following line to your .vimrc file:
+ packadd lsp
+3. Usage *lsp-usage*
+The following commands are provided:
+:LspCodeAction Apply the code action supplied by the language server
+ to the diagnostic in the current line.
+:LspCodeLens Display all the code lens commands available for the
+ current file and apply the selected command.
+:LspDiag current Display the diagnostic message for the current line.
+:LspDiag first Jump to the first diagnostic message for the current
+ buffer.
+:LspDiag here Jump to the next diagnostic message in the current
+ line.
+:LspDiag highlight disable
+ Disable highlighting lines with a diagnostic message
+ for the current Vim session.
+:LspDiag highlight enable
+ Enable highlighting lines with a diagnostic message
+ for the current Vim session.
+:LspDiag last Jump to the last diagnostic message for the current
+ buffer.
+:LspDiag next Jump to the next diagnostic message for the current
+ buffer after the current cursor position.
+:LspDiag nextWrap Jump to the next diagnostic message for the current
+ buffer after the current cursor position.
+ Wrap back to the first message when no more messages
+ are found.
+:LspDiag prev Jump to the previous diagnostic message for the
+ current buffer before the current current position.
+:LspDiag prevWrap Jump to the previous diagnostic message for the
+ current buffer before the current current position.
+ Wrap back to the last message when no previous
+ messages are found.
+:LspDiag show Display the diagnostics messages from the language
+ server for the current buffer in a location list.
+:LspDocumentSymbol Display the symbols in the current file in a popup
+ menu and jump to the location of a selected symbol.
+:LspFold Fold the current file
+:LspFormat Format a range of lines in the current file using the
+ language server. The default range is the entire
+ file. See |lsp-format| for more information.
+:LspGotoDeclaration Go to the declaration of the symbol under cursor
+:LspGotoDefinition Go to the definition of the symbol under cursor
+:LspGotoImpl Go to the implementation of the symbol under cursor
+:LspGotoTypeDef Go to the type definition of the symbol under cursor
+:LspHighlight Highlight all the matches for the keyword under cursor
+:LspHighlightClear Clear all the matches highlighted by :LspHighlight
+:LspHover Show the documentation for the symbol under the cursor
+ in a popup window.
+:LspIncomingCalls Display the list of symbols calling the current symbol
+ in a window.
+:LspInlayHints Enable or disable inlay hints.
+:LspOutgoingCalls Display the list of symbols called by the current
+ symbol in a window.
+:LspOutline Show the list of symbols defined in the current file
+ in a separate window.
+:LspPeekDeclaration Open the declaration of the symbol under cursor in a
+ popup window.
+:LspPeekDefinition Open the definition of the symbol under cursor in a
+ popup window.
+:LspPeekImpl Open the implementation of the symbol under cursor in
+ a popup window.
+:LspPeekReferences Display the list of references to the symbol under
+ cursor in a popup window.
+:LspPeekTypeDef Open the type definition of the symbol under cursor in
+ a popup window.
+:LspRename Rename the current symbol
+:LspSelectionExpand Expand the current symbol range visual selection
+:LspSelectionShrink Shrink the current symbol range visual selection
+:LspServer Command to display the status and messages from a
+ language server and to restart the language server.
+:LspShowAllServers Display the status of all the registered language
+ servers.
+:LspShowReferences Display the list of references to the keyword under
+ cursor in a new location list.
+:LspShowSignature Display the signature of the symbol under cursor.
+:LspSubTypeHierarchy Display the sub type hierarchy in a popup window.
+:LspSuperTypeHierarchy Display the super type hierarchy in a popup window.
+:LspSwitchSourceHeader Switch between a source and a header file.
+:LspSymbolSearch Perform a workspace wide search for a symbol
+:LspWorkspaceAddFolder {folder}
+ Add a folder to the workspace
+ Show the list of folders in the workspace
+:LspWorkspaceRemoveFolder {folder}
+ Remove a folder from the workspace
+4. Configuration *lsp-configuration*
+ *LspAddServer()* *g:LspAddServer()*
+To use the plugin features with a particular file type(s), you need to first
+register a language server for that file type(s).
+To register one or more language servers, use the LspAddServer() function with
+a list of lanaguge server details in the .vimrc file.
+To register a language server, add the following lines to your .vimrc file
+(use only the language servers that you need from the below list).
+If you used [vim-plug]( to install the
+LSP plugin, the steps are described later in this section: >
+ vim9script
+ var lspServers = [
+ {
+ name: 'typescriptls',
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pythonls',
+ filetype: 'python',
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/pyls',
+ args: ['--check-parent-process', '-v']
+ }
+ ]
+ LspAddServer(lspServers)
+Depending on the location of the typescript and python pyls language servers
+installed in your system, update the "path" in the above snippet
+Another example, for adding the language servers for the C, C++, Golang, Rust,
+Shell script, Vim script and PHP file types: >
+ vim9script
+ var lspServers = [
+ {
+ name: 'clangd',
+ filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/clangd',
+ args: ['--background-index']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'golang',
+ filetype: ['go', 'gomod', 'gohtmltmpl', 'gotexttmpl'],
+ path: '/path/to/.go/bin/gopls',
+ args: [],
+ syncInit: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'rustls',
+ filetype: ['rust'],
+ path: '/path/to/.cargo/bin/rust-analyzer',
+ args: [],
+ syncInit: true,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'bashls',
+ filetype: 'sh',
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/bash-language-server',
+ args: ['start']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'vimls',
+ filetype: ['vim'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/vim-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'phpls',
+ filetype: ['php'],
+ path': '/usr/local/bin/intelephense',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ syncInit: true,
+ initializationOptions: {
+ licenceKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ LspAddServer(lspServers)
+To add a language server, the following information is needed:
+ *lsp-cfg-name*
+ name (Optional) name of the language server. Can by any
+ string. Used in LSP messages and log files.
+ *lsp-cfg-path*
+ path complete path to the language server executable
+ (without any arguments).
+ *lsp-cfg-args*
+ args a |List| of command-line arguments passed to the
+ language server. Each space separated language server
+ command-line argument is a separate List item.
+ *lsp-cfg-filetype*
+ filetype One or more file types supported by the language
+ server. This can be a |String| or a |List|. To
+ specify multiple file types, use a List.
+ *lsp-cfg-initializationOptions*
+ initializationOptions
+ (Optional) for lsp servers (e.g. intelephense) some
+ additional initialization options may be required
+ or useful for initialization. Those can be provided in
+ this dictionary and if present will be transmitted to
+ the lsp server.
+ *lsp-cfg-workspaceConfig*
+ workspaceConfig (Optional) a json encodable value that will be sent to
+ the language server after initialization as the
+ "settings" in a "workspace/didChangeConfiguration"
+ notification. Refer to the language server
+ documentation for the values that will be accepted in
+ this notification. This configuration is also used to
+ respond to the "workspace/configuration" request
+ message from the language server.
+ *lsp-cfg-rootSearch*
+ rootSearch (Optional) a List of file and directory names used to
+ locate the root path or uri of the workspace. The
+ directory names in "rootSearch" must end in "/" or
+ "\". Each file and directory name in "rootSearch" is
+ searched upwards in all the parent directories. If
+ multiple directories are found, then the directory
+ closest to the directory of the current buffer is used
+ as the workspace root.
+ If this parameter is not specified or the files are
+ not found, then the current working directory is used
+ as the workspace root for decendent files, for any
+ other files the parent directory of the file is used.
+ *lsp-cfg-runIfSearch*
+ runIfSearch (Optional) a List of file and directory names used to
+ determinate if a server should run or not. The
+ directory names in "runIfSearch" must end in "/" or
+ "\". Each file and directory name in "runIfSearch" is
+ searched upwards in all the parent directories.
+ Exactly like |lsp-cfg-rootSearch|.
+ If a file or directory is found then the server will
+ be started, otherwise it will not.
+ If this parameter is not specified or is an empty
+ list, then the server will be started unless
+ |lsp-cfg-runUnlessSearch| prevents it.
+ *lsp-cfg-runUnlessSearch*
+ runUnlessSearch (Optional) Opposite of |lsp-cfg-runIfSearch|.
+Additionally the following configurations can be made:
+ *lsp-cfg-customNotificationHandlers*
+ customNotificationHandlers
+ (Optional) some lsp servers (e.g.
