path: root/shrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'shrc')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/shrc b/shrc
index f4e9f11..af7ee47 100644
--- a/shrc
+++ b/shrc
@@ -1,23 +1,38 @@
-#export HISTFILE="$HOME/.history"
-#alias grep="ugrep --exclude-dir=node-modules --exclude-dir=_build"
+# # be paranoid
+# alias cp='cp -ip'
+# alias mv='mv -i'
+ alias rm='rm -i'
+# # csh like history on arrow up and down
+bind ^[[A ed-search-prev-history
+bind ^[[B ed-search-next-history
+# # ctrl+arrow allow to jump from words to words
+bind "\\e[1;5C" em-next-word
+bind "\\e[1;5D" ed-prev-word
+alias history='fc -l'
+# Fix home/del for mobaxterm
+bind ^[[5~ ed-move-to-beg
+bind ^[[6~ ed-move-to-end
+alias grep="ugrep --exclude-dir=node-modules --exclude-dir=_build"
alias e="$EDITOR"
alias g="git"
alias grep="ugrep"
alias tldr="NO_COLOR=1 tldr"
-alias fd="NO_COLOR=1 fdfind"
-alias de='eval "$(direnv export bash)"'
+alias fd="find . -name $1"
alias f-commit="fossil commit && fossil git export"
alias jrnl='stitch -t :journal:'
- BAT=$(envstat -d acpibat0 | grep 'charge:' | awk '{print $6}')
- echo $BAT
+eval "$(opam env)"
-set -o emacs
-set -o promptcmds
-set -o tabcomplete
-PS1='$(id -u) ${PWD##*/} '
+echo "BAT: $(apm -l), $(apm -b)"
+set -o vi
eval "$(zoxide init posix --hook prompt)"
+PS1='\W \$ '