path: root/lib/activitypub/decode.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/activitypub/decode.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/lib/activitypub/decode.ml b/lib/activitypub/decode.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4074e68..0000000
--- a/lib/activitypub/decode.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-open Containers
-open Common
-let decode_string enc vl = D.decode_string enc vl |> Result.map_err D.string_of_error
-let id = D.(one_of ["string", string; "id", field "id" string])
-let ordered_collection_page obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"Expected OrderedCollectionPage (received %s)" "OrderedCollectionPage"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* next = field_opt "next" id
- and* prev = field_opt "prev" id
- and* part_of = field_opt "partOf" string
- and* total_items = field_opt "totalItems" int
- and* (is_ordered, items) = items obj in
- succeed ({id; next; prev; part_of; total_items; is_ordered; items}: _ Types.ordered_collection_page)
-let ordered_collection obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"Expected OrderedCollection (received %s)" "OrderedCollection"
- and* id = field_opt "id" string
- and* total_items = field "totalItems" int
- and* contents =
- one_of [
- "items", map (fun v -> `Items v) (items obj);
- "first", map (fun v -> `First v) (field "first" (ordered_collection_page obj))
- ] in
- succeed ({id; total_items; contents}: _ Types.ordered_collection)
-let mention =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Mention (received %s)" "Mention"
- and* href = field "href" string
- and* name = field "name" string in
- succeed ({ty=`Mention; href;name} : Types.tag)
-let hashtag =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Hashtag (received %s)" "Hashtag"
- and* href = field "href" string
- and* name = field "name" string in
- succeed ({ty=`Hashtag; href;name}: Types.tag)
-let tag =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field "type" string in
- match ty with
- | "Mention" -> mention
- | "Hashtag" -> hashtag
- | _ -> fail (Printf.sprintf "unknown tag %s" ty)
-let undo obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Undo (received %s)" "Undo"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id;published;actor;obj;raw}: _ Types.undo)
-let like =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Like (received %s)" "Like"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* obj = field "object" id
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id; actor; published; obj; raw}: Types.like)
-let tombstone =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Tombstone (received %s)" "Tombstone"
- and* id = field "id" string in
- succeed id
-let delete obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Delete (received %s)" "Delete"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id;published;actor;obj;raw}: _ Types.delete)
-let block =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Block (received %s)" "Block"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* obj = field "object" string
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id;published;obj;actor;raw}: Types.block)
-let accept obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Accept (received %s)" "Accept"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id;published;actor;obj;raw}: _ Types.accept)
-let public_key =
- let open D in
- let* id = field "id" string
- and* owner = field "owner" string
- and* pem = field "publicKeyPem" string in
- succeed ({id;owner;pem}: Types.public_key)
-let attachment =
- let open D in
- let* media_type = field_opt "mediaType" string
- and* name = field_opt "name" string
- and* type_ = field_opt "type" string
- and* url = field "url" string in
- succeed ({media_type;name;type_;url}: Types.attachment)
-let person =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Person (received %s)" "Person"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* name = field_opt "name" string
- and* url = field_or_default "url" (nullable string) None
- and* preferred_username = field_opt "preferredUsername" string
- and* inbox = field "inbox" string
- and* outbox = field "outbox" string
- and* summary = field_opt "summary" string
- and* public_key = field "publicKey" public_key
- and* manually_approves_followers =
- field_or_default "manuallyApprovesFollowers" bool false
- and* discoverable = field_or_default "discoverable" bool false
- and* followers = field_opt "followers" string
- and* following = field_opt "following" string
- and* icon = maybe (at ["icon";"url"] string)
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({
- id;
- name;
- url;
- preferred_username;
- inbox;
- outbox;
- summary;
- public_key;
- manually_approves_followers;
- discoverable;
- followers;
- following;
- icon;
- raw;
- }: Types.person)
-let note =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected Note (received %s)" "Note"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = one_of ["actor", field "actor" id; "attributed_to", field "attributedTo" id]
- and* attachment = field_or_default "attachment" (singleton_or_list attachment) []
- and* to_ = field "to" (singleton_or_list string)
- and* in_reply_to = field_or_default "inReplyTo" (nullable string) None
- and* cc = field_or_default "cc" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* content = field "content" string
- and* source = field_opt "source"
- (one_of ["string", string; "multi-encode", field "content" string])
- and* summary = field_or_default "summary" (nullable string) None
- and* sensitive = field_or_default "sensitive" (nullable bool) None