+ typescript-language-server) will send additional
+ notifications which you might want to silence or
+ handle. The provided notification handlers will be
+ called with a reference to the "lspserver" and the
+ "reply". >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([{
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ customNotificationHandlers: {
+ '$/typescriptVersion': (lspserver, reply) => {
+ echom printf("TypeScript Version = %s",
+ reply.params.version)
+ }
+ }
+ }])
+ *lsp-cfg-customRequestHandlers*
+ customRequestHandlers
+ (Optional) some lsp servers will send additional
+ request replies which you might want to silence or
+ handle. The provided request handlers will be called
+ with a reference to the "lspserver" and the "request".
+ features *lsp-cfg-features*
+ (Optional) toggle which features should be enabled for
+ a given language server. See |lsp-multiple-servers|
+ and |lsp-features| for more information.
+ forceOffsetEncoding *lsp-cfg-forceOffsetEncoding*
+ (Optional) a |String| value that forces the use of a
+ specific offset encoding in LSP messages. If this
+ option is not specified, then the UTF offset encoding
+ is negotiated with the server during initialization.
+ Supported values are 'utf-8' or 'utf-16' or 'utf-32'.
+ The Vim native offset encoding is 'utf-32'. For the
+ 'utf-8' and 'utf-16' encodings, the offsets need to be
+ encoded and decoded in every LSP message and will
+ incur some overhead.
+ *lsp-cfg-omnicompl*
+ omnicompl (Optional) a boolean value that enables (true)
+ or disables (false) omni-completion for these file
+ types. By default this is set to "v:true". This value
+ is applicable only if auto completion is disabled
+ (|lsp-opt-autoComplete|).
+ *lsp-cfg-processDiagHandler*
+ processDiagHandler
+ (Optional) A |Funcref| or |lambda| that takes a list
+ of language server diagnostics and returns a new list
+ of filtered, or otherwise changed diagnostics. Can be
+ used to remove unwanted diagnostics, prefix the
+ diagnostics text, etc. The following example will
+ remove all but errors and warnings: >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([{
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ processDiagHandler: (diags: list<dict<any>>) => {
+ # Only include errors and warnings
+ return diags->filter((diag, ix) => {
+ return diag.severity <= 2
+ })
+ },
+ }])
+ And this example will prefix the diagnostic message
+ with the string "TypeScript: ": >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([{
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ processDiagHandler: (diags: list<dict<any>>) => {
+ return diags->map((diag, ix) => {
+ diag.message = $'TypeScript: {diag.message}'
+ return diag
+ })
+ },
+ }])
+ *lsp-cfg-syncInit*
+ syncInit (Optional) for language servers (e.g. rust analyzer,
+ gopls, etc.) that take time to initialize and reply to
+ a "initialize" request message this should be set to
+ "true". If this is set to true, then a synchronous
+ call is used to initialize the language server,
+ otherwise the server is initialized asynchronously.
+ By default this is set to "false".
+ *lsp-cfg-debug*
+ debug (Optional) log the messages printed by this language
+ server in stdout and stderr to a file. Useful for
+ debugging a language server. By default the
+ messages are not logged. See |lsp-debug| for more
+ information.
+ *lsp-cfg-traceLevel*
+ traceLevel (Optional) set the debug trace level for this language
+ server. Supported values are: "off", "debug" and
+ "verbose". By default this is seto "off".
+The language servers are added using the LspAddServer() function. This
+function accepts a list of language servers with the above information.
+If you used [vim-plug]( to install the
+LSP plugin, then you need to use the LspSetup User autocmd to initialize the
+language server and to set the language server options. For example: >
+ vim9script
+ var lspOpts = {autoHighlightDiags: true}
+ autocmd User LspSetup LspOptionsSet(lspOpts)
+ var lspServers = [
+ {
+ name: 'clangd',
+ filetype: ['c', 'cpp'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/clangd',
+ args: ['--background-index']
+ }
+ ]
+ autocmd User LspSetup LspAddServer(lspServers)
+ *lsp-options* *LspOptionsSet()*
+ *g:LspOptionsSet()*
+Some of the LSP plugin features can be enabled or disabled by using the
+LspOptionsSet() function. This function accepts a dictionary argument with the
+following optional items:
+ *lsp-opt-aleSupport*
+aleSupport |Boolean| option. If true, diagnostics will be sent to
+ Ale, instead of being displayed by this plugin.
+ This is useful to combine all LSP and linter
+ diagnostics. By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-autoComplete*
+autoComplete |Boolean| option. In insert mode, automatically
+ complete the current symbol. Otherwise use
+ omni-completion. By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-autoHighlight*
+autoHighlight |Boolean| option. In normal mode, automatically
+ highlight all the occurrences of the symbol under the
+ cursor. By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-autoHighlightDiags*
+autoHighlightDiags |Boolean| option. Automatically place signs on the
+ lines with a diagnostic message from the language
+ server. By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-autoPopulateDiags*
+autoPopulateDiags |Boolean| option. Automatically populate the location
+ list with diagnostics from the language server.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-completionMatcher*
+completionMatcher |String| option. Enable fuzzy or case insensitive
+ completion for language servers that replies with a
+ full list of completion items. Some language servers
+ does completion filtering in the server, while other
+ relies on the client to do the filtering.
+ This option only works for language servers that
+ expect the client to filter the completion items.
+ This option accepts one of the following values:
+ case - case sensitive matching (default).
+ fuzzy - fuzzy match completion items.
+ icase - ignore case when matching items.
+ *lsp-opt-completionTextEdit*
+completionTextEdit |Boolean| option. If true, apply the LSP server
+ supplied text edits after a completion. If a snippet
+ plugin is going to apply the text edits, then set
+ this to false to avoid applying the text edits twice.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-completionKinds*
+completionKinds |Dictionary| option. See |lsp-custom-kinds| for all
+ completion kind names.
+ *lsp-opt-customCompletionKinds*
+customCompletionKinds |Boolean| option. If you set this to true, you can
+ set custom completion kinds using the option
+ completionKinds.
+ *lsp-opt-diagSignErrorText*
+diagSignErrorText |String| option. Change diag sign text for errors
+ By default 'E>'
+ *lsp-opt-diagSignHintText*
+diagSignHintText |String| option. Change diag sign text for hints
+ By default 'H>',
+ *lsp-opt-diagSignInfoText*
+diagSignInfoText |String| option. Change diag sign text for info
+ By default 'I>',
+ *lsp-opt-diagSignWarningText*
+diagSignWarningText |String| option. Change diag sign text for warnings
+ By default 'W>',
+ *lsp-opt-diagVirtualTextAlign*
+diagVirtualTextAlign |String| option. Alignment of diagnostics messages
+ if |lsp-opt-showDiagWithVirtualText| is set to true.
+ Allowed values are 'above', 'below' or 'after'
+ By default this is set to 'above',
+ *lsp-opt-diagVirtualTextWrap*
+diagVirtualTextWrap |String| option. Wrapping of diagnostics messages
+ if |lsp-opt-showDiagWithVirtualText| is set to true.
+ Allowed values are 'default', 'wrap' or 'truncate'
+ By default this is set to 'default',
+ *lsp-opt-echoSignature*
+echoSignature |Boolean| option. In insert mode, echo the current
+ symbol signature instead of showing it in a popup.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-hideDisabledCodeActions*
+hideDisabledCodeActions |Boolean| option. Hide all the disabled code actions.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-highlightDiagInline*
+highlightDiagInline |Boolean| option. Highlight the diagnostics inline.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-hoverInPreview*
+hoverInPreview |Boolean| option. Show |:LspHover| in a preview window
+ instead of a popup.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-ignoreMissingServer*
+ignoreMissingServer |Boolean| option. Do not print a missing language
+ server executable. By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-keepFocusInDiags*
+keepFocusInDiags |Boolean| option. Focus on the location list window
+ after ":LspDiag show".
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-keepFocusInReferences*
+keepFocusInReferences |Boolean| option. Focus on the location list window
+ after LspShowReferences.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-noNewlineInCompletion*
+noNewlineInCompletion |Boolean| option. Suppress adding a new line on
+ completion selection with <CR>.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-omniComplete*
+omniComplete |Boolean| option. Enables or disables omni-completion.
+ By default this is set to v:false. If "autoComplete"
+ is set to v:false, then omni-completion is enabled by
+ default. By setting "omniComplete" option to v:false,
+ omni-completion can also be disabled.
