*BufferBrowser.txt* `:b#` on steroids. Browse your buffers like you browse history in a browser. *BufferBrowser* This plugin implements two functions: require('buffer-browser').next() require('buffer-browser').prev() You can easily map these to whatever you want. Here is an example `init.lua`: vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'b[', require("buffer_browser").next(), {desc = "Next [B]uffer [[]"}) vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'b]', require("buffer_browser").prev(), {desc = "Previous [B]uffer []]"}) INSTALLATION Install through any of your favorite plugin managers. ### [lazy](https://www.lazyvim.org). Make sure to run the setup function. For example with lazy: { 'https://git.sr.ht/~marcc/BufferBrowser', setup = function() require('buffer_browser').setup() end } CONFIGURATION You can configure the filetype_filters by passing a table to the setup function. For example with default config: require('buffer-browser').setup({ -- '' + 'netrw' is used to filter out netrw. filetype_filters = {'', 'netrw', 'gitcommit', 'TelescopePrompt'} }) This can be used to filter out buffers you do not want in the history. If your current buffer ends with, for example netrw, it will be filtered out and not available in the history LIMITATIONS To filter out netrw, we need to also filter out '', as the filetype occassionally gets set to that by netrw (not sure why...). This means files without filetype are filtered out.