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* tags = field_or_default "tag" (lossy_list_of tag) []
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({ id; actor; attachment; in_reply_to; to_; cc;
- sensitive=Option.value ~default:false sensitive;
- content; source; summary; tags; published; raw }: Types.note)
-let follow =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected create object (received %s)" "Follow"
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* cc = field_or_default "cc" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* to_ = field_or_default "to" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* object_ = field "object" id
- and* state = field_opt "state" (string >>= function "pending" -> succeed `Pending
- | "cancelled" -> succeed `Cancelled
- | _ -> fail "unknown status")
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({actor; cc; to_; id; object_; state; raw}: Types.follow)
-let announce obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected create object (received %s)" "Announce"
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* to_ = field "to" (singleton_or_list string)
- and* cc = field_or_default "cc" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({id; published; actor; to_; cc; obj; raw}: _ Types.announce)
-let create obj =
- let open D in
- let* () = field "type" @@ constant ~msg:"expected create object (received %s)" "Create"
- and* id = field "id" string
- and* actor = field "actor" id
- and* direct_message = field_or_default "direct" bool false
- and* published = field_opt "published" timestamp
- and* to_ = field_or_default "to" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* cc = field_or_default "cc" (singleton_or_list string) []
- and* obj = field "object" obj
- and* raw = value in
- succeed ({
- id; actor; published;
- to_; cc;
- direct_message;
- obj;
- raw;
- }: _ Types.create)
-let core_obj () =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field_opt "type" string in
- match ty with
- | Some "Person" -> person >|= fun v -> `Person v
- | Some "Follow" -> follow >|= fun v -> `Follow v
- | Some "Note" -> note >|= fun v -> `Note v
- | Some "Block" -> block >|= fun v -> `Block v
- | Some "Like" -> like >|= fun v -> `Like v
- | None -> string >|= fun v -> `Link v
- | Some ev -> fail ("unsupported event" ^ ev)
-let core_obj = core_obj ()
-let event (enc: Types.core_obj D.decoder) : Types.obj D.decoder =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field "type" string in
- match ty with
- | "Create" -> create enc >|= fun v -> `Create v
- | "Accept" -> accept enc >|= fun v -> `Accept v
- | "Undo" -> undo enc >|= fun v -> `Undo v
- | "Delete" -> delete enc >|= fun v -> `Delete v
- | "Announce" -> announce enc >|= fun v -> `Announce v
- | _ -> fail "unsupported event"
-let obj : Types.obj D.decoder =
- D.one_of [
- "core_obj", core_obj;
- "core_obj event", (event core_obj)
- ]
-module Webfinger = struct
- let ty =
- let open D in
- string >>= function
- | str when String.prefix ~pre:Constants.ContentType.html str ->
- succeed `Html
- | str when String.prefix ~pre:Constants.ContentType.plain_json str ->
- succeed `Json
- | str when String.prefix ~pre:Constants.ContentType.activity_json str ->
- succeed `ActivityJson
- | str when String.prefix ~pre:Constants.ContentType.ld_json_activity_streams str ->
- succeed `ActivityJsonLd
- | _ ->
- fail "unsupported self link type"
- let self =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field "type" ty
- and* href = field "href" string in
- succeed @@ Types.Webfinger.Self (ty, href)
- let profile_page =
- let open D in
- let* ty = field "type" ty
- and* href = field "href" string in
- succeed @@ Types.Webfinger.ProfilePage (ty, href)
- let ostatus_subscribe =
- let open D in
- let* template = field "template" string in
- succeed @@ Types.Webfinger.OStatusSubscribe template
- let link =
- let open D in
- let* rel = field "rel" string in
- match rel with
- | "self" -> self
- | str when String.equal str Constants.Webfinger.ostatus_rel ->
- ostatus_subscribe
- | str when String.equal str Constants.Webfinger.profile_page ->
- profile_page
- | _ -> fail "unsupported link relation"
- let query_result =
- let open D in
- let* subject = field "subject" string
- and* aliases = field "aliases" (list string)
- and* links = field "links" (list_ignoring_unknown link) in
- succeed Types.Webfinger.{subject;aliases;links}
-module Nodeinfo = struct
- let software =
- let open D in
- let* name = field "name" string
- and* version = field "version" string in
- succeed @@ Types.Nodeinfo.{name;version}
- let usage_users =
- let open D in
- let* total = field_or_default "total" int 0
- and* active_month = field_or_default "activeMonth" int 0
- and* active_half_year = field_or_default "activeHalfyear" int 0 in
- succeed @@ Types.Nodeinfo.{total; active_month; active_half_year}
- let usage =
- let open D in
- let* users = field "users" usage_users
- and* local_posts = field_or_default "localPosts" int 0 in
- succeed @@ Types.Nodeinfo.{users; local_posts}
- let t =
- let open D in
- let* software = field "software" software
- and* protocols = field_or_default "protocols" (list string) []
- and* inbound_services = field_or_default "services" (field_or_default "inbound" (list string) []) []
- and* outbound_services = field_or_default "services" (field_or_default "outbound" (list string) []) []
- and* usage = field "usage" usage
- and* open_registrations = field_or_default "openRegistrations" bool false
- and* metadata = field_opt "metadata" value
- and* raw = value in
- succeed @@ Types.Nodeinfo.{software;protocols;inbound_services;outbound_services;usage;open_registrations;metadata;raw}