+ *lsp-opt-outlineOnRight*
+outlineOnRight |Boolean| option. Open the outline window on the
+ right side, by default this is false.
+ *lsp-opt-outlineWinSize*
+outlineWinSize |Number| option. The size of the symbol Outline
+ window. By default this is set to 20.
+ *lsp-opt-semanticHighlight*
+semanticHighlight |Boolean| option. Enables or disables semantic
+ highlighting.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagInBalloon*
+showDiagInBalloon |Boolean| option. When the mouse is over a range of
+ text referenced by a diagnostic, display the
+ diagnostic text in a balloon. By default this is set
+ to true. In a GUI Vim, this needs the |+balloon_eval|
+ feature. In a terminal Vim, this needs the
+ |+balloon_eval_term| feature. In a terminal Vim,
+ 'mouse' option should be set to enable mouse.
+ If this option is set to true, then the 'ballooneval'
+ and 'balloonevalterm' options are set.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagInPopup*
+showDiagInPopup |Boolean| option. When using the ":LspDiag current"
+ command to display the diagnostic message for the
+ current line, use a popup window to display the
+ message instead of echoing in the status area.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagOnStatusLine*
+showDiagOnStatusLine |Boolean| option. Show a diagnostic message on a
+ status line. By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagWithSign*
+showDiagWithSign |Boolean| option. Place a sign on lines with
+ diagnostics. By default this is set to true. The
+ "autoHighlightDiags" option should be set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-showDiagWithVirtualText*
+showDiagWithVirtualText |Boolean| option. Show diagnostic message text from
+ the language server with virtual text. By default
+ this is set to false. The "autoHighlightDiags" option
+ should be set to true.
+ Needs Vim version 9.0.1157 or later.
+ *lsp-opt-showInlayHints*
+showInlayHints |Boolean| option. Show inlay hints from the language
+ server. By default this is set to false. The inlay
+ hint text is displayed as a virtual text. Needs Vim
+ version 9.0.0178 or later.
+ *lsp-opt-showSignature*
+showSignature |Boolean| option. In insert mode, automatically show
+ the current symbol signature in a popup.
+ By default this is set to true.
+ *lsp-opt-snippetSupport*
+snippetSupport |Boolean| option. Enable snippet completion support.
+ Need a snippet completion plugin like vim-vsnip.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-ultisnipsSupport*
+ultisnipsSupport |Boolean| option. Enable SirVer/ultisnips support.
+ Need a snippet completion plugin SirVer/ultisnips.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-vssnipSupport*
+vsnipSupport |Boolean| option. Enable hrsh7th/vim-vsnip support.
+ Need snippet completion plugins hrsh7th/vim-vsnip
+ and hrsh7th/vim-vsnip-integ. Make sure
+ ultisnipsSupport is set to false before enabling this.
+ By default this option is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-usePopupInCodeAction*
+usePopupInCodeAction |Boolean| option. When using the |:LspCodeAction|
+ command to display the code action for the current
+ line, use a popup menu instead of echoing.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-useQuickfixForLocations*
+useQuickfixForLocations |Boolean| option. Show |:LspShowReferences| in a
+ quickfix list instead of a location list.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-useBufferCompletion*
+useBufferCompletion |Boolean| option. If enabled, the words from the
+ current buffer are added to the auto completion list.
+ By default this is set to false.
+ *lsp-opt-bufferCompletionTimeout*
+bufferCompletionTimeout |Number| option. Specifies how long (in milliseconds)
+ to wait while processing current buffer for
+ autocompletion words. If set too high Vim performance
+ may degrade as the current buffer contents are
+ processed every time the completion menu is displayed.
+ If set to 0 the entire buffer is processed without
+ regard to timeout.
+ By default this is set to 100 ms.
+ *lsp-opt-filterCompletionDuplicates*
+filterCompletionDuplicates |Boolean| option. If enabled, duplicate completion
+ items sent from the server will be filtered to only
+ include one instance of the duplicates.
+For example, to disable the automatic placement of signs for the LSP
+diagnostic messages, you can add the following line to your .vimrc file: >
+ call LspOptionsSet({'autoHighlightDiags': false})
+ *LspOptionsGet()*
+The LspOptionsGet() function returns a |Dict| of all the LSP plugin options,
+To get a particular option value you can use the following: >
+ echo LspOptionsGet()['autoHighlightDiags']
+5. Commands *lsp-commands*
+A description of the various commands provided by this plugin is below. You
+can map these commands to keys and make it easier to invoke them.
+ *:LspCodeAction*
+:LspCodeAction [query] Apply the code action supplied by the language server
+ to the diagnostic in the current line. This works only
+ if there is a diagnostic message for the current line.
+ You can use the ":LspDiag current" command to display
+ the diagnostic for the current line.
+ When [query] is given the code action starting with
+ [query] will be applied. [query] can be a regexp
+ pattern, or a digit corresponding to the index of the
+ code actions in the created prompt.
+ When [query] is not given you will be prompted to
+ select one of the actions supplied by the language
+ server.
+ *:LspCodeLens*
+:LspCodeLens Display a list of code lens commands available for the
+ current buffer and apply the selected code lens
+ command.
+ *:LspDiag-current*
+:LspDiag current Displays the diagnostic message (if any) for the
+ current line. If the option 'showDiagInPopup' is set
+ to true (default), then the message is displayed in
+ a popup window. Otherwise the message is displayed in
+ the status message area.
+:LspDiag! current Only display a diagnostic message if it's directly
+ under the cursor. Otherwise works exactly like
+ ":LspDiag current"
+ To show the current diagnotic under the cursor while
+ moving around the following autocmd can be used: >
+ augroup LspCustom
+ au!
+ au CursorMoved * silent! LspDiag! current
+ augroup END
+ *:LspDiag-first*
+:LspDiag first Jumps to the location of the first diagnostic message
+ for the current file.
+ *:LspDiag-here*
+:LspDiag here Jumps to the location of the diagnostic message in
+ the current line (start from current column).
+:LspDiag highlight disable *:LspDiag-highlight-disable*
+ Disable highlighting lines with a diagnostic message
+ for the current Vim session.
+ To always disable the highlighting, set the
+ autoHighlightDiags option to false.
+:LspDiag highlight enable *:LspDiag-highlight-enable*
+ Enable highlighting lines with a diagnostic message
+ for the current Vim session. Note that highlighting
+ lines with a diagnostic message is enabled by default.
+ *:LspDiag-last*
+:LspDiag last Jumps to the location of the first diagnostic message
+ for the current file.
+ *:LspDiag-next*
+:[count]LspDiag next Go to the [count] diagnostic message after the current
+ cursor position. If [count] is omitted, then 1 is
+ used. If [count] exceeds the number of diagnostics
+ after the current position, then the last diagnostic
+ is selected.
+ *:LspDiag-prev*
+:[count]LspDiag prev Go to the [count] diagnostic message before the
+ current cursor position. If [count] is omitted, then
+ 1 is used. If [count] exceeds the number of
+ diagnostics before the current position, then first
+ last diagnostic is selected.
+ *:LspDiag-show*
+:LspDiag show Creates a new location list with the diagnostics
+ messages (if any) from the language server for the
+ current file and opens the location list window. You
+ can use the Vim location list commands to browse the
+ list.
+ *:LspDocumentSymbol*
+:LspDocumentSymbol Display the symbols in the current file in a popup
+ menu. When a symbol is selected in the popup menu by
+ pressing <Enter> or <Space>, jump to the location of
+ the symbol.
+ The <Up>, <Down>, <Tab>, <S-Tab>, <C-N>, <C-P>,
+ <ScrollWheelUp>, ScrollWheelDown> keys can be used to
+ scroll popup menu one item at a time. <PageUp> and
+ <PageDown> can be used to scroll a page of popup
+ window, while <C-F> and <C-B> can be used to scroll a
+ page of underlying window. The <Esc> or <Ctrl-C> keys
+ can be used to cancel the popup menu.
+ If one or more keyword characters are typed, then only
+ the symbols containing the keyword characters are
+ displayed in the popup menu. Fuzzy searching is used
+ to get the list of matching symbols. The <BS> key can
+ be used to erase the last typed character. The <C-U>
+ key can be used to erase all the characters.
