*BufferBrowser.txt* `:b#` on steroids. Browse your buffers like you browse history in a browser. *BufferBrowser* This plugin implements two functions: require('buffer-browser').next() require('buffer-browser').prev() You can easily map these to whatever you want. Here is an example `init.lua`: vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'b[', require("buffer_browser").next(), {desc = "Next [B]uffer [[]"}) vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'b]', require("buffer_browser").prev(), {desc = "Previous [B]uffer []]"}) INSTALLATION Install through any of your favorite plugin managers. ### [lazy](https://www.lazyvim.org). Make sure to run the setup function. For example with lazy: { 'https://git.sr.ht/~marcc/BufferBrowser', setup = function() require('buffer_browser').setup() end } CONFIGURATION You can configure the filetype_filters by passing a table to the setup function. For example with default config: require('buffer-browser').setup({ -- '' + 'netrw' is used to filter out netrw. filetype_filters = {'gitcommit', 'TelescopePrompt'} }) This can be used to filter out buffers you do not want in the history. To immediately close netrw after you have opened a file, I recommend setting ` g:netrw_fastbrowse = 0`, this will remove the netrw buffer and wipe it from the browser history.