+ When scrolling through the symbols in the popup menu,
+ the corresponding range of lines is highlighted.
+ *:LspFold*
+:LspFold Create folds for the current buffer.
+ *:LspFormat*
+:LspFormat Format the current file using the language server. The
+ 'shiftwidth' and 'expandtab' values set for the
+ current buffer are used when format is applied.
+:{range}LspFormat Format the specified range of lines in the current
+ file using the language server.
+ *:LspGotoDeclaration*
+ Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the
+ cursor. The behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspGotoDefinition| command.
+ *:LspGotoDefinition*
+ Jumps to the [count] definition of the symbol under
+ the cursor. If there are multiple matches and [count]
+ isn't specified, then a location list will be created
+ with the list of locations.
+ If there is only one location, or [count] is provided
+ then the following will apply:
+ If the file is already present in a window, then jumps
+ to that window. Otherwise, opens the file in a new
+ window. If the current buffer is modified and
+ 'hidden' is not set or if the current buffer is a
+ special buffer, then a new window is opened. If the
+ jump is successful, then the current cursor location
+ is pushed onto the tag stack. The |CTRL-T| command
+ can be used to go back up the tag stack. Also the
+ |``| mark is set to the position before the jump.
+ This command supports |:command-modifiers|. You can
+ use the modifiers to specify whether a new window or
+ a new tab page is used and where the window is opened.
+ Example(s): >
+ # Open a horizontally split window
+ :topleft LspGotoDefinition
+ # Open a vertically split window
+ :vert LspGotoDefinition
+ # Open a new tab page
+ :tab LspGotoDefinition
+ You may want to map a key to invoke this command: >
+ nnoremap <buffer> gd <Cmd>LspGotoDefinition<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <C-W>gd <Cmd>topleft LspGotoDefinition<CR>
+ Or if you want to support [count]gd >
+ nnoremap <buffer> gd <Cmd>execute v:count .. 'LspGotoDefinition'<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <C-W>gd <Cmd>execute 'topleft ' .. v:count .. 'LspGotoDefinition'<CR>
+ *:LspGotoImpl*
+:[count]LspGotoImpl Jumps to the implementation of the symbol under the
+ cursor. The behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspGotoDefinition| command. Note that not all the
+ language servers support this feature.
+ You may want to map a key to invoke this command: >
+ nnoremap <buffer> gi <Cmd>LspGotoImpl<CR>
+ *:LspGotoTypeDef*
+:[count]LspGotoTypeDef Jumps to the type definition of the symbol under the
+ cursor. The behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspGotoDefinition| command. Note that not all the
+ language servers support this feature.
+ You may want to map a key to invoke this command: >
+ nnoremap <buffer> gt <Cmd>LspGotoTypeDef<CR>
+ *:LspHighlight*
+:LspHighlight Highlights all the matches for the symbol under
+ cursor. The text, read and write references to the
+ symbol are highlighted using Search, DiffChange and
+ DiffDelete highlight groups respectively.
+ *:LspHighlightClear*
+:LspHighlightClear Clears all the symbol matches highlighted by the
+ |:LspHighlight| command.
+ *:LspHover*
+:LspHover Show the documentation for the symbol under the cursor
+ in a popup window. The following keys can be used to
+ scroll the popup window:
+ <CTRL-E> - Scroll window downwards by a line.
+ <CTRL-D> - Scroll window downwards by 'scroll'
+ lines.
+ <CTRL-F> - Scroll window downards by a page.
+ <PageDown> - ditto.
+ <CTRL-Y> - Scroll window upwards by a line.
+ <CTRL-U> - Scroll window upwards by 'scroll'
+ lines.
+ <CTRL-B> - Scroll window upwards by a page.
+ <PageUp> - ditto.
+ <CTRL-Home> - Goto the first line
+ <CTRL-End> - Goto the last line
+ Pressing any other key will close the popup window.
+ If you want to show the symbol documentation in the
+ |preview-window| instead of in a popup window set >
+ LspOptionsSet({'hoverInPreview': true})
+ You can use the |:pclose| command to close the preview
+ window.
+ You can use the |K| key in normal mode to display the
+ documentation for the keyword under the cursor by
+ setting the 'keywordprg' Vim option: >
+ :set keywordprg=:LspHover
+ *:LspIncomingCalls*
+:LspIncomingCalls Display a hierarchy of symbols calling the symbol
+ under the cursor in a window. See
+ |lsp-call-hierarchy| for more information. Note that
+ not all the language servers support this feature.
+ *:LspInlayHints*
+:LspInlayHints Enable or disable inlay hints. Supports the "enable"
+ and "disable" arguments. When "enable" is specified,
+ enables the inlay hints for all the buffers with a
+ language server that supports inlay hints. When
+ "disable" is specified, disables the inlay hints.
+ *:LspOutoingCalls*
+:LspOutgoingCalls Display a hierarchy of symbols called by the symbol
+ under the cursor in a window. See
+ |lsp-call-hierarchy| for more information. Note that
+ not all the language servers support this feature.
+ *:LspOutline*
+:[count]LspOutline Opens a vertically split window with the list of
+ symbols defined in the current file. The current
+ symbol is highlighted. The symbols are grouped by
+ their type. You can select a symbol and press <Enter>
+ to jump to the position of the symbol. As you move the
+ cursor in a file, the current symbol is automatically
+ highlighted in the outline window. If you open a new
+ file, the outline window is automatically updated with
+ the symbols in the new file. Folds are created in the
+ outline window for the various group of symbols.
+ You can use |lsp-opt-outlineOnRight| and
+ |lsp-opt-outlineWinSize| to customize the placement
+ and size of the window.
+ This command also supports |:command-modifiers|. You
+ can use the modifiers specify the position of the
+ window. Note that the default is ":vert :topleft" or
+ ":vert :botright" depending on
+ |lsp-opt-outlineOnRight|
+ This command also supports providing a [count] to
+ specify the size of the window. Note that this
+ overrides the values defined in
+ |lsp-opt-outlineWinSize|.
+ Example: >
+ # Open the outline window just above the current
+ # window
+ :aboveleft LspOutline
+ # Open the outline window just next to the current
+ # window, this is different from the default, when
+ # you have multiple splits already
+ :vert aboveleft LspOutline
+ # Same as above, but with a width of 50
+ :vert aboveleft 50LspOutline
+ *:LspPeekDeclaration*
+ Displays the line where the symbol under the
+ cursor is declared in a popup window. The
+ behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspPeekDefinition| command.
+ *:LspPeekDefinition*
+ Displays the line where the symbol under the cursor is
+ defined in a popup window. The symbol is highlighted
+ in the popup window. Moving the cursor or pressing
+ <Esc> will close the popup window.
+ When more than one symbol is found all of them will be
+ shown. The corresponding file for the symbol is
+ displayed in another popup window. As the selection
+ in the symbol popup menu changes, the file in the
+ popup is updated.
+ When [count] is provided only the [count] symbol will
+ be shown.
+ *:LspPeekImpl*
+:[count]LspPeekImpl Displays the implementation of the symbol under the
+ cursor in a popup window. The behavior of this
+ command is similar to the |:LspPeekDefinition|
+ command. Note that not all the language servers
+ support this feature.
+ *:LspPeekReferences*
+:LspPeekReferences Displays the list of references to the symbol under
+ cursor in a popup menu. The corresponding file for
+ the reference is displayed in another popup window.
+ As the selection in the reference popup menu changes,
+ the file in the popup is updated.
+ *:LspPeekTypeDef*
+:[count]LspPeekTypeDef Displays the line where the type of the symbol under
+ the cursor is defined in a popup window. The
+ behavior of this command is similar to the
+ |:LspPeekDefinition| command. Note that not all the
+ language servers support this feature.
+ *:LspRename*
+:LspRename [newName] Rename the current symbol.
+ When [newName] is not given, then you will be prompted
+ to enter the new name for the symbol. You can press
+ <Esc> or enter an empty string in the prompt to cancel
+ the operation.
+ *:LspSelectionExpand*
+:LspSelectionExpand Visually select the region of the symbol under the
+ cursor. In visual mode, expands the current symbol
+ visual region selection to include the next level.
+ For example, if the cursor is on a "for" statement,
+ this command selects the "for" statement and the body
+ of the "for" statement.
+ It is useful to create a visual map to use this
+ command. Example: >
+ xnoremap <silent> <Leader>e <Cmd>LspSelectionExpand<CR>
+ With the above map, you can press "\e" in visual mode
+ successively to expand the current symbol visual
+ region.
+ *:LspSelectionShrink*
+:LspSelectionShrink Shrink the current symbol range visual selection. It
+ is useful to create a visual map to use this command.
+ Example: >
+ xnoremap <silent> <Leader>s <Cmd>LspSelectionShrink<CR>
+ With the above map, you can press "\s" in visual mode
+ successively to shrink the current symbol visual
+ region.
+ *:LspServer*
+:LspServer { debug | restart | show | trace }
+ Command to display and control the language server for
+ the current buffer. Each argument has additional
+ sub-commands which are described below.
+ debug { on | off | messages | errors }
+ Command to enable or disable the language server
+ debug messages and to display the debug messages
+ and error messages received from the language
+ server. The following sub-commands are supported:
+ errors Open the log file containing the
+ language server error messages.
+ messages
+ Open the log file containing the
+ language server debug messages.
+ off Disable the logging of the language
+ server messages.
+ on Enable the logging of the messages
+ emitted by the language server in the
+ standard output and standard error.
+ By default, the language server messages are not
+ logged. On a Unix-like system, when enabled,
+ these messages are logged to the
+ /tmp/lsp-<server-name>.log and
+ /tmp/lsp-<server-name>.err file respectively. On
+ MS-Windows, the %TEMP%/lsp-<server-name>.log and
+ %TEMP%/lsp-<server-name>.err% files are used. See
+ |lsp-debug| for more information.
+ restart
+ Restart (stop and then start) the language server
+ for the current buffer. All the loaded buffers
+ with the same filetype as the current buffer are
+ added back to the server.
+ show {capabilities | initializeRequest | messages
+ | status}
+ The following sub-commands are supported:
+ capabilities
+ Display the list of language server
+ capabilities for the current buffer.
+ The server capabilities are described
+ in the LSP protocol specification
+ under the "ServerCapabilities"
+ interface.
+ initializeRequest
+ Display the contents of the language
+ server initialization request message
+ (initialize).
+ messages
+ Display the log messages received from
+ the language server. This includes
+ the messages received using the
+ "window/logMessage" and "$/logTrace"
+ LSP notifications.
+ status
+ Display the language server status for
+ the current buffer. The output shows
+ the path to the language server
+ executable and the server status.
+ trace { off | messages | verbose }
+ Set the language server debug trace value using
+ the "$/setTrace" command.
+ *:LspShowAllServers*
+:LspShowAllServers Displays the list of registered language servers and
+ their status. The language servers are registered
+ using the LspAddServer() function. The output is
+ displayed in a scratch buffer. The output shows the
+ Vim file type, the corresponding language server
+ status and the path to the language server executable.
+ The language server information for each buffer is
+ also shown.
+ *:LspShowReferences*
+:LspShowReferences Creates a new location list with the list of locations
+ where the symbol under the cursor is referenced and
+ opens the location window. If you want to show the
+ references in a quickfix list instead of in a location
+ list set >
+ LspOptionsSet({'useQuickfixForLocations': true})
+ *:LspShowSignature*
+:LspShowSignature Displays the signature of the symbol (e.g. a function
+ or method) before the cursor in a popup.
+ The popup is also automatically displayed in insert
+ mode after entering a symbol name followed by a
+ separator (e.g. a opening parenthesis). To disable
+ this, you can set the showSignature option to false in
+ your .vimrc file: >
+ LspOptionsSet({'showSignature': false})
+ Default is true.
+ You can get the function signature echoed in cmdline
+ rather than displayed in popup if you use >
+ LspOptionsSet({'echoSignature': true})
+ Default is false.
+ *:LspSubTypeHierarchy*
+:LspSubTypeHierarchy Show the sub type hierarchy for the symbol under the
+ cursor in a popup window. The file containing the
+ type is shown in another popup window. You can jump
+ to the location where a type is defined by browsing
+ the popup menu and selecting an entry.
+ *:LspSuperTypeHierarchy*
+:LspSuperTypeHierarchy Show the super type hierarchy for the symbol under the
+ cursor in a popup window. The file containing the
+ type is shown in another popup window. As the current
+ entry in the type hierarchy popup menu changes, the
+ file popup window is updated to show the location
+ where the type is defined. You can jump to the
+ location where a type is defined by selecting the
+ entry in the popup menu.
+ Note that the type hierarchy support is based on the
+ protocol supported by clangd. This is different from
+ the one specified in the 3.17 of the LSP standard.
+ *:LspSwitchSourceHeader*
+:LspSwitchSourceHeader Switch between source and header files. This is a
+ Clangd specific extension and only works with C/C++
+ source files.
+ *:LspSymbolSearch*
+:LspSymbolSearch <sym> Perform a workspace wide search for the symbol <sym>.
+ If <sym> is not supplied, then you will be prompted to
+ enter the symbol name (the keyword under the cursor is
+ used as the default). If there is only one matching
+ symbol, then the cursor will be positioned at the
+ symbol location. Otherwise a popup window is opened
+ with the list of matching symbols. You can enter a
+ few characters to narrow down the list of matches. The
+ displayed symbol name can be erased by pressing
+ <Backspace> or <C-U> and a new symbol search pattern
+ can be entered. You can close the popup menu by
+ pressing the escape key or by pressing CTRL-C.
+ In the popup menu, the following keys can be used:
+ CTRL-F - Scroll one page forward
+ <PageDown> - idem
+ CTRL-B - Scroll one page backward
+ <PageUp> - idem
+ CTRL-Home - Jump to the first entry
+ CTRL-End - Jump to the last entry
+ <Up> - Go up one entry
+ <C-P> - idem
+ <Down> - Go down one entry
+ <C-N> - idem
+ <Enter> - Open the selected file
+ <Esc> - Close the popup menu
+ <CTRL-C> - idem
+ <BS> - Erase one character from the
+ filter text
+ <C-H> - idem
+ <C-U> - Erase the filter text
+ Any other alphanumeric key will be used to narrow down
+ the list of names displayed in the popup menu. When
+ you type a filter string, then only the symbols fuzzy
+ matching the string are displayed in the popup menu.
+ You can enter a new search pattern to do a workspace
+ wide symbol search.
+ This command accepts |:command-modifiers| which can be
+ used to jump to a symbol in a horizontally or
+ vertically split window or a new tab page: >
+ :topleft LspSymbolSearch foo
+ :vert LspSymbolSearch bar
+ :tab LspSymbolSearch baz
+ *:LspWorkspaceAddFolder*
+:LspWorkspaceAddFolder {folder}
+ Add a folder to the workspace
+:LspWorkspaceListFolders *:LspWorkspaceListFolders*
+ Show the list of folders in the workspace.
+ *:LspWorkspaceRemoveFolder*
+:LspWorkspaceRemoveFolder {folder}
+ Remove a folder from the workspace
+6. Insert Mode Completion *lsp-ins-mode-completion*
+By default, when you are in insert mode, the LSP plugin will automatically
+display suggestions for the symbol under the cursor in an insert-completion
+popup menu. The keys specified in |popupmenu-keys| can be used to interact
+with this menu.
+To disable this auto-completion feature for all files, you can set the
+"autoComplete" option to false in your .vimrc file using the |LspOptionsSet()|
+function: >
+ call LspOptionsSet({'autoComplete': false})
+By setting the "autoComplete" option to |v:false|, the LSP plugin will no
+longer automatically trigger completion suggestions in insert mode. Instead,
+it will use omni-completion (|compl-omni|) and set the 'omnifunc' option for
+buffers that have a registered language server. To manually trigger symbol
+completion in insert mode, you can press CTRL-X CTRL-O. This key combination
+will invoke completion using the suggestions provided by the language server.
+To enable omni-completion for all the buffers, set the "omniComplete" option
+to v:true. To explicitly disable omni-completion for all the buffers, set the
+"omniComplete" option to v:false (default).
+In addition to the general auto-completion behavior discussed above, you
+have the option to enable or disable omni-completion for a specific language
+server when registering it for a particular filetype.
+To do this, you can set the 'omnicompl' item to |v:false| in the configuration
+when registering the language server for the desired filetype. If the
+'omnicompl' item is not specified, omni-completion is enabled by default.
+Here's an example of how to disable omni-completion for Python: >
+ vim9script
+ var lspServers = [
+ {
+ filetype: 'python',
+ omnicompl: false,
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/pyls',
+ args: ['--check-parent-process', '-v']
+ }
+ ]
+In this example, the language server for Python is registered using the
+|LspAddServer()| function, and the 'omnicompl' item is explicitly set to
+|v:false|. As a result, omni-completion will be disabled for Python files
+associated with this language server.
+Please note that if 'omnicompl' is not included in the configuration
+when registering the language server, omni-completion will be enabled by
+In insert-mode completion, the plugin sends a completion request message to
+the language server and obtains a list of potential completion matches based
+on the current cursor position. To achieve this, the plugin retrieves the
+keyword immediately preceding the cursor (refer to 'iskeyword' setting) and
+then filters the list of completion items received from the language server
+based on this keyword. The resulting filtered list is displayed as the
+completion menu.
+It's worth noting that different language servers handle completion filtering
+in distinct ways. Some servers perform the filtering directly on the
+server-side, while others delegate this task to the client-side, which is the
+plugin in this context.
+By default, the plugin uses a case-sensitive comparison method to filter the
+returned completion items. However, you have the flexibility to customize this
+behavior by modifying the "completionMatcher" option. This option allows you
+to switch between case-insensitive or fuzzy comparison methods as per your
+preference and requirements for completion matching.
+In addition to automatic completion and omni completion, there is a
+possibility to utilize external completion engines with the LSP client. This
+can be achieved by repurposing the |g:LspOmniFunc| function. The external
+completion engine adapter needs to invoke this function twice, following the
+approach outlined in the |complete-functions| documentation.
+The process works as follows:
+1. First Invocation: The external completion engine adapter calls
+ |g:LspOmniFunc| to initiate a request to the LSP server for completion
+ candidates.
+2. After the first invocation, a request is sent to the LSP server to find
+ completion candidates.
+3. Second Invocation: The external completion engine adapter calls
+ |g:LspOmniFunc| again to retrieve the matches returned by the LSP server.
+4. If the LSP server is not ready to reply immediately, |g:LspOmniFunc| waits
+ for up to 2 seconds.
+5. However, this wait could block the caller from performing other tasks,
+ which might be a concern for asynchronous completion engines.
+6. To address this issue, the adapter can use the |g:LspOmniCompletePending|
+ function, which allows for a non-blocking check. It returns true
+ immediately if the language server is not ready to respond yet.
+7. To proceed with the second invocation of g:LspOmniFunc, it is crucial to
+ ensure that |g:LspOmniCompletePending| returns false, indicating that the
+ language server is now ready to provide the completion matches.
+7. Diagnostics *lsp-diagnostics*
+The LSP plugin offers a feature to highlight syntax errors, warnings, and
+static analysis warnings in a source file by placing signs in the sign column.
+These signs serve as visual indicators of the diagnostics reported by the
+language server.
+To interact with these diagnostics, you can use various commands provided by
+the LSP plugin:
+1. ":LspDiag show": This command displays all the diagnostic messages for the
+ current file in a location-list window. The location-list window allows
+ you to view a list of all the diagnostic messages, along with their
+ corresponding line numbers and descriptions.
+2. ":LspDiag first": Use this command to jump directly to the line containing
+ the first diagnostic message. It helps you quickly navigate to the
+ location of the initial issue detected by the language server.
+3. ":LspDiag next": With this command, you can navigate to the next nearest
+ line with a diagnostic message. It helps you step through the list of
+ diagnostics one by one.
+4. ":LspDiag prev": Conversely, this command allows you to jump to the
+ previous nearest line with a diagnostic message. It is useful for
+ reviewing diagnostics in reverse order.
+5. ":LspDiag here": If you want to focus solely on the diagnostic message for
+ the current line, you can use this command to jump directly to it.
+6. ":LspDiag current": This command displays the entire diagnostic message
+ from the language server for the current line. It provides detailed
+ information about the specific issue and its description.
+By using these commands, you can efficiently navigate and inspect the
+diagnostics reported by the language server, making it easier to identify and
+address syntax errors, warnings, or static analysis issues in your code.
+By default, the LSP plugin marks lines with diagnostic messages by placing a
+sign on them and highlighting the range of text associated with the
+diagnostic. However, you have the option to customize this behavior by
+adjusting certain configuration settings:
+1. Disabling Automatic Sign Placement: If you wish to prevent the automatic
+ placement of signs on lines with diagnostic messages, you can achieve this
+ by setting the "showDiagWithSign" option to |v:false|. By default, this
+ option is set to |v:true|, meaning that signs are automatically placed on
+ lines with diagnostics.
+2. Disabling Diagnostic Text Highlighting: If you prefer not to have the
+ diagnostic text highlighted, you can do so by setting the
+ "highlightDiagInline" option to |v:false|. By default, this option is set
+ to |v:true|, resulting in the highlighting of the text range associated
+ with each diagnostic.
+3. Highlight Group for Line with Diagnostics: The LSP plugin uses the
+ "LspDiagLine" highlight group to highlight lines containing diagnostics.
+ By default, this highlight group is not set, allowing you to define your
+ own highlighting style for lines with diagnostics if desired.
+In addition to the default display of the diagnostic messages with signs and
+text highlighting, the LSP plugin offers the option to present the diagnostic
+message as virtual text, located near the relevant location of the
+diagnostics. To enable this feature, you can set the
+"showDiagWithVirtualText" option to |v:true|. However, please note that this
+functionality requires Vim version 9.0.1157 or later. By default, this option
+is set to |v:false|, meaning that virtual text display is not activated.
+The position of the virtual text can be controlled using the
+"diagVirtualTextAlign" option, which determines its alignment relative to the
+affected line. By default, this option is set to 'above', which places the
+virtual text above the line with the diagnostic message. The other supported
+values for "diagVirtualTextAlign" are 'below', which positions the virtual
+text below the affected line, and 'after', which displays the virtual text
+immediately after the text on the affected line.
+The wrapping of the virtual text can be controlled using the
+"diagVirtualTextWrap" option. By default, this option is set to 'default',
+which will 'truncate' virtual text placed 'above' or 'below' the affected
+line, and 'wrap' text placed 'after' the affected line. Setting the value to
+'wrap' or 'truncate' will force the specified behavior for the current
+value of "diagVirtualTextAlign". If 'truncate' is used while
+"diagVirtualTextAlign" is set to 'after', and a diagnostic message has already
+been truncated for the affected line, then further diagnostics will be placed
+below the affected line.
+The LSP plugin offers convenient ways to highlight diagnostic messages, making
+it easier to spot errors, warnings, hints, or informational notices within
+your code. By default, the plugin automatically highlights the range of text
+associated with each diagnostic message when the "highlightDiagInline" option
+is set to |v:true.|
+The highlighting is done using different highlight groups based on the type of
+diagnostic message:
+ "LspDiagInlineError" for error messages.
+ "LspDiagInlineHint" for hints.
+ "LspDiagInlineInfo" for informational messages.
+ "LspDiagInlineWarning" for warning messages.
+If you wish to temporarily disable the automatic diagnostic highlighting for
+the current Vim session, you can achieve this using the ":LspDiag highlight
+disable" command. When you want to re-enable the highlighting, you can use
+the ":LspDiag highlight enable" command.
+To permanently disable the automatic highlighting of diagnostics, you can set
+the "autoHighlightDiags" option to |v:false| in your .vimrc file. This
+configuration can be achieved using the |LspOptionsSet()| function: >
+ call LspOptionsSet({'autoHighlightDiags': v:false})
+By default, the "autoHighlightDiags" option is set to |v:true|, ensuring that
+diagnostic messages are automatically highlighted during your coding sessions.
+The lsp#lsp#ErrorCount() function returns the count of diagnostic messages in
+the current buffer, categorized by their types. When called, this function
+returns a Dictionary containing four keys: "Info," "Hint," "Warn," and
+"Error." Each key corresponds to a specific diagnostic type, and its
+associated value is the number of diagnostic messages of that particular type
+found in the buffer. With the information gathered using this function, you
+can easily display the number of diagnostics in the current buffer in your
+For some diagnostic errors/warnings, the language server may provide an
+automatic fix. To apply this fix, you can use the |:LspCodeAction| command.
+This command applies the action provided by the language server (if any) for
+the current line.
+The ":LspDiag show" command creates a new location list with the current list
+of diagnostics for the current buffer. To automatically refresh the location
+list with the latest diagnostics received from the language server, you can
+set the "autoPopulateDiags" option to |v:true|. By default this option is set
+to |v:false|. When new diagnostics are received for a buffer, if a location
+list with the diagnostics is already present, then it is refreshed with the
+new diagnostics.
+In GUI Vim or terminal Vim with the 'balloonevalterm' option enabled, a
+helpful feature allows you to view diagnostic messages in a popup balloon when
+you hover the mouse over the affected range of text. This provides a
+convenient way to quickly access diagnostic information without the need to
+execute additional commands or navigate through the location list.
+By default, the LSP plugin is configured to display diagnostic messages in the
+popup balloon, enhancing the user experience and providing visual feedback as
+you interact with your code. This default behavior is governed by the
+"showDiagInBalloon" option, which is set to |v:true| by default.
+However, if you prefer not to see the diagnostic messages in the popup
+balloons and prefer to rely solely on other methods, you have the flexibility
+to customize this behavior. By setting the "showDiagInBalloon" option to
+|v:false|, you can disable the display of diagnostic messages in the popup
+balloons. This can be useful if you find the balloons intrusive or if you
+prefer to view diagnostics through other means, such as the location list or
+the status line.
+To display the diagnostic message for the current line in the status area, you
+can set the "showDiagOnStatusLine" option to |v:true|. By default, this
+option is set to |v:false|.
+By default, the ":LspDiag current" command displays the diagnostic message for
+the current line in a popup window. To display the message in the status
+message area instead, you can set the 'showDiagInPopup' option to |v:false|.
+By default this is set to |v:true|.
+The lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf() function can be used to get all the LSP
+diagnostics in a buffer. This function optionally accepts a buffer number.
+If the buffer number argument is not specified, then the current buffer is
+used. This function returns a |List| of diagnostics sorted by their line and
+column number. Each diagnostic is a |Dict| returned by the language server.
+8. Tag Function *lsp-tagfunc*
+The |:LspGotoDefinition| command can be used jump to the location where a
+symbol is defined. To jump to the symbol definition using the Vim
+|tag-commands|, you can set the 'tagfunc' option to the 'lsp#lsp#TagFunc'
+function: >
+ setlocal tagfunc=lsp#lsp#TagFunc
+After setting the above option, you can use |Ctrl-]| and other tag related
+commands to jump to the symbol definition.
+Note that most of the language servers return only one symbol location even if
+the symbol is defined in multiple places in the code.
+9. Code Formatting *lsp-format*
+The |:LspFormat| command can be used to format either the entire file or a
+selected range of lines using the language server. The 'shiftwidth' and
+'expandtab' values set for the current buffer are used when format is applied.
+To format code using the 'gq' command, you can set the 'formatexpr' option: >
+ setlocal formatexpr=lsp#lsp#FormatExpr()
+10. Call Hierarchy *lsp-call-hierarchy*
+The |:LspIncomingCalls| and the |:LspOutoingCalls| commands can be used to
+display the call hierarchy of a symbol. For example, the functions calling a
+function or the functions called by a function. These two commands open a
+window containing the call hierarchy tree. You can use the Vim motion
+commands to browse the call hierarchy.
+In the call hierarchy tree window, the following keys are supported:
+<Enter> Jump to the location of the symbol under the
+ cursor.
+- Expand and show the symbols calling or called
+ by the symbol under the cursor.
++ Close the call hierarchy for the symbol under
+ the cursor.
+You can display either the incoming call hierarchy or the outgoing call
+hierarchy in this window. You cannot display both at the same time.
+In the call hierarchy tree window, the following commands are supported:
+ *:LspCallHierarchyRefresh*
+:LspCallHierarchyRefresh Query the language server again for the top
+ level symbol and refresh the call hierarchy
+ tree.
+ *:LspCallHierarchyIncoming*
+:LspCallHierarchyIncoming Display the incoming call hierarchy for the
+ top level symbol. If the window is currently
+ displaying the outgoing calls, then it is
+ refreshed to display the incoming calls.
+ *:LspCallHierarchyOutgoing*
+:LspCallHierarchyOutgoing Display the outgoing call hierarchy for the
+ top level symbol. If the window is currently
+ displaying the incoming calls, then it is
+ refreshed to display the outgoing calls.
+11. Autocommands *lsp-autocmds*
+ *LspSetup*
+LspSetup A |User| autocommand fired when the LSP plugin
+ is loaded. Can be used to add language
+ servers using the |LspAddServer()| function
+ and to set plugin options using the
+ |LspOptionsSet()| function.
+ *LspAttached*
+LspAttached A |User| autocommand fired when the LSP client
+ attaches to a buffer. Can be used to configure
+ buffer-local mappings or options.
+ *LspDiagsUpdated*
+LspDiagsUpdated A |User| autocommand invoked when new
+ diagnostics are received from the language
+ server. This is invoked after the LSP client
+ has processed the diagnostics. The function
+ lsp#diag#GetDiagsForBuf() can be used to get
+ all the diagnostics for a buffer.
+12. Highlight Groups *lsp-highlight-groups*
+The following highlight groups are used by the LSP plugin. You can define
+these highlight groups in your .vimrc file before sourcing this plugin to
+override them.
+*LspDiagInlineError* Used to highlight inline error diagnostics.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellBad" highlight
+ group.
+*LspDiagInlineHint* Used to highlight inline hint diagnostics.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellLocal"
+ highlight group.
+*LspDiagInlineInfo* Used to highlight inline info diagnostics.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellRare"
+ highlight group.
+*LspDiagInlineWarning* Used to highlight inline warning diagnostics.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellCap" highlight
+ group.
+*LspDiagLine* Used to highlight a line with one or more
+ diagnostics. By default linked to "NONE"
+ (cleared). You can link this to a highlight
+ group to highlight the line.
+*LspDiagSignErrorText* Used to highlight the sign text for error
+ diags. By default linked to 'ErrorMsg'.
+*LspDiagSignHintText* Used to highlight the sign text for hint
+ diags. By default linked to 'Question'.
+*LspDiagSignInfoText* Used to highlight the sign text for info
+ diags. By default linked to 'Pmenu'.
+*LspDiagSignWarningText* Used to highlight the sign text for warning
+ diags. By default linked to 'Search'.
+*LspDiagVirtualText* Used to highlight diagnostic virtual text.
+ By default, linked to the "LineNr" highlight
+ group.
+*LspDiagVirtualTextError* Used to highlight virtual text for error diags.
+ By default, linked to the "SpellBad" highlight
+ group.
+*LspDiagVirtualTextHint* Used to highlight virtual text for hint
+ diags. By default, linked to the "SpellLocal"
+ highlight group.
+*LspDiagVirtualTextInfo* Used to highlight virtual text for info
+ diags. By default, linked to the "SpellRare"
+ highlight group.
+*LspDiagVirtualTextWarning* Used to highlight virtual text for warning
+ diags. By default, linked to the "SpellCap"
+ highlight group.
+*LspInlayHintsParam* Used to highlight inlay hints of kind
+ "parameter". By default, linked to the
+ "Label" highlight group.
+*LspInlayHintsType* Used to highlight inlay hints of kind "type".
+ By default, linked to the "Conceal" highlight
+ group.
+*LspSigActiveParameter* Used to highlight the active signature
+ parameter. By default, linked to the "LineNr"
+ highlight group.
+*LspSymbolName* Used to highlight the symbol name when using
+ the |:LspDocumentSymbol| command. By default,
+ linked to the "Search" highlight group.
+*LspSymbolRange* Used to highlight the range of lines
+ containing a symbol when using the
+ |:LspDocumentSymbol| command. By default,
+ linked to the "Visual" highlight group.
+For example, to override the highlight used for diagnostics virtual text, you
+can use the following: >
+ highlight LspDiagVirtualText ctermfg=Cyan guifg=Blue
+or >
+ highlight link LspDiagLine DiffAdd
+ highlight link LspDiagVirtualText WarningMsg
+13. Debugging *lsp-debug*
+To debug this plugin, you can log the language server protocol messages sent
+and received by the plugin from the language server. The following command
+enables the logging of the messages from the language server for the current
+buffer: >
+ :LspServer debug on
+This command also clears the log files. The following command disables the
+logging of the messages from the language server for the current buffer: >
+ :LspServer debug off
+By default, the messages are not logged. Another method to enable the debug
+is to set the "debug" field to true when adding a language server
+using |LspAddServer()|.
+The messages printed by the language server in the stdout are logged to the
+lsp-<server-name>.log file and the messages printed in the stderr are logged
+to the lsp-<server-name>.err file. On a Unix-like system, these files are
+created in the /tmp directory. On MS-Windows, these files are created in the
+%TEMP% directory.
+The following command opens the file containing the messages printed by the
+language server in the stdout: >
+ :LspServer debug messages
+The following command opens the file containing the messages printed by the
+language server in the stderr: >
+ :LspServer debug errors
+To debug language server initialization problems, after enabling the above
+server debug, you can restart the server for the file type in the current
+buffer using the following command: >
+ :LspServer restart
+The language servers typically support command line options to enable debug
+messages and to increase the verbosity of the messages. You can refer to the
+language server documentation for information about this. You can include
+these options when registering the language server with this plugin.
+If a language server supports the "$/logTrace" LSP notification, then you can
+use the :LspServerTrace command to set the server trace value: >
+ :LspServer trace { off | messages | verbose }
+14. Custom Command Handlers *lsp-custom-commands*
+When applying a code action, the language server may issue a non-standard
+command. For example, the Java language server uses non-standard commands
+(e.g. java.apply.workspaceEdit). To handle these commands, you can register a
+callback function for each command using the LspRegisterCmdHandler() function.
+For example: >
+ vim9script
+ import autoload "lsp/textedit.vim"
+ def WorkspaceEdit(cmd: dict<any>)
+ for editAct in cmd.arguments
+ textedit.ApplyWorkspaceEdit(editAct)
+ endfor
+ enddef
+ g:LspRegisterCmdHandler('java.apply.workspaceEdit', WorkspaceEdit)
+Place the above code in a file named lsp_java/plugin/lsp_java.vim and load
+this plugin.
+The callback function should accept a Dict argument. The Dict argument
+contains the LSP Command interface fields. Refer to the LSP specification for
+more information about the "Command" interface.
+15. Custom LSP Completion Kinds *lsp-custom-kinds*
+When a completion popup is triggered, the LSP client will use a default kind
+list to show in the completion "kind" section, to customize it, you need to
+use the option |lsp-opt-customCompletionKinds| and set all custom kinds in the
+option |lsp-opt-completionKinds| . There is a table with all default LSP
+ Kind Name | Value
+ Text | t
+ Method | m
+ Function | f
+ Constructor | C
+ Field | F
+ Variable | v
+ Class | c
+ Interface | i
+ Module | M
+ Property | p
+ Unit | u
+ Value | V
+ Enum | e
+ Keyword | k
+ Snippet | S
+ Color | C
+ File | f
+ Reference | r
+ Folder | F
+ EnumMember | E
+ Constant | d
+ Struct | s
+ Event | E
+ Operator | o
+ TypeParameter | T
+ Buffer | B
+For example, if you want to change the "Method" kind to the kind "method()": >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspOptionsSet({
+ customCompletionKinds: true,
+ completionKinds: {
+ "Method": "method()"
+ }
+ })
+In the completion popup, will show something like this: >
+ var file = new File()
+ file.cre
+ | create method() |
+ | createIfNotExists method() |
+ | ... |
+16. Multiple Language Servers for a buffer *lsp-multiple-servers*
+It's possible to run multiple language servers for a given buffer.
+By default the language server defined first will be used for as much as it
+supports, then the next and so on. With the exception that diagnostics from
+all running language servers will be combined.
+This means that you can define a language server that only supports a subset
+of features at first and then define the general purpose language server after
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([
+ # This language server reports that it only supports
+ # textDocument/documentFormatting, so it will be used
+ # for :LspFormat but nothing else.
+ {
+ filetype: ['html'],
+ path: 'html-pretty-lsp',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ },
+ # This language server also supports
+ # textDocument/documentFormatting, but since it's been
+ # defined later, the one above will be used instead.
+ # However this server also supports
+ # textDocument/definition, textDocument/declaration,
+ # etc, so it will be used for :LspGotoDefinition,
+ # :LspGotoDeclaration, etc
+ {
+ filetype: ['html'],
+ path: 'html-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ }
+ ])
+As shown in the example above the order of when the language servers are being
+defined is taken into account for a given method. However sometimes the
+language server that you want to use for formatting also reports that it
+supports other features. In such a case you can do one of two things:
+1. change the order of language servers, and specify that a given language
+server should be used for a given method.
+2. set the unwanted features to |false| in the features |Dictionary| >
+ features: { 'codeAction': false }
+For example, if you want to use the efm-langserver for formatting, but the
+typescript-language-server for everything else: >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([
+ # this language server will be used by default, as it's defined
+ # as the first LSP for 'javascript' and 'typescript'
+ {
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio']
+ },
+ # this language server will be used for documentFormatting
+ {
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/efm-langserver',
+ args: [],
+ features: {
+ documentFormatting: true
+ }
+ }
+ ])
+Another way is to disable the unwanted features: for example if you don't want
+diagnostics from the typescript-language-server, but want to use it for
+everything else: >
+ vim9script
+ g:LspAddServer([
+ {
+ filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'],
+ path: '/usr/local/bin/typescript-language-server',
+ args: ['--stdio'],
+ features: {
+ diagnostics: false
+ }
+ },
+ ])
+17. Language Server Features *lsp-features*
+When using multiple language servers for a given file type, by providing the
+configuration |lsp-cfg-features| it is possible to specify which language
+server should be used for a given method/functionality. The following feature
+flags are supported: See |lsp-multiple-servers| for examples.
+ *lsp-features-callHierarchy*
+callHierarchy Used by the|:LspIncomingCalls| and the
+ |:LspOutgoingCalls| commands.
+ *lsp-features-codeAction*
+codeAction Used by the |:LspCodeAction| command.
+ *lsp-features-codeLens*
+codeLens Used by the |:LspCodeLens| command.
+ *lsp-features-completion*
+completion Used by 24/7 Completion and 'omnifunc'
+ *lsp-features-declaration*
+declaration Used by the |:LspGotoDeclaration|, and
+ the |:LspPeekDeclaration| commands.
+ *lsp-features-definition*
+definition Used by the|:LspGotoDefinition|, and
+ the |:LspPeekDefinition| commands.
+ *lsp-features-diagnostics*
+diagnostics Used to disable diagnostics for a single
+ language server, by default diagnostics are
+ combined from all running servers, by setting
+ this to |false| you can ignore diagnostics
+ from a specific server.
+ *lsp-features-documentFormatting*
+documentFormatting Used by the |:LspFormat| command, and
+ 'formatexpr'
+ *lsp-features-documentHighlight*
+documentHighlight Used by the |:LspHighlight| and the
+ |:LspHighlightClear| commands.
+ *lsp-features-documentSymbol*
+documentSymbol Used by the |:LspDocumentSymbol| and the
+ |:LspOutline| commands.
+ *lsp-features-foldingRange*
+foldingRange Used by the|:LspFold| command.
+ *lsp-features-hover*
+hover Used by the |:LspHover| command.
+ *lsp-features-implementation*
+implementation Used by the |:LspGotoImpl| and the
+ |:LspPeekImpl| commands.
+ *lsp-features-inlayHint*
+inlayHint Used to show the inlay hints for
+ function/method arguments.
+ *lsp-features-references*
+references Used by the |:LspShowReferences| command.
+ *lsp-features-rename*
+rename Used by the |:LspRename| command.
+ *lsp-features-selectionRange*
+selectionRange Used by the |:LspSelectionExpand| and the
+ |:LspSelectionShrink| commands.
+ *lsp-features-signatureHelp*
+signatureHelp Used by the |:LspShowSignature| command.
+ *lsp-features-typeDefinition*
+typeDefinition Used by the |:LspGotoTypeDef| and the
+ |:LspPeekTypeDef| commands.
+typeHierarchy Used by the |:LspSubTypeHierarchy| and the
+ |:LspSuperTypeHiearchy| commands.
+workspaceSymbol Used by the |:LspSymbolSearch| command.
+ *lsp-license*
+License: MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Yegappan Lakshmanan
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
+deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
+